Make player kill loot better

Make player kill loot better

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Blobbing guardians spamming 1 only kill people who dont know how to dodge or are caught way out of position

Please give us better drops from player kills.


Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Make player kill loot better

in WvW

Posted by: nirvana.8245


ANET Please. ,

Make player kill loot better

in WvW

Posted by: TheGrimm.5624


Still +1 on this one. Once again one of the issues w/ WvW is PPT and a lot of proposals include increasing the score from player kills. This included in that encouragea people to further fight versus just take the empty objective. A good combination for scoring should include holding objectives (current system does that) and killing the other side.


De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.

Make player kill loot better

in WvW

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


Just making player loot better, would only make zergers richer, and give them a reason to hunt down soloers when they outnumber them 40 to 1.

I’m not sure if anything can be done with player loot at this point.

The best player kill reward system I’ve ever seen in an (open world pvp) MMO, is the system Lord of the Rings online had, untill the end of the expansion Rise of Isengard. (I’m not going to explain it here, just look it up).

Sadly enough it would not work on this game, cause zergs ain’t in a group here, and rewards could not be splited.

A system should be encouraging both big groups AND solo/small group roaming, and not just (the current) mindless zerging.

Make player kill loot better

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


Spikes are the best….

I think you should get globby gloop that poisons you when you kill a necro…
Loot that gives you a speed buff from warriors
Loot that gives you a reduction to condi damage buff from guardians
Loot from eles that turns you into a grey mist so you can pick up your loot bags from eles…
Loot that dissapears out of your inventory from killing thieves..
Loot that duplicates itself from Mesmers…
And Balistas from dead ranger bodies..

Okay Okay I am joking! but lolz I really think necro deaths should poison you.. (guess what class I play).

Make player kill loot better

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


Just making player loot better, would only make zergers richer.

for starters, WvW zergs arent rich. The folks who play WvW are loosing money, not gaining it. Also, folks zerg in order to make capturing OBJECTIVES easier. They’re after Embroidered Belt Pouches and Karma, not kills.

Roamers are the people who stand the most to gain from improving PK loot.

Zerglings often give as many bags as they get, the roamers who pick off the tails of zergs and disengage and escape will be the people who benefit the most from improved loot tables on player kills.

Make player kill loot better

in WvW

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


Just making player loot better, would only make zergers richer.

for starters, WvW zergs arent rich. The folks who play WvW are loosing money, not gaining it. Also, folks zerg in order to make capturing OBJECTIVES easier. They’re after Embroidered Belt Pouches and Karma, not kills.

Roamers are the people who stand the most to gain from improving PK loot.

I play on Silver leage for quite some time now, and zergs usually fight eachother very often. So in this 1 minute the “fight” lasts, the winning side (ahem.. the one with the most numbers ahem..) will have each player get as much loot as a roamer would do in 15-30 mins. So yeah, just improving the loot, would make the reward gap between roamers and zerglings even bigger.

Just making player loot better, would only make zergers richer.

Zerglings often give as many bags as they get, the roamers who pick off the tails of zergs and disengage and escape will be the people who benefit the most from improved loot tables on player kills.

None said anything about “losing” stuff when you die…

Heck, losing stuff on death is not present on hardcore games anymore… What are the chances of something like this happening on Gw2 .. lol

Make player kill loot better

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


Your fights only last a minute? I’m concerned!

you’re right, I didnt say anything about “losing” stuff either

back on topic:
Roamers have to work to get their kills, and as it stands, they’re rewarded with kitten.
I believe i said that these folks will stand the most to gain from better loot from kills. I’m not suggesting that every player kill should drop a wooden chest, that would be imbalanced, rather that we get a reward which better fits the difficulty of the task.

Imagine a WvW which was fun, and profitable!
mind blown to pieces all over the monitor

If you Kill:
Someone in on average: Masterwork armor – thats not very hard, so you get a spike.

Average: Rare armor – still not that hard, you get a blue with a chance of a green

Average: Exotic armor – Standard Player – Chance to get green, 15-20% chance for rare, 20% chance to get a blue, 2.5% chance exotic

Average: Ascended Armor – 60% chance green, 35% rare 5% exotic

When i say “Average” i mean, for example, if someone has 4/6 pieces of armor are exotic and trinkets, with 2 rare pieces, they are still average using exotic armor.
You would want to round down with this so you dont over-reward people, so someone who’s got 50/50 exotic/rare or exotic/ascended would be rounded down instead of up.

I dont think that table above would really be balanced right, but I DO think that we’re tasked with killing an aware opponent who can actively evade, can have any number of different defensive, offensive and positioning utilities, and we’re rewarded as though it was a moa.