for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Gift of Battle Feedback [merged]
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
For me personally, because I just got my very first precursor drop ever just a few hours ago. I was always so skeptical that I’d never get a precursor so I never did the research into all the numerous gifts I would need. Sure I could have bought a bunch of gifts for a bunch of different legends “just to have them just in case” but I’d rather keep that bank space open for things that I know I need.
Well that I can understand more. I was only thinking about people who were aiming to get badges because of a legendary. Personally, if I were of that mindset, I’d buy my gift of battle immediately after hitting 500, dropping whatever what I was doing.
That being said, I did get reminded of resentment towards Precursor RNG, because there’s no way to plan it out. Ultimately, despite getting my map compleition notes and the gift of battle still taking place in my bank and also having the maguuma legendary parts I can never get because I simple am too unmotivated to get Central Tyria Mastery any legendary I get will be purchased directly whenever I feel like finding the gold for it— just makes things more simply, you know. Although personally, I’m trying to get the perma bank thing which costs almost as much and the price always slightly increases outside of my reach every single time! I almost had enough and they introduced more shared slots and gg.
Anyhow, I’d like to say that I don’t actually approve of the change, especially since the game automatically selected the next track to be GoB so I can waste my points towards something I’ll never use. It wouldn’t hurt to make these things sellable would it? I was just protesting the point about suddenly losing value on the badges as honestly it’s not the first or last time currency in this game acts like that.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
To answer your question as to why ppl dont stock up gift of battle. Think about why currency page was introduced in the first place. It was meant to clear up clutters, save inventory space and a all-in-one page for all currencies. So.. since you have this currency storage, why would ppl spend their badges on gift of battles and take up space. Likewise to people who have 20k+ dungeon currencies, you dont see them stocking up on potions or any other things but kept them in their currency storage. Using “why dont you use your badges in the first place” as an argument isn’t really justifiable for this change.
The wallet was intended for actual currencies, and as for badges, well, so you didn’t have to fir them in your bank. But Gift of Battle isn’t a currency, it’s a component. Even if you had 10 legendaries to make, it’d be like 1/2 of a bank tab? Maybe a full tab or two if you filled it up with stuff you needed
This is not like bloodstone dust lol.
Gift of battle isnt a currency yea.. but its purchasd using a currency. So why would someone stock up on the gifts if they are not intending to make the legendary yet. I myself only buy them just before i craft it to save space. Why should i compromise my bank tabs for a gift that could be bought with a stored currency with no inventory space usage. Each of my inventory space on my alt is worth at minimum 20-30g, and can go to as high as 200g.
If you can save inventory space with ANET’s implementation of currencies (badge of honor → gift of battle), why not?
If you’re going to make us complete a reward track for a legendary component then at least have it also give other legendary components as rewards, not materials that basically fall from the sky in other game modes (dragonite ore and empyreal shards). PvP reward tracks drop clovers, this one should too, especially since its now a required track that anyone making a legendary has to do.
Knights of ARES, Dragonbrand
Good times, good memories
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
My thoughts…
We have had zero info on legendary armors and it’s being speculated that we will need 6 gifts of battle. So no info to prepare players for 8 months, release final wing and kill off vendor.
So if you’re sitting there with badges like I am waiting for info, it kinda sucks to be in a position where I have 25k badges and now may have to grind out that track 6 times. It’s a lack of options thing and I don’t see why both methods can’t exist.
Both methods can’t exist for exactly the reason you’re stating.
It’s like saying here’s this new legendary armor and instead of making you do stuff for it, we’re going to give it to you for all the stuff you already have. Which doesn’t make sense, because the idea of things like legendary armors is to keep people playing.
Too many people have too many badges, even from achievement chests, to make that a viable way to keep people playing.
Why do you think each zone now has it’s own currency moving forward. So you can’t get it with existing currencies. If you want the stuff, you play the content.
You want something from VB, play VB. If Anet wanted people to get stuff easily they’d simply have left everything karma.
Anet, remove map completion from my legendary journey. I’ve done it once, I worked very hard for it, just create a NPC that sells more gifts. I deserve it.
Thank you.
The above is probably sarcasm, but I fully support this idea.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
For me personally, because I just got my very first precursor drop ever just a few hours ago. I was always so skeptical that I’d never get a precursor so I never did the research into all the numerous gifts I would need. Sure I could have bought a bunch of gifts for a bunch of different legends “just to have them just in case” but I’d rather keep that bank space open for things that I know I need.
Well that I can understand more. I was only thinking about people who were aiming to get badges because of a legendary. Personally, if I were of that mindset, I’d buy my gift of battle immediately after hitting 500, dropping whatever what I was doing.
That being said, I did get reminded of resentment towards Precursor RNG, because there’s no way to plan it out. Ultimately, despite getting my map compleition notes and the gift of battle still taking place in my bank and also having the maguuma legendary parts I can never get because I simple am too unmotivated to get Central Tyria Mastery any legendary I get will be purchased directly whenever I feel like finding the gold for it— just makes things more simply, you know. Although personally, I’m trying to get the perma bank thing which costs almost as much and the price always slightly increases outside of my reach every single time! I almost had enough and they introduced more shared slots and gg.
Anyhow, I’d like to say that I don’t actually approve of the change, especially since the game automatically selected the next track to be GoB so I can waste my points towards something I’ll never use. It wouldn’t hurt to make these things sellable would it? I was just protesting the point about suddenly losing value on the badges as honestly it’s not the first or last time currency in this game acts like that.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
To answer your question as to why ppl dont stock up gift of battle. Think about why currency page was introduced in the first place. It was meant to clear up clutters, save inventory space and a all-in-one page for all currencies. So.. since you have this currency storage, why would ppl spend their badges on gift of battles and take up space. Likewise to people who have 20k+ dungeon currencies, you dont see them stocking up on potions or any other things but kept them in their currency storage. Using “why dont you use your badges in the first place” as an argument isn’t really justifiable for this change.
The wallet was intended for actual currencies, and as for badges, well, so you didn’t have to fir them in your bank. But Gift of Battle isn’t a currency, it’s a component. Even if you had 10 legendaries to make, it’d be like 1/2 of a bank tab? Maybe a full tab or two if you filled it up with stuff you needed
This is not like bloodstone dust lol.
Gift of battle isnt a currency yea.. but its purchasd using a currency. So why would someone stock up on the gifts if they are not intending to make the legendary yet. I myself only buy them just before i craft it to save space. Why should i compromise my bank tabs for a gift that could be bought with a stored currency with no inventory space usage. Each of my inventory space on my alt is worth at minimum 20-30g, and can go to as high as 200g.
