Like or Dislike new WvW Bordelands

Like or Dislike new WvW Bordelands

in WvW

Posted by: tichai.4351


The only thing wrong with the new map is the laser event, it really needs to go. It is a pointless addition which, fortunately, people are already starting to ignore.

The biggest problem is with people’s attitude to change, they hate it because it is new and rather than adapt their game play to suit, they will complain.

The irony is, had these maps been in the game from the start everyone would have been on the forums saying how great they were

One of the biggest complaints over the years has been about blobs running around like a plague of locusts and this map actually works against that style of game play if people would actually stop and think about it for a second.

Yes, it’s big, yes, it has lots of different routes and levels, no, there are no WP’s, all these things actually work against zerg game play.

Think about it, look at the map, the terrain, the towers and keeps. A zerg will still cap objectives, but, for example, a 60 man zerg can cap 1 objective whereas 4 × 15 man groups can cap 4 objectives and because of the terrain the blob has a huge disadvantage.

The new map will only become EotM 2.0 if you, the players, let it.

Anet has actually given us some of the things we have been asking for for years, maybe not quite in the way we anticipated but they are there if you only take the time to look and stop moaning about it.

Scrub Guardian [CHvc]
Gunnar’s Hold

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Posted by: Zephyr The Tainted.5962

Zephyr The Tainted.5962

I don’t like it for most reasons above, no point saying which ones though because Anet rarely actually looks at these forums STILL!

One thing tho, I feel a players skill is dropping more and more down the list of ways to influence a matchup and the developers are out of touch with the current WvW community more than ever!

(edited by Zephyr The Tainted.5962)

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Posted by: Sich.7103


Remove the central event, please… This as nothing to do here…
Give us back the WP on the keep… Actually the keep have no value ! At the moment if one of our keep is attacked by some ennemy zerg we don’t even try to defend it, we just go to take it back later. The keep have no value at all (except ppt).
Bring back the old upgrade and supply system, to give some job to do for the defenser…

The biggest issue is that you remove the need to defend something. There is no point to defend… T0 and T3 keep are exactly the same ! No interest, no need to make the upgrade, no need to escort dolly, no need to defend supply camp, no need to defend keep with WP….
The past 2 days it was just karma train, ennemy taking our stuff, and our team going just after them to take it back… We don’t even try to defend, because there is no interest to run for minutes, to be lost in thatkitten#8230; maze just to join the fight too late.

I was used to scout / defend / upgrade stuff… Now there is no interest for that as all is automatic and as keep have no value… Just try to call EB to defend rampart… No one respond because nobody cares about those auto free upgrade stuff with automatic WP at T0…

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Posted by: Javi.4359


The new BL is atrocious. The stuttering is overwhelming, despite the game showing me 50odd FPS.
I want my old BL’s back.

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Posted by: Chorazin.4107


I prefer the old maps.

Anet reminds me of watching the new Star Wars where they try and cram as much kittening kitten on the screen as possible. I think the phrase brevity is the soul of wit is lost on Anet, keep it kittening simple and dont waste my time.

There was a reason Hibernia for old school DAoC was the most popular realm to run around on. It was just rolling hills with stands of trees here and there. With each sub zone having a keep. Simple, elegant.

It’s like the map was made by some ADHD guy coked to the eyeballs after about 4 days without sleep and a fetish for mazes.

Keep cramming more kitten in those keeps, needs more switchbacks, bridges to jump across, lava, wind and dead ends, needs some more NPC’s that fire laser beams like in Star Wars, maybe 3 or 4 levels for people to fight on, and some kittening flying chainsaws that can cut ppls heads off, they should probably shoot fire or laser beams as well. And you should totally be able to transform into fire beasts, kitten yeah, and use lava to teleport, and fire a kittening massive laser like the ion cannon on Hoth!!!!11, kitten YEAH LASERS AND DINOSAURS THAT HOLD POWER CORES@!111

Surely he could of fit in some flying magic laser tanks for us to pilot that drop dinosaurs strapped with explosives as bombs.

[lion]~ riperonis

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Posted by: Tongku.5326


So far, most people I have talked to on TS + myself are either indiferent to it or actually like it, except 1 thing, the size.

