Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


While some of your points are incorrect, the general complaint is valid. In large group play, heavies dominate. Conditions don’t stick to well built groups so the only thing left is to damage them down. Toughness becomes REALLY effective under heavy healing when conditions are no longer in play.

Given the current play system in WvW you want to remain stacked which means classes that can soak up direct damage, cross heal in the stack, deliver focused heavy AoE so they can stay in close proximity, highly combat mobile and able to revive themselves. Guess which two classes do this better than any other.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

Hammer warrior isn’t broken by itself. In a solo or dual fight warrior hammer is pretty balanced with the damage nerf. The problem is when I get 10 of them and running together they can just lock everyone down

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

Heavy armor isnt the problem,the problem is stability cleansing and boon removal as they are now.
Anet catered to the whining of the heavies and nerfed boon removal to the ground,thus makeing stability impervious to removal when covered by other boons.
1 guardian instantly boonstacks 5 other people at 1200/600 range to full boons with no targeting required and not hindered by blocks.
1 necromancer can remove boons from one person if they dont dodge/block/invul,and thats if he survives long enough but that still leaves 4 others unhindered.
In the senario of well of corruption,even at the most optimistic senario of staying inside the well for the whole duration it will still not remove stability.
As long stability remains the last boon to remove,the chances of faceing heavies and winning on open field as a light armor are way low.

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


When it comes to Survivability and Damage, Heavies can do both without much trouble.
I do not believe there are many other classes that has access to so many boons and share them, Crowd Control and the ability to mitigate alot of conditions/damage – all while doing a good amount of damage themselves; which is important for a zergs front-line.
That is where coordination and flanking comes in handy to reduce the opposing zergs numbers, or you could use the advantage of the High Ground – especially with a ranged Group.

I haven’t played much in a long while nor have I Commanded much recently. I’m not here to brag about how I capable I am commanding on my thief, but as long as you have a balanced Composition of classes that stacks and stays compact, you will survive on the frontlines with the right build – with an amount of skill involved.

The same thing goes for Organized Guild groups who can wipe bigger and less organized pug groups; which are often composed of variable builds (zerkers) and professions, compared to most organized Guild Groups who will usually run with heavies, eles, a few mesmers/ necros and a few other random professions especially thieves who have one of the best Blast finishers.

As it stand the main Boon stripping Professions are: light armored ranged units that need to stay a good distance away from the Melee Train.
You may see a good amount of mesmers and necros who will spam Nullfields and Wells, which as mentioned isn’t quite as effective as you would think.

Apart from that there isn’t much diversity to what each profession can do in wvw, no matter the build or as skilled as you may be, cause Anet balances things mainly for sPvp.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

That being said, you still need someone to do the damage and atm Eles/Necros are at the top in this.

Confirmed for never having played a heavy. Take a look at your damage log some time, melee attacks will make up the vast bulk of the damage you take even if we for the sake of your argument discount paintrains.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Confirmed for never having played a heavy. Take a look at your damage log some time, melee attacks will make up the vast bulk of the damage you take even if we for the sake of your argument discount paintrains.

Confirmed for never playing with balanced setups. Train with good backline of eles and necros can easily wreck pure melee one.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Confirmed for never having played a heavy. Take a look at your damage log some time, melee attacks will make up the vast bulk of the damage you take even if we for the sake of your argument discount paintrains.

Confirmed for never playing with balanced setups. Train with good backline of eles and necros can easily wreck pure melee one.

Hammer lines which are the first in the fight and the last to go down would disagree. Any large group without guardians and warriors in the mix is going to be dead real quick. Any large group with only heavies is still a very dangerous force with excellent damage, control, healing, buffing and condition removal.

Given how durable they are and easy to play I would actually prefer all heavies in most fights. Medium groups on TS with skilled players can make mixed parties work well but outside of that best to just bring a heavy.

Non-heavies are the garnish of a zerg.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


The downed mechanic is IMO the number one reason why heavies are so dominant. The most powerful weapon in large fights is downing someone at the right time. Heavy classes are harder to down and more forgiving of mistakes.

The rally mechanic is part of it, but the biggest thing by far is boons an overall build efficiency.