If you can save inventory space with ANET’s implementation of currencies (badge of honor -> gift of battle), why not?
I am not sure how we’re getting 20-30g per slot of inventory space. But in any case, the currencies were taking up entire tabs and more, and if the severity were to the level of t7 mats, I’d understand, but how many legendaries do you really intend to make?
And like I said in my post above, there was a degree of warning. It wasn’t good enough though, and that, maybe something should be done.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
So, again people are upset they have to WvW (drop in the bucket of time) compared to WvW players who have to pve to get the gift of exploration?
The PvE crowd is very vocal, like my children when they don’t get there way.
Don’t get me wrong, I was surprised how little something like this was communicated, but the amount of time required to get a gift of battle, pales in comparison to what people who prefer other game modes have to do in PvE.
To be honest, the legendary should be more balanced around the complete game even throwing in spvp, not just people’s preferred game mode. These are optional items that if you want, you should have to put in work.
Or alternatively, buy it from the TP if you do not want to put in the effort. By a long shot, crafting a legendary in gw2 is a very time consuming tedious at times task. I just don’t understand why people who want optional items, almost demand to have the easiest route that accommodates there preferred game mode.
So many times over the years, I’ve read the threads about (first) world completion requiring the WvW maps … and how many threads were posted about that. Now, they have effectively made it easier to get the GoB (you don’t get badges from sitting in a keep repairing a wall), but you do get reward track points every tick for your contribution. I read on another thread, some guy got 2k, from watching a movie on the other screen and just recapping a single point every now and then. Ever try doing world completion while watching a movie?
The people who actually lose out here, are those who failed to unload there badges in time, and to be honest, the WvW community. This change will not bring in more people to play WvW or follow some zerg, it will likely bring in a bunch of people who want to do the safest, minimal amount of effort to get the track complete, and a handful of afk’ers.
Anet could have made it a little more in your face about the change prior to, but they do things for their reasons.
And the Toxic people … are from both game modes.
I just wanna highlight your last point, this change will not increase the population of wvw players. Even if your statistics showed an increase, its flawed. Because players who only wants the gift of battle will not actively participate in wvw raids to help the server out. At least when it was badges of honors, people are motivated to join in wvw raids and capture some points/gang opponent blobs (massive badges here yea?). Now its just gonna be individual battles, roamers and karma trains to get participation up.
You are just angering the true population of wvwers who wants to engage in territorial wars with all these non-wvw focused players/trollers around.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
For me personally, because I just got my very first precursor drop ever just a few hours ago. I was always so skeptical that I’d never get a precursor so I never did the research into all the numerous gifts I would need. Sure I could have bought a bunch of gifts for a bunch of different legends “just to have them just in case” but I’d rather keep that bank space open for things that I know I need.
Well that I can understand more. I was only thinking about people who were aiming to get badges because of a legendary. Personally, if I were of that mindset, I’d buy my gift of battle immediately after hitting 500, dropping whatever what I was doing.
That being said, I did get reminded of resentment towards Precursor RNG, because there’s no way to plan it out. Ultimately, despite getting my map compleition notes and the gift of battle still taking place in my bank and also having the maguuma legendary parts I can never get because I simple am too unmotivated to get Central Tyria Mastery any legendary I get will be purchased directly whenever I feel like finding the gold for it— just makes things more simply, you know. Although personally, I’m trying to get the perma bank thing which costs almost as much and the price always slightly increases outside of my reach every single time! I almost had enough and they introduced more shared slots and gg.
Anyhow, I’d like to say that I don’t actually approve of the change, especially since the game automatically selected the next track to be GoB so I can waste my points towards something I’ll never use. It wouldn’t hurt to make these things sellable would it? I was just protesting the point about suddenly losing value on the badges as honestly it’s not the first or last time currency in this game acts like that.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
To answer your question as to why ppl dont stock up gift of battle. Think about why currency page was introduced in the first place. It was meant to clear up clutters, save inventory space and a all-in-one page for all currencies. So.. since you have this currency storage, why would ppl spend their badges on gift of battles and take up space. Likewise to people who have 20k+ dungeon currencies, you dont see them stocking up on potions or any other things but kept them in their currency storage. Using “why dont you use your badges in the first place” as an argument isn’t really justifiable for this change.
The wallet was intended for actual currencies, and as for badges, well, so you didn’t have to fir them in your bank. But Gift of Battle isn’t a currency, it’s a component. Even if you had 10 legendaries to make, it’d be like 1/2 of a bank tab? Maybe a full tab or two if you filled it up with stuff you needed
This is not like bloodstone dust lol.
Gift of battle isnt a currency yea.. but its purchasd using a currency. So why would someone stock up on the gifts if they are not intending to make the legendary yet. I myself only buy them just before i craft it to save space. Why should i compromise my bank tabs for a gift that could be bought with a stored currency with no inventory space usage. Each of my inventory space on my alt is worth at minimum 20-30g, and can go to as high as 200g.
If you can save inventory space with ANET’s implementation of currencies (badge of honor -> gift of battle), why not?
I am not sure how we’re getting 20-30g per slot of inventory space. But in any case, the currencies were taking up entire tabs and more, and if the severity were to the level of t7 mats, I’d understand, but how many legendaries do you really intend to make?
And like I said in my post above, there was a degree of warning. It wasn’t good enough though, and that, maybe something should be done.
I do agree with there being a warning, but more should have been done for such a major change to legendary crafting.
To answer you, i intend to craft all legendaries and i already own 8. And how am i getting 20-30g per inventory space, i have mats overflowering my material storage of 500 per slot. I own 3k mystic coins (thats just bits of it) and thats 150g per stack. My space is important.
And ANET’s implementation of currencies serve its purpose of removing clutters from inventory. If you ever played at launch, currencies are all in inventories. ANET introduced this feature just for this purpose. I am just playing the game as intended by ANET, until struck by this incident.
(edited by Aeristoreine.9351)
two words…..reset night
problem solved
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
For me personally, because I just got my very first precursor drop ever just a few hours ago. I was always so skeptical that I’d never get a precursor so I never did the research into all the numerous gifts I would need. Sure I could have bought a bunch of gifts for a bunch of different legends “just to have them just in case” but I’d rather keep that bank space open for things that I know I need.
