Beast mode
Fort Aspenwood vs DragonBrand vs Blackgate
Weren’t you guys winning by more on Sunday? Wasn’t Henge losing last week on Sunday? hmmmm How many chickens do you have?
Asura Warrior
we weren’t winning by more on sunday. I think the spread by end of day sunday was only 10-12k from 1st to third (DB to BG).
At some point sunday night/monday morning BG passed FA. We jumped ahead quite a bit during Monday Daytime.. And it appears we are doing the same today.
Here’s my two cents. If there were no scoreboard at all I think many folks would enjoy WvW even more. I have enjoyed this week’s matchup because our three servers seem fairly well matched (at least during the hours I can play). I enjoy the constant back and forth we are having. If there were no score and we were all playing just because it was fun, I’d be all for that.
Oh I agree with that too. It’s been a good match-up in general, I hope we have more like this. I don’t need a scoreboard to play W3 but it doesn’t make it less fun to have one.
Asura Warrior
Dragonbrand perspective
Maaguuma (or whateve it’s called) and Tarnished Coast were too easy. Jade Quarry’s night crew ROFL stomped us. This current match up seems fairly even.
This is my opinion, I do not speak on behalf of Dragon Brand.
When one team falls behind, becomes demoralized and stops joining the queue; the matchup becomes less fun. If there were no scoreboard at all, I wonder if this would happen. Also, would there be less bandwagon server transfers?
Honestly, I think it’d be less fun. We’d have less players because as stated the bandwagon. More people would cry about how unrewarding it is. Without the score board I’d be some guilds would just trade off keeps and such for better karma and such rewards.
WvW would probably just be a bigger SPvP room in my eyes. Less so because even in there you get points to win by.
Sanctum of Rall Server
Here’s my two cents. If there were no scoreboard at all I think many folks would enjoy WvW even more. I have enjoyed this week’s matchup because our three servers seem fairly well matched (at least during the hours I can play). I enjoy the constant back and forth we are having. If there were no score and we were all playing just because it was fun, I’d be all for that.
Being from DB I would not say this is a good matchup. BG is strongest overnight like 2am est-9am est but cannot hold points after their aussies go to bed. I am not saying anything bad about either of these 2 servers but afaic BG ruined a good matchup with us and FA cause of when they are strongest and JQ ruined our match up with CD because of their overnight zergs
So as far as closer matchups go I see DB with servers like IoJ, CD, FA and we will see what this SBI is all about next week.
On the topic of WvW commanders for DB, I wanna give a shoutout to Coron, Vexy and Cristyn. I lead my guild into WvW as a guild every weekend for 3 days straight and managing my own 30-40 members that want to wvw can be hectic and Im tired by the end of it. So having that giant blue troll attracting icon is probably a bit of a pain, that being said I’m still working on raising the gold to buy one lol.
But I think these guys deserve some credit especially since we have several commanders that really just have it cause they can, yet, they do nothing for the server. So props to you 3 commanders and I’ve enjoyed working with you guys as an individual and as a guild leader.
That being said, as more and more of our members are hitting 80 and looking for something to do, expect to see [Epic] taking a much larger responsibility in weekly WvW not just weekend. This week has been a pretty good matchup to be honest. Ive really enjoyed the back and forth action between the 3 servers.
I hope matchups continue like this.
Commander, Guild Leader of [Epic] Muffins
DragonBrand for life
(edited by Phuriok.9307)
for the people saying this is a good matchup, lol.
FA has been pushed out of all 3 borderlands. yesterday we had one keep in DB’s borderlands (with the orb) and FA borderlands was fairly well before i went to bed. we even had a waypoint being set up. then i wake up this morning, and all we have left is EB.
from what i understand (given my friend’s report of when he played while i slept and the current map situation), BG’s night squad wipes us out and goes to bed, leaving half the map for DB to cap at will because FA has no place to defend.
i know how this post sounds like, but it’s really discouraging for FA players to go back to WvW when in 3 out of 4 maps they have absolutely nothing to fight for, save for the occasional desperate group of people who try to cap the closest supply camp (which lasts half an hour at most).