Just think about what 5 guardians acting in coordination can do:

-Provide 300 stacks of might and 9k+ healing with one skill
-Provide 25 players with stability and protection (protection again with virtue)
-Provide another 9k+ healing all blasting water, maybe even blasting players at the same time
-Purge 75 conditions and provide 9k+ healing with one skill
-Imob stack 5x
-Lay down enough rings or lines to lock down a huge area
-Provide perma swiftness to whole group with new symbol mechanic on the move
-Provide all kinds of small heals from dodge rolls and orb burst
-The only AoE stun break in the game, or spec’d in radiance, be the new boon stripping machine


Can you please clarify how you get the following:
-Provide 300 stacks of might and 9k+ healing with one skill
-Purge 75 conditions and provide 9k+ healing with one skill

Its also worth pointing out that to get:
“Provide another 9k+ healing all blasting water, maybe even blasting players at the same time” you would need 5 hammer guards with 2500 healing power each. (Blast = 1.3k + 0.2hp). This is not possible. They would also do non-existent damage, so any setup like this would be less than ideal.

“The only AoE stun break in the game, or spec’d in radiance, be the new boon stripping machine”. Stability > stun break IMO, so very few guards spec for this. Regardless, you could also rather trait for stability instead of the stun break. The boon stripping is nice, but removing 1 boon per 10secs on a single target is hardly game changing. I haven’t tested this, but I am pretty sure it is single target.

I do agree with you that guardians are currently very strong in WvW group play, due to all of the support they can provide. Being very tanky at the same time, makes them an easy pick for groups. All things considered, an ideal large group setup should have more guards than any other class. They can however not really function on their own and Warriors, Eles and Necros are also very important. If this was a schoolyard team picking, it would go something like this:
Guard > Warrior > Ele > Necro > Mesmer > Thief > Engi. Ranger would be asked to please leave…

Read up, I said 5 guardians

Empower = 60 stacks of might (12 stacks to 5 players) x5 = 300 + 1,500 base healing + 300 more healing with the 300 healing power virtually every guardian has, so at least 9,000 healing

Virtue of resolve activation with absolute resolution trait = instant purge 3 conditions on 5 allies, plus 1,625 healing, plus another 225 with 300 healing power, plus some regen = at least 9,500 healing.

The water blast I quoted was too high, but players other than guardians are also going to be blasting it. One thief can blast a big water at least 3 or 4 times.

Not everyone runs the 0/0/30/30/10 zergway guardian build. Virtues have always been very powerful, and the boon stripping possibility with the reduced searing flames cooldown and renewed justice is also potentially very powerful. I gave this example as, again, 5 guardians because you have to think of how their abilities pile up acting together.

Using your example with searing flames, of course 1 guardian in radiance is weak, but think if you had a group of 30 with 10 guardian and 5 of those were in radiance. They are going to get good strips (together) on the first whack, and maintain the boon denial pressure through the battle, between the mass strips from corruption and null field.

People always way, way, way underestimate the power of disciplined coordination, and how effects that seem small or even negligible add up to be extremely powerful. I’d venture to say that 30 disciplined players that lose on a zerg dive of 60 players or more, more times than not, it’s because things break down in the blob of particle effects, and you’re fighting low FPS, inability to effectively ground target, or stay on the driver more than the enemy players.

(edited by zen.6091)

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Brafius.7432


That being said, you still need someone to do the damage and atm Eles/Necros are at the top in this.

Confirmed for never having played a heavy. Take a look at your damage log some time, melee attacks will make up the vast bulk of the damage you take even if we for the sake of your argument discount paintrains.

For one, most of a necros damage would not show up on your combat log, as conditions does not get logged atm. As for where the majority of the damage is coming from, all I can say is I have played a guardian for 80% of the time in WvW (also the only thing I play, 90% of my game time) and I have recently started to play an ele. The damage I inflict with my ele (very tanky build as I am learning) is way higher than I ever did with my guardian. I even don’t die much, as the ele has such good battle mobility.

The thing about melee damage is that it is so easy to avoid. If a ball of heavies is coming your way, a dodge or double dodge through them will mitigate almost all of their damage. The problem comes in when you get cc’d.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Belorn.2659


I think you meant to type

Ride the Lightning is a buggy and nerfed version of an gap closer with no cc effects.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Brafius.7432



Fair enough on the empower + VoR. Even though I saw that you mentioned 5 guards, I was still looking at it from a per person perspective. Cumulatively, your numbers are spot on. It is worth adding that if you have AH on those guards, each would be healed for 13k.

I actually run 0/15/30/20/5. I still don’t think that searing flames will be that great overall, since 5 people would still amount to 1 boon total every 2 seconds. Compared to the rate of which boons get applied, i think in large scale it would not be that great.