Well that I can understand more. I was only thinking about people who were aiming to get badges because of a legendary. Personally, if I were of that mindset, I’d buy my gift of battle immediately after hitting 500, dropping whatever what I was doing.
That being said, I did get reminded of resentment towards Precursor RNG, because there’s no way to plan it out. Ultimately, despite getting my map compleition notes and the gift of battle still taking place in my bank and also having the maguuma legendary parts I can never get because I simple am too unmotivated to get Central Tyria Mastery any legendary I get will be purchased directly whenever I feel like finding the gold for it— just makes things more simply, you know. Although personally, I’m trying to get the perma bank thing which costs almost as much and the price always slightly increases outside of my reach every single time! I almost had enough and they introduced more shared slots and gg.
Anyhow, I’d like to say that I don’t actually approve of the change, especially since the game automatically selected the next track to be GoB so I can waste my points towards something I’ll never use. It wouldn’t hurt to make these things sellable would it? I was just protesting the point about suddenly losing value on the badges as honestly it’s not the first or last time currency in this game acts like that.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
To answer your question as to why ppl dont stock up gift of battle. Think about why currency page was introduced in the first place. It was meant to clear up clutters, save inventory space and a all-in-one page for all currencies. So.. since you have this currency storage, why would ppl spend their badges on gift of battles and take up space. Likewise to people who have 20k+ dungeon currencies, you dont see them stocking up on potions or any other things but kept them in their currency storage. Using “why dont you use your badges in the first place” as an argument isn’t really justifiable for this change.
The wallet was intended for actual currencies, and as for badges, well, so you didn’t have to fir them in your bank. But Gift of Battle isn’t a currency, it’s a component. Even if you had 10 legendaries to make, it’d be like 1/2 of a bank tab? Maybe a full tab or two if you filled it up with stuff you needed
This is not like bloodstone dust lol.
Gift of battle isnt a currency yea.. but its purchasd using a currency. So why would someone stock up on the gifts if they are not intending to make the legendary yet. I myself only buy them just before i craft it to save space. Why should i compromise my bank tabs for a gift that could be bought with a stored currency with no inventory space usage. Each of my inventory space on my alt is worth at minimum 20-30g, and can go to as high as 200g.
If you can save inventory space with ANET’s implementation of currencies (badge of honor -> gift of battle), why not?
I am not sure how we’re getting 20-30g per slot of inventory space. But in any case, the currencies were taking up entire tabs and more, and if the severity were to the level of t7 mats, I’d understand, but how many legendaries do you really intend to make?
And like I said in my post above, there was a degree of warning. It wasn’t good enough though, and that, maybe something should be done.
I do agree with there being a warning, but more should have been done for such a major change to legendary crafting.
To answer you, i intend to craft all legendaries and i already own 8. And how am i getting 20-30g per inventory space, i have mats overflowering my material storage of 500 per slot. I own 3k mystic coins (thats just bits of it) and thats 150g per stack. My space is important.
And ANET’s implementation of currencies serve its purpose of removing clutters from inventory. If you ever played at launch, currencies are all in inventories. ANET introduced this feature just for this purpose. I am just playing the game as intended by ANET, until struck by this incident.
I was sincerely thinking that if you were aiming for all of that, that a few slots are a drop in the bucket (and more storage expanders should really be considered). I just think it’s not particularly a way to play to be so constrained for space.
And sure, I also think there should be something to owe up due the confusion. Honestly.
And yes I know about currency taking up space. In fact, I bought GoB to compact the badges of old. :S
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
For me personally, because I just got my very first precursor drop ever just a few hours ago. I was always so skeptical that I’d never get a precursor so I never did the research into all the numerous gifts I would need. Sure I could have bought a bunch of gifts for a bunch of different legends “just to have them just in case” but I’d rather keep that bank space open for things that I know I need.
Well that I can understand more. I was only thinking about people who were aiming to get badges because of a legendary. Personally, if I were of that mindset, I’d buy my gift of battle immediately after hitting 500, dropping whatever what I was doing.
That being said, I did get reminded of resentment towards Precursor RNG, because there’s no way to plan it out. Ultimately, despite getting my map compleition notes and the gift of battle still taking place in my bank and also having the maguuma legendary parts I can never get because I simple am too unmotivated to get Central Tyria Mastery any legendary I get will be purchased directly whenever I feel like finding the gold for it— just makes things more simply, you know. Although personally, I’m trying to get the perma bank thing which costs almost as much and the price always slightly increases outside of my reach every single time! I almost had enough and they introduced more shared slots and gg.
Anyhow, I’d like to say that I don’t actually approve of the change, especially since the game automatically selected the next track to be GoB so I can waste my points towards something I’ll never use. It wouldn’t hurt to make these things sellable would it? I was just protesting the point about suddenly losing value on the badges as honestly it’s not the first or last time currency in this game acts like that.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
To answer your question as to why ppl dont stock up gift of battle. Think about why currency page was introduced in the first place. It was meant to clear up clutters, save inventory space and a all-in-one page for all currencies. So.. since you have this currency storage, why would ppl spend their badges on gift of battles and take up space. Likewise to people who have 20k+ dungeon currencies, you dont see them stocking up on potions or any other things but kept them in their currency storage. Using “why dont you use your badges in the first place” as an argument isn’t really justifiable for this change.
The wallet was intended for actual currencies, and as for badges, well, so you didn’t have to fir them in your bank. But Gift of Battle isn’t a currency, it’s a component. Even if you had 10 legendaries to make, it’d be like 1/2 of a bank tab? Maybe a full tab or two if you filled it up with stuff you needed
This is not like bloodstone dust lol.
Gift of battle isnt a currency yea.. but its purchasd using a currency. So why would someone stock up on the gifts if they are not intending to make the legendary yet. I myself only buy them just before i craft it to save space. Why should i compromise my bank tabs for a gift that could be bought with a stored currency with no inventory space usage. Each of my inventory space on my alt is worth at minimum 20-30g, and can go to as high as 200g.
If you can save inventory space with ANET’s implementation of currencies (badge of honor -> gift of battle), why not?
I am not sure how we’re getting 20-30g per slot of inventory space. But in any case, the currencies were taking up entire tabs and more, and if the severity were to the level of t7 mats, I’d understand, but how many legendaries do you really intend to make?
And like I said in my post above, there was a degree of warning. It wasn’t good enough though, and that, maybe something should be done.
I do agree with there being a warning, but more should have been done for such a major change to legendary crafting.
