Jumping Puzzle only once per day? (account wide)
I have found that I do the puzzle with a character one night, and come back the next night and it hasn’t reset. That situation is mainly due to the server time not matching my own time.
It should be (and always has been for me) once per character per day and they also scale on level which makes it harder to farm.
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.
Get rid of the jumping puzzles in WvW. Problem solved.
Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian
In WvW the major issue as well is people camping the puzzles in teams of 2-3 and picking off anyone who wanders in.
WvW is a total joke atm, have to do puzzles for badges but can’t do puzzles because people camp them.
Remove the puzzles, give us a high badge ratio drop. It should be a bare minimum of 50% for player kills and we should get the possibility for badges on down, not just death.
god forbid you have to pvp your way through puzzles to get badges.
and yes, you simply got the reset time wrong. its every 24 hr for each char.
and yes, you simply got the reset time wrong. its every 24 hr for each char.
Okay, I’ll check it out a few times more, but it really didn’t feel right.
Thanks for your help
And to swilkers and BabelFish please post your comment in the right thread. There is (at least) one for the discussion of the jumping puzzle.