HoD sweeping in WvW

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: rook.4625


What MikeB said, the queues are not bad at all.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Alethia.3597


I love WvW. I have since the first days of confusion and getting lost in beta.

I hadn’t had much time due to various issues to play WvW in my own prime time, so up until the last couple of days I had only managed to get in during the weekend when the queues were already high. Being an oceanic player on SBI the only word to describe what I was in last night is a massacre. I talked about it with another guild member who persisted and was talking with our side after I had to exit the match and it sounds like it didn’t improve. It actually sounds like a lot of oceanic players are considering avoiding WvW and might play elsewhere until there is a balanced match up. For over an hour last night my guild member and her party could not get further from a base than an inch on the map, after switching maps that increased to about two inches. The matches are also starting to turn from friendly rivalry I had seen previously into an ugly taunting sessions by a selected part of the player community. I would not be encouraging new players into that environment.

The only map that had any chance of actually being able to play on was the EB, but we did check out all the borderlands to see what the lay of the land was to see if we could manage even small tasks for our side.

GW2 is giving us a strong hint that we shouldn’t be playing where we are… the best idea for us in WvW to not break your bank is to not bother wearing your armor until you can see if there is a way through the army that has you blocked in on your spawn points. I tried every route I know of out of our bases when we loaded in. Even the crazy ones which sometimes end in death jumping off cliffs. Every one had us either outnumbered at least 6:1 (yes, we counted after we were dead) and/or was covered by manned siege equipment that nearly wiped us out before we got swarmed again. If you want to try and get into another area it often means abandoning your side trying to push out of base to death while you try and sneak off the battlefield. I managed to get out of the areas around our base twice last night, but as usual there was a sea of red between me and anything I could accomplish other than trying to skulk unseen like Frodo heading into Mordor. Sadly, I don’t sneak as well as Frodo, so I was ganged up on by about 18 players competing to finish me off and sent back to the start again. I don’t know if the areas outside of the main spawn points are outnumbered to the same extent, but as soon as any kind of battle symbol goes up the area gets swarmed with reinforcements anyway.

My guild members know I am somewhat insane with attempting impossible odds, but even I am not going to hit my head on a wall trying to divide up an army with my party so we have 20 foes each to beat. Well, not every night.

I don’t know what the solution to this is going to be. What someone else brought up is a good point though: the server resets in off peak hours with a mismatch of populations turns interesting odds defending what your server owns into impossible odds. A few people can try and defend your keeps. A few people cannot reclaim everything they have lost when they are so outnumbered.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: aneirin.4289


Just 2 cents from an Oceanic player: my friends and I have been on Henge since the beta weekends, so not a matter of transferring to the winning team at all. We haven’t played much wvwvw, but it is a little disheartening to join and play and find out people are whining about us taking part – I’m sorry, but we don’t have our own servers, so until we do how is it fair that we’re not allowed to play just because some people don’t like losing? Just because the server is based in NA doesn’t mean that we’re all guests and we’re somehow intruding on your private playing time

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


HoD wins, yes. You guys are good.

However your dominance has showed the severe problems with this WvW system and I’m sure things will be changed in the future.

We have had 0 queue time since 2:00 PM Eastern time zone, so it’s not wonder we are getting owned, no one wants to play!

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: BleedOrange.6073


The truth is that HoD gained ground against both SI and ET, for the most part, during full pop hours. SI gaine 10k per from ~11PM to ~8AM. There was more loss during early evening hours. Basically, sleeping hours and working hours were the weakest hours of HoD. That is what REALLY happened. So, I guess SI had a large group of people on a 3 day weekend. Once that ended, fairness in pops showed the real skilled server.

You’re out of your mind. Posting obviously untrue things and then calling them facts doesn’t make them so.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


HoD your play was never based on skill what you have done here is metagame and exploit. As far as i see you guys don’t even count you pulled in out of region players for the intended goal of having players while no other us server would. Anet change the location of the keep lord in sm due to your exploting and other issues you have presented are being worked on now.

But its good these things needed to be adressed and your guys constant attempts to take advantage of people just trying to enjoy the game for what ever reason make it possable.

