Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: PhoenixDown.5467


Culling is the only issue with portals otherwise they are fine and dandy. They are great tactical utility, which limited could still work, but would not be that effective or interesting.

Most people/group leaders/commanders already learnt how to counter portal like siege which can be built in few seconds behind your lines if your group carries supply and has good reaction time, tactical retreat to better position etc, etc. Not always works out, but that’s how battles go. No army in the world proven to be invincible.

People also learnt how to prevent those things from happening. Even in unorganized zergs. There’s always someone watching out flanks and behind for mesmers. Look around and read teh chat sometimes or start doing it yourself.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vendris.4201


“Change anything in the game that can be a tactical advantage for people who bother to organize!”

An organized guild that understands WvW, has clear objectives and communicates is going to have an “unfair” advantage in WvW no matter how many skills you get nerfed trying to turn this game into a brainless deathmatch FPS.

After “nerf portals they are unfair!” it will be “nerf siege weapons! people who are able to organize funds in order to purchase and use them have a game breaking advantage!”

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


1. Lower the number of people that can use it

2. Give others the ability to create some sort of passage for team members as well. Also in a limited way of course.
Engineers building a human catapult or something else silly.

If mesmers stay the only ones, and as long as it can effect entire zergs, people will consider it overpowered.

Tone it down, spread it out even a bit.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


“Change anything in the game that can be a tactical advantage for people who bother to organize!”

An organized guild that understands WvW, has clear objectives and communicates is going to have an “unfair” advantage in WvW no matter how many skills you get nerfed trying to turn this game into a brainless deathmatch FPS.

After “nerf portals they are unfair!” it will be “nerf siege weapons! people who are able to organize funds in order to purchase and use them have a game breaking advantage!”

difference is that sieges etc aren’t limited to a single profession.
Portals are, which is what annoys people.
No other profession offers a utility this strong.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Portal completely ignores one of ANet’s design pillars for skills: All other skills in the game, without exception, affect a maximum of 5 players.

Without exception, huh? All skills huh? Veil, Temporal Curtain, Line and Ring of Warding would like to have a word with you. Its a utility effect, not a condition, not a boon, not damage, not healing. Reflection can reflect the projectiles of far more than 5 people, because its a utility effect. Quit making up game design pillars that aren’t there.

I stand corrected. But if those skills you mentioned do affect an unlimited number of players, then they need to be rebalanced, along with portal.

You also bring up reflection, which is another good example of something that scales out of control as a result of ignoring the 5 player limit. This should be changed to something that blocks all projectiles but only reflects back to a maximum of 5 different sources. The classification that “it’s an utility effect” shouldn’t exempt this or Portal from balance considerations.

Skills are perfectly fine, just learn how to use them and how to counter, some might need some updates for working properly but anet will get there eventually.

The only 2 problems are the cullign issues and W vs W vs W dull gameplay design were you only need big and massive groups for cap and cap next, its just the JQ in large scale with almost brainless defined path.

I dont get why people complain the use of portals, it is the lack of knowledge those complainers have about the game or how bad they can play.
It is their fault if they dont know how to kill some mesmers while theres a ton of allied forces that took the castle.

And now going offtopic, W vs W is a dull gameplay and players are making it even mode dull, it is a very limited gameplay, Anet could make almost a new gameplay from W vs W or an entire new game by itself by the infinite and creative options that could be intruduced to W vs W, yet again maps are to small IMO.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Anuxdei.2175


if topic is not troll than i have some right to add these ones :

immortal guardians
endless stealth capture bugged thiefs
324423423431231231232 range – rangers abilities (even rocket launchers have short range in 2012)
endless mark endless fear cc combination necros (there is no way to move bc there is 30 mark on ground) EVERYTHING IS OK FOR ME

than mesmers have spell why ? mesmer using skill why ? mesmer have armor why ? kitten the mesmers lets remove mesmers from game !!!!

this is what i feel when i was reading your topic

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: venusiano.8246


Nerf Mesmers. Problem solved.

Mesmer portals (and other mesmer skills) have already been nerfed in recent november patch. No need to nerf it anymore.

No other profession offers a utility this strong.

So? Are you sure?
No other profession produce the damage of the thief.
No other profession have the survivability of the Guardian.
No other profession have the AoE damage of the Elementalist.
No other profession can tame and get new pets like the ranger does.

Mesmer strenght is below other classes in almost every aspect:

Mesmer have low direct damage.
Mesmer AoE is basically inexistent.
Mesmer running speed is lower than half of the classes in game.
Mesmer wears light armour.

