Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: SlothBear.9846


Every server is going to tell you that they run 5 mans and only care about having fun and that the other servers blob and buy guilds and are neckbeard dwelling losers.

And they’re all right.

Honestly it sounds like you are looking for a guild more than a server. All of the other things you mention (dungeons, etc) you can do from anywhere with guesting and such. As far as WvW goes you may as well roll a die if you are just looking at the top three servers. Over time there is really no difference between the three. They’re all packed with blobby fair weather zerglings but with a hard crunchy core of good roamers.

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: kyro.8162


IMO, being on SoR, the reason many view SoR as a blob server is that during NA, SoR has a lot of guilds that pull 10-35 people. These guilds always run separately and will converge to take on what appears to be a exceedingly large group, then they will split up again. So the lack of roamers are mainly because most of these players are guilded and there are usually 2+ guilds on the map during NA prime.

Hel, HL, IRON (sometimes there is a sizable group for NA), FEAR, TW, Choo, LUN, ONE, Vig, PD, RISE, DIE are some of the guilds I see very often during NA. PD and Vig tend to pull around 10, while the other guilds vary.

As for the whole blobbing thing, my theory is that it is due to EU. During EU, there is usually 1 guild/organize force which causes the militia to gravitate towards them. This causes the force to grow to a blob size. Later, when NA groups start logging in, they see a rather large force on the map. So naturally these NA groups will consolidate to deal with the large force. But as this is basically the end of EU, those players will probably log within 30min-1hr, just enough time for the other servers’ NA to log in. Those other NA sees the large group and form their own blob to stop the others blob.

If this theory holds to be true than ofc SoR will be perceived as a blob server. SoR is made up of primarily eastern guilds, while a server like BG is primarily western guilds.
So NA BG player see SoR NA as a blob.
This would also probably go through to OCX and SEA as well. (BG had/has a very slightly larger ocx and had/has a larger SEA). <-probably changed with the transfers though

Anyways, any of the 3 t1 servers should suit your needs.

Sanctum of Rall
New Namek [Kami]

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


Before you actually transfer I would advise looking into guilds that you might be interested in joining to see if any of them are a good fit. I transferred to SoR a while back and though the community was nice I wasn’t able to find a guild or group of peers with similar interests and as a result I really had no one to play with.

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


Jade Quarry is the America server with more wins on Guild Wars 2 history, here:


Plus the only server (if I remember correctly) that never touched the 4th position in ranks, always 1st, 2nd or 3rd in all Guild Wars 2 history. That means, Jade Quarry is the only real T1 server, stayed there forever.

We are winning versus BG and SoR (at the same time) at the moment.


EDIT: Forgot to say, JQ is not dependent of 1 or 2 guilds to stay in T1, we have a lot of small guilds, you can’t say [insert guild tag here] is coming, when you see a JQ zerg. So, if an important guild leave, we don’t drop to the last position in ranks in one week.

(edited by NeHoMaR.9812)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


I’m surprised how well BG is doing according to Millenium, with the loss of Guilds and what not you guys seem to be still holding your own.

Belief too strong.

Beast mode

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Jade Quarry is the America server with more wins on Guild Wars 2 history, here:


Plus the only server (if I remember correctly) that never touched the 4th position in ranks, always 1st, 2nd or 3rd in all Guild Wars 2 history. That means, Jade Quarry is the only real T1 server, stayed there forever.

We are winning versus BG and SoR (at the same time) at the moment.


EDIT: Forgot to say, JQ is not dependent of 1 or 2 guilds to stay in T1, we have a lot of small guilds, you can’t say [insert guild tag here] is coming, when you see a JQ zerg. So, if an important guild leave, we don’t drop to the last position in ranks in one week.

It has to have fallen to 4th or lower at some point, Total Medals for JQ is 54, the EU counterpart has 55. That means at the very least since medals started being handed out (for 1, 2 or 3) JQ didn’t recieve one of them.


Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


It has to have fallen to 4th or lower at some point, Total Medals for JQ is 54, the EU counterpart has 55. That means at the very least since medals started being handed out (for 1, 2 or 3) JQ didn’t recieve one of them.

JQ has been down to T2 at least 2 times legitly (ranking), I was there for those.


Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504



  • all servers have good pve communities
  • JQ has the most hard core PvE community


  • Most organised award goes to SoR
  • Most consistent winner goes to JQ
  • Largest WvW population goes to BG

Best server to roam in

  • JQ and SoR are a tie with BG coming last

Server with most role play

  • TC , but you didnt put them on the list

Most number of forum warriors

  • BG wins this hands down

Best server if you love GvG

  • SoR 1st
  • JQ and BG come at a tie at 2nd place

Most consistent server

  • JQ 1st
  • SoR 2nd
  • BG 3rd

Best server for casual gameplay

  • BG
  • TC 2nd
  • JQ and SoR tie for 3rd spot
Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: krippler.9826


It has to have fallen to 4th or lower at some point, Total Medals for JQ is 54, the EU counterpart has 55. That means at the very least since medals started being handed out (for 1, 2 or 3) JQ didn’t recieve one of them.

JQ has been down to T2 at least 2 times legitly (ranking), I was there for those.

That is due to randomized matchups. Just because JQ was in a T2 matchup doesn’t mean their ranking based on their rating had fallen below 3rd. JQ was below 3rd in the early days of GW2 before the ratings had a chance to settle. If you look as far back as mos.millenium.org goes as far as documented matchups (53 weeks), JQ was never below 3rd. http://mos.millenium.org/servers/history/29

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672



  • all servers have good pve communities
  • JQ has the most hard core PvE community


  • Most organised award goes to SoR
  • Most consistent winner goes to JQ
  • Largest WvW population goes to BG

Best server to roam in

  • JQ and SoR are a tie with BG coming last

Server with most role play

  • TC , but you didnt put them on the list

Most number of forum warriors

  • BG wins this hands down

Best server if you love GvG

  • SoR 1st
  • JQ and BG come at a tie at 2nd place

Most consistent server

  • JQ 1st
  • SoR 2nd
  • BG 3rd

Best server for casual gameplay

  • BG
  • TC 2nd
  • JQ and SoR tie for 3rd spot

You forgot to add an important footnote to your post Fuzz …

“There’s no personal bias or disdain for a particular server in this post at all.”

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: dragon.8071


simple answer: sor (3 characters long). we better than 2 characters servers like jq and bg.

Zerg Doors [ZD]

“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Reslinal.2359



all servers have good pve communities
BG has the most hard core PvE community, evidence: world first kill in Teq


most organized goes to BG, evidence: similar queue time as SoR/JQ but over 700 people on TS at one time
longest T1 tier server goes to JQ
most hardcore server goes to SoR
Server with best SEA goes to JQ, Server with best NA EST goes to SoR, Server with best NA PST goes to BG, hard to tell who’s the best in EU now given the reshuffling, used to be SoR

Best server support roaming

BG, evidence: most score from non tick among all NA servers
Followed by SoR and JQ according to:

Server with most role play

TC , but you didnt put them on the list

Most number of forum warriors

SoR wins this hands down, evidence: check the thread pages that involves SoR vs ones involve BG/JQ

Best server if you love GvG

SoR 1st
JQ and BG come at a tie at 2nd place

Most resilient server

Each server has their own unique strength
BG: dropped out of T1 3 times but came back each time
JQ: dropped to 3rd on T1 several times but came back, never dropped out of T1
SoR: Kept fighting for a long time as 3rd and finally took the win

Best server for casual gameplay

TC 2nd
JQ and SoR tie for 3rd spot

Footnote: Difference between my list and Fuzzion’s is that mine is supported with some evidences while his is purely based on personal opinion:)

Blackgate Engineer

(edited by Reslinal.2359)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


Guys guys, having 700 people on a TS once means you are undisputedly the most organized ever!

Reslinal your post is filled with as much bias as anyone else’s…

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


Well at least mine have some things to support the argument than just state opinions:) You can argue whether the evidence fully supports my argument, but it is better than nothing….

And I do consider the ability to get 700 people to join your community TS for WvW as a sign of good organization, you disagree?

Blackgate Engineer

(edited by Reslinal.2359)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Well at least mine have some things to support the argument than just state opinions:) You can argue whether the evidence fully supports my argument, but it is better than nothing….

And I do consider the ability to get 700 people to join your community TS for WvW as a sign of good organization, you disagree?