Lastnight, in FA’s borderlands, we took hill with 0 people protecting it. I think one person showed up to protect it? This was at 9PM PST.
Last night and the night before the fights have been lackluster I’ve found. in FA Borderland, BG was being held to their spawn for a good portion of the night. Same thing happened today so we actually left the map to go to eternal, and ended up taking SM from FA after they stole it from BG lol.
The match up is still..interesting like I said, but not so much close. BG has a late night cew, and we have the morning crew, FA has a….FA can have a hug from us afterwards
Sanctum of Rall Server
From 5pm est to around 11pm est, FA never had a queue to get into the BG borderlands. Even around prime time, we were getting the infamous “Outmanned” buff while in BG bl. At about 5:30pm est, around 20-25 [TrE] along with a few lone wolves, led by Commander General Maximus D and Lillusionist D successfully captured Redbriar tower, Champions supply, Redvale supply, Ascension Bay keep, and Godslore supply, and held them for the majority of the night. Eventually we lost it all due to the overwhelming numbers of DB around 11pm. All night we were constantly calling for aid from anyone on the map and got nothing but trolls taking what we’ve captured for granted.
Thank you to all those who did listen to our Commander and fought by our side as we took control of the South West side of the map, you we’re a huge help.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Scynthus.4130)
Everybody transferred off FA and abandoned us. We had a steady competition until people wussed out and transferred to the people who started to catch a lead.
Also Dragonbrand’s their lead is only because they keep hack stealing orbs. Its an illegitimate lead as far as I care.
(edited by Vrumpt.1072)
While at times it does feel like the match-up can be “one sided” I feel that overall this has been one of the best W3 matches PTX has participated in since release. A lot of back and forth capping, strong attempts and counter attempts, and even quite a few laughs with guilds from DB as well.
All in all, the point spread is holding much closer than I would have anticipated and PTX is having a heck of a time (as in having fun) fighting with both BG and DB.
PainTrain [PTX]
Fort Aspenwood
@Vrumpt As far as I know only one orb was claimed by us with a hack. It was announced in general chat in Lion’s Arch and was met with quite disgust by everyone.
I feel it’s been a good match up. It took longer for one server to get a decent lead, which everyone should expect to happen as the servers balance out a bit more.
lol @Vrumpt, You clearly haven’t been watching or even reading the thread if you think we only win because of “stealing orbs” PS we’ve been in first since friday
Sanctum of Rall Server
I love the cowardly play from FA and BG, obviously working together on many situations over the past few days. They run right past each other both trying to hit us.
How is that cowardly?
@Cheeks, I don’t think they are working together per say, I do think they’ll take advantage of the oppritunity to hit first place when possible together, but only because it’s strategically…..smarter. Why hit second or third when you can take first down a peg. It’s not cowardly because they’re fighting us at the same time, but it is to try and call them out on a legitimate tactic
Sanctum of Rall Server
PS with that logic, We teamed up with FA last night too when we attacked BG from the SW and they trebbed SM from Durios! Why? because we both saw an oppritunity and took it.
Sanctum of Rall Server
Yea really the people on BG that play from 12 noon-probably 6am better just take their time and thank wholeheartedly their guilds that play from 6am-12noon because if it wasnt for them zerging the empty maps in your favor you wouldnt even have a score
Most board games will teach you that “attacking” every other player at every opportunity is a losing strategy. In the Parker Brother’s game Risk, is not attacking the smaller faction (who you could probably destroy) to focus on a dominant faction “colluding?” Is it cheating or unfair?
No, it’s not. If you waste resources taking out the smaller player the dominant player is much more likely to annihilate you. You could reverse that around and say that, if instead you attacked the smaller faction, you’re being unfair to him since he’s no threat and you’re “helping” the dominant faction.
