Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild
Rub the ground to res ftw.
You sound like Dhuum.
Don’t make me get Grenth on you.
Hard revives only out of combat is a very good way for smaller guild raids to totally destroy unorganised zergs.
That would not solve the problem at all.
The small group would kill few zerg members and then be defeated. The zerg would then be out of combat and able to revive the dead allies.
There is no need for dead revival in WvW.
i can only see valid points to OP proposal.
it would certainly add tatical depth at almost no cost.( guerilla , assasination..)
Zerg would suffer from attrition, the further there are from their spawn point. it would provide an interesting challenge for commanders.
And it would remove issue of nameplates of deap players polluting the battle field .
Anet should give it a try .
The resurrector cannot be in combat… therefore combat interrupts revive for x period of time
Ugh… that would be like telling the medics to wait until the battle is over before they try to help the wounded.
The only idea I can say I like is the “no rezzing a dead player unless out of combat,” but ONLY ONLY ONLY IF IT EFFECTS ONLY WVW. I do not want this feature anywhere else. <_<
The only idea I can say I like is the “no rezzing a dead player unless out of combat,” but ONLY ONLY ONLY IF IT EFFECTS ONLY WVW. I do not want this feature anywhere else. <_<
I think that’s exactly the idea; this would only apply to WvWvW. The rezzing mechanics throughout the rest of the game would remain as they are.
There’s even a precedent for this; the dungeons. They changed the dungeons so a defeated player can not respawn at a waypoint and run back to rejoin the fight while their party is still in combat.
If changes to the respawning mechanic can be made on a case-by-case basis such as was done with the dungeons, it shouldn’t be any more difficult to implement a change to the rezzing mechanic inside of WvWvW (and only WvWvW).
Hard revives only out of combat is a very good way for smaller guild raids to totally destroy unorganised zergs.
That would not solve the problem at all.
The small group would kill few zerg members and then be defeated. The zerg would then be out of combat and able to revive the dead allies.
There is no need for dead revival in WvW.
Not necessarily. It’s not a gurantee that the small group will be defeated by the larger group. Through good organization and communication, the smaller group can kite, they can juke, they can use terrain to their advantage, they can portal, they can push out from a tower or keep, kill a few enemies, then retreat back into the tower or keep again. Slowly they can whittle away the zerg while avoiding defeat. With no revives while in combat, this gives the smaller group an opportunity to wipe the larger group through attrition and be rewarded for playing skillfully (which is the whole point).
Of course, the zergers hate this suggestion because they know if it were implemented, they’re doomed. They rely on superior numbers and human wave tactics to overwhelm their opponents. In a game where death carries no real consequence other than being out of the fight for a few seconds, this tactic reigns supreme. The moment defeat becomes permanent (while in combat), the crutch they’ve been relying on will be removed and they’re going to have to learn to fight better or die.
Besides, zergers, this suggestion benefits you as much as anyone. Mindlessly running in circles in a herd loses its appeal very quickly. If you have any desire to see WvWvW remain a viable aspect of the game over the long-term, changes are going to have to implemented to improve the depth of the strategies and tactics used there. Otherwise, WvWvW will devolve into repetitious tedium as a result of the one-dimensional blobbing tactic. Players will eventually stop playing WvWvW out of boredom.
If you, personally, can not see this, you can bet ArenaNet does. If for no other reason than enlightened self-interest, ArenaNet – as a business that wants to see their business grow – will implement changes to WvWvW to break up zergs one way or the other. ArenaNet takes a cautious approach and is slow to implement sweeping changes, but they do get there eventually.
Regardless of the specific changes that are coming, rest assured they are coming. The days of mindless zerging as the single most effective tactic for earning WXP and karma are numbered. The training wheels will be coming off and if you have any interest in being effective in WvWvW after that, you would be wise to start upping your game and learning to do more than run with the herd.
Its already slowed down, and detrimental by taking people away from their war effort, to rez in combat.
Personally I like people rezzing in combat, lets me kill more of them.
so.. no! :p
Disallowing reviving while in combat isn’t enough. It still ends up being whichever group wins the battle comes out unharmed, and that will usually be the bigger group. If you are successful in taking out a few members of a zerg, that zerg should be damaged even if they still win the battle.
Hard revives only out of combat is a very good way for smaller guild raids to totally destroy unorganised zergs.
That would not solve the problem at all.
The small group would kill few zerg members and then be defeated. The zerg would then be out of combat and able to revive the dead allies.
There is no need for dead revival in WvW.
Not necessarily. It’s not a gurantee that the small group will be defeated by the larger group. Through good organization and communication, the smaller group can kite, they can juke, they can use terrain to their advantage, they can portal, they can push out from a tower or keep, kill a few enemies, then retreat back into the tower or keep again. Slowly they can whittle away the zerg while avoiding defeat. With no revives while in combat, this gives the smaller group an opportunity to wipe the larger group through attrition and be rewarded for playing skillfully (which is the whole point
I may have expressed myself poorly.
What I meant is that it shouldn’t be applied only in combat, because, if the zerg wins the fight against a smaller group, they will be able to revive anyway, because they will not be in combat anymore.
I am all for no revives in WvW. Let my small team do some difference in the battlefield, please.
Nothing we do matters because whoever we kill, they get ressed in seconds.
Because you didn’t do enough to kill enough of their players, keep their living players too busy to revive others, or control the ground they died on.
Do those things, push them into choke points, divide up their zerg, pin them down with siege fire, and whatever other tactics the brilliant commanders here are using to defeat forces larger than themselves, and you will have forced their dead players to respawn with no chance of being revived, a mechanic that already exists in the game when one’s living allies can’t get to a defeated player’s body.
Either that, or as I said before, if you want the death of a commander to create some powerful negative effect on his army, like an AoE condition, then tell us what AoE boon you will also let them apply to that army while alive, and how you intend to carry out that surgical strike when the army is ten times as determined to protect their commander as they are now.
Such entitlement here. Win the battle, defeat or drive off any living players, and the dead can’t be revived.
I wear my “Combat Healer” title proudly. While you may find some sense of joy in assassinating, many of us find it in healing, rezzing and being supportive.
Meanwhile, I hate to break it to you but, this thread is kinda’ ridiculous. Because if you liked going after the commander, having him rezzed on the spot only gives you more of what you like. It’s that many more chances to kill him! You should like the existing system more.
Sounds like you are obfuscating your main reasoning behind this request. Or, just haven’t thought it through
Its already slowed down, and detrimental by taking people away from their war effort, to rez in combat.
Personally I like people rezzing in combat, lets me kill more of them.
so.. no! :p
Takes 5 people in combat less then 5 seconds (less even with nerfed time warp) to rez a fully dead person. Hardly detrimental.
The other thing that’s always bothered me is someone comes in rezzes a little, run off, comes back rezzes some more, and you can see the red bar of the dead person going up but you can’t do anything about it. You should be able to DPS that red bar back to 0, force reviving to be a sustained effort and it would make reviving in AoE more difficult.
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