Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: Kanebrake.6192


I don’t post on these forums much. Because these forums are hindered by the rule sets and principles ArenaNet places on them. Because of this most people use other forums for better debates and communication. My account I’m posting from is my alt account. My main account is MaLeVoLenT.8129. I’m the leader of Onslaught and Onslaught Legacy, a Cross-Realm guild on both BG and TC. About 3 weeks ago I was Blackgates Server leader. I’ve dealt with countless issues of spying and Cross Realm players and guilds. I’ve seen servers destroyed and communities ruined.

I have one simple question FOR ArenaNet. What is Match Manipulation? Is this when During Season 2, JQ and TC coordinated an extreme amount to Cripple BG? Where as they shared information like commander names and plans. Where as they were in direction communication? Or is Match manipulation, Where BG and JQ’s goals align and a guild plays on both BG and JQ with the sole intent of destroying TC? How will you react when entire communities plot to destroy one another through spying and other forms of “War Tactics”. Is spying just sitting on a enemy map on a secondary account feeding information to the other side? If it is how do you proceed. How do you determine if that individual is actually a spy?

Whether your intent in having two major forces on two competing servers is to manipulate the matchup or not it just looks bad. There’s appearance of impropriety at work. I was on BG when TW formed TWL and started propping up JQ. Did they manipulate matchups? Well… let’s be perfectly honest the matchup in t1 has been manipulated for a long time with all 3 servers working in agreement to keep them in that tier. Push weeks and all that. I don’t know maybe that’s not done anymore but I know a fair number of people thought it was a shabby thing to do.

Regardless, even if Anet says that cross server guilds on two competing servers is a-ok there’s still going to be players on each server scratching their heads and saying/thinking “something about this stinks”

Is push weeks to secure ones server position, Match manipulation? There has never been a point in time where it was agreed upon the Tier 1 servers to see each other stay in Tier. TW went to JQ because the state of the game was making people very bored. They decided to have alt accounts instead because they didn’t want to leave BG.

Push weeks happened since the very start of this game. I’ve been in Tier 1 for 2 years now and I was once on Sea of Sorrows who also coordinated pushes. Push weeks do not equate to Match Manipulation by any means..

Push weeks aren’t manipulation. However coordinating the push weeks among the servers in the tier so everyone keeps enough glicko not to slip out is pretty manipulative. Propping up servers with alt accounts in the same tier is pretty manipulative. And even if neither of those things are happening it still has an appearance of impropriety.

I understand having multiple accounts but why would people have multiple accounts on servers that face each other week in and week out? Why did TW initially go to JQ as TWL? To make them competitive and keep them in t1 and give BG better competition. At least that’s what was said when it happened. If they hadn’t done that there’s a good possibility that JQ would have been knocked out of the tier. Latest rumors going around were that TC was going to get knocked out of tier 1. Now you have ONSL doing the same thing that TWL did on JQ for TC. Why? I mean if y’all have so much extra time to invest in wvw on alt accounts why wouldn’t you go to a lower tier and play there?

Not to beat a dead horse but regardless of the “rules” it still comes down to an appearance of impropriety.


Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Match manipulation is a no-no.

Could you define what constitutes as Match Manipulation?

The rules on this are very vague, and for as far as i know this is the first time a dev even came out and said match manipulation could even be a thing in wvw. I think most people believed this was exclusively talking about spvp.

Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: atheria.2837


Match manipulation is a no-no.

So isn’t siege trolling manipulation?

Seems to many of us that spying in WvW in any manner hasn’t been addressed since it is manipulating both sides…

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Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


Match manipulation is a no-no.

So isn’t siege trolling manipulation?

Seems to many of us that spying in WvW in any manner hasn’t been addressed since it is manipulating both sides…

Not certain what your complain is, since he has an entire thread where he discuses how he is banning siege trolls, when he did ti, and what server they were on.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: LordEnki.9283


Match manipulation is a no-no.

Someone should tell Dods and TW this. They and their cohorts control who is in T1 and who isn’t by being on two of the servers and fixing the matches. It made me leave T1 because it’s no fun playing in a fixed game.

Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: Leaa.2943


Match manipulation is a no-no.

Consider you repeated this post you need to be more clear what this means? Because many of us have more then one account on a server. I for my self do not interfere in a matchup if one of those meet my mainaccount server. I have not joined their forums nor their ts, and i never given any sort of info to any of the servers. For me this is about loyalty and honor.
BUT there are many people having several account that are on ts, on forums giving info to their main server. I also seen on the servers that are not my main, that other spies are flaming in chat to lower morale, adding useless siege until cap, repairing walls that are being trebbed until keep is drained and so on.
So were is the line? Is it having accounts on more then one server? Is it spying in forums/ts in which you have no legal right to interfere in since that is outside of a-nets reach, is it trolling in chat, with siege or removing suplies? Give us a clear answer so that we know where the limit is please.

Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: pepper.6179


sorry folks you’re all reported


Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Match manipulation is a no-no.

Someone should tell Dods and TW this. They and their cohorts control who is in T1 and who isn’t by being on two of the servers and fixing the matches. It made me leave T1 because it’s no fun playing in a fixed game.