This is basic stuff guys.
If there are any conspiracy’s going on it’s probably between like 8 people in no name guild’s doing something lame like taking up queue slots or wasting supply.
(edited by Aeden.5896)
I just want to say that Blackgate is one of the servers I respect most in WvW. They never seem to give up when they are behind and have a good overnight presence, as well as a good prime-time showing. I love DB, but if I ever felt the need to xfer servers, it would probably be to BG. From what I’ve seen they have a good community and play as much for fun as they do to win. A lot of their community is also very respectful in their posts, although there are always exceptions to the rule. Then again, I might not fit well on BG for that reason, as I do enjoy saying ridiculous things on the forums to get a reaction at times.
Either way, BG is a very strong contender vs any server, and can’t be ruled out of any matchup. Although to be quite honest I hope they never make it to tier one (I also hope DB doesn’t), because I feel like some of the most fun matchups occur in the lower brackets.
I’ve lost track of how many orbs have been hacked by an individual on dragonbrand. Three of FA’s and 2 of BG’s?
I have no doubt that the rest of DB finds this behavior abhorrent and repellent, but it definitely makes people much less likely to come out and fight.
Not only do the orbs give poorly designed huge boosts to the person that has them, why spend time and money defending/taking something that will just be taken in 10s with hacks?
Just for the record. Suspicious stuff happens to our orbs and altars daily. We just don’t come to the forums and make blanket statements in multiple threads repeatedly. If you think your server doesn’t do the same crap, you’re wrong. Note that I am not condoning this behavior, I’m just saying stop acting like this is something specific to DB. I hope solutions for exploits concerning the orbs are rolled out soon.
Yea really the people on BG that play from 12 noon-probably 6am better just take their time and thank wholeheartedly their guilds that play from 6am-12noon because if it wasnt for them zerging the empty maps in your favor you wouldnt even have a score
LOL Wouldn’t even have a score? That is laughable.
Beast mode
Just for the record. Suspicious stuff happens to our orbs and altars daily. We just don’t come to the forums and make blanket statements in multiple threads repeatedly. If you think your server doesn’t do the same crap, you’re wrong. Note that I am not condoning this behavior, I’m just saying stop acting like this is something specific to DB. I hope solutions for exploits concerning the orbs are rolled out soon.
I’m sure that’s true. However I think you’d agree that when exploits are flying thick and fast, it is going to demoralize the servers already behind even further, even if all three servers have been harmed by exploits exactly the same amount.
Name one Orb hack that Blackgate has EVER done. One. Don’t give me this everybody’s doing it crap. It’s our job to let you know you have cheaters. It’s your job to deal with them.
Asura Warrior
Name one Orb hack that Blackgate has EVER done. One. Don’t give me this everybody’s doing it crap. It’s our job to let you know you have cheaters. It’s your job to deal with them.
Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s ArenaNet’s job. It’s also their job to keep their gamemode even remotely competitive, but mid-match transfers have proven they simply aren’t capable of that. I’m just hoping there ends up being a “balanced” tier where there is at least some competition. I could care less if that’s at the bottom with K or the top with HOD. I just want a somewhat competitive match. Winning isn’t so important to me, fighting on even footing (not having three orbs and not having zero orbs) is. I play for the PvP – and the ONE game mode in sPvP doesn’t cut it. It’s not that I don’t do well even vs a team with three orbs (and heck, if I want I could just xfer to a server that has all of them every day), it’s just that it’s a silly artificial stat bonus that one can’t alter on an individual level.
I’ve enjoyed this matchup so far. There has been alot of back and forth action all week.
Good job FA taking BG borderland garrison just now.
Blackgate – Team Nemesis [nem]
Just want to say that it has been awesome to see FA pushing back hard. Yesterday when I was on during the day it didn’t seem like FA even existed, but now to see them taking over the map and pushing hard is really refreshing.
