HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI
Dont gloat too much jed, the keep means nothing to us, everything is going the way we want it
Eredon Terrace {RUIN}
“I’m the one with the scary horned skull helm”
Dont gloat too much jed, the keep means nothing to us, everything is going the way we want it
Yes we know you just want to tunnel vision hod to try to make us lose, you are in for a rude awakening. not only will you lose, but we won’t.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
On Sb i always pay all the upgrades , seen like others never have money , also i lead with my guildmate and other 2 members taking all camps always them we lead the zergs to destroy all , Mostly we are 5 man vs zerg and we are the vanguard killing and going vs the other , Mostly when i attak and rush when the others are behind me them i see the zerg near me killing the others servers and followings us, we are a very little guild of 5 members but we do elite pvp and know how to take down all.
Nice to see people on Stormbluff i like the people here are mostly nice, and i dont care if i have level 25 or lower in my party i teach them to pvp and help them and support they always to lean how to make a good teamplay.
Keep the good game and we will kepp wining and getting better.
Regards. LX Legion.
(LX) Legion
The problem with SBI in my opinion, and they are a good WvW server make no doubt about it with good guilds and players, are they are too content being number two whereas ET and JQ aim for number 1.
People still don’t get it. Lets see do I attack a keep that is fully upgraded, has defensive seige and people defending it or do I attack the keep that no one bothered to upgrade, put defensive siege in or upgrade? If you want to keep your stuff defend it. The zerg from point to point capping and not defending days are gone now that it is a weeklong match.
I know last night on SBI borderlands threw themselves at Ascension bay relentlessly rather than pushing east. You were going up against a keep that was fully upgraded, had defensive trebs, mortars, cannons, arrow carts, balistae you name it. you didn’t even bother to try to set up siege when you did cap the supply camp and instead just tried to throw shere numbers at it.
The only reason you took AB last night was because HOD was seiging garrison and we went to defend it instead of staying at AB. You would have never taken AB if we didn’t get hit by HOD at garrison and I can garuntee you that.
I can’t speak for other maps since I only play on SBI borderlands but this is the mentality I have seen from JQQ all week. Ignore HOD completely and push SBI till we are pushed out. The reason we fortified the hell out of AB last night was because franky I am tired of giving you guys any room to brethe whatsoever and you just focusing us. Learn to tak oportunities you are given. Figure out when your not going to take something and either improve your tactics or assault a softer target.
Every night it was the same story on SBI borderlands we would get pushed to garrison by both sides right when we had people start logging for the night. Did JQQ take anything from HOD? newp they blined it for us every time with a vengeance.
Ah well mad props to HOD and less QQ from JQQ
Um now I am not that familiar with gamer slang But my understanding of QQ is like crying and whining right? Correct me if I’m wrong on that.
If I’m right though…you should reread your post and ask yourself….don’t you sound a little whiney? I don’t really know how to properly use it in a sentence but doesn’t your post seem a little, QQish?
Edit. Just FYI I’m staying out of the peakittening. I am on JQ, but arguing/putting each other down in a video game seems like kind of a waste of time and energy to me. I just thought your post was funny.
Edit again: haha I can’t name the animal that wanders around with big bright feathers to show off…it censors it. Well…I meant the male version of a peahen, in verb form.
the origin of QQ comes from Warcraft 3, where to quit the game you would hold alt and press q twice so alt+qq. A lot of times people would ragequit matches by just alt+qq out of the game. so the term QQ more developed.
It has evolved to mean whining or crying, or raging, depending on context and people identify it as looking like crying eyes.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
I think once Anet addresses the queue lengths we are going to see better games from all 3 servers. Its hard getting a big group of guild or alliance members in together now.
I don’t really care if HoD loses to SteelBluff because imo they really deserve it I just don’t want those smug ruinnation winning
And here I thought QQ were two crying eyes… you know Q_Q
If this thread keeps up any longer, there is going to be a new internet term; JQQ – meaning an entire group of people who whine and cry…
Perhaps lets focus on other things instead?