Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Swiftly.2385


Lots of people are simply logging out on downed stated now if their server has an instant Queue. It is happening alot, and I mean alot.

Is this something that can/should be reported?

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


I really don’t understand how they don’t have a 20sec before log out period like many other mmos.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: kelman.9451


Agree, I seen this happen often, simple fix is no logging out when in battle or delay of at least 20 seconds.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


i don’t understand why they logout ?

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Eliteseraph.4970


Let’s see…downed state vs queue to get back into WvW…..hmmmm

Granted, the person logging out still steals the chance for loot from whoever kills them.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Maderas.9741


Queue times have dropped significantly for most servers, along with population. The queue isn’t going to be an effective deterrent to this behavior.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

I’d like to know Anet’s stance on this. Been seeing a lot of people logging out to avoid defeat/repair bill lately.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


I’d like to know Anet’s stance on this. Been seeing a lot of people logging out to avoid death lately.

Thing in this has been a issue in most MMOs forever hence why most have a timer or something.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: kyokara.1867


They logout because the enemy gets no karma, xp, or loot. I could understand why one would do it if they got zerged or run down by a mob while alone, but I was really surprised when it first happened, I thought it would be common sense to implement some sort of system where the character stays logged in for a bit.

80 Warrior
2 Mesmer (sPvP only)

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Chiaro.6892


One of my friends logs out when downed (even if there is a queue..) to prevent repair costs and his /deaths counter from growing..
I haven’t had it happen to me yet, but I would be annoyed if I just downed someone after a good, honest fight and I don’t get the satisfaction of finishing them because they log out on me!
As mentioned above, a good fix would be a 10-20 second logout delay when someone is in combat, if they use any actions during that time the logout is cancelled.
Not sure what happens when someone force quits the game with alt+f4 or the reset button or whatever, but if they’re in combat their character should remain in-game and killable for those 10-20 seconds as well.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Recently.1043


I only noticed this trend recently, didn’t even know log-out was instant, always thought there was a delay, but the last couple of days i’ve seen people abuse this, its pretty stupid.

If someone logs out, make their body stay in that location for at least 10seconds or something.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Swiftly.2385


I counted last night. 26 times. Yes, 26 times!! If you have to log out when being defeated, seriously stay out of Wv3!

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: SausageStorm.4293


Like getting badges of honor was hard enough even when you do manage to kill someone, now people are doing this. Ugh, really hope they fix it.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Winterwolf.3782


Downed state needs to be removed, period. It’s ridiculous.

Tarnished Coast Rough Riders

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: spif.7580


Down 3 orbs to the local zerg team and sick of repairs? I may have to add this to my hotbar. lol

—- Kaineng : Nuke → Saarc ---

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


The secret is to never put yourself in a position where you can die.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (http://bit.ly/12RNvtK)
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Swiftly.2385


I would like a response from Anet on this. This situation is out of control.

Over 50% of people just log out when they even think they are going to lose.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Winterwolf.3782


^ legit statistic. Can we please not blow things out of proportion? I think this has happened to me twice over the past three weeks.

Tarnished Coast Rough Riders

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Swiftly.2385


Maybe you should try killing more people in Wv3 then. It happens a lot.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Winterwolf.3782


Because you say so? Alright then. Also, assuming that someone doesn’t kill much because he doesn’t suffer from some mass logout-on-f-bomb epidemic is silly. But I’m not here to flaunt my credentials. Saying that over 50% of players log out on downed state is ridiculous.

Tarnished Coast Rough Riders

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


I tried it out of curiosity but was dead when I logged back in. Must be doing it wrong

some terrible idiot in [pre]

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: achilleez.2750


I had never noticed people doing this until today. At least 5 people that I personally had downed suddenly disappeared (I imagine logged off). It’s a shame people act in this manner and unfortunately it’s my opinion that a delay should be implemented to prevent this unsporting behavior.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: ski.4927


I had this happen to me two nights ago. I fought a Guardian 1v1 when we crossed each other out roaming the BG. It was a good long fight that alsted at least a minute, maybe a minute and a half, and when I finally got the upper hand and downed him, he disappeared from the screen as my character was up in the air performing a death blow.

Kind of a cheap move and I would like to see A-net implement a fix for this.