The more interesting use for it would come in when doing small scale IMO. A nice coordinated attack on a single member could be devastating if you loose 3-5 boons instantly.

On the part of disciplined coordination…I can’t agree more. I personally think the surface have only been scratched as to what is possible if a group is built properly and coordinates well.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Warriors are just too easy to play effective in www. Too much survivability and too much “easy” damage. This is reason why melee train is so effective. Sure it’s not invincible, but fact just is that it’s easiest way to play www.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


I know very well the CC in the game but thanks anyways, what you seem to not understand is warrior and guardian are the meta right now so when you jump into your enemy the cc you get is from them.

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: nirvana.8245


1. My Guardian has 16k HP. You’re first point is Moot then.
2. Armor? If so then yes. This is most MMORPGs out there.
3. Counter? Conditions. Armor reduction doesnt apply there.
4. Hardly. If a guardian is speccing damage just full burst him hes dead. Warriors lost a majority of massive damage potential in the hammer nerf and GS is way too situation to provide constant use.
5. Cant argue here, however EVERY class has some form of CC for multi-person.
6. Guardians are the 2nd slowest class in game out of combat, Taking traveler’s runes is just stupid as well. Warriors.. I cant argue. Their GS mobility is kittened coupled with Sword.
7. Every class in the game has access to “Stun Break”. And its not automatic. If you’re referring to stability.. Necro boon strip. Wells as well. Simple.
8. lol. Again.. Thief, Necro have many of these things, Couple with a ele or engi you have all. Again guard doesnt have access to Fear, Bows, Or these “Automatic” weapons you speak of.

Please learn classes and the game before playing. I wont disagree that there are ASPECTS that are COMPLETELY UNBALANCED. However many of the stuff you said is just FaceDesk worthy.

Your 3rd point doesn’t count when guilds are running soldiers runes in their comp.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Sunt.6835


about 95% of 1 v 1 .. i have faced these days are Thieve or Messmer Plex runes ….

They really need to do something with it though ….. spamming steath + plex runes is a a bit too easy.


Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Solstice.1097


It’s none of this.

Higher armor = lower skill floor and lower skill ceiling

Higher damage = higher skill floor and higher skill ceiling

When large groups and siege is involved, you need the higher armor because there is just too much going on to be able to control no matter how skilled you are.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


The real issues is not the Heavies and what they can do, its the non Heavies and what they can not do. Lets face it there are classes in GW2 that have some utility but not enough to make us choose them over a Heavy. Anet wanted to avoid the Holy Trinity, while they were doing this they created their own.

Warrior: Frontliner, Takes a beating and keeps going (needed)
Guardian: Frontliner/Support, Can fill multiple roles and provides Boons (needed)
Elementalist: Suppost/DPS, Need a field to blast ? Yip they got it. (needed)
Necro: DPS/AoE, Wells, don’t really need to say any more (needed)
Mesmer: Dps/Veil kitten, they give us Veils (can live without)
Engineer: DPS/AoE/Support, anything they can do an Ele can do better (not needed)
Thief: Dps, um ya go scout please (not needed)
Ranger: ????, wtf is a ranger ? oh ya they have that root thingy (not needed)

The last 4 classes are trumped in everyway (large scale) by the top 4, Anet needs to make the bottom 4 more appealing. Until this happens then yes, Heavies will dominate because why the kitten would you take anything else and have less survivability and less utility ?

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


The last 4 classes are trumped in everyway (large scale) by the top 4, Anet needs to make the bottom 4 more appealing. Until this happens then yes, Heavies will dominate because why the kitten would you take anything else and have less survivability and less utility ?

I would argue the top two in your list does everything that is needed for large scale group fighting. Plenty of healing, condition removal, boons and DPS between guardians and shout warriors with none of the pesky squishiness. Half the time water fields are there just to keep the squishies up.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Arthos Ravron.3796

Arthos Ravron.3796

Mesmer: Dps/Veil kitten, they give us Veils (can live without)

Oh lel.

Portal and Timewarp are what mesmers are known, and cherished for. It’s kinda funny how you say that they’re not really necessary when the three most used classes in standard speedruns are Warr, Guard, and Mes.

Oh, and thieves are great doly killers, scouts, etc. Information and supply mean everything to WvW.

Thieves and Engis can also bring stealth and smoke fields (which leads to more stealth) which is useful when running through trash, hiding a golem rush, sudden zerg sneak attacks, etc.