Considering only 90~ max per BL that puts you guys with 300+~ sitting in queues.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


Well at least mine have some things to support the argument than just state opinions:) You can argue whether the evidence fully supports my argument, but it is better than nothing….

And I do consider the ability to get 700 people to join your community TS for WvW as a sign of good organization, you disagree?

Considering only 90~ max per BL that puts you guys with 300+~ sitting in queues.

Pretty much this…

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


Well at least mine have some things to support the argument than just state opinions:) You can argue whether the evidence fully supports my argument, but it is better than nothing….

And I do consider the ability to get 700 people to join your community TS for WvW as a sign of good organization, you disagree?

Considering only 90~ max per BL that puts you guys with 300+~ sitting in queues.

From what I heard the queue time on reset night does not seem to be too different among t1 servers, on bg it’s usually about 2 hours for reset night, is it similar to jq/sor?

If anything the number just allow us to truly understand the wvw population size on all t1 servers. Bg is just able to measure it more accurately because we get a higher percentage into ts.

Blackgate Engineer

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Nuked.2360


Well at least mine have some things to support the argument than just state opinions:) You can argue whether the evidence fully supports my argument, but it is better than nothing….

And I do consider the ability to get 700 people to join your community TS for WvW as a sign of good organization, you disagree?

Considering only 90~ max per BL that puts you guys with 300+~ sitting in queues.

From what I heard the queue time on reset night does not seem to be too different among t1 servers, on bg it’s usually about 2 hours for reset night, is it similar to jq/sor?

If anything the number just allow us to truly understand the wvw population size on all t1 servers. Bg is just able to measure it more accurately because we get a higher percentage into ts.

The WvW population size can only be measured if Anet released the numbers. The amount in TS isn’t directly proportional to people on the map due to a variety of factors. Yes TS is helpful but it doesn’t show you a comparision of numbers. Just because a server doesn’t have as many in TS doesn’t mean their population is lower.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Tortitudo Probo.2598

Tortitudo Probo.2598

So, what about your queue times on reset nights?


Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Good luck in whatever sever and/or guild you go to. Hope you find what you’re looking for

Commander Nachonix

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


Well at least mine have some things to support the argument than just state opinions:) You can argue whether the evidence fully supports my argument, but it is better than nothing….

And I do consider the ability to get 700 people to join your community TS for WvW as a sign of good organization, you disagree?

Considering only 90~ max per BL that puts you guys with 300+~ sitting in queues.

From what I heard the queue time on reset night does not seem to be too different among t1 servers, on bg it’s usually about 2 hours for reset night, is it similar to jq/sor?

If anything the number just allow us to truly understand the wvw population size on all t1 servers. Bg is just able to measure it more accurately because we get a higher percentage into ts.

The WvW population size can only be measured if Anet released the numbers. The amount in TS isn’t directly proportional to people on the map due to a variety of factors. Yes TS is helpful but it doesn’t show you a comparision of numbers. Just because a server doesn’t have as many in TS doesn’t mean their population is lower.

I am not sure you understand my argument, let me retry. There are two potential explanations for the 700+ people on BG TS:

1. BG has more people trying to do WvW than the other two T1 servers at reset night.

2. The number of people trying to do WvW on reset is similar among three servers but BG manages to get a higher percentage of them on TS, which i believe is a sign of good organization.

Now we cannot measure the number trying to do WvW on reset night directly, but we can use queue time as a pretty good proxy. The queue time on BG for reset night is about 2 hours, which I heard is similar to JQ/SOR. This indicates that we have similar level of people trying WvW, which refute explanation 1 and support explanation 2, thus support my argument that BG has good organization.

Blackgate Engineer

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


Well at least mine have some things to support the argument than just state opinions:) You can argue whether the evidence fully supports my argument, but it is better than nothing….

And I do consider the ability to get 700 people to join your community TS for WvW as a sign of good organization, you disagree?

Considering only 90~ max per BL that puts you guys with 300+~ sitting in queues.

From what I heard the queue time on reset night does not seem to be too different among t1 servers, on bg it’s usually about 2 hours for reset night, is it similar to jq/sor?

If anything the number just allow us to truly understand the wvw population size on all t1 servers. Bg is just able to measure it more accurately because we get a higher percentage into ts.