As others have stated, the map is too big, its too difficult to get into fights and too easy to avoid them and it takes way too long to rejoin the action if you respawn. You end up spending way too much time trying to get to wherever it is you are trying to get to, then actually doing whatever it is you want to do.

Map is just too large.

The new mechanics are nice, especially auto upgrades etc. Shield generators + the new chokes on the new maps have some great potential to break up blobs, unfortunately they suffer in large fights from skill lag, just like players do, thus making them utterly useless.

The complaints with old maps were:
-unfriendly to defenders – fixed
-too long time to get from spawn to action – made worse
-too much vertical stuff (zig zag part by citadel+ ruins + too many impassable cliffs) – made worse
-useless PVE (centaurs, skritt) – improved, still PvE, but now better related to objectives
-new siege + siege mechanics – better and improved
-new Lords (NPCs) – much improved, still needs to scale up more vs. map que (or close to it) size blobs, especially on damage / special ability parts, the Lords just dont do enough vs full map blobs, they are fine vs small and medium size groups but not 50+. This goes about double if its a gari Lord, it should kill at least 25%-50% of a blob.
-Sentries – Great improvements, but can they also scale better vs medium size and full map blob groups ?

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

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Posted by: Shadow.3475


Way to early to say but it feel like defens got a boost so thats good.

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Posted by: Jwoww.4315


I said it from the start of the beta, it does not matter how pretty the maps are, or how cool things may look or act.

I am from BG (teir 1 wvw masters) and have played wvw since GW2 was released.

Conclusion : Anet you have killed wvw with these new maps, they simply do not work and were never going to work for the server populations.

I have little to no intention of playing wvw everyday for hours like I used too, I doubt I will be even bothering going along to our guild runs.

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Posted by: Boa Cinderella.1298

Boa Cinderella.1298

The new maps are beautiful but too large for the small willingnes/ability of people to play and controll them over time.

When things are getting wrong and worse, people like to assume it’s only the environnment, that makes them lose a fight or a match. They call for a new map or whatever to solve an internal problem.

They do not want to admit, that they could organize themselves better. The change had to be more on the side of players and less on gamedesign. Getting more involved in scouting, communication and coordination with the commander and the guildraids would be most effective for fun and success. For me, a bigger map is not a better map and small was beautiful.

But what can ArenaNet do? They can’t change the ability of players to improve their skill and organization. They can’t act for lazy pugs.

ArenaNet just can set up the rules and put the ball on the field but to play a good style is the job of the players. Plenty of players deny to get ready for a good fight in TS and with all skill, movement and engagement – you can asc experienced commanders about this fact. As ArenaNet can’t set up the skill of players they invested much time in map-design instead and the result is really impressing. Those who like the maps are not necessarily those who have to command and organize the raid as well as holding structures over time.

Nevertheless I prefer to play chess on a simple 8 × 8 one plane field – others may get thrilled by a 1000 × 1000 labyrinthic 3D field with countless floors.


- Piken – [ONYX]

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Posted by: Shadowresli.3782


@ Boa: what he said!

an other factor is the limited time we have to play (yeah, most of us are afterwork warriors). in this time, we want to achieve something (what that is depends on the playstyle). but atm, the new map seems to be empty and one has do a lot of walking around, which isn’t fun for anybody

proudly wiped by RG and Funny Sunny Bunny

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Posted by: Notsoperky.2348


-new Lords (NPCs) – much improved, still needs to scale up more vs. map que (or close to it) size blobs, especially on damage / special ability parts, the Lords just dont do enough vs full map blobs, they are fine vs small and medium size groups but not 50+. This goes about double if its a gari Lord, it should kill at least 25%-50% of a blob.
-Sentries – Great improvements, but can they also scale better vs medium size and full map blob groups ?

So you basically are asking for a massive pve boost to the Lord so that it wipes players, giving a huge advantage to the defenders and forcing the attackers to come in overwhelming numbers in order to both counter the enemy zerg and the Lord?

Lord should take some time to down to allow defenders to get there, but not be so powerful they mean instant death or mean that you need twice as many players as the defenders just to take down the Lord.

Let’s keep pve where it should be. No need for Teq waves coming out of a Lord, if you want that go do some pve events. wvw is supposed to be massive player battles, not massive pve event.