At least you guys will still have the screens from when you were able to exploit you can put them up on your TA website.

Infact you should take a screen of this.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ImProVocateur.5189


So when dominance is shown in Basketball or Football, we can all assume its exploits or the sport is broken?

Talent shows.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


HoD your play was never based on skill what you have done here is metagame and exploit. As far as i see you guys don’t even count you pulled in out of region players for the intended goal of having players while no other us server would. Anet change the location of the keep lord in sm due to your exploting and other issues you have presented are being worked on now.

But its good these things needed to be adressed and your guys constant attempts to take advantage of people just trying to enjoy the game for what ever reason make it possable.

At least you guys will still have the screens from when you were able to exploit you can put them up on your TA website.

Infact you should take a screen of this.

actually the idea was any other smart server would have oceanic players and we would need to be able to compete with that.

So yeah, it’s not our fault titan came prepared and no one else decided to. exxcept some did, they just arent fielding their players for whatever reason. well they were, but then they just stopped coming out to play after we beat them.

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aza.2105


So when dominance is shown in Basketball or Football, we can all assume its exploits or the sport is broken?

Talent shows.

Nah its the equivalent of a football team scoring touch downs when the opposing team only has two players. Then calling yourself the champ.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Whargoul.9613


What a sorry bunch of sore losers!

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


So when dominance is shown in Basketball or Football, we can all assume its exploits or the sport is broken?

Talent shows.

Nah its the equivalent of a football team scoring touch downs when the opposing team only has two players. Then calling yourself the champ.

No, it’s that equivalent, but the two players are the only one the manager was able to get on the field, and the rest of the team are sleeping, and the manager is just bored and doesn’t feel like recruiting talent to play the game. Instead, he yells at the referee “What the kitten man!” and throws up his arms. After the loss, they all go back into the locker room and blame the other team for fully manning a team correctly. They complain about how unbalanced the game is, making the manager feel like he’s just doing the best he can. The manager doesn’t want to work hard, put in long hours and recruit the 9 other players he needs for that time period. He’s happy that his little league team is competing just fine and daydreams of coming in third for a participation trophy.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


The only time HOD has queues is when we’re winning, there was no queues Monday or Tuesday night except for EB.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: cryptomega.3745


Haha! Business! .jpg

I welcome our new management overlords.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


So when dominance is shown in Basketball or Football, we can all assume its exploits or the sport is broken?

Talent shows.

LOL! Hahahaha, this kid is comparing a competitive game with equal teams at all times. To a lop sided video game mode that favors having more players on a team at all times. Putting it nicely…You have never played a sport in your life. Football players don’t win the super bowl to forfeits. You get penalized for having more players on the field. You are very ignorant to have said this statement. Nothing is a real competition without skill being the only deciding factor. Till then your all arguing about whose the best in a game mode that clearly has none at all.

Dragonbrand Server

(edited by Fury.6248)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423



This is a sport bro? It isn’t? Then why all the fairness tears?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


I am replying to the fool who related WvW to a real spot when it has 0 in common. An I never said this was a sport to begin with but nice of you to chime in with irrelevant comments that has zero reference to what anyone has said.

Dragonbrand Server

(edited by Fury.6248)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: cryptomega.3745


Not a sport, though a game.

A form of play or sport, esp. a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.

I suppose those crying about having their undefended assets capped during off-peak fall under the unlucky category, though you would have us believe it is lack of “number management”. Whatever makes you feel better.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


LOL! Hahahaha, this kid is comparing a competitive game with equal teams at all times. To a lop sided video game mode that favors having more players on a team at all times. Putting it nicely…You have never played a sport in your life. Football players don’t win the super bowl to forfeits. You get penalized for having more players on the field. You are very ignorant to have said this statement. Nothing is a real competition without skill being the only deciding factor. Till then your all arguing about whose the best in a game mode that clearly has none at all.

Well my advice would be to get some Oceanic players…but it’s probably too late, you lot have acted like such complete dic.ks with all this bad sportsmanship and spewing all this hatred for “nightcapping” (which is just us playing during our natural hours) you’ve probably alienated the Oceanic community. Doubt few of us will want to play for your side now.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.