To answer you, i intend to craft all legendaries and i already own 8. And how am i getting 20-30g per inventory space, i have mats overflowering my material storage of 500 per slot. I own 3k mystic coins (thats just bits of it) and thats 150g per stack. My space is important.
And ANET’s implementation of currencies serve its purpose of removing clutters from inventory. If you ever played at launch, currencies are all in inventories. ANET introduced this feature just for this purpose. I am just playing the game as intended by ANET, until struck by this incident.
I was sincerely thinking that if you were aiming for all of that, that a few slots are a drop in the bucket (and more storage expanders should really be considered). I just think it’s not particularly a way to play to be so constrained for space.
And sure, I also think there should be something to owe up due the confusion. Honestly.
And yes I know about currency taking up space. In fact, I bought GoB to compact the badges of old. :S
I also sincerely think that the badges of honor being in the currency page is for an intended purpose. And I could leave it there for as long as I like until the time where the information of this change is widely broadcasted by ANET. But nope, they only mentioned it once under WvW and not under Legendary Weapon section. And worse still, it was in a massive wall of text (huge update). And what make it worse, was that no further communication was made by ANET about this change.
And to say that I should have more inventory storage/expanders, I already have 2 characters with full 18 slots bags filled with materials. I dont even know why I should expand further for this.
I have 3k gold worth of currencies (dungeon badges, etc.) and others have much more. Now i worry that we have to clear out our currencies to lock in the gold now, before ANET starts another things.
(edited by Aeristoreine.9351)
Wow … nostalgic talking pre-wallet days … that brings me back.
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
My thoughts…
We have had zero info on legendary armors and it’s being speculated that we will need 6 gifts of battle. So no info to prepare players for 8 months, release final wing and kill off vendor.
So if you’re sitting there with badges like I am waiting for info, it kinda sucks to be in a position where I have 25k badges and now may have to grind out that track 6 times. It’s a lack of options thing and I don’t see why both methods can’t exist.
Both methods can’t exist for exactly the reason you’re stating.
It’s like saying here’s this new legendary armor and instead of making you do stuff for it, we’re going to give it to you for all the stuff you already have. Which doesn’t make sense, because the idea of things like legendary armors is to keep people playing.
Too many people have too many badges, even from achievement chests, to make that a viable way to keep people playing.
Why do you think each zone now has it’s own currency moving forward. So you can’t get it with existing currencies. If you want the stuff, you play the content.
You want something from VB, play VB. If Anet wanted people to get stuff easily they’d simply have left everything karma.
I just think it would be a nice gesture and option with all things considered.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
ANET is already making exclusive spvp legendaries, which is not the case for PvE and WvW. People who do not Spvp at all will have totally zero access to SPVP legendaries.
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
ANET is already making exclusive spvp legendaries, which is not the case for PvE and WvW. People who do not Spvp at all will have totally zero access to SPVP legendaries.
Exclusive? Try getting the gold needed to make the gift of fortune from SPVP alone. GL. The way they are doing is the only right way. It forces people to play more parts of the game (though they did miss out on the WvW bit for the legendary back, probably should have included a gift or two of battle in the recipe, but they can improve with next season) and prove that they are worthy of legendary.
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
ANET is already making exclusive spvp legendaries, which is not the case for PvE and WvW. People who do not Spvp at all will have totally zero access to SPVP legendaries.
Exclusive? Try getting the gold needed to make the gift of fortune from SPVP alone. GL. The way they are doing is the only right way. It forces people to play more parts of the game (though they did miss out on the WvW bit for the legendary back, probably should have included a gift or two of battle in the recipe, but they can improve with next season) and prove that they are worthy of legendary.
It is still exlusive, because you solely have to be actively engaged in spvp (being proficient in it and get high ranks), not even involving HOT mastery or any forms of PVE. Gift of fortune is part of every legendary so your argument is invalid, it affects everyone in general. In fact, ascension cost half as much as every other legendaries (1/2 of ad infi). So now are you arguing to add more cost to ascension and future SPVP legendaries? Im sure ANET loves gold sink (:
(edited by Aeristoreine.9351)
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
ANET is already making exclusive spvp legendaries, which is not the case for PvE and WvW. People who do not Spvp at all will have totally zero access to SPVP legendaries.
Exclusive? Try getting the gold needed to make the gift of fortune from SPVP alone. GL. The way they are doing is the only right way. It forces people to play more parts of the game (though they did miss out on the WvW bit for the legendary back, probably should have included a gift or two of battle in the recipe, but they can improve with next season) and prove that they are worthy of legendary.
It is still exlusive, because you solely have to be actively engaged in spvp (being proficient in it and get high ranks). Gift of fortune is part of every legendary so your argument is invalid, it affects everyone in general. In fact, ascension cost half as much as every other legendaries (1/2 of ad infi). So now are you arguing to add more cost to ascension and future SPVP legendaries? Im sure ANET loves gold sink (:
For all I care, they can make the gift for it cost Gems. I got my legendary back, won’t need another one.
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
ANET is already making exclusive spvp legendaries, which is not the case for PvE and WvW. People who do not Spvp at all will have totally zero access to SPVP legendaries.
Exclusive? Try getting the gold needed to make the gift of fortune from SPVP alone. GL. The way they are doing is the only right way. It forces people to play more parts of the game (though they did miss out on the WvW bit for the legendary back, probably should have included a gift or two of battle in the recipe, but they can improve with next season) and prove that they are worthy of legendary.
It is still exlusive, because you solely have to be actively engaged in spvp (being proficient in it and get high ranks). Gift of fortune is part of every legendary so your argument is invalid, it affects everyone in general. In fact, ascension cost half as much as every other legendaries (1/2 of ad infi). So now are you arguing to add more cost to ascension and future SPVP legendaries? Im sure ANET loves gold sink (:
For all I care, they can make the gift for it cost Gems. I got my legendary back, won’t need another one.
Your attitude of not caring is not helping in this argument. Please come up with something better. There is still a SPVP exclusive legendary, but currently, none PVE and WVW exclusive legendary.
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
ANET is already making exclusive spvp legendaries, which is not the case for PvE and WvW. People who do not Spvp at all will have totally zero access to SPVP legendaries.
Exclusive? Try getting the gold needed to make the gift of fortune from SPVP alone. GL. The way they are doing is the only right way. It forces people to play more parts of the game (though they did miss out on the WvW bit for the legendary back, probably should have included a gift or two of battle in the recipe, but they can improve with next season) and prove that they are worthy of legendary.