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Posted by: Dawntree.7246


Close this thread and reopen it in 3-4 weeks. There are no real opinions yet.
Many people play hot so we have to wait to see if the size and everything is good once you actually have que on every border again.
Not to mention the time you need to simply get uses to thus map. It just needs some time.
That’s also the reason why I won’t tell yet if I like it or not. Because nobody can already know how it will be played.


Emanuel Dawntree – Nord Guardian of [TasH] – 9×80
Whiteside Ridge

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Posted by: Dawdler.8521


So what would we have wanted if they had asked us. Less pve stuff. Because we are not there to do pve at all. This they understand in pvp, because they do not put pve things in pvp maps that effect fights because they understand that it would be a bad thing and that we are only there to fight eachother not to do pve.

Well, except that the new sPvP mode is all about PvE and there are sPvP maps where victory is decided by PvE…

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Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


Which new wvw map?
You mean the new EOTM map?
Disliked it for sure

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Posted by: OldGreg.6428


I play 99% of my time in WvWvW. I really dislike what they have done to it. The maps, although look nice do not feel like WvW.

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Posted by: erKo.9586


I dont like the new maps at all. They are:
To big.
To confusing
To many levels(like the maguuma jungle, i dont like that either)
To much details and stuff.
To hard to find enemies because of the big size.
To hard to scout.

Im a 100% WvW-player and since the release I’ve played only Eternal Battlegrounds that stayed the same(luckely) otherwise the whole WvW in the game would have been destroyed. Why would you remove the old map? Couldn’t you have keeped 1 of the old maps and added 1 new.

Wvw have never been so dead like it is now, and I’ve ask ALL my friends that play wvw over 30 players and there is 3 of them that like the new borders. Thats bad anet.

[WvW] Thanks Anet for listening to your players during 2016.
Far Shiverpeaks – EU – Since release.

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Posted by: gitflap.9031


The old map worked because it was straightforward, compact and ungimmiky. The new map is complicated, sprawling and full of needless EoTM style gimmiks. Maybe if the whole centre section was completely removed, it might work. I dunno. Some kittening stairs in useful places might help too. Diru did a good job of expressing pretty much what I, and it seems many others, feel about the changes to WvW as a whole.

I’ll come back in a few weeks to check it out but one thing’s for sure, my scouting days are over. Just way too much ground to cover and way too many obsticles to covering it.

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Posted by: Xernth.8561


I’d love to have sat in on the meetings to not allow waypoints in the side keeps.

“Hey guys, I have a proposal, let’s remove the Hills and Bay waypoints”

Pros guy: “Umm, we won’t have to code them.”

Cons guy: “Hmm, that would result in a lot more running through empty terrain, give less incentive for long term defense and make getting to any potential fights in the south half of the zone impossible.”

WvW Team Lead (haha, yes I know): “Hmm, more running, less fighting other players, easier karma training, and hey people may stumble over our sweet PvE stuff while they run, a clear win for the idea. Cons guy, you buy the beer.”

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Posted by: Tongku.5326


-new Lords (NPCs) – much improved, still needs to scale up more vs. map que (or close to it) size blobs, especially on damage / special ability parts, the Lords just dont do enough vs full map blobs, they are fine vs small and medium size groups but not 50+. This goes about double if its a gari Lord, it should kill at least 25%-50% of a blob.
-Sentries – Great improvements, but can they also scale better vs medium size and full map blob groups ?

So you basically are asking for a massive pve boost to the Lord so that it wipes players, giving a huge advantage to the defenders and forcing the attackers to come in overwhelming numbers in order to both counter the enemy zerg and the Lord?

Lord should take some time to down to allow defenders to get there, but not be so powerful they mean instant death or mean that you need twice as many players as the defenders just to take down the Lord.

Let’s keep pve where it should be. No need for Teq waves coming out of a Lord, if you want that go do some pve events. wvw is supposed to be massive player battles, not massive pve event.

I have already been a part of various size raids, everything from havoc size to mid range, to map blobs this weekend and took all objectives on the new map multiple times, and my statements stand. Your and your groups/servers inability to complete encounter are specific L2P issues which we dealt with and did not experience. Please do not generalize and assume everyone is as incapable as you. besides, what is it that you want ? Run around in your k-train mega map que blob and insta auto attack / kill everything like you do in a lowbie zone in PVE so that no one ever can bring in defenders fast enough ? isn’t whole point to fight other players ? Shouldn’t they actually have a chance to defend ?