Mesmer still have a few tricks in his hat tho, like his clones (that are very easy to identify and kill) and the portals. If you get rid of them there’s nothing left to him.

Portals are of one the few skills that makes this game different. But people seem to dislike anything outside the classical class stereotypes.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Nerf Mesmers. Problem solved.

Mesmer portals (and other mesmer skills) have already been nerfed in recent november patch. No need to nerf it anymore.

No other profession offers a utility this strong.

So? Are you sure?
No other profession produce the damage of the thief.
No other profession have the survivability of the Guardian.
No other profession have the AoE damage of the Elementalist.
No other profession can tame and get new pets like the ranger does.

Mesmer strenght is below other classes in almost every aspect:

Mesmer have low direct damage.
Mesmer AoE is basically inexistent.
Mesmer running speed is lower than half of the classes in game.
Mesmer wears light armour.

Mesmer still have a few tricks in his hat tho, like his clones (that are very easy to identify and kill) and the portals. If you get rid of them there’s nothing left to him.

Portals are of one the few skills that makes this game different. But people seem to dislike anything outside the classical class stereotypes.

yes I am sure.
You reply as if i said that no other profession is as strong as a mesmer, which i didn’t.

No other profession offers a single skill utility that is as usefull for the team as a mesmers portal.

And don’t claim I don’t like the portal by itself.
I was very clear about how I see it: it shouldn’t allow that much people to use it, and at least 1 or 2 other professions should have something simular.

By itself, as a mechanic, I think it’s wonderfull for the diversity of a game.

If you quote me, at least get it right what you’re replying to.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Latsch.6874


have you guys even been around this game or are you just trolling?

the mesmers were nerfed like a week ago they can now only port max 5 people at most

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


have you guys even been around this game or are you just trolling?

the mesmers were nerfed like a week ago they can now only port max 5 people at most

If only there were true.
They still have an unlimited amount of people who can port through 1 portal. Only change done was the cool down.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


have you guys even been around this game or are you just trolling?

the mesmers were nerfed like a week ago they can now only port max 5 people at most

If only there were true.
They still have an unlimited amount of people who can port through 1 portal. Only change done was the cool down.

wich is a good thing, solution?

when conquering a castle/tower always look for stealthed units, dont leave to cap the next one:
– kill the mesmer before it lay eggs…..

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Korgov.7645


The increase in portal cooldown only made things worse in WvW. Now my team needs 50% more mesmers to provide the same amount of portals as before.

Sulkshine – Mesmer
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Instead of nerfing something fun, how about add some other interesting tactical abilities to other professions then.

“Change anything in the game that can be a tactical advantage for people who bother to organize!”

An organized guild that understands WvW, has clear objectives and communicates is going to have an “unfair” advantage in WvW no matter how many skills you get nerfed trying to turn this game into a brainless deathmatch FPS.

After “nerf portals they are unfair!” it will be “nerf siege weapons! people who are able to organize funds in order to purchase and use them have a game breaking advantage!”

difference is that sieges etc aren’t limited to a single profession.
Portals are, which is what annoys people.
No other profession offers a utility this strong.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Instead of nerfing something fun, how about add some other interesting tactical abilities to other professions then.

“Change anything in the game that can be a tactical advantage for people who bother to organize!”

An organized guild that understands WvW, has clear objectives and communicates is going to have an “unfair” advantage in WvW no matter how many skills you get nerfed trying to turn this game into a brainless deathmatch FPS.

After “nerf portals they are unfair!” it will be “nerf siege weapons! people who are able to organize funds in order to purchase and use them have a game breaking advantage!”

difference is that sieges etc aren’t limited to a single profession.
Portals are, which is what annoys people.
No other profession offers a utility this strong.

Which I suggested as well

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: boneduste.4023


Enough with the worry about stealthed people in keeps and the 1 min cooldown and the culling issue. It is directly related to the imbalance between unlimited affect (number of persons that can use the portal) and limited effect (AoE can only hit 5 persons).

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Khallis.5708


remove portal from mesmer since no other class has this kind of utility in WvWvW. make portal a new “siege equipment” have it cost the same as a golem with the same supply cost.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Enough with the worry about stealthed people in keeps and the 1 min cooldown and the culling issue. It is directly related to the imbalance between unlimited affect (number of persons that can use the portal) and limited effect (AoE can only hit 5 persons).

Dont limit the game in W vs W more than it is already, the change on portal would lead more mesmers and more portals to appear in the castle would not change much

5 player per portal it would be needed to have only 10 mesmers sync the portal in tha castle to hava a small group inside.

i would rather say let the enemy use the portal also!