It is still exlusive, because you solely have to be actively engaged in spvp (being proficient in it and get high ranks). Gift of fortune is part of every legendary so your argument is invalid, it affects everyone in general. In fact, ascension cost half as much as every other legendaries (1/2 of ad infi). So now are you arguing to add more cost to ascension and future SPVP legendaries? Im sure ANET loves gold sink (:
For all I care, they can make the gift for it cost Gems. I got my legendary back, won’t need another one.
Your attitude of not caring is not helping in this argument. Please come up with something better. There is still a SPVP exclusive legendary, but currently, none PVE and WVW exclusive legendary.
I’m sorry, fractal legendary is not pve exclusive? How about you just show yourself out of here.
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
ANET is already making exclusive spvp legendaries, which is not the case for PvE and WvW. People who do not Spvp at all will have totally zero access to SPVP legendaries.
Exclusive? Try getting the gold needed to make the gift of fortune from SPVP alone. GL. The way they are doing is the only right way. It forces people to play more parts of the game (though they did miss out on the WvW bit for the legendary back, probably should have included a gift or two of battle in the recipe, but they can improve with next season) and prove that they are worthy of legendary.
It is still exlusive, because you solely have to be actively engaged in spvp (being proficient in it and get high ranks). Gift of fortune is part of every legendary so your argument is invalid, it affects everyone in general. In fact, ascension cost half as much as every other legendaries (1/2 of ad infi). So now are you arguing to add more cost to ascension and future SPVP legendaries? Im sure ANET loves gold sink (:
For all I care, they can make the gift for it cost Gems. I got my legendary back, won’t need another one.
Your attitude of not caring is not helping in this argument. Please come up with something better. There is still a SPVP exclusive legendary, but currently, none PVE and WVW exclusive legendary.
I’m sorry, fractal legendary is not pve exclusive? How about you just show yourself out of here.
Wow wow someone seems VERY frustrated (: That is my bad, indeed Fractal backpack is PVE exclusive and its my bad that I excluded it. But my point in the previous few posts still stands (: Your argument for gift of fortune being PVE is invalid since its used in all legends, ascension 1/2 cost of ad.
darn anet, i have now 165k badges that i have no use for, why didnt they call me personally that this change will happen, i could’ve bought a stack of these gifts ready for legendaries i will never craft
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
ANET is already making exclusive spvp legendaries, which is not the case for PvE and WvW. People who do not Spvp at all will have totally zero access to SPVP legendaries.
Exclusive? Try getting the gold needed to make the gift of fortune from SPVP alone. GL. The way they are doing is the only right way. It forces people to play more parts of the game (though they did miss out on the WvW bit for the legendary back, probably should have included a gift or two of battle in the recipe, but they can improve with next season) and prove that they are worthy of legendary.
It is still exlusive, because you solely have to be actively engaged in spvp (being proficient in it and get high ranks). Gift of fortune is part of every legendary so your argument is invalid, it affects everyone in general. In fact, ascension cost half as much as every other legendaries (1/2 of ad infi). So now are you arguing to add more cost to ascension and future SPVP legendaries? Im sure ANET loves gold sink (:
For all I care, they can make the gift for it cost Gems. I got my legendary back, won’t need another one.
Your attitude of not caring is not helping in this argument. Please come up with something better. There is still a SPVP exclusive legendary, but currently, none PVE and WVW exclusive legendary.
I’m sorry, fractal legendary is not pve exclusive? How about you just show yourself out of here.
Wow wow someone seems VERY frustrated (: That is my bad, indeed Fractal backpack is PVE exclusive and its my bad that I excluded it. But my point in the previous few posts still stands (: Your argument for gift of fortune being PVE is invalid since its used in all legends, ascension 1/2 cost of ad.
I don’t see how my argument is invalid, getting to legendary rank is 1/2 PVP requirement of the Ascension. So you can’t complain, PVP requires 1/2 PVE effort, PVE will require 1/2 PVP effort, everyone’s happy.
I completely agree with people here. Why include wvw, but leave out sPVP? Want to make a legendary? Get a Legendary rank. Make Legendary (coincidence? I think not) rank give one gift. Gate: check, Extra game aspect covered: check. That would make everyone work more towards legendary, not the triviality that is now.
ANET is already making exclusive spvp legendaries, which is not the case for PvE and WvW. People who do not Spvp at all will have totally zero access to SPVP legendaries.
Exclusive? Try getting the gold needed to make the gift of fortune from SPVP alone. GL. The way they are doing is the only right way. It forces people to play more parts of the game (though they did miss out on the WvW bit for the legendary back, probably should have included a gift or two of battle in the recipe, but they can improve with next season) and prove that they are worthy of legendary.
It is still exlusive, because you solely have to be actively engaged in spvp (being proficient in it and get high ranks). Gift of fortune is part of every legendary so your argument is invalid, it affects everyone in general. In fact, ascension cost half as much as every other legendaries (1/2 of ad infi). So now are you arguing to add more cost to ascension and future SPVP legendaries? Im sure ANET loves gold sink (:
For all I care, they can make the gift for it cost Gems. I got my legendary back, won’t need another one.
Your attitude of not caring is not helping in this argument. Please come up with something better. There is still a SPVP exclusive legendary, but currently, none PVE and WVW exclusive legendary.
I’m sorry, fractal legendary is not pve exclusive? How about you just show yourself out of here.
Wow wow someone seems VERY frustrated (: That is my bad, indeed Fractal backpack is PVE exclusive and its my bad that I excluded it. But my point in the previous few posts still stands (: Your argument for gift of fortune being PVE is invalid since its used in all legends, ascension 1/2 cost of ad.
I don’t see how my argument is invalid, getting to legendary rank is 1/2 PVP requirement of the Ascension. So you can’t complain, PVP requires 1/2 PVE effort, PVE will require 1/2 PVP effort, everyone’s happy.
As I said, gift of fortune is not considered PVE (: nuff said. Off topic.
So really, we are just missing a WvW exclusive only legendary back piece … why am i not surprised.
Anet find more ways to generate gem sales through WvW so it’s not just an after thought with 5% support.
I am maybe 2-3 days away from finishing Astralaria, my first legendary. I knew the Gift of Battle was part of it and was fully prepared to obtain this after spending many hours in WVW and amassing over 6000 badges. Nonetheless, WVW is a small percent of my gameplay. Now suddenly, with no warning (no, an obscure line in patch notes does not count), my progress toward the legendary in WVW has been essentially reset to zero. I don’t know if this is intentional or not, but it doesn’t seem right at all. Badges are account bound and only earned in WVW as far as I know, so what was the problem with how things were? This seems to me like the WVW equivalent of saying, “today we decided to reset your world completion to zero. Start over.” It just makes no sense.
Lets all look at it from the wvw perspective whether the change is helpful to the community or could it revive wvw back to its glory days
By implementing reward tracks:
Players just need to cap participation and can just afk. We are not motivated to join on a commander/wvw raids to capture objectives. Is this a meaningful change? No. It adds more time to legendary crafting and there is no practical benefit to wvw in any sense. We just invited more afkers and trollers into wvw, thinking its gonna help them in their raids.
By keeping badges of honors:
We are at least motivated now to join in wvw raids, capture objectives, ganging opponent blobs, listen to commanders and actually be involved in the success of the world’s wvw. Badges of honors cant be earned simply by standing somewhere in wvw, hoping it falls from the sky. Unlike reward tracks, which is possible after capping participation.
It can be seen that keeping badge of honors brings more long term advantages to wvw since people can learn by being under a commander, learning how things work in wvw, and the entire mechanics. Reward tracks are just about bringing individual players into WvW. It is then not WvW anymore, but IvI (individual vs individual).
(edited by Aeristoreine.9351)
This change is so crap. Are we forced to join wvw and be active for 10 hours or i don’t know how much it needs to be to get the gift for a legendary?
Hey at least now you know how wvw players feel when they have to go to pve to grind for everything including legendaries, and their guild hall upgrades…
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
Copying pasting from my other post which I think is very useful for consideration with regards to this change.
Lets all look at it from the wvw perspective whether the change is helpful to the community or could it revive wvw back to its glory days
By implementing reward tracks:
Players just need to cap participation and can just afk. We are not motivated to join on a commander/wvw raids to capture objectives. Is this a meaningful change? No. It adds more time to legendary crafting and there is no practical benefit to wvw in any sense. We just invited more afkers and trollers into wvw, thinking its gonna help them in their raids.
By keeping badges of honors:
We are at least motivated now to join in wvw raids, capture objectives, ganging opponent blobs, listen to commanders and actually be involved in the success of the world’s wvw. Badges of honors cant be earned simply by standing somewhere in wvw, hoping it falls from the sky. Unlike reward tracks, which is possible after capping participation.
It can be seen that keeping badge of honors brings more long term advantages to wvw since people can learn by being under a commander, learning how things work in wvw, and the entire mechanics. Reward tracks are just about bringing individual players into WvW. It is then not WvW anymore, but IvI (individual vs individual).
If you’re going to make us complete a reward track for a legendary component then at least have it also give other legendary components as rewards, not materials that basically fall from the sky in other game modes (dragonite ore and empyreal shards). PvP reward tracks drop clovers, this one should too, especially since its now a required track that anyone making a legendary has to do.
I think that’s a good idea, especially considering this is the reward track you HAVE to complete in order to forge your legendary, it should reward you with clovers and obsidian shards like every other reward track.
And possibly bloodstone dust as well. Every reward track yields dragonite ore and empyreal fragments, few if any yield bloodstone dust yet you need far more bloodstone dust than either dragonite ore or empyreal fragments.
All of the WvW players are just exclaiming how this is “fair” because they want PvE players to be forced to “endure” WvW just like they have to “endure” PvE to get legendary weapons. Like others have mentioned, they were saving up their badges until they were ready to craft their legendaries to save inventory space. How is this fair to them? Yes it was announced that the vendor would be taken out after the reward tracks left beta testing, but was a date ever given in advance as to when that would be? No, it just happened in this patch and no one found out until the notes went up. That also isn’t fair.
But my main point was the following. WvW players think that PvE players should be forced to play WvW in order to get their legendary weapons. What about keeping the reward tracks and bringing the vendor back but only allowing players to purchase 1 gift of battle for every 50 WvW ranks they go up. So if someone is rank 122 they could go in and buy 2 gifts of battle right now assuming they had 1000 badges, and buy a third when they reached rank 150. World completion gives you 2 gifts of exploration, and I believe that hitting rank 100 in WvW takes about the same amount of time as world completion if not longer for a lot of players so it balances out in terms of being required to play different game modes
This at least doesn’t screw over the older players who were saving up badges but still forces people to play WvW if they want to make legendaries.
Feel so robbed of my legendary with this change, was just about to buy the gift after grinding my way to level 14 really hope they bring the NPC back after all of the complaining.
I read all patch notes except WvW part becouse I’m not really interested in it so it’s totally ninja change to me. Good way to promote WvW ANet, I will be sure to AFK as much as possible in WvW to get my reward track, I’m sure genuine WvW players will be happy to have dead weight PvE players that are forced to do the reward track now.
So after spending a few hours in WvW and barely putting a dent in the reward track progress, I’ve come up with a wonderful strategy to get the Gift of Battle:
- Go into EB or the BLs and find a place you can just get easy, no-effort progress towards the point reward. Try to avoid areas where actual WvW is taking place and focus on areas where you can safely AFK for about 10 minutes at a time.
- Work on capping your rewards at the top tier (195 pts) and then do the absolute bare minimum to maintain this reward rate. Once this is achieved, settle back and watch cat videos on YouTube, check Facebook, or just browse the forums. Remember to maintain your bare minimum at least once every 10 minutes of doing nothing productive for your server or else you risk losing your progress percentage.
- Completely ignore all friendly zergs, blobs, roamers, havok squads, etc. Remember, you’re there for your own needs. Who cares about points per tick or the WvW score anyway? The only thing that matters is getting your Gift of Battle without actually doing any real participation.
Of course this is just a cynical “how-to” about how to get track progress… but it’s an actual method that can (and probably will) be employed when no other meaningful options or alternatives exist. Sure it’s still going to take 10+ hours to finish the track even once, but what does it matter if you can do other things if you’re being forced to spend time doing something you don’t care about?
Maybe if people actually take this seriously and do the above, ANet will see that serious WvWers will now have to contend with apathetic players who are simply taking the spot of legitimate players who could contribute to the servers. I can easily see this becoming a problem (or solution) for many and one that will negatively impact what WvW was truly designed for.
All of the WvW players are just exclaiming how this is “fair” because they want PvE players to be forced to “endure” WvW just like they have to “endure” PvE to get legendary weapons.
If this thread has convinced me of anything, it’s that there are some really unpleasant WvW players.
I just got an extra set of armour to try wvw a couple of days ago, before this change went live, but maybe I’ll pass.
I love the fact that the same update that gave WvW access to HoT items without having to dirty their hands in that nasty PVE they hate also forced PVE players to grind WvW.
Such prime irony.
Get a build and join a zerg and have fun! Wvw is the most fun part of the game.
That’s crap. I already posted in the other thread, but like I said there, I’ve earned over 1,500 badges YEARS ago, almost EXCLUSIVELY from playing solo. Following a blue dot and hitting 1 may be fun to you, but a lot of us don’t feel the same way. Playing solo, it would take a hell of a long time to get something I feel I am entitled to. The only reason I didn’t already buy the gift was because it would be a waste of inventory space. Now, just because of that, I have to go back and redo everything?
No. That’s crap.
Sounds like even more crap. And after posting the same crap in multiple threads it’s still crap.
You got 1500 Badges years ago? So after that it took you years to be able to think about your legendary? And all those years of pressing 1 while running in a Zerg in silverwastes/hots-maps … must have been a lot of fun, no?! Reward tracks are a looooot faster than the PvE-crap you’ve got to do for a legendary.
Besides that, those Badges where always a joke. Useless for WvW (why bother for the gift of battle whitout a way to get the other stuff in a sane time in wvw; you can’t even sell that crap gift; there once was (or still is) even armor that can’t be salvaged, lol), much to easy to get (there was (or still is) even a time where you got free badges from level-up/achievement-points chest … lol, without even being once in wvw you got everything for that gift. ridiculous) and now finally gone. Sadly the new badges sound like a joke too.
Best solution would be to make that gift tradeable, so wvw-players could finally get some money in wvw.
And as it seems, people like Shanks R Us are having a great time farming gold for years on some pve-map. Win-Win then?
So after that it took you years to be able to think about your legendary?
Yes, it did. Up until a few weeks ago, I exclusively played PvP & WvW. I never liked PvE.
And all those years of pressing 1 while running in a Zerg in silverwastes/hots-maps … must have been a lot of fun, no?! Reward tracks are a looooot faster than the PvE-crap you’ve got to do for a legendary.
I never did PvE. Up until a few weeks ago, the highest map completion character I had was 39%, which was the first character I ever made. By the way, I started playing in beta, had 2 day head start. I’ve quit a few times, obviously, but have played on/off.
Besides that, those Badges where always a joke. Useless for WvW (why bother for the gift of battle whitout a way to get the other stuff in a sane time in wvw; you can’t even sell that crap gift; there once was (or still is) even armor that can’t be salvaged, lol), much to easy to get (there was (or still is) even a time where you got free badges from level-up/achievement-points chest … lol, without even being once in wvw you got everything for that gift. ridiculous) and now finally gone. Sadly the new badges sound like a joke too.
I got all the badges before you could get them from achievement chests. Again, almost exclusively roaming solo.
And as it seems, people like Shanks R Us are having a great time farming gold for years on some pve-map.
Don’t take me to be just another PvE scrub QQing. The reason I’m kittened is because I’m NOT one. I’ve always been strictly PvP, the gift of battle is the only thing I could ever easily get. And now that I finally want to start trying PvE, all my PvP rewards are taken away.
Here’s a pic.
(Most of my games came a long time before they started tracking arena games. Used to be they just clumped them all together. Almost all the games played were free/paid tournaments.)
Putting the vendor back up temporarily, allows players who aren’t currently playing WvW to spend their badges without playing more WvW. Those badges were earned.
It doesn’t require any other change to the reward track.
It reduces the number of basically unhelpful players and makes access to WvW easier.
Do we want angry PvE players coming here with totally different goals? Do we want big PvE guilds flooding our lobby to farm badges of honor only?
This is not how we get more players, it is how we make players stay away longer.
I love the fact that the same update that gave WvW access to HoT items without having to dirty their hands in that nasty PVE they hate also forced PVE players to grind WvW.
Such prime irony.
And it will be great having those PvE’rs contributing absolutely nothing to WvW at the same time. Wait till the really big PvE guilds flood the lobby, farming only GoBs. Your gonna love it.
That is Irony.
While maintaining maximum participation level it would take roughly 9 hours to get one of these.
It is also possible to get it without actually participating in WvW by doing Big Spender but the price increase to 1,200 Badges of Honor and the number of days becomes a minimum of 80xlength of each daily cycle.
I’m a WvW’er and am forced to do PvE map completion, which takes days, to get a Gift of Exploration. You complainers can’t be kitten d to take five hours out of your busy schedule to do a bit of WvW for a Gift of Mastery? Like ermagerd
well the solution shouldnt be :eff you I got mine but:give the wvwers some alternative to this so they dont have to slog through stuff you dont like. Not:I have to suffer so you have too but.. why do we have to suffer? Thats not fun.
Not fun isnt something I´d like connected to GW2.. But it seems like they are trying hard to do it anyways^^
Please just readd the vendor for a week for people who were not aware of this change.
I like this change, I was thinking that anet should have made a repeatable reward track for WvW players that rewarded a gift of exploration after you complete it multiple times, similar to SPvP’s Perfect Mist Core, but this is better instead. Forces PvE players to do WvW similar to how we are forced to do PvE.
Yes, a WvW Reward Track that after ~10-15 completions rewards a Gift of Exploration doesn’t sound bad at all. It would still be the same effort timewise but can be done in WvW if that’s what you prefer doing. Sounds like an excellent idea actually!
However I strongly disagree that this new way of aquiring Gift of Battle is somehow beneficial for anyone.
It makes me sad that I keep reading comment after comment about “finally PvE:ers get to suffer too, fairness, mwahahaha!”. You do realise you’re also going to be suffering? That almost every PvE:er that wants this Gift is now gonna mess up your WvW?
If you are a noob in PvE trying to get your map completion done I am not gonna suffer one bit, since PvE is not as dependant on cooperation as WvW is.
It’s also not limited on slots; if a map is full I will just get moved to a different version of the same map. Makes no difference to me. I am not forced to queue for PvE just because a bunch of WvW:ers are doing map completion.. WvW on the other hand, is limited on slots, and if a bunch of people are standing around doing almost nothing for 8 hours straight taking up slots, or doing stupid kitten just to keep their Participation up, I’m pretty sure it will affect your experience in WvW negatively. I still remebmer quite a few frowny faces on WvW:ers when the WvW Tournament achievement hunters were in there! Sooo much QQ cuz a bunch of PvE plebs were ruining the WvW experience just doing stupid stuff to get some achievements.