Turkish Krul – Druid

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: AlecFair.1270


What we call that nowadays is kittens rage quitting (GW curse word lul). I was in a 1v1 with an engineer as my ranger, I always stow my pet to hide my rangerness while in WvW as a tactic, it was a pretty even fight after he gets down to about below 25% of his hp me being around 30ish and pet unscathed because bear wolves healing themselves with every hit almost, an extra person on my end gets into the fray and all of a sudden he disappears. Being it my first time seeing this I dumbly said “Engis cannot invis, I know I play one on my alt.”. Just to laugh hard to find out he rage quitted the fight right even before the other guy put in the first hit.

I didn’t get ticked off because people are now logging out upon death. I actually laughed because the guy was such a sore kitten that he thought he would be smart and log out when in actuality, he cannot admit he lost fairly in an OPEN WORLD PVP MATCH WHERE EVERYTHING GOES!

Lesson here? Feel more awesome because you made some nub rage quit just to relog and receive the same beating again if he is a sucker enough to log back into WvW.

Tarnished Coast – Got mah Toast on. :V
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: CarelessKrow.8032


Maybe you should try killing more people in Wv3 then. It happens a lot.

I think you need to kill more than two people if you’re getting 50% of players logging out on down. :P

I’ve yet to encounter this. And judging from comment history, we’re both on JQ so server-wise it’s not an issue.

[AoS] Army of Shepherds | Jade Quarry
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Musty.3148


Yeah, it sucks to 1v1 someone and they log to avoid the death.

Please implement a while in combat no log routine ASAP.

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


doesnt matter, you were only going to get a claw. on a more serious note, does it REALLY matter?

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

i don’t understand why they logout ?

1. no broken armor – 2 enemy doesnt get loot.

Had it happen to me once the other day when i killed one of those db thiefs that go stealth.

I also had a que pop up once to travel to a different borderland the one I wanted to goto while downed and got saved by the que.

As far as logging out goes, I’ve crashed which should be considered a logout while downed and woke up dead.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Downed state needs to be removed, period. It’s ridiculous.

Yes please

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Swiftly.2385


Maybe you should try killing more people in Wv3 then. It happens a lot.

I think you need to kill more than two people if you’re getting 50% of players logging out on down. :P

I’ve yet to encounter this. And judging from comment history, we’re both on JQ so server-wise it’s not an issue.

A: You have no idea how many kills I have, but I would be willing to bet I have more 1v1 kills than you do and this is the scenario it happens most in.
B: I may have been exaggerating but not by much. But it has happened far less this match up than the previous.
C: Thanks for necroing my thread.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: DoctorWhy.3847


Even runescape has a preventive measure against this… I was always woundering why some people would just disappear… I know thieves have the ability to go invisible, but I noticed other classes disappearing as well. Confused me. Now I understand. This thread is a little exaggerated, but it is still a problem.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


So that’s why I go in for a kill sometimes and lose target, never to find it again. I thought it was just something to do with the visibility glitches.

Like it’s not hard enough for me to get kills, bags, and badges on sub-level 40 toons.

What is wrong with you, Arenanet?

Admittedly, it probably happens a lot more to people up against servers that never have a queue.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

I think a lot of people see the rendering bug and how sometimes folks that teleport when downed or mist out or whatever fall to culling- and think they are logging out. Personally, I’ve never had someone log out on me after downing them.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


I think a lot of people see the rendering bug and how sometimes folks that teleport when downed or mist out or whatever fall to culling- and think they are logging out. Personally, I’ve never had someone log out on me after downing them.

Oh, I’m familiar with having to run around an area and find a downed enemy due to various skills, but lately I’ve completely lost enemies I had all the time in the world to relocate and kill.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Even runescape has a preventive measure against this… I was always woundering why some people would just disappear… I know thieves have the ability to go invisible, but I noticed other classes disappearing as well. Confused me. Now I understand. This thread is a little exaggerated, but it is still a problem.

I’m a thief and thieves are the worst with this particular issue. You can tell when you are going to go down, so many times they won’t even wait for downed state and instead will stealth then log out to try to make you think they aren’t being a D-bag and just slipped you. It’s easy to tell when they do this as there is no heartseeker sound and no swirl of shadowstep at all, they are just gone.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Never noticed this happen so far, but maybe europeans got more honor :p

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Brunners.7251


The “no repair bill” bit is the big incentive for most people I know who do it (there’s two that I know of). They can’t be bothered spending a silver or two every now and again in wvw and we’re on a server with no queue, so they just log to character screen, back in immediately and pop, no repair bill.