The WvW population size can only be measured if Anet released the numbers. The amount in TS isn’t directly proportional to people on the map due to a variety of factors. Yes TS is helpful but it doesn’t show you a comparision of numbers. Just because a server doesn’t have as many in TS doesn’t mean their population is lower.

I am not sure you understand my argument, let me retry. There are two potential explanations for the 700+ people on BG TS:

1. BG has more people trying to do WvW than the other two T1 servers at reset night.

2. The number of people trying to do WvW on reset is similar among three servers but BG manages to get a higher percentage of them on TS, which i believe is a sign of good organization.

Now we cannot measure the number trying to do WvW on reset night directly, but we can use queue time as a pretty good proxy. The queue time on BG for reset night is about 2 hours, which I heard is similar to JQ/SOR. This indicates that we have similar level of people trying WvW, which refute explanation 1 and support explanation 2, thus support my argument that BG has good organization.

OR the other servers dont have random people Akitteng or guilds in their own channels in a TS while they wait to get in… again it doesnt show anything other then you were able to herd 700 people into a single place with no gain. Now if somehow you could say we had full boarderlands with no pugs and no solo roamers and all were on TS for all maps thats different, but just saying “700 on TS at once” proves absolutely nothing.

O O O O I I I O – Spoons and Sporks [Soup] (Retired)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


Unfortunately unless there are measures we can actually use to find out what you just described, we have to settle with proxies.

Also I don’t understand your argument that have all random people or guilds going for wvw join in the same community TS even if they are in their own channels does not help with organization. I don’t know about how JQ/SoR works, but BG has ways that allow commanders to call for help from all members on TS even when they are in their own channel. And we have found that have guilds be on the same TS is definitely better communication wise than having them on their own separate TS.

Since there is no definite ways to measure organization, I consider measure the percentage of people that want to get into WvW on the same TS a good proxy, certainly better than none with just some empty statements.

Blackgate Engineer

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


That is due to randomized matchups. Just because JQ was in a T2 matchup doesn’t mean their ranking based on their rating had fallen below 3rd. JQ was below 3rd in the early days of GW2 before the ratings had a chance to settle. If you look as far back as mos.millenium.org goes as far as documented matchups (53 weeks), JQ was never below 3rd. http://mos.millenium.org/servers/history/29

No, it isnt. This screenshot is from a time when randomization did not exist. Your ranking decided where you placed. The SBI/JQ/DB match is from 3 day matches (yes, ranking placement existed), and the JQ/DB/CD match is from 1 week matches, pretty sure it was the very first or second one.

If you really want to know how this works. There was 4 1/2 T1 servers: HoD, JQ, SBI, ET (NSP), and BG was getting beat on by HoD every once in awhile even though they didn’t have the population to be there. The first screenshot it was HoD/NSP*/BG I’m pretty sure and the second screenshot was HoD/SBI/ET. Ask the people who have been on your server since the beginning.

*I don’t remember when AA transferred off of NSP, I want to say it was during 3 day matches though.

edit: went and found the old gw2guru rankings (that were based on which matchups you got)…. http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/61872-server-ranks-na/

also found this on that page: http://i.imgur.com/DGALI.jpg

So again, you have gone to T2.

(edited by celeron.3469)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: krippler.9826


That is due to randomized matchups. Just because JQ was in a T2 matchup doesn’t mean their ranking based on their rating had fallen below 3rd. JQ was below 3rd in the early days of GW2 before the ratings had a chance to settle. If you look as far back as mos.millenium.org goes as far as documented matchups (53 weeks), JQ was never below 3rd. http://mos.millenium.org/servers/history/29

No, it isnt. This screenshot is from a time when randomization did not exist. Your ranking decided where you placed. The SBI/JQ/DB match is from 3 day matches (yes, ranking placement existed), and the JQ/DB/CD match is from 1 week matches, pretty sure it was the very first or second one.

If you really want to know how this works. There was 4 1/2 T1 servers: HoD, JQ, SBI, ET (NSP), and BG was getting beat on by HoD every once in awhile even though they didn’t have the population to be there. The first screenshot it was HoD/NSP*/BG I’m pretty sure and the second screenshot was HoD/SBI/ET. Ask the people who have been on your server since the beginning.