-Mesmer on BG
Litherferous has an Asura Elementalist that is Speed hacking around Overlook FT Aspenwood. He is killing trebs with Unreal speed that can teleport him across the map in a second.
BG please tar and feather this person. Litherferous/LTH is the guild.
80 Necromancer – Zintair
Name one Orb hack that Blackgate has EVER done. One. Don’t give me this everybody’s doing it crap. It’s our job to let you know you have cheaters. It’s your job to deal with them.
Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s ArenaNet’s job. It’s also their job to keep their gamemode even remotely competitive, but mid-match transfers have proven they simply aren’t capable of that. I’m just hoping there ends up being a “balanced” tier where there is at least some competition. I could care less if that’s at the bottom with K or the top with HOD. I just want a somewhat competitive match. Winning isn’t so important to me, fighting on even footing (not having three orbs and not having zero orbs) is. I play for the PvP – and the ONE game mode in sPvP doesn’t cut it. It’s not that I don’t do well even vs a team with three orbs (and heck, if I want I could just xfer to a server that has all of them every day), it’s just that it’s a silly artificial stat bonus that one can’t alter on an individual level.
Yeah a transfer of 40-50 people after losing 40-50 people to your server is MASS TRANSFER. Why do you keep ignoring the posts of the EU guys. They keep explaining that not all of them transferred. It’s 40-50 people max. Does it make a big difference? Probably not. But do you realize how much effort Urge, RQ, and the others did to catch up on DB’s score? I’ve spent 12 hrs playing wvwvw 4pm-4am gmt+8. and there were lots of DB defending. Stop making reasons. When you were winning you were flooding the boards of how good your server is. What did we do? We never stopped fighting. Now we’re ahead you guys suddenly lost morale? Is that what your server is made of?
Name one Orb hack that Blackgate has EVER done. One. Don’t give me this everybody’s doing it crap. It’s our job to let you know you have cheaters. It’s your job to deal with them.
Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s ArenaNet’s job. It’s also their job to keep their gamemode even remotely competitive, but mid-match transfers have proven they simply aren’t capable of that. I’m just hoping there ends up being a “balanced” tier where there is at least some competition. I could care less if that’s at the bottom with K or the top with HOD. I just want a somewhat competitive match. Winning isn’t so important to me, fighting on even footing (not having three orbs and not having zero orbs) is. I play for the PvP – and the ONE game mode in sPvP doesn’t cut it. It’s not that I don’t do well even vs a team with three orbs (and heck, if I want I could just xfer to a server that has all of them every day), it’s just that it’s a silly artificial stat bonus that one can’t alter on an individual level.
Yeah a transfer of 40-50 people after losing 40-50 people to your server is MASS TRANSFER. Why do you keep ignoring the posts of the EU guys. They keep explaining that not all of them transferred. It’s 40-50 people max. Does it make a big difference? Probably not. But do you realize how much effort Urge, RQ, and the others did to catch up on DB’s score? I’ve spent 12 hrs playing wvwvw 4pm-4am gmt+8. and there were lots of DB defending. Stop making reasons. When you were winning you were flooding the boards of how good your server is. What did we do? We never stopped fighting. Now we’re ahead you guys suddenly lost morale? Is that what your server is made of?
If you want, you can look at my post history. I never boast about DB, it’s a freaking server. It’s not something I really have an affiliation with. This isn’t DAoC, and you can transfer servers every 24h for free, which really diminishes server pride. At the moment I play this game for fun. My posts tend to be railing against winning by a landside or losing by a landslide. I don’t like either side of the spectrum. I think BG is a good server, that being said, I was on last night. We had almost no defenders, but tbh I don’t care about that. What I care about is an even match. I’ll go to whatever tier is at least somewhat evenly matched, just point me in the right direction.