Commander of FoW, Lieutenant of [AKP], and Proud Human and Guardian

“Humanity cannot grasp Utopia for it refuses to be worthy of it”

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


Not everyone runs the 0/0/30/30/10 zergway guardian build. Virtues have always been very powerful, and the boon stripping possibility with the reduced searing flames cooldown and renewed justice is also potentially very powerful. I gave this example as, again, 5 guardians because you have to think of how their abilities pile up acting together.

What sort of guardian would run any of this?

Searing Flames is a terrible trait for innumerable reasons but it is far worse in zergs where it does next to nothing. Why would anyone run this? Oh no… you removed a boon on one person out of thirty. At 10 seconds its completely unusable even in 1v1 situations where the boon count isn’t a couple of orders of magnitude higher than 1.

Shielded Mind? A stun break on a 67s cooldown that may or may not actually stun break anyone other than yourself? Why would you even trait into this garbage for an additional 10 trait points over Indomitable Courage which provides Stability to avoid getting stunned in the first place? Put those ten points into something actually useful… and don’t trait into Indomitable Courage but something actually useful.

There is such a thing as over-stacking guardians and you notice it very quickly when things just won’t die. Good group play vs good group play is not going to be decided favorably by “I have more guardians than you!”.

Warrior: Mandatory for any good group.
Guardian: Mandatory for any good group.
Elementalist: Mandatory for any good group.
Necro: Mandatory for any good group.
Mesmer: Mandatory for any good group.
Engineer: What is “water field” and/or shortest heal in the game.
Thief: Venomshare.
Ranger: Reroll anything else.

And when I say group, I mean a guild composition.

The only class that is truly worthless is the ranger.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

(edited by Vena.8436)

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

I read this stuff remembering all the downed and dead warriors I see all over the game. I have never played warrior but I am guessing it is their lack of ranged attack that is getting them killed. They definitely can be killed at any rate.

For the Toast!

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

you have to laugh when you see one of those big norn guys or a charr with heavy spikey flaming armor on his kitten with his hand out going “uhhh… uhhh… don’t hit me again..” after some world boss or something has whapped him.

For the Toast!

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


Hammer trains backed by Guardians are very powerful. However, neither of the most common builds for these playstyles pumps out much damage and they put out very little conditions.

This meta has to include mesmers for veils (a hammer train seen coming is very easy to dodge) eles for heals, might, and DPS; and Necros for the well spikes + condition spam.

Rangers, engis, and thieves…yeah; not really much of a meta for them. Rangers and thieves should scout and roam. Engis…yeah, not a lot going for them.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Eng is one of the best solo/small group classes. Also can provide support for a larger group (but still not as good as other classes). Not sure what you’re experience with eng is but it sounds like they were inexperienced players (eng takes more skill to use than some other classes).

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Arnon.1563


I find all the my zerg ball dies when it runs into their zerg ball and they have more Hammer warriors threads funny. I’ve seen smaller zergs take larger ones many times.

I’m sure you can figure out how to to counter hammer zergs that CC you when you run into the middle of them.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Hammer trains backed by Guardians are very powerful. However, neither of the most common builds for these playstyles pumps out much damage and they put out very little conditions.

Conditions are mostly pointless since they slide of decently skilled large groups and warriors drop serious sustained DPS along with a ton of control at the same time.

This meta has to include mesmers for veils (a hammer train seen coming is very easy to dodge) eles for heals, might, and DPS; and Necros for the well spikes + condition spam.

Veils are nice to have but not required. Hammer trains just keep carving out a group causing them to fracture and get whittled down. They won’t surprise anyone without a mesmer, but they usually kill or drive off lessor heavy groups. Elementalist healing is excellent for squishies but isn’t really necessary in properly formed heavy parties. Warrior shouts and guardian heals are more than enough to maintain full health and bring down most mixed groups. Only well skilled and highly coordinated groups should splash in non-heavies if they want to maximize effectiveness.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


Not everyone runs the 0/0/30/30/10 zergway guardian build. Virtues have always been very powerful, and the boon stripping possibility with the reduced searing flames cooldown and renewed justice is also potentially very powerful. I gave this example as, again, 5 guardians because you have to think of how their abilities pile up acting together.

What sort of guardian would run any of this?

Searing Flames is a terrible trait for innumerable reasons but it is far worse in zergs where it does next to nothing. Why would anyone run this? Oh no… you removed a boon on one person out of thirty. At 10 seconds its completely unusable even in 1v1 situations where the boon count isn’t a couple of orders of magnitude higher than 1.

