Kaineng rising from the dead.....

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: oscuro.9720


I don’t think we should accuse anyone of anything. The screen shot shows 3 ballista a that are, in fact kainengs. You can gather this from the fact that the guard is attacking the player and the ballista a are full health. I do not deny that someone on Kaineng built these, but you need to remember that many different people play this game, and the forum does not represent everyone in game. There are countless guilds who don’t have a single player looking in here. This is not different from if I were to tell you that a lot of CD are bad because I fought pugs who got lost from your zerg all week (not the case, just an example). A lot of you would flame me saying you could kill me without even knowing how I play. Just because 1 group builds ballista a does not mean “Kaineng builds open field siege”. Let’s not go burning bridges or anything because I like this matchup (roaming wise).

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


Siege is part of the game and using it smartly ANYWHERE on the map in any situation is also part of the game. Not sure what the problem is here…TexZero, it’s quite clear that you are a new WvW player or simply just trolling.

This coming from one of our better commanders in Kaineng wvw. Sorry, Tex, but Dangleon is spot on.

And btw, Dangleon……I love running with your groups in wvw. Always fun, even when we’re vastly outnumbered. You’re an excellent commander!

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Krustydog.3072


just saw a road sign in WvW-“Caution, Beat Down in Progress.”