Your saying we should all exploit? Tell me man are you one of the early morning players if so is it fun to siege with no resistance?

If you are a day time player is it fun to just try to hold on to what was taken over night?

Does it make you feel good when you win because of an exploit like you guys had done many times before the sm lord was moved?

How do you guys think your metagaming has effected game health?

But like I said i think its a good thing cause these things need to be addresed.
I have posted a thread on some things that i think could bring balence to wvwvw if you guys from TA and other teams would check it out and tell me what you think it would be great. forums>suggestions>wvwvw exp system, siege machanics,and orbs.

If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the Revolution.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Maybe people should stick to posting on the forums when they actually accomplish something of note. Your WvW fields a random number of pugs/guilds from your server which is hardly your full population. Your never playing in WvW without some type of advantages of some sort. It’s hardly a real competitive game mode. It will never be a “E sport” no matter how many forum posts people make. In fact if your seeking respect from your gaming peers your never even going to earn it when you get beat the entire weekend when you actually have people on the same playing field as you. I mean if you can’t win when the servers are actually all queued up and full of people in WvW then your not any good to begin with. Besides any half decent gamer doesn’t need a WvW point score to tell them who is good or bad. They already know they are far superior to you after owning you the entire weekend they played. Now they go back to their jobs Mon-Friday without giving a dam what you do during the week online. Grat’s on winning a game mode focused on casuals and having fun when a large percent of the player base is no longer playing it. Sorry you lost when it actually got competitive over the weekend. Better luck next time.

Dragonbrand Server

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


^this guy is just embarrassing himself and his server.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


^this guy is just embarrassing himself and his server.

My server could care less you ignorant fool. Server this server that you just fail to realize no one gives a kitten. I already know you suck cause 99% of the fools who brag on forums are freaking terrible gamers. No one cares what time zone you play in. No one cares what server your from. I am not even on the three servers in question.

Dragonbrand Server

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


Well your guild leader needs to come in and sweep you up.

People posting here should have to show what server/guild they’re in. The trash talk in here (see above) is shameful.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


lol, what the hell does a guild leader have to do with me talking on forums? you think this is a exclusive club that you have to be careful what you say in? Its a public forum bro. I don’t join guilds cause I need a babysitter bro I join guilds cause I have friends most from real life.

Dragonbrand Server

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Redundancy.7325


I think it all comes down to something pretty simple.

Over the weekend, there was all out war between 3 capped servers. During the week you’ve got a larger force rolling over other servers during non prime hours and the other servers fighting back during prime hours against a buffed force with buffed keeps. We can go round about over the hows and the whys of what happened, but maybe we should take a step back from the way the game currently functions to ask ourselves:

Where do you think the bulk of the reward should have been handed out in this scenario, winning the high participation war or winning the low participation war?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


What are you doing in this thread, if you’re not in the current vs HoD matchup?

What server are you from? Because as it stands you’re making SBI and ET look bad, assumption has to be you’re from one of those servers unless you name what server/guild you’re on after all this trash talk.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


What are you doing in this thread, if you’re not in the current vs HoD matchup?

What server are you from? Because as it stands you’re making SBI and ET look bad, assumption has to be you’re from one of those servers unless you name what server/guild you’re on after all this trash talk.

How do they look bad? They owned yall all weekend? lol. You just look bad for posting on forums acting like your some PvP guru while you ignore people in game requesting to really pvp you. And…. offline you go. Peace.

Dragonbrand Server

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


Well your guild leader needs to come in and sweep you up.

People posting here should have to show what server/guild they’re in. The trash talk in here (see above) is shameful.

People posting here have your User ID: Lollie.5816 who is currently in bloodtide coast area. I’m sorry did you miss that whisper in game while your currently logged in telling you to meet me in the mists? You can stop pretending now.

Uhh yeah I have an afk warrior there. What’s the issue?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Paranoid.9542



I think they were refering to you saying that WvW will never be an esport, when WvW was never intended to be an esport and nobody ever claimed that.

The esport was centred around sPvP. That is what makes you sound foolish.