It would be better for everyone if those not in the least interested in WvW can just pop in, buy their Gifts, and leave.
And to anyone saying “You just got your badges from Achievement Chests, you didn’t work for them!”.. Yeah? You’d rather farm 1000-1500 Achievement Points than 500 Badges of Honor? You think that takes 0 effort? Hah!
I just finished the reward track. Took about 4-5 hours. Woulda been shorter with 100% participation the whole time (which is easy to do).
BS. Max tick is 214 points with 100% participation on highest level AND the GH 10% Reward Track booster active.
20000 points / 214 points means it has to tick for 94 times to complete (and this is assuming you have 100% participation from the get-go, which you don’t).
94 times 5 minutes = 470 minutes = 7 hours 50 minutes.
I just finished the reward track. Took about 4-5 hours. Woulda been shorter with 100% participation the whole time (which is easy to do).
BS. Max tick is 214 points with 100% participation on highest level AND the GH 10% Reward Track booster active.
20000 points / 214 points means it has to tick for 94 times to complete (and this is assuming you have 100% participation from the get-go, which you don’t).
94 times 5 minutes = 470 minutes = 7 hours 50 minutes.
I can vouch for this since i completed the track. It took me more than that because i exit wvw every now and then to do other game stuff. Participation decays as per normal when you exit wvw, so after your dungeon/fractal/spvp run, you start all over again. 7-9 Hrs assuming you stay in wvw and continuously “paticipate” without exiting.
It is purely unnecessary change. I see many players already afking/running pass each other as enemy just to cap points. Enemies dont even fight now. Very soon we will have karma reward train. See blobs rushing points then afk, and see these “true wvwers” whine.
I’m a WvW’er and am forced to do PvE map completion, which takes days, to get a Gift of Exploration. You complainers can’t be kitten d to take five hours out of your busy schedule to do a bit of WvW for a Gift of Mastery? Like ermagerd
You already said “off your busy schedule”, so what are you arguing? We are busy (you agreed to it) and ANET just wanna add more burden to our busy schedule, and you are going yay yay over it?
(edited by Aeristoreine.9351)
I think this is a questionable change, but on the other hand I am wondering why people didn’t use their “thousands of badges” to get what they needed especially since badges have little other use than that one daily. It makes sense if you feel you can’t grind badges to get it, but otherwise with preexisting badges? With badges becoming an increasingly devalued currency and also found via achievement chests, I think it would only be practical to buy it in case.
I have an unused Gift of Battle from years ago, because I think they announced some changes to badges even though I haven’t bothered making a legendary.
My personal opinion is there should be a substitute for the gift of battle (maybe a mastery in pve could be done as much), since there are substitutes for pve in WvW via heroics and it could involve those badges.
My thoughts…
We have had zero info on legendary armors and it’s being speculated that we will need 6 gifts of battle. So no info to prepare players for 8 months, release final wing and kill off vendor.
So if you’re sitting there with badges like I am waiting for info, it kinda sucks to be in a position where I have 25k badges and now may have to grind out that track 6 times. It’s a lack of options thing and I don’t see why both methods can’t exist.
Both methods can’t exist for exactly the reason you’re stating.
It’s like saying here’s this new legendary armor and instead of making you do stuff for it, we’re going to give it to you for all the stuff you already have. Which doesn’t make sense, because the idea of things like legendary armors is to keep people playing.
Too many people have too many badges, even from achievement chests, to make that a viable way to keep people playing.
Why do you think each zone now has it’s own currency moving forward. So you can’t get it with existing currencies. If you want the stuff, you play the content.
You want something from VB, play VB. If Anet wanted people to get stuff easily they’d simply have left everything karma.
I just think it would be a nice gesture and option with all things considered.
Well, it would have defeated the purpose of the change I’m guessing. What needed to be done was better communication of what was coming, rather than a single note once in the patch notes.
I’m usually pretty up on the changes, but this wasn’t on my radar either.
Forcing people to do content they don’t want to do to finish their PvE items is not good at keeping players happy.
It also makes the content worse for people who WANT to do it. WvW is going to suffer from this change.
(edited by Shiyo.3578)
Lol. ~9 hours of half-afking in wvw to get a gift. That’s some incredible design.
I like this change, I was thinking that anet should have made a repeatable reward track for WvW players that rewarded a gift of exploration after you complete it multiple times, similar to SPvP’s Perfect Mist Core, but this is better instead. Forces PvE players to do WvW similar to how we are forced to do PvE.
Yes, a WvW Reward Track that after ~10-15 completions rewards a Gift of Exploration doesn’t sound bad at all. It would still be the same effort timewise but can be done in WvW if that’s what you prefer doing. Sounds like an excellent idea actually!
However I strongly disagree that this new way of aquiring Gift of Battle is somehow beneficial for anyone.
It makes me sad that I keep reading comment after comment about “finally PvE:ers get to suffer too, fairness, mwahahaha!”. You do realise you’re also going to be suffering? That almost every PvE:er that wants this Gift is now gonna mess up your WvW?If you are a noob in PvE trying to get your map completion done I am not gonna suffer one bit, since PvE is not as dependant on cooperation as WvW is.
It’s also not limited on slots; if a map is full I will just get moved to a different version of the same map. Makes no difference to me. I am not forced to queue for PvE just because a bunch of WvW:ers are doing map completion.. WvW on the other hand, is limited on slots, and if a bunch of people are standing around doing almost nothing for 8 hours straight taking up slots, or doing stupid kitten just to keep their Participation up, I’m pretty sure it will affect your experience in WvW negatively. I still remebmer quite a few frowny faces on WvW:ers when the WvW Tournament achievement hunters were in there! Sooo much QQ cuz a bunch of PvE plebs were ruining the WvW experience just doing stupid stuff to get some achievements.
It would be better for everyone if those not in the least interested in WvW can just pop in, buy their Gifts, and leave.And to anyone saying “You just got your badges from Achievement Chests, you didn’t work for them!”.. Yeah? You’d rather farm 1000-1500 Achievement Points than 500 Badges of Honor? You think that takes 0 effort? Hah!
Just to add to this. For all of the people talking about making PvE players suffer, just take a look at PvP right now. The PvP legendary backpack influenced a lot of PvE players to try PvP in order to get their achievements and the regular PvP players have absolutely kittening hated every minute of it. Do you guys honestly think it will be any different for WvW? It would be even worse considering anyone who wants more than 1 legendary will have to keep coming back and back and back to do the track all over again. So I’m not so sure why this is making you guys cream your pants in excitement