Shielded Mind? A stun break on a 67s cooldown that may or may not actually stun break anyone other than yourself? Why would you even trait into this garbage for an additional 10 trait points over Indomitable Courage which provides Stability to avoid getting stunned in the first place? Put those ten points into something actually useful… and don’t trait into Indomitable Courage but something actually useful.

There is such a thing as over-stacking guardians and you notice it very quickly when things just won’t die. Good group play vs good group play is not going to be decided favorably by “I have more guardians than you!”.

No, it’s not going to be decided by having more guardians, but the guardians you do have amplify effect when they work together. That’s the only point I’ve been trying to make towards all the players who make these threads whining about heavies in WvW. I just assume they are running in pug zergs with crap builds, and don’t understand why their zerg gets dump trucked by a seemingly invincible hammer train.

I also do think shielded mind is a usable attribute with indomitable courage whether you are grouped with frontline or backline if you pay attention and use it when a few people eat a static or earthshaker, and chances are they are going to need the activation prot anyway. It is a reactive skill rather than shouting STABILITY STABILITY and mashing SyG when party members are already stunned…

(edited by zen.6091)

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


GW2 is a casual game and they prefer to keep the thematically popular classes easy to play.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Veils are nice to have but not required. Hammer trains just keep carving out a group causing them to fracture and get whittled down. They won’t surprise anyone without a mesmer, but they usually kill or drive off lessor heavy groups. Elementalist healing is excellent for squishies but isn’t really necessary in properly formed heavy parties. Warrior shouts and guardian heals are more than enough to maintain full health and bring down most mixed groups. Only well skilled and highly coordinated groups should splash in non-heavies if they want to maximize effectiveness.

That’s that lower tiers actually used to believe. Plz, come to T1 and show how your awesome hammer train without mesmers/eles/necros will endure against competent guilds or x2 numerical superiority. “Warrior shouts and guardian heals are more than enough to maintain full health”, this is one of most funny things I ever heard.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Guardior. The one class dev’s play.


The funny part is most play medium and light classes.

last time i saw dev playing a thief, he spent 90% of the time being dead…=.=

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


That’s that lower tiers actually used to believe. Plz, come to T1 and show how your awesome hammer train without mesmers/eles/necros will endure against competent guilds or x2 numerical superiority. “Warrior shouts and guardian heals are more than enough to maintain full health”, this is one of most funny things I ever heard.

I did say skill groups that are coordinated should splash in other classes. However they have to be very disciplined. Non-heavies that fall outside the stack have difficulty surviving. Against strong hammer lines stopping to blast finish can get a group killed if they aren’t timing their abilities very well. One mistimed fire or light field can get a mixed group killed.

Heavies can survive under very strong targeted fire. More importantly heavies can heal on the move so when properly built they never stop… they don’t need to stop for a blast finish heal. If the pressure is stronger than the healing they can quickly move away from a fight for a few seconds and regenerate, shout heal, buff heal, etc.

There is a lot of buffer for mistakes with heavies that non-heavies generally don’t have which is why non-precision groups do better with a greater number of heavies.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: melodey.4652


Good to point out too that the classes which don’t have the luxury of high armor and hp are backed into build corners. One of the best examples is the ele. As someone who mained a d/d, being forced into running a dozen boons to keep you alive is not only dangerous, it forces certain trait lines to be filled. Tried running without boons for awhile after the nerf, and eventually just moved onto other classes which aren’t quite as broken due to that fundamental imbalance.

Yak Slappin’ Bunker- roamin n stuffs [PD] [Duck]
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


the problem is that armor and attack power should be exact opposites. In general light armor classes should have higher attacks but die way faster. Heavy armor should have much smaller attacks but live a lot longer. Unfortunately the game is not balanced that way. The result is heavy armor > lighter armor in most areas of the game. think about it this way, if you are running fractals, does anyone say LF ranger or LF ele. No, heavy classes are much preferred.

Imbalanced class design heavily favors armor.

in WvW

Posted by: Silent Shino.7239

Silent Shino.7239

Guardians may be slightly overpowered in a group, but you need a specific set of traits to manage properly. For those complaining about guardians in general; try roaming about as one, you’ll be spammed to death by healing signet warriors, perplexity mesmers and condition spammers before you can say “Oh crap”

Shino: Guardian of the Glade
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain: