Free SBI alt
10 PM what time zone?
Unfortunately, after late NA/Early OCX there’s a lot of PvDooring going on.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
my time would be pdt
any one know if t2/1 has any late night blobs/fight guilds, cause the other two thirds of the servers in this game don’t…
(edited by thatNEWguy.8192)
We do get some good stuff for 9 PM-12 AM, but sometimes it is inconsistent/ There is population until around 1-2 AM typically, but a lot of it is karma training and after that it’s just karma training. There’s also some very dead times if nobody tags up, in particular on Saturdays and Sundays. I honestly don’t know if it’d be an improvement for you— you’d probably just see bigger blobs during NA.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
thanks for your honest answer, I still plan on playing with my friends on ehmry during NA prime time. Mainly focused on finding a tier with avtivity during all parts of the day other than 5-9pm pdt
(edited by thatNEWguy.8192)
Before the T3 Migration I was on SBI, late night NA had small scale fights with the occasional mini zerg running around (20-30) so it wasn’t dead it just wasn’t as busy as prime time. Now with the migration, I’m no longer on SBI but I would imagine if anything its only gotten busier then it was.
Conclusion: you should be able to find smaller scale fights and some people to run around with but it won’t always be a large scale experience.
I’ve found really good roaming outside of NA prime, plenty of 1v1’s and small scale stuff. Can’t really comment on large scale stuff or how regular the pug tags are because I pretty actively avoid that during off hours.