Also, you misunderstood, I specifically stated they need a boost vs. map blobs, not smaller groups, their scaling is broken, it was a total joke taking them down in a large group literally no one got hurt / downed. They are OK vs mid and small size groups. Also specifically brought up Gari Lords, and maybe keep Lords a bit, because Gari is supposed to be the hardest thing in the game to take, but it isnt. Currently, difficulty wise its on par with Hills/Bay or defended tower, which needs to change, and again, this is only vs large blobs, not small or mid size groups as those run into supply limitations relatively quick on upgraded gari.

One of the largest issues with old map is that there is not enough time to properly respond to map blobs, not again, not mid size or small groups, just blobs. There are 2 simple ways fix this, 1st is to vastly increase HP on walls / gates, which would grossly imbalance it vs small / mid groups, 2nd is to better scale up the lords and guards, with this difficulty will not rise vs the smaller groups, just blobs.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

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Posted by: Raf.1078


Having 3 of those monstrous BL maps is the problem. ANet got it backwards. Should have left the Alpine maps alone and replaced EB with “1” of the new maps.

Then maybe you could force the 3 servers into one new map for big points. Perhaps then enough people would play there.

That said…don’t particularly care for the new map and will be spending as much time in EB as possible.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

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Posted by: MojoGroove.8253


Complexity does not = depth.
hugeness with no pop increase = does not make for fights.

Its honestly is a preplexing map. It takes so long to walk anywhere- how could you ever call for help on D? they would never get there in time?

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Posted by: Puck.9612


I have already been a part of various size raids, everything from havoc size to mid range, to map blobs this weekend and took all objectives on the new map multiple times….

So you had an easy time k training…

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

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Posted by: Saleen Jso.2645

Saleen Jso.2645

I think the new map is too complex. It frequently feels like you’re running around a maze.

The Alpine map was a bit bland, there were too many flat areas, wasted unused space and it was too easy for attackers to quickly dominate camps and kill very slow yaks.

I feel like the new dessert map was an over the top effort in trying to address these issues.

Saleen – Maguuma

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Posted by: Zoel.9154


It makes it too hard to get newer players into WvW, because it’s too complicated for them to actually come to a friendly group for a variety of reasons.

There are a lot of other reasons I don’t like it but I’m trying hard to withhold judgement.

It took 45 minutes on reset night to get a fight. I realize it was right after release, but it’s been pretty bad for a couple nights in general. I’m trying to give the new map a chance but… there’s just no fights.

Zoel – GM of [coVn]

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Posted by: Dogsmack.4910


I think they suck..its for pve people and new players..combine silverwastes of time and Edge of the ktrain and you have the abortion that is the new borderlands..i guarantee if they had both to choose from to play..only anet fanboys and new players would be liking the new bl..congrats and cyas in eternal battleground until they kill it

The people have spoken Anet now fix it

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Posted by: Fellfoot.8156


If the new BL was awesome, wouldn’t the die hard WvW crowd have been in there 24/7 since the new reset? …and the awesomeness of the map would’ve gone viral? …and the BL ques would’ve been horrendous? …and the forums be filled with drooling and giddiness? Has that ever happened?

Personally, I’ve put in some time on the new BL and plan to do a marathon later this week to watch and learn how the 3 headed blob server we’re matched up against attacks and moves around. But everytime I’ve logged in since HoT release, I don’t feel any gravity to the new BL. Personally, I’m a WvW vet, but I’m just not excited about nor drawn to it. Perhaps it’s because of the matchup; knowing the outcome was already decided 5 seconds after reset. Perhaps all I kept seeing and hearing and reading about the new BL had me hyped up and the actual realities of the map crushed my kitten expectations.

But Im NOT in WvW for a map. In spite of my personal disappointment I’ll be playing the new BL because it’s there …and I’ll be playing it with my guild folks and server folks …and it’ll be fun because we’ll moan and groan and gripe and complain together, while we fight and die together.