(edited by Paranoid.9542)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Well your guild leader needs to come in and sweep you up.

People posting here should have to show what server/guild they’re in. The trash talk in here (see above) is shameful.

People posting here have your User ID: Lollie.5816 who is currently in bloodtide coast area. I’m sorry did you miss that whisper in game while your currently logged in telling you to meet me in the mists? You can stop pretending now.

Uhh yeah I have an afk warrior there. What’s the issue?

Your bragging on forums talking about how people are trash talking all the same time avoiding real pvp? So.. your encouraging winning while people are not playing in WvW and avoiding pvp when people whisper you… yet we are suppose to take you seriously?

Dragonbrand Server

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


Your bragging on forums talking about how people are trash talking all the same time avoiding real pvp? So.. your encouraging winning while people are not playing in WvW and avoiding pvp when people whisper you… yet we are suppose to take you seriously?

I’m talking about your anger/trash talk for the Oceanic players, saying our efforts are effectively exploits and worthless.

Where am I bragging? Btw the character you’re messaging is a low level warrior, which I’m levelling atm. I don’t see how this is an issue for you, so stop harassing my character ingame, thanks.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


I have said nothing but decent things about HoD players, but the more I read these forums the more I’m finding them to be very egotistical…


HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248



I think they were refering to you sayind that WvW will never be an esport, when WvW was never intended to be an esport and nobody ever claimed that.

The esport was centred around sPvP. That is what makes you sound foolish.

Exactly WvW is not a skill based pvp mode. Yet I see endless posts of people defending the people saying “HoD is so pro at pvp”. So myself being a pvper am required to chime in.. Because did you not just get roflstomped while everyone was at max capacity over the weekend? I mean that’s great you can come back and all when your server population can carry you.. but I mean why are you still bragging when your skill decided the outcome and you lost?

Dragonbrand Server

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Your bragging on forums talking about how people are trash talking all the same time avoiding real pvp? So.. your encouraging winning while people are not playing in WvW and avoiding pvp when people whisper you… yet we are suppose to take you seriously?

I’m talking about your anger/trash talk for the Oceanic players, saying our efforts are effectively exploits and worthless.

Where am I bragging? Btw the character you’re messaging is a low level warrior, which I’m levelling atm. I don’t see how this is an issue for you, so stop harassing my character ingame, thanks.

When have I said one thing about oceanic players?
I don’t give a kitten what time zone your in. Quote me talking about oceanic players. Your so caught up in your own lies you don’t even know who your talking to on the forums anymore.

Dragonbrand Server

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lollie.5816


I sadly suspect I’ve just stumbled across a crazy person.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


Exactly WvW is not a skill based pvp mode. Yet I see endless posts of people defending the people saying “HoD is so pro at pvp”. So myself being a pvper am required to chime in.. Because did you not just get roflstomped while everyone was at max capacity over the weekend? I mean that’s great you can come back and all when your server population can carry you.. but I mean why are you still bragging when your skill decided the outcome and you lost?

Individual skill of players does come into play, just not anywhere near as much as structured. Saying there is no skill in WvW is only partly true, however there is more to skill then just technical skill.

I do agree people saying that they are winning WvW purely due to skill are full of themselves.

Also, I’m not on the HoD server I’m on ET.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Brome.7036


Fury, you are way too mad. Have a tissue.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jarlax.3691


This thread has turned to crap, I hope a mod closes it

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


^this guy is just embarrassing himself and his server.

He has been for many pages now. I’m surprised he is still in this days later after how embarrassing his post history has been.

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


I sadly suspect I’ve just stumbled across a crazy person.

I am the crazy one when you lied an said I trash talked oceanic’s in a previous post? Or am I crazy for actually wanting to pvp? last time I checked people pvp in the mists all day and its a very competitive game mode so its harassment to say come pvp me? You claim I am mad when I spit out facts. You claim I am mad cause I want to pvp? How come you pvp again? I assume it’s cause its fun… but I could be mistaken. I’ll let you figure out some more things to make up, but you reek of baddie.

Dragonbrand Server

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.3406


As this discussion has run its course, the thread is closed.