Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyDuck.4610


All these transfers are KILLING servers or making certain servers sooooo lopsided because they are “paying” for guilds from other servers to transfer. Big guilds come down to my tier all the time and swoop out hundreds of people and it’s making me HATE this game! They need to make transfers cost REAL $ like $20 PER transfer like warcraft did, not gold/gems. This would atleast make it less common in my opinion.

YouWish – Guard
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: Clockradio.3257


All these transfers are KILLING servers or making certain servers sooooo lopsided because they are “paying” for guilds from other servers to transfer. Big guilds come down to my tier all the time and swoop out hundreds of people and it’s making me HATE this game! They need to make transfers cost REAL $ like $20 PER transfer like warcraft did, not gold/gems. This would atleast make it less common in my opinion.

I have one question: If hundreds of people (and I have my doubts about the accuracy of this number) are so easily swayed by these big guilds to transfer servers, what does that tell you about the pride that they had in their server? Or even the pride they had in the guilds they were previously with?

Once you’ve answered that question, I’d like you to consider this:

Is that the type of player you even WANT in your guild or on your server?

Clockradio | [TSYM] | Sanctum of Rall

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: Ardor.4698


Loyalty is a myth in MMO, we play game to have fun, not to create more commitment, if the guild or the server or even the game can’t provide and maintain that, people will leave.

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: Tribio.8531


Loyalty is a myth in MMO, we play game to have fun, not to create more commitment, if the guild or the server or even the game can’t provide and maintain that, people will leave.

Then I’m a mythical creature, since I’m loyal to my Fissure of Woe till the end!

The Hatreidis family: Freya / Nina / Demonica / Athena / Faith / Arya / Angie / Sansa
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: Angu.3021


Its all part of pay to win mechanics. Anet gonna make cash somehow. And guilds are not moving because of cash nor because they lack server loyality or anything like that. They simply move because they want good WvW experience instead of kitten WvW experience that low tier servers have.

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


Server transfer is fine. Everything that should be changed is how price is calculated – it should take in account WvW leaderboards ranks, if you’re transferring from a lower populated/tiered server up to a higher one or the opposite, and change up accordingly.

In other words, make very punishing hop from medium and low in ladder server to a very high pop and 3rd in ladder server, while making nearly free the opposite.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I’ve never seen this happen but it makes perfect sense. I mean with WxP gain being higher on bigger servers, and WxP being character bound, people will naturally go to the higher servers just to get the masteries on all alts, something impossible on lower servers. If you want to play alts in WvW and have all the masteries, transfer is the only way.

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Just another reason why WvW and this game has become a borderline laughable joke…Hell ANET even encourages it by giving them their own thread, matchup threads are common to have a few posts by “recruiters” from other servers that aren’t even part of said matchup.

All the while ANET caters to it I am sure because they cater to everything else fair-weather and casual, and I am more than sure there are noobs out there using real cash to transfer. So ANET is profiting (arguably how much), in that aspect too.

Mag Server Leader

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Posts like these make me happy anet ignores many of the posts in this forum, so much ignorance,so much presumption, Killing the game, lol, does not even compute with a basic objective view

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


They need to just merge a handful of servers and suspend transfers for a month or so to let things level off once they merge.

FC, ET, and AR have got to be the 3 least populated servers and are losing players on a daily basis. Merge these 3 into other servers and lets see how things play out.

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


You have it backwards OP. Forcing people to stay on a server they don’t wish to be on would kill the game.

People transfer for their own reason.

Some want to be on a server with good coverage around the clock. There are only going to be a few servers that can provide such coverage because the players in the off hours are much fewer than the primitime for those servers. Spreading these people out won’t make them happy since they won’t have the same numbers to play with or fight against.

Some want to play against certain guilds. Some want to work with certain guilds.

If a player doesn’t want to be on your server, why do you think forcing them to stay or forcing them to spread out is going to be a good thing? I’d quit or start griefing the server I was stuck on if I couldn’t play where, with whom, and against whom I wanted.

I don’t care about any server I’m on. I care about the guild I’m in. I will fight for my server since that is the team that I’m on but if my guild decided to go to a different server if my current server isn’t living up to expectations, then I will go with my guild.

Nothing is stopping you from transfering to a server that is offering the competition or coverage that you seek. If you don’t want to move, that is your problem.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

(edited by CreativeAnarchy.6324)

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: MartyPartys.9187


All these transfers are KILLING servers or making certain servers sooooo lopsided because they are “paying” for guilds from other servers to transfer. Big guilds come down to my tier all the time and swoop out hundreds of people and it’s making me HATE this game! They need to make transfers cost REAL $ like $20 PER transfer like warcraft did, not gold/gems. This would atleast make it less common in my opinion.

Guilds transfer because of the lack of fun on their current server, locking down transfers like that would make alot of guilds quit the game and WvW would be done.