[AIR] Henge of Denravi aka Pink Abu, [BAMA] RollTide
chopping wood one day, dropped a piece,
all I could say was, “…fell…foot…”

(edited by Fellfoot.8156)

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Posted by: Mishi.7058


I’m waiting a few weeks to a month to comment on the new map. (Due to the PvE shiny’s taking many from wvw currently, and others farming HP’s for traits.)

I will say, watching a lord fear 10 into their lava death was amusing

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

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Posted by: Zioba.6182


The map makes me sad. It is a gorgeous map. If this would be a pve map, i would probably spend a lot of time there, wandering around and exploring all those stairs and cliffs and little bridges or stoping for a cool drink at the oasis. The keeps would also be a verry nice environment for the guildhalls or for citys. An amazing place to hang around with friends.
But that’s just not the stuff i’m aiming for, when i enter wvw.
The map is just to huge, complicated and confusing. With all those diferent routes even 2 zergs, searching for each other can easily miss each other. Wenn you loose your group it is verry hard to catchup and i end up mostly right next to my commander on the map, but even if the map shows him right next to me, we are seperated from a wall. Or he is above or below me and there is simply no way to catch up, because i went on a wrong turn somewhere. So i end up porting to spawn or keep and just wait for the zerg to get there at some point, because trying to catchup just makes me ragequit. From the look i love the new map. But to play wvw on it is just a verry frustrating experience.
Also the autoupgrade and waypoints are bad. there is no more reason to fight for a strukture, no matter what tier it is, there is no benefit for any side. Not for taking it nor for defending it, you can just retake it and get more wxp, karma and a champbag from that.
My first impression was: I was completly shocked and hated the new map. Now that i had a while to look at it i agree, that it is beautifull, but i still just don’t enjoy playing on it, at least not wvw. And it makes me sad, i feel bad that i just can not enjoy a map, that surely took the Devs a lot of time and effort to create, while on the other had all the good memorys from the old maps come up, with the feeling, that things like this can’t happen on this maps for several reasons. This map is a piece of art, not made for war.
It feels like the community asked for new shoes, expecting this
but getting this

I can imagine only 3 reasons for me to go there:
1) My guild decides to raid there 2) Someone in ts calls for help for Garri (how ever it is called now) 3) I need a Bank and EB has a queue.

I would love to see the new BL map converted to a pve map or a 2nd eotm map, because it would be a shame to just pack it away and never think of it again, but please please please,for now have mercy give us back the old maps.

Sarcasm is what’s left when all hope is gone

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Posted by: Alex.9507


Short and sweet: I like what the map is trying to do. It’s interesting, it looks nice. But it’s too kitten big. At least for the amount of people in it. Increase map size or make the map smaller.

Also please, less PvE elements in what is supposed to be large scale PvP.

Seviryn [Rekz]

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Posted by: Rastel.9157


I logged into the BL map last night…i could not for the love of God find out how to get out of the base you spawn in..*I mean common…I’ve been playing www since releace….I’m casual yes, but not stupid….WHY do they do this? New players must be completely mad about this….

whats the reason for locking us in our spawn point? The old BL maps had a big gate…you kinde knew ..THAT is the main way out!….

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Posted by: McWolfy.5924


As i see it have the same problems as eotm. Too big, too hard to catch up with dudes, hard to siege up against a tower but too easy to drop 7327 ac behind a chock.
I liked gw1 FA map. The map itself is little, but if you die you have a 1-2 minutes penelity, while you can observe other players

Just the WvW

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Posted by: Pixelninja.6971


WvW is dead, just checked Teamspeak and there is no WvW-group going for hours.
Before HoT, we always had a group of hardcore WvW-players during off-hours, now nobody is on. These people were the the reason i kept playing WvW, now that they are gone so am i.

Just keep telling yourself that all hardcore wvw-players are playing pve. Hope dies last.

(edited by Pixelninja.6971)

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Posted by: Olli.9028


Just keep telling yourself that all hardcore wvw-players are playing pve. Hope dies last.

Big pve matches always kill 20-40% of the population in wvw but the core wvw players ignore all this shiny new pve patches and play wvw only after every patch.

this is the first patch where all are gone.

The map is just so terrible that all ppl play pve/or leave gw until they fix this pve bull ….