*I don’t remember when AA transferred off of NSP, I want to say it was during 3 day matches though.

JQ has been top 3 throughout the history of mmo.millenium’s records. Those records include all but about the first month after the game was released. In that first month, there was all kinds of craziness in the ratings, along with people leveling chars, running through all of the PVE content, and figuring out how to play their classes. If you want to knock on JQ because they weren’t in T1 throughout all of that craziness, then you are missing the point. After things settled down, JQ never dropped below 3rd place.

Also, to respond to the guy pointing out that JQ has 54 medals to the EU server’s 55, if you add up the total medal count for the EU servers, they add up to 165. The NA servers’ total medal counts add up to 162, so for whatever reason, the EU count includes an extra week. Thus, you can conclude that JQ has actually been top 3 for at least 54 weeks (162/3 = 54).

(edited by krippler.9826)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


JQ has been top 3 throughout the history of mmo.millenium’s records. Those records include all but about the first month after the game was released. In that first month, there was all kinds of craziness in the ratings, along with people leveling chars, running through all of the PVE content, and figuring out how to play their classes. If you want to knock on JQ because they weren’t in T1 throughout all of that craziness, then you are missing the point. After things settled down, JQ never dropped below 3rd place.

Also, to respond to the guy pointing out that JQ has 54 medals to the EU server’s 55, if you add up the total medal count for the EU servers, they add up to 165. The NA servers’ total medal counts add up to 162, so for whatever reason, the EU count includes an extra week. Thus, you can conclude that JQ has actually been top 3 for at least 54 weeks.

Are you trying to say 1 week matches dont count? Because for every server, those were the real deal when they were announced (SBI/JQ/ET claimed 1 and 3 day matches were too random — 1 week didnt help them either). That is when WvW really started, and JQ just happened to be T2 in one of the very first 1 week matches. Also there wasn’t actually much craziness. What you remember is inflated scores, but the scores got nerfed eventually. JQ/CD/DB happened because DB and CD pushed themselves to T2, JQ got put in T2 by HoD. SBI/JQ/DB happened because DB was actually winning most of its matches, and SBI/JQ were fighting HoD and subsequently losing. It was all based on ranking however, guru was even predicting matches back then.

Also this is the original quote:

Plus the only server (if I remember correctly) that never touched the 4th position in ranks, always 1st, 2nd or 3rd in all Guild Wars 2 history. That means, Jade Quarry is the only real T1 server, stayed there forever.

I think you’ll agree that is simply not true. Though I have no idea why you specifically are taking it like being in T2 has tarnished JQ somehow.

(edited by celeron.3469)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I am sure someone mentioned it but TC is a great PvE server with a healthy WvW server. It doesn’t compete with the T1 blobs but it has a very large WvW presence and a lot of “character”.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Nuked.2360


JQ has been top 3 throughout the history of mmo.millenium’s records. Those records include all but about the first month after the game was released. In that first month, there was all kinds of craziness in the ratings, along with people leveling chars, running through all of the PVE content, and figuring out how to play their classes. If you want to knock on JQ because they weren’t in T1 throughout all of that craziness, then you are missing the point. After things settled down, JQ never dropped below 3rd place.

Also, to respond to the guy pointing out that JQ has 54 medals to the EU server’s 55, if you add up the total medal count for the EU servers, they add up to 165. The NA servers’ total medal counts add up to 162, so for whatever reason, the EU count includes an extra week. Thus, you can conclude that JQ has actually been top 3 for at least 54 weeks.

Are you trying to say 1 week matches dont count? Because for every server, those were the real deal when they were announced (SBI/JQ/ET claimed 1 and 3 day matches were too random — 1 week didnt help them either). That is when WvW really started, and JQ just happened to be T2 in one of the very first 1 week matches. Also there wasn’t actually much craziness. What you remember is inflated scores, but the scores got nerfed eventually. JQ/CD/DB happened because DB and CD pushed themselves to T2, JQ got put in T2 by HoD. SBI/JQ/DB happened because DB was actually winning most of its matches, and SBI/JQ were fighting HoD and subsequently losing. It was all based on ranking however, guru was even predicting matches back then.