If you’re against a server you’re really annoyed about I think the “denying them loot” is a bit more of an incentive, but it’s mostly the repair bill issue.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG] twitch.tv/brunners90
Sign Ups: www.battlefy.com/academy-gaming
Website: www.academygamingnet.com

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Matt Witter.6982

Matt Witter.6982

Game Designer

I’d like to know Anet’s stance on this. Been seeing a lot of people logging out to avoid defeat/repair bill lately.

We do have a combat timer that prevents players from logging out or using a rally point. I’ll check into making sure this timer is getting applied to players in a down state as well.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


I’d like to know Anet’s stance on this. Been seeing a lot of people logging out to avoid defeat/repair bill lately.

We do have a combat timer that prevents players from logging out or using a rally point. I’ll check into making sure this timer is getting applied to players in a down state as well.

Thank you!

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Galandil.9641


We do have a combat timer that prevents players from logging out or using a rally point. I’ll check into making sure this timer is getting applied to players in a down state as well.

What happens if the player just press ALT+F4 thus shutting down the client?

I’ve been fooled this way even by warriors, they just disappear and never come back even after 10+ seconds.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


That would be the real question I think. I don’t think they are logging out, I think they are killing the client.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: buki.3108


The way it works is they log out, their character disappears (you don’t get the kill), but their character is still in the downed state. So when they log back in they’re dead.

What’s fun is when your queue pops and you jump into a swarm of enemies, spam all your annoying skills (or lead them off a ledge), then right before you die port to other map XD

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Something is strange because I’ve had people (not even thieves) just vanish forever before they are even downed. Defiantly not infiltrator runes either.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


Its actualy best way to avoid of being ganked especialy in 3W jumping puzzles. I believe u all know how its feel to be ganked by bunch of other ppl. Now u know how its feel when group of, lets say 5 ppl chase 1 person and he just log off)

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Galandil.9641


Its actualy best way to avoid of being ganked especialy in 3W jumping puzzles. I believe u all know how its feel to be ganked by bunch of other ppl. Now u know how its feel when group of, lets say 5 ppl chase 1 person and he just log off)

What’s your point?

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Its actualy best way to avoid of being ganked especialy in 3W jumping puzzles. I believe u all know how its feel to be ganked by bunch of other ppl. Now u know how its feel when group of, lets say 5 ppl chase 1 person and he just log off)

What’s your point?

That no one should be able to kill anyone? 1 person can’t kill one of the 5 because the downed state lets the other 4 rez him in an instant and 5 can’t kill 1 because he will just log off. Wheeeeeeeee!

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I’d like to know Anet’s stance on this. Been seeing a lot of people logging out to avoid defeat/repair bill lately.

We do have a combat timer that prevents players from logging out or using a rally point. I’ll check into making sure this timer is getting applied to players in a down state as well.

There may need to be a check to see what happens if someone simply “X’s” out of the game when they go down as well.


Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


My point is that there are lot off ppl who go to jumping puzzles especialy at ridiculous hours like 3am-5am just to avoid of being ganked to loot the badges because they like the skin of the gear. They dont go there to do PVP but those places are always being camped. And they just wanna make those gankers feel how it is when they try to achieve somethink and they dont get it. Just like those ppl who are like 10sec away from chest and they get ganked. I call it revenge

(edited by KiNgPiN.2075)

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Galandil.9641


My point is that there are lot off ppl who go to jumping puzzles especialy at ridiculous hours like 3am-5am just to avoid of being ganked to loot the badges because they like the skin of the gear. They dont go there to do PVP but those places are always being camped. And they just wanna make those gankers feel how it is to when they try to achieve somethink and they dont get it. Just like those ppl who are like 10sec away from chest and they get ganked. I call it revenge

No, it’s called CHEATING (or EXPLOITING).

The game rules allow people to camp at JPs, just bring some more friends and wipe the campers. Vanishing in thin air by pressing ALT+F4, thus preventing people from getting a reward from killing you and preventing the cost of repair is NOT in the rules, so it’s cheating.

I’d like to see all these exploiters banned from the game. Really.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


My point is that there are lot off ppl who go to jumping puzzles especialy at ridiculous hours like 3am-5am just to avoid of being ganked to loot the badges because they like the skin of the gear. They dont go there to do PVP but those places are always being camped. And they just wanna make those gankers feel how it is to when they try to achieve somethink and they dont get it. Just like those ppl who are like 10sec away from chest and they get ganked. I call it revenge

This is why I don’t like the fact you can’t identify people. If I ever came across you in game I would suicide just to put you in downed state in the middle of 50 people. You are the worst type of gamer.