EDIT: also the AOE limited to 5 was desapointing news, take the 5 limit everything would be better IMO, even zergs/turtles had to scatter. the game look dumb like this if people dont evede its their fault….

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Khrums.3765


Limit people using portal will change nothing

simple ours mesmer will port other mesmers and they will port ours squad.
Ur life will be extend by 3-5 more sec that is it.

btw that post wasn’t send by any Arena developers only by some frustrated guy and so many other frustrates follow and whine there so there is no plans to nerf it and that is good because in so many situation portal is one of just few counter-strikes which can work against larger or stronger group.

that type of people will be not happy ever, in they nature is to be fail and blame others for it.

get some skill and do not afk when siege, check keeps when taken and for good sake scout and look around or just die go do some pve because you clearly blocking space on map for some one who know what to do.

Hand of Blood [HoB] Piken Square , VII Overflow

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


The big pink circle is just a large “Earthshaker/100B here” sign.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: boneduste.4023


Enough with the worry about stealthed people in keeps and the 1 min cooldown and the culling issue. It is directly related to the imbalance between unlimited affect (number of persons that can use the portal) and limited effect (AoE can only hit 5 persons).

Dont limit the game in W vs W more than it is already, the change on portal would lead more mesmers and more portals to appear in the castle would not change much

5 player per portal it would be needed to have only 10 mesmers sync the portal in tha castle to hava a small group inside.

i would rather say let the enemy use the portal also!

EDIT: also the AOE limited to 5 was desapointing news, take the 5 limit everything would be better IMO, even zergs/turtles had to scatter. the game look dumb like this if people dont evede its their fault….

5 player portal would be fine, because it would require more persons to co-ordinate and those persons going through first, if the others don’t follow near immediately would be subject to quite a bit of AoE.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: boneduste.4023


Limit people using portal will change nothing

simple ours mesmer will port other mesmers and they will port ours squad.
Ur life will be extend by 3-5 more sec that is it.

btw that post wasn’t send by any Arena developers only by some frustrated guy and so many other frustrates follow and whine there so there is no plans to nerf it and that is good because in so many situation portal is one of just few counter-strikes which can work against larger or stronger group.

that type of people will be not happy ever, in they nature is to be fail and blame others for it.

get some skill and do not afk when siege, check keeps when taken and for good sake scout and look around or just die go do some pve because you clearly blocking space on map for some one who know what to do.

Stop with the ‘Check your keeps’. THAT is not the issue. THE ISSUE is unlimited persons through the portal, only limited persons can be hit on the other end.

Seems like lifting the AoE limit is the way to make everyone happy.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


Only Mesmers should be able to use their portal imo.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: boneduste.4023


Only Mesmers should be able to use their portal imo.

That would have a completely different affect on the class and I would have to disagree. Let’s stay on topic.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Piteous.4165


As with my previous thread on this topic.

Mesmer portal needs to be changed in just the number of people that can use it at one time I don’t care how it is used just that it at current is the strongest skill in the entire game. Please make it 5 players max or at least have some manner of internal cooldown on like one person every 0.5 seconds or 0.1 seconds so you can’t have 100 people instantly.

This game is slowly becoming Mesmer vs Mesmer instead of World vs World

I agree that the portal needs to be changed somehow. We are already losing people in WvW for a lot of reasons…I hope this doesn’t become one.

Stay frosty! Keep it tight!

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thurbleton.5841


Seems like portal bombing is a symptom not the real issue. If culling wasnt an issue or if being a group of 40+ was bad for WvW then portal bombing would be less effective.

Adding more things related to the point vs point system so you have to spread out or taking off the AoE cap for everyone or just siege would do the trick… going through a portal with all your buddies only to all be 1 shotted by a balista would quickly diminish the effectiveness of portals.

If the aoe was lifted you can be sure people would opt for circling an enemy zerg instead of ‘turtling’ up

WTB Keg Brawl in Custom PVP → Key Brawl Tourneys!

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: buki.3108


ANet increased Portal CD by 30s. A real slap in the face to the WvW community. Pretty sure they don’t intend on fixing portal bombs. They can’t fix culling either heh.

Mesmer portals are game breaking in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Yashino.5713


New tactic: “insert”


until it’s a head to head fight, there won’t be any trick, any tactic, but to fight them head on.

AoE limited to 5 —>treb/cata hit RIGHT IN YOUR FACE, no dmg. God Mode.