Also this is the original quote:

Plus the only server (if I remember correctly) that never touched the 4th position in ranks, always 1st, 2nd or 3rd in all Guild Wars 2 history. That means, Jade Quarry is the only real T1 server, stayed there forever.

I think you’ll agree that is simply not true. Though I have no idea why you specifically are taking it like being in T2 has tarnished JQ somehow.

JQ was Tier 2 for a week while ET/SBI dueled HoD. In the ET/SBI/HoD match it saw HoD flip a 40k deficit to a 40k lead in 24hours~.

Destructive Nuked|ascending-redemption.enjin.com|AR Driver/Leader

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


JQ was Tier 2 for a week while ET/SBI dueled HoD. In the ET/SBI/HoD match it saw HoD flip a 40k deficit to a 40k lead in 24hours~.

Oh yeah I forgot about that, I remember reading that thread. Probably one of the best “in gw2 history.” lol That was the same match that this was made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrFri8rKb6M

^Hilarious how this is pretty much common place now, but back then it was blowing peoples minds.

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


The bickering gong on doesn’t make any of your servers look very good. Go back to the match up thread where people bicker enough and it is all contained in a thread of it’s own.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Mirsa.1628



  • all servers have good pve communities
  • JQ has the most hard core PvE community


  • Most organised award goes to SoR
  • Most consistent winner goes to JQ
  • Largest WvW population goes to BG

Best server to roam in

  • JQ and SoR are a tie with BG coming last

Server with most role play

  • TC , but you didnt put them on the list

Most number of forum warriors

  • BG wins this hands down

Best server if you love GvG

  • SoR 1st
  • JQ and BG come at a tie at 2nd place

Most consistent server

  • JQ 1st
  • SoR 2nd
  • BG 3rd

Best server for casual gameplay

  • BG
  • TC 2nd
  • JQ and SoR tie for 3rd spot

Nice list. I will add the following:

Server with the most fair-weathers


[GS] Gun Squad
Guild Master

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: kyro.8162



all servers have good pve communities
BG has the most hard core PvE community, evidence: world first kill in Teq


most organized goes to BG, evidence: similar queue time as SoR/JQ but over 700 people on TS at one time
longest T1 tier server goes to JQ
most hardcore server goes to SoR
Server with best SEA goes to JQ, Server with best NA EST goes to SoR, Server with best NA PST goes to BG, hard to tell who’s the best in EU now given the reshuffling, used to be SoR

Best server support roaming

Server with most role play

TC , but you didnt put them on the list

Most number of forum warriors

SoR wins this hands down, evidence: check the thread pages that involves SoR vs ones involve BG/JQ

Best server if you love GvG

SoR 1st
JQ and BG come at a tie at 2nd place

Most resilient server

Each server has their own unique strength
BG: dropped out of T1 3 times but came back each time
JQ: dropped to 3rd on T1 several times but came back, never dropped out of T1
SoR: Kept fighting for a long time as 3rd and finally took the win

Best server for casual gameplay

TC 2nd
JQ and SoR tie for 3rd spot

Footnote: Difference between my list and Fuzzion’s is that mine is supported with some evidences while his is purely based on personal opinion:)

The problem with this is that BG has more roamers, meaning more team mates and less enemies. What is the point of roaming when lets say BG has 10 roamers on a map while SoR and JQ each have 3? So if you are SoR or JQ you have a chance of facing 13 different roamers, while BG only has the 6.

Sanctum of Rall
New Namek [Kami]

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Let’s be honest here…
All 3 servers blob, all 3 servers zerg, all 3 engage in a crazy recruitment/coverage wars, all 3 run inside towers and hide behind ACs, all 3 have guilds that will fight to the last man even when they are clearly outnumbered, all 3 have skilled and bad players.

T1 is really well balanced, and I don’t think you’ll see much difference being in one or the other, it’s mostly a matter of finding a guild that suits what you wanna do (all of which exist in all 3 servers).

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: dragon.8071


Let’s be honest here…
All 3 servers blob, all 3 servers zerg, all 3 engage in a crazy recruitment/coverage wars, all 3 run inside towers and hide behind ACs, all 3 have guilds that will fight to the last man even when they are clearly outnumbered, all 3 have skilled and bad players.