Coming from DAoC on a realm that was always behind, I play for the PvP. Sadly, this isn’t DAoC. In RvR there was no real “giving up”, because there was no scoring system and you always had something to fight for. It didn’t matter if you got an orb or access to DF now, or a month from now. All that mattered is that once you got it you had it. There wasn’t really too much falling behind and snowballing, because there was no changing matchups or score, no real definitive “winning”. There was just RvR.
Sadly, here in WvW it seems that everyone gives up extremely easily. And to be quite honest – they have good reason to. Unlike RvR, in WvW you can simply “wait it out”. There also aren’t the potent 8 man groups like there were in DAoC, AOE limitations in DAoC caused zergs to be impotent vs an extremely good and organized crew. Here, with the downed state and rallying, as well as AOE limitations, numbers are just that much stronger.
Anyway /rant. I just want to find a good matchup where I can get some decent PvP in while ALL sides are actually participating in the matches.
(edited by MrPicklez.6473)
Between some hours where one of the 3 servers dominates big chunks of the map.
I have to say this is the 1st W3 matchup where all 3 sides bring awesome fights to the table, there’s been a lot of going back and forth, and I don’t think anything has lasted being the same color for a full day past the weekend.
And even tho I don’t approve of everything that I’ve seen from some guilds/servers/individuals, overall it’s been an awesome week.
Hacking your orbs since 2/11
I’ve enjoyed the fights all week and I can attest that Mr pickles has not been smack talking. Some guys from Dragonbrand have however and it’s gotten pretty quiet from them now. I said on monday that they were counting their chickens kinda early even alluded to the fact that we didn’t have our full representation. Now Urge and RQ went on a bender. We got some morning coverage to match what DB had and look. DB has all but given up the ghost.
If you guys would have come out in force yesterday evening you could have kept yourselves in the game. Instead you could barely hold onto a supply depot all night, actually you did get your tower back in FA Borderland before I went to bed. It’s always easy when you are winning. I figure you guys for scrappesr that would fight even when down. Don’t make me wrong about that, come back and fight. You lost a lot of ground yesterday, don’t lose face tonight.
Asura Warrior
why couldnt you just leave titanpaw alone
I’ve enjoyed the fights all week and I can attest that Mr pickles has not been smack talking. Some guys from Dragonbrand have however and it’s gotten pretty quiet from them now. I said on monday that they were counting their chickens kinda early even alluded to the fact that we didn’t have our full representation. Now Urge and RQ went on a bender. We got some morning coverage to match what DB had and look. DB has all but given up the ghost.
If you guys would have come out in force yesterday evening you could have kept yourselves in the game. Instead you could barely hold onto a supply depot all night, actually you did get your tower back in FA Borderland before I went to bed. It’s always easy when you are winning. I figure you guys for scrappesr that would fight even when down. Don’t make me wrong about that, come back and fight. You lost a lot of ground yesterday, don’t lose face tonight.
You know believe it or not, that was the hardest thing int he world getting GB back. It was like pulling teeth to get people to come out. Once we got the gate to 65% people started swarming in though! It’s all about the glory, never the hard work
Sanctum of Rall Server
I’ve enjoyed the fights all week and I can attest that Mr pickles has not been smack talking. Some guys from Dragonbrand have however and it’s gotten pretty quiet from them now. I said on monday that they were counting their chickens kinda early even alluded to the fact that we didn’t have our full representation. Now Urge and RQ went on a bender. We got some morning coverage to match what DB had and look. DB has all but given up the ghost.
If you guys would have come out in force yesterday evening you could have kept yourselves in the game. Instead you could barely hold onto a supply depot all night, actually you did get your tower back in FA Borderland before I went to bed. It’s always easy when you are winning. I figure you guys for scrappesr that would fight even when down. Don’t make me wrong about that, come back and fight. You lost a lot of ground yesterday, don’t lose face tonight.
I am from DB and you can look back at my posts and see that I never bragged about winning for a majority of the week so far. I was actually pretty stoked that the fight was pretty close and fun.