I only wait how the guildhall gvg szene will be in 2-3 weeks if this is not the same fun as wvw before i´m done with this all hail casual pve srub patches from anet.

HC fighting wvw will be death in weeks if anet doesn´t change a lot !!!!

Stab Eins [aX] Axîom
professional WvW rallybotting since 2013

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Posted by: sasukeboy.8492


Feedback after 3 days of playing:
- map size too Big, even for High wvw populated server THE map size is to big. Many wvw players stopped already with playing, so the left over has a way to big place to play in. For low population wvw servers it’s even more empty. If I run now into the new map there are more PvE monsters then players.
- PvE events, I have done that event in the middle of the map, picking up a node and drop in the basket. I did in the beginning solo, there was no one around. Then 2 guys came to assist me, took us couple minutes we have finished the event, so enemies gate were down. Yeah but then? We arrive at that gate but the upgrade just went done of that tower so we setup a ram to get that gate down. But why should I do a PvE event for couple minutes, and not build the ram right away? What I wanna say is that the event is totally not necessary. Maybe for in higher populated wvw server, but in lower ranked wvw server it’s just waste of time. U are faster with building a ram and knocking the gate down then do that PvE event. And why PvE event in a wvw map? We had that before in the old maps? no. Did we asked for it? No. Did we wvw players said we don’t like PvE stuff in wvw? Yes.
-map environment : whole environment are awesome and pretty, I need to say thanks for this beautiful map, the drawings, buildings, air, effects etc etc are all very nice I like the sealing in the lords room of the air keep.
- map mechanics: the map has many traps for the server who activated the shrines, that’s a cool idea, that stealth in the mist is awesome, some knock backs by storm. All cool but all not necessary. That knock back if u pop up u r stability then it’s on cool down but what if enemy is nearby? Or they push out? U don’t have ur stab because u used it on a knock back from a map mechanic…..has nothing to do with a proper fair fight, I know wvw has never been fair (10vs1 60vs15 20 ac on walls) but popping up my stab for a map mechanic and take the risk that I don’t fall off and get separated from my guild is way to much.

The new map has some improvements, but most of them are just the look of the map what has improved, if Anet says it’s a improvement in the plying style of wvw, then I can say Anet in that point u are not right. No improvement in game play at all. It’s a huge disappointment in the game play. I don’t wanna tell u guys why to do, u guys make a game mode for us, we played it for 3 yrs, we gave u guys 3 yrs of feedback but u Anet didn’t listen at all. PvE players has problem to take a HP ( read in HoT forum) in 2 days u guys removed it and make it a bit easier for PvE. Now we wvw players after 3 days having big problems with wvw and 0 answer. Seriously if u guys fee really sorry about the new map and didn’t realize so many bad feedback, fine please come and say something at least. If u guys don’t feel sorry at all about. Also no worries come and tell us that this is the end product and live with it and play. U know why I’m saying this? Because we wvw players feel we are left out and u don’t really care about this part of ur customers.
Lots of us want a explanation and I feel the same. Explain what? Explain why u guys have 3 yrs of feedback from wvw players and has done 0 things about it, and u guys make a map what is totally the opposite what we gave u on 3yrs of feedback.

[RiOT] The Civil Rebels

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Posted by: Rym.1469


What I see in general is that majority doesn’t want objective based maps, but just huge plain field where you could play WvW deathmatch and that’s it.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

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Posted by: Dawdler.8521


What I see in general is that majority doesn’t want objective based maps, but just huge plain field where you could play WvW deathmatch and that’s it.

No, what people wanted was just a little more than the old border. Maybe 20% prettier. Or 30%. Not drowning in 300% overdesigned maps so convoluted people have trouble finding their way out of keeps.

Found a great qoute from a SWTOR interview on Kotaku just now though, lol.

“Life as a developer of an online game is full of regrets,” Maclean said. “We’ll never get better if we don’t look at things we’ve done with a critical eye and say, ‘ You know, that was stupid. Why did we do that?’”

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Posted by: Sich.7103


We don’t want flat map, we want keep who have some value ! Tactical with WP, or pride because it’s difficult to upgrade and they need team work to be at T3.
We don’t want automatic / free upgrade without any tactical advantage..
And real keep, not some big thing where you need 2 min to go from north gate to south gate…

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Posted by: Genocide.1524


Soo much QQ i swear.. Not trying to troll or anything but come on dear lord..