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Anet needs to start merging low population servers.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: SleepingDragon.1596


Anet does need to fix server transfers. But the fix should be more like transfers to servers that are placed in 7th and below should be completely free. Transfers to top 2 servers should costs no less than 6000 gems. 3rd and 4th servers to be 3000 gems, 5th and 6th servers should be 1500 gems. This will eventually help balance the game and prevent overstacking of servers. Once the top 6 becomes stable, then these servers shall all incur fees of 5000 gems to transfer into.

-S o S-

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: kelman.9451


Yeah WvW isn’t much fun if you get matched up with certain servers and you are outmanned at every turn. Top it off with some guilds not wanting players outside the guild with them or don’t communicate simple instructions as moving to location “X” now, like that would be so hard to do.
Be nice if someone would make a WvW type game with balance and true team play without all the elitism crap.

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


And this exposes the bad design at the core of WvWvW…

Pit one group against each other and it creates “group pride”, that’s just how most humans work. Not to mention we often prefer the path of least resistance. Anet decided Server vs Server was sensible, a three way fight no less. Server mergers would destroy the very premise the mode is founded on. Creating a “recruitment” sub-forum to save face doesn’t stop the game mode from being poorly planned. When a lot of people hop onto the low pop servers the problem will just repeat itself.

The server with the least people on the maps around the clock gets the least points, thats it. And it makes WvWvW a demoralizing nightmare for a server getting permarolled. A lot of players will stop participating and I can’t blame them. It should be about fun, not being a patriot to something as silly as a video game.

Whispers with meat.

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: nothing.7941


Its all part of pay to win mechanics. Anet gonna make cash somehow. And guilds are not moving because of cash nor because they lack server loyality or anything like that. They simply move because they want good WvW experience instead of kitten WvW experience that high tier servers have.


Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyDuck.4610


You have it backwards OP. Forcing people to stay on a server they don’t wish to be on would kill the game.

People transfer for their own reason.

Some want to be on a server with good coverage around the clock. There are only going to be a few servers that can provide such coverage because the players in the off hours are much fewer than the primitime for those servers. Spreading these people out won’t make them happy since they won’t have the same numbers to play with or fight against.

Some want to play against certain guilds. Some want to work with certain guilds.

If a player doesn’t want to be on your server, why do you think forcing them to stay or forcing them to spread out is going to be a good thing? I’d quit or start griefing the server I was stuck on if I couldn’t play where, with whom, and against whom I wanted.

I don’t care about any server I’m on. I care about the guild I’m in. I will fight for my server since that is the team that I’m on but if my guild decided to go to a different server if my current server isn’t living up to expectations, then I will go with my guild.

Nothing is stopping you from transfering to a server that is offering the competition or coverage that you seek. If you don’t want to move, that is your problem.

How is incurring a cost to transfer forcing people to “stay” on a server. Some other poster had a great idea with the ranking system, for people who want to transfer to lower tier servers it cost alot less but to get into higher tier from lower it costs “x times” as much. Im seeing a huge problem with servers coming into lower tiers and getting guilds to transfer by “paying” for them with in game gold. If this practice is allowed, Im going to start going to higher tier servers and bringing guilds/people down fully paid transfers with full teamspeak access But see I think of this as “cheap” but screw it.

Another great idea would be for people who are creating new accounts, anet puts some sort of incentive to join lower ranking servers. Or something along the lines of this.

YouWish – Guard
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression

(edited by CrazyDuck.4610)

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


All these transfers are KILLING servers or making certain servers sooooo lopsided because they are “paying” for guilds from other servers to transfer. Big guilds come down to my tier all the time and swoop out hundreds of people and it’s making me HATE this game! They need to make transfers cost REAL $ like $20 PER transfer like warcraft did, not gold/gems. This would atleast make it less common in my opinion.

Transferring to a high tier server does cost about $20 already.

EQ2 used to charge $75 per transfer once upon a time.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyDuck.4610


It would make it alot less frequent if it cost a real $20 not in game currency “worth”. And low tier servers cost the same as transferring to high tier aslong as its “high” population.

YouWish – Guard
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression

Fix server transfers! Ruining the game!

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


It would make it alot less frequent if it cost a real $20 not in game currency “worth”. And low tier servers cost the same as transferring to high tier aslong as its “high” population.

I still paid cash for the gems when I transferred.

People don’t care if they are not happy with where they are at.

I don’t care if people want to transfer or not. They bought the game just like everyone else and if they are not getting out of it what they would like where they are at and changing will make them happy since they will get what they want there, why should they stay?

Do you really want people to stay on your server that are not happy to be there? Do you really want to keep people not interested in working with the rest of the server since they are not happy to be there yet can’t get off because the cost gets to be too much? Could be the server has too many PvE players and not enough WvW players. Could be the server has too many RPers or casual WvW players. Could be the guild(s) want to fight other guilds and are bored with the rotation they have now.

Preventing or raising the cost of transfers won’t solve any one’s problem unless that person or group is getting out of it what they would like.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

(edited by CreativeAnarchy.6324)