How to fix the scoring system in WvW: From an NA player prospective.

How to fix the scoring system in WvW: From an NA player prospective.

in WvW

Posted by: silvermember.8941


I find your last sentence reversed. If all you want to do is have fun, then yes the current WvW is interesting, but if you are doing it to win, then really what’s the point?

Do you get epic loots at the end?

Do you get your name written on the hearts of your enemies?

Do you get to pillage enemy towns and take their women?

You get fun out of it.

The point is fun.

That statement wasn’t really contradictory for the following reason.

WvW unfortunately is dependent on people actually wanting to do it. From my experience in Aion, there is only so much losing a person can take before they say what’s the point and quit. WvW at its funnest for me is when we were all fighting equally during the first 3 day, now I personally don’t care and I hate the fact I m losing not because our strateg sucks but because one server happen to have more oceanic players.

BTW my statement wasn’t meant to be taken to its absolute limit. There is only so much crap i can take before i say whatever and do something else.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.