I mean yes the new BL are huge and it seems everyone just blobs on EBG now and get more roaming groups on the other BL’s..

HoT has been out for less then a week. People are doing those maps and doing there Mastery stuff.. So like many ppl have said, less population on the WvW..

My honest opinion and Ive been playing Gw2 since launch and spent 99% of my time in WvW, lvling up 80s in sheer wvw before EoTM..
I feel the new maps are fine. I enjoy them. I enjoy a small group of 10-15 go in and attacking a keep and getting a report that a zerg is incoming, and being able to slip out of the keep and redirecting else where.. While this might not be fun as the old way of WvW where just follow the blob around and mass spam aoe’s to tag everyone to get lots of bags. Feels you need more tactic now. The keep and tower lords IMO are a nice change.. I feel they might be slightly over powered but I feel a solo should now be able to slip in and ninja a keep or tower. Just my opinion.. Think it now promotes more group based content and people have to plan things out vs just mindlessly run from one keep to the other.

I also feel like think i stated before the new maps are just NEW and thus people dont like them.. If the maps were like they are now back in the day. Playing them everyday people would like them. Change is scary Change is bad Change is the devil!!

I think people just love to complain and kitten about everything. People aren’t happy unless they have something to complain about.

If the BL’s were like they are now when Gw2 launched ppl would be use to them and probably like them.. Then with HoT launched and they rolled everything to how they were with the smaller BL’s the super easy mindly roaming around with blobs capping everything, ppl would be screaming Change them back, these are to easy to small..

Long story short. Just suck it up and find groups of ppl and go do them.. Yes the maps are big, as they should be. They are new and new is scary..

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Posted by: Xillllix.3485


The map isn’t that complicated seriously I don’t understand why people are saying that.

The only thing is that it’s big and require some waypoints in the towers as soon as they are captured.

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Posted by: Sich.7103


We can learn the new map, but we always have :
– missing WP
– Auto free WP on south tower and garri > tower and keep useless, T0 = T3
– Auto free upgrade. No need for supply, no need for human. The next step is mob building ram on ennemy tower ? Then we just have to sit and watch ?
– Central event who have nothing to do here. At least remove the canon and give some bonus chest.

The map is not the only one problem, lot of other around !

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Posted by: sasukeboy.8492


Soo much QQ i swear.. Not trying to troll or anything but come on dear lord..

I mean yes the new BL are huge and it seems everyone just blobs on EBG now and get more roaming groups on the other BL’s..

HoT has been out for less then a week. People are doing those maps and doing there Mastery stuff.. So like many ppl have said, less population on the WvW..

My honest opinion and Ive been playing Gw2 since launch and spent 99% of my time in WvW, lvling up 80s in sheer wvw before EoTM..
I feel the new maps are fine. I enjoy them. I enjoy a small group of 10-15 go in and attacking a keep and getting a report that a zerg is incoming, and being able to slip out of the keep and redirecting else where.. While this might not be fun as the old way of WvW where just follow the blob around and mass spam aoe’s to tag everyone to get lots of bags. Feels you need more tactic now. The keep and tower lords IMO are a nice change.. I feel they might be slightly over powered but I feel a solo should now be able to slip in and ninja a keep or tower. Just my opinion.. Think it now promotes more group based content and people have to plan things out vs just mindlessly run from one keep to the other.

I also feel like think i stated before the new maps are just NEW and thus people dont like them.. If the maps were like they are now back in the day. Playing them everyday people would like them. Change is scary Change is bad Change is the devil!!

I think people just love to complain and kitten about everything. People aren’t happy unless they have something to complain about.

If the BL’s were like they are now when Gw2 launched ppl would be use to them and probably like them.. Then with HoT launched and they rolled everything to how they were with the smaller BL’s the super easy mindly roaming around with blobs capping everything, ppl would be screaming Change them back, these are to easy to small..

Long story short. Just suck it up and find groups of ppl and go do them.. Yes the maps are big, as they should be. They are new and new is scary..