I was also amused that some dude came to DB from BG, talked a bunch of cats, and then server transferred off when we started to lose badly yesterday.
I will say that what I don’t like about the free transfers (and I would still think this even if I was on BG) is that it messes with the rankings. Let me explain why this matters.
When the score is close, people queue up on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. If it’s a blowout, usually people are done after the weekend. Okay there are some occasional pushes that can be fun even during a blowout, but those are rarer and harder to find. DB has been on both sides of the blowout before settling into a pretty even match this week. Unfortunately, the match is no longer even. I logged in before work this morning and saw that BG had 95% of the map. I have no problem with that, but it is different than it was on Tuesday morning when the potential score was far more balanced.
Bottom line is that free transfers basically pushed DB/BG/FA from being a fairly even matchup into complete BG dominance. I am not complaining about BG dominating us, I’m just complaining about the fact that their force does not represent their current rank. Just like if they lose a bunch of guilds (which I guess has happened in the past) it will also not represent their rank.
Here is to hoping that next week will be DB/CD/FA and we can have a week long fight.
Bill S Preston Esq – Guardian
Sea of Sorrows
I see people discussing the scoreboard and whether or not it would attract players more than WvW currently does…
I think it’d be nice. I think they should keep WvW as more of a turf war, basically going off of the pie chart than the actual points. You can WITNESS your team’s growth in the pie chart. Even by taking a few supply camps you can see your slice of the pie expand.
even currently, WvW isn’t entirely “rewarding”… People join and they can lose one single tower and think the server is going to fail forevermore, so they just leave. And they tell all their friends and guildies how dismal the situation is, and those guildies and friends don’t join either. It’d be better to keep people joining to make it so if someone looks at the map or score, the only thought that can really cross their mind is “well…. we don’t own much. But nothin’ we can’t just take back, right?”
Yea, I agree that the transfers need to stop. In a persistent world every server will need representation from all 3 major time zones to be competitive. Complaining about night capping is childish, short sighted, and self centered. The world is a big place and this is persistent world, figure it out.
In sports games, you don’t make trades at half-time. You must not be athletic — or competitive — figure it out.
We all know what happened this week, but you know in retrospec that is what it takes to win. Although I am not a fan of the transfers especially mid week, you need, as someone already mentioned, coverage at all times. And I can tell you it is extremely frustrating for DB.
Our 1st week there was no night activity on all 3 servers. 2nd week jq took about 35% of the map the first night then another 35% the second night after fighting tooth and nail on day 2 but seeing a map at 80% that was 40% it gets frustrating. Same deal this week and as I am sure everyone knows it is extremely frustrating when you cant do anything about it.
Well BG did something about it and DB didnt plain and simple. We knew when we were vulnerable and we did nothing to quell that and we paid again.
The power of the early am EST is so overwhelming you cannot understand.
I personally went for 1 day over to SoS. 6am est TC had about 70% or so of the map. I went into WvW from 6am est to 8:05am est SoS took about 45% of the map so the map that was mostly TC was now mostly SoS. That took place in 2 hours. When you have no answer for something like that you lose plain and simple.
I don’t know DB’s answer and for that and because of some of these hacks/teleport thing people are talking about I think it is time for a new home.
Anet’s system for balance I guess is for everyone to move to few servers if we want to be competitive. DB is very strong at prime time but it will w/o question be the servers strong around the clock who will raise their standing
Blackgate welcomes you guys. The more forces we get the better. It’s time to move backup to Bracket 2 and soon Bracket 1 where Blackgate used to be!
Mark my word Blackgate is the hero that returns to first place overall sooner or later. Very good strong community of pvpers/force
I can’t believe what I’m hearing is people are accepting this transfer garbage as the current way to be competitive.
Players/guilds are going to be on a different server ever week or after one bad match.
The current system is terrible and WvW is terrible due to it.