T1 is really well balanced, and I don’t think you’ll see much difference being in one or the other, it’s mostly a matter of finding a guild that suits what you wanna do (all of which exist in all 3 servers).

that is not being honest. there is a difference. sor do not pve as much as jq and bg . sor are serious wvwers. bg and jq more concerned about coverage. bg even created a war chest, lotto system and raffles for coverage wars. you do not see guilds leaving sor to join bg or jq. you see guilds leaving them to join sor.

Zerg Doors [ZD]

“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Let’s be honest here…
All 3 servers blob, all 3 servers zerg, all 3 engage in a crazy recruitment/coverage wars, all 3 run inside towers and hide behind ACs, all 3 have guilds that will fight to the last man even when they are clearly outnumbered, all 3 have skilled and bad players.

T1 is really well balanced, and I don’t think you’ll see much difference being in one or the other, it’s mostly a matter of finding a guild that suits what you wanna do (all of which exist in all 3 servers).

that is not being honest. there is a difference. sor do not pve as much as jq and bg . sor are serious wvwers. bg and jq more concerned about coverage. bg even created a war chest, lotto system and raffles for coverage wars. you do not see guilds leaving sor to join bg or jq. you see guilds leaving them to join sor.

SoR resident, correct?

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


SOR is probably the least populated WvW server of the 3. SOR has queues on reset night, usually. They can last varying amounts of time. I usually look and see what borderlands the big guilds are in and go to another. Usually the queue is less than 30 minutes.

Just to give you some perspective. 2 weeks ago I was in a queue it lasted 20 minutes. This week there was no queues on EB when I tried to get on. A couple hours into reset and JQ borderland had about 12 people on it.

SOR is organised. It uses its TS. But the population is such that you feel like you are making a difference.

It could be the same on the others, but I am just telling you what life is like on SOR.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: TehHobNob.4687


Dude they are all great fun. This one wins that week and this one wins the next. When any of the 3 play in T2 they demolish the competition. Not so much in T1. Yeah they each have their running weeks, but its always a head to head competition. I don’t even do anything else in this game anymore. wvw in T1 is just that fun. Have fun wherever you go.


Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


Angry James, best WvW commander on any server.

He makes SoR worth transferring to by himself.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I don’t think I’ve waited longer than 15-20m in queue on reset night in the past month on SoR. Personally I love SoR but I haven’t played on any other server to compare.

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


To say people are non-bias is to think men and women are infallible.

With that, constructive discussion on the said viewpoint is welcomed.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Aunarisk.9710


Do you think that you can trust bias replies?

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: dragon.8071


Do you think that you can trust bias replies?

only mine isn’t bias. so trust me.

Zerg Doors [ZD]

“Recent Graduate of Maguuma University with a degree in Forums Politics”

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Blackelk.3784


So, what about your queue times on reset nights?

Not going to comment on other servers, but the JQ reset que isnt long at all the longest I have ever waited was 45 minutes because I was dead set on doing EB that particular reset. Otherwise I wait at most 20 minutes and that’s logging in after reset has been going for 30 minutes to and an hour. The BLs obviously change slightly depending on who we are facing which BL, what guild assigned where ect, so the average would be about 10-20 minutes.

Guild Lead -[MMAC] Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


Angry James, best WvW commander on any server.

He makes SoR worth transferring to by himself.

James is pretty bad azzzzz_z. The guy puts his heart and soul into it. He does a great job rallying random pick up groups. Lots of players flock to him when he’s on…

(edited by scootshoot.6583)

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: gaspara.4079


As someone who has been on SoR since the 3 day head start, but guested a fair amount to both BG and JQ I can tell you that you really can’t go wrong with any of them, unless queues of any length drive you nuts. They are all good, competitive servers with a lot of loyal guilds both large and small.

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Why would you transfer out of IoJ, who is in a great spot now to have good matches in the Silver League. To a T1 who will have one or two good matches in the Gold League and the rest will be snoozefests. I’m personally thinking of transferring to IoJ.

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Why would you transfer out of IoJ, who is in a great spot now to have good matches in the Silver League. To a T1 who will have one or two good matches in the Gold League and the rest will be snoozefests. I’m personally thinking of transferring to IoJ.

For pvE purposes. He’s not a pure wvwer

Commander Nachonix

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


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