Same here 99% of my time is wvw, played from release till now, I agreed with ur point that this is still new people need to play and adept on it, that’s what I do the last couple days and that’s the feedback what I can give to the devs/players.
I don’t need the old maps, I like this map, but lots of mechanics inside the map is just not necessary, u as a wvw player knows aswell that we wvw players has really nothing to do with PvE, so why those PvE events in a wvw map? We wvw players ( lots of them) dislike EoTm, most of us are agreed with that EoTm was a fail map for wvw. So why they make a new map what’s look like EoTm?
I got acces to a couple TS servers in NA and a couple TS acces in EU. I see that medium and high wvw populated servers are dropping in nr’s during off prime time and on prime time. ( Halloween , HoT PvE, GH yes I know and need to be patient) dropping in nr’s a new map new thing to scout and instead of a increase of people who wanna see the maps there is a decrease in wvw population that says enough.
U are one of the happy customer probably with a handful more, but from what I see there is a drop in wvw instead of a increAse, if the maps was better and good the players would have played it, now it’s just the facts that most people don’t like it and play smth else.

[RiOT] The Civil Rebels

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Posted by: Noblehawk.8036


What I don’t really want to see on WvW map include at least following:

- automatic cannons
- pushes/pulls/knockbacks/fears as map mechanics
- high cliffs/drops/lava in a location where plenty of fighting is supposed to happen
- narrow long pathways with really limited view and complex design
- long distances (paths) between objects
- lack of open field
- PvE fight mechanics / elements (includes lord fights).
- too strong npc’s which one skillful player can not kill (even alone) with enough time and determination.
- automatic upgrades
- resource nodes inside objectives instead of spreading them out to the map.

(edited by Noblehawk.8036)

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Posted by: Naurgalen.2374


I play in a low population server (Sorrows Furnace), and what I see is that the new maps are designed for high populated servers.

Yes, its easier to defend keeps or towers vs zergs but when you have low population in non prime time forget about taking opponents towers (me and a guild mate defended one from 5 players with 2 golems) or keeps (we tried to take one in night time -we were only 3 players on our borderland- and its just overcomplciated: running for the supply while defending the siege from npcs, taking down the temples, the second wall + the lord knowing that with the amount of npcs and the power of the new lord if only 1 enemy player comes to defend its GG ). So at night its defending + supply camps or go to EB where a small group can do far more points for your world AND HAVE FUN at the same time.

This problem seems aggravated by the laser event: I haven’t played it, but my guild mates told me that its just too strong for the team with more players and I can see why knowing how it works.

I know and I expect that more people will return to play WvW eventually when the novelty of the expansion fades, but it still wont be a bonus of 100+ players and at least in low populated servers the problems will stay.

For me, low populated server should “merge” in WvW not only to compete with the medium populated ones but to actually play and have fun in a map designed for massive battles and not small skirmishes.

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Posted by: Gunner Morton.8340

Gunner Morton.8340

I don’t like this new borderlands, or should I say EOTM, map. Bring back the old map, please.

I used to play WvW on Gunnar’s Hold, then I took a flawed serverlink to the knee.

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Posted by: sasukeboy.8492


[RiOT] The Civil Rebels

(edited by sasukeboy.8492)

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Posted by: Puck.9612


You need to remove the /r if you want people to be able to vote. You should go back and edit it in your thread as well.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

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Posted by: sasukeboy.8492


Thanks , edited

[RiOT] The Civil Rebels

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Posted by: slamfunction.7462


Like! I think the new map is simply amazing to see, roam around in, and play in. Now, all we need to do is merge all the servers down to 9-12 specific WvW servers, to build the communities, and provide a population to those maps, and we’ll be all set.

Arena Nets are used to catch Gladiator Fish.

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Posted by: ImLegion.4018


I love this map a lot. Yes there could be some changes in it. Take out pve in middle and some finding players can be a challenge. On the other hand it was released Friday last, players are everywhere and a Halloween event together if not very smart.

I think more players will be on the bl when everyone has found their place again.

I really do not hope the old bl will return soon.

Piken Square

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Posted by: EsarioOne.9840


Close this thread and reopen it in 3-4 weeks. There are no real opinions yet.

Initial opinions are opinions. Alo, they are useful for metric crunchers.