It’s kinda disappointing. Last time we (FA) matched up against Dragonbrand in the 24 hour matchups, they got destroyed because of our overnight capping. First weekly matchup, overnight capping from us claimed the whole map again as well. Now we’re been in two losing matchups (although last one we had comfortable second place at least) and I’m not even seeing full queues during prime time anymore. I don’t know if it’s people who have lost interest in queuing, or people who have simply left, but it’s a very noticeable effect. Going from having queues at night/morning US time to having no queue during prime time US.
It’s kinda disappointing. Last time we (FA) matched up against Dragonbrand in the 24 hour matchups, they got destroyed because of our overnight capping. First weekly matchup, overnight capping from us claimed the whole map again as well. Now we’re been in two losing matchups (although last one we had comfortable second place at least) and I’m not even seeing full queues during prime time anymore. I don’t know if it’s people who have lost interest in queuing, or people who have simply left, but it’s a very noticeable effect. Going from having queues at night/morning US time to having no queue during prime time US.
DB here its because once the other server has a big enough lead people give up. Especially at the end of the week, people think because no matter how hard they fight they cant win. And with little to no incentive for participating in WvW to begin with people are not going to waste money, and time on repairs and building. So people just quit and cut their losses. Maybe if there were incentives to WvW besides wining. I know the server gets all these bonuses and what not but most people who PVP dont do that. It only benifits the PVErs who most of them are not helping in WVW anyways. So its a wash.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
(edited by Warlord.9074)
Lets make some wacky prediction for future server balance. I predict that about 4-6 servers in each grouping EU/NA/ASIA will un-officially become the defacto WvW servers to fill for 24/7 match ups. Leaving the struggling servers to completely empty out. Lets face it no one likes having to get steam rolled just because their server happens to have a player deficit during off peak hours.
I heard the off peak argument/excuse and it is true, but it doesn’t explain when ques are full and people are still losing. I heard people complaining theyre outnumbered when the ques full. Saying its 2vs 1 or whatever yeah ofcourse its 2 vs 1 its wvw. What is unfortunate though when 2 servers gang up on one thats not even winning. Idealy if your server is losing u always want to take points from the winner but it doesnt work like that always, and then people wonder why they lost so badly.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
Blackgate welcomes you guys. The more forces we get the better. It’s time to move backup to Bracket 2 and soon Bracket 1 where Blackgate used to be!
Mark my word Blackgate is the hero that returns to first place overall sooner or later. Very good strong community of pvpers/force"
Blackgate is full of people who flocked from other servers just to beast the other two servers, there’s nothing honorable or skillful about that. If getting a bunch of people to transfer over because they don’t like losing and would rather win by a landslide then have a good clean and fair fight for the duration of the rotation is all you need to make top bracket, then they really should redo the entire system.
It’s asinine how at the beginning of the rotation, and for the first few days, the fights were evenly matched. FA, DB and BG were all neck and neck with eachother, Dragonbrand took an early lead, but we were both not that far behind. And it was a lot of fun. Then all of a sudden, Blackgate completely overwhelmed the other two servers. Apparently three massive guilds from EU servers, and a bunch of other losers transfered over to shift the balance of power. Now, Blackgate owns well over 95% of all four maps, and if you go in WvW, you’re going to meet a group of about 10 BG members, compared to your group of 2-5, because no one from your server wants to play. So, congrats on your “win”, and I hope you do move up a bracket, becuase I honestly do not ever want to play against your server again.
And, this stupid server transfer crap is sooooo imbalanced, it completely destroys the balance of WvW. They need limitations on server transfering. Make it cost 800 gems per transfer, and limit it to once per rotation. Or, make it so that if you transfer, you can’t participate in WvW until the next rotation. It’s not that difficult to do either, and both would drastically improve the quality and fun of WvW, because atm, it’s only fun for the first two days or so, and then the balance of power shifts drastically because everyone hates losing.