Gliding - Everywhere - but not WvW

Gliding - Everywhere - but not WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


There was a ranger video here which I can’t find anyone where the Druid was able to leap in to keeps and towers with his great sword and staff. Imagine if gliding was in WvW how bad it would be if zergs could gliding in to keeps. In order for gliding they would have to change a lot of terrain or put a bunch of invisible walls up which is not one of the things WvW needs right now.

RP enthusiast

Gliding - Everywhere - but not WvW

in WvW

Posted by: rchu.8945


Well, gliding is coming to tyria. All the cities, like Rata Sum, all the jump puzzles, the exciting areas to explore and so on.

But not WvW.

Not to mention we still don’t have autoloot. I know we are getting some sort of stuff later in the year, but at least give us the gliding, or the autoloot, or something to remind us that we are actually part of the game that is Guildwars2.

Frequent update everywhere, but not WvW.

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