Nerf Inc?

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Agree to an extent, crits should never breach 10k on ANY skill, the people who enjoy 2 second fights are generally Bads who cannot compete unless they have a clear advantage, rerolls whom do so for the same reason as bads.

Most PvP players that have played for years will agree that battles that have a duration are A: more rewarding and B: more enjoyable. That and the fact that they know how to assist/focus while grp’d so things melt without stupidly high burst.

I realize the player is not 80 but if your going to allow sub 80’s in then cap out all dmg at 10k, I would even say that 10k is to high but hey all the whiners are probably already butt hurt over a suggestion that they should not be able to smash their faces on a keyboard and win.

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


Some bad Warriors in here. You do not have to give up damage, for defense.

My Warrior has over 3k attack, 3k armor, 27k hit points, and 70% critical once I enter combat. Slot the Superior Sigil that grants 30% chance to lifesteal on crit, and use the food that grans 66% to lifesteal on crit, while utilizing shout heals on top of one of your weapon sets being two weapons, so the second weapon gives lifesteal on weapon swap, and you’re doing both insane damage, and have insane defense capabilities.

In WvW my Warrior hands down is tankier than my Guardian, and my Warrior can do easily 5 times the damage my Guardian does. I’ve shown other Warriors complaining about their class that I can solo Supply Camps, with the Claimant having the immunity buff, and keep him busy until the buff wears off, and kill him. Not once getting below half health.

Warriors do not need to do that much damage with Kill Shot, or Eviscerate in order to be viable, and in a game where you’re paying attention to more than just the Warriors, you’re going to get hit with these abilities, and Kill Shot also works with Piercing. When I was running with a Rifle, I’d get multiple high hits, as the shot traveled its full distance.

So you changed out crit damage for vit and toughtness.

So you gave up damage for defense….

Skilled players don’t fear balance, they welcome it.

Seems you are confusing WvW and sPvP

Most PvP players that have played for years will agree that battles that have a duration are A: more rewarding and B: more enjoyable. That and the fact that they know how to assist/focus while grp’d so things melt without stupidly high burst.

So what about the rest of the player base? besides the small group you talk about?

(edited by epicsmooth.7825)

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: Lensar.4920


My Warrior has over 3k attack, 3k armor, 27k hit points, and 70% critical once I enter combat.

I think you’re mistaken on your numbers, or perhaps there’s a display error on your hero panel. Maybe you could share a screen shot or your gear and build.

The only way I can think to get close to that would be with Pow/Vit/Tough gear with food buffs and a sharpening stone. Even then, you’re sacrificing precision and crit damage which means you wouldn’t be coming even close to the big numbers people are complaining about.

Even if you killed 25 mobs to get full stacks of Bloodlust or Perception, fired off your Fury signet, and stood over a banner, I don’t see these as likely numbers. I suppose if you did all this while also getting a huge stack of might from groupmates, it might be possible. Even then, your +crit damage is going to be low.

Boon of Lyssa could maybe do it, but that only lasts for 5 seconds everytime you fire off your elite.

Lensar – [End] Rasnel – 80 Warrior
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum:

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Some bad Warriors in here. You do not have to give up damage, for defense.

My Warrior has over 3k attack, 3k armor, 27k hit points, and 70% critical once I enter combat. Slot the Superior Sigil that grants 30% chance to lifesteal on crit, and use the food that grans 66% to lifesteal on crit, while utilizing shout heals on top of one of your weapon sets being two weapons, so the second weapon gives lifesteal on weapon swap, and you’re doing both insane damage, and have insane defense capabilities.

In WvW my Warrior hands down is tankier than my Guardian, and my Warrior can do easily 5 times the damage my Guardian does. I’ve shown other Warriors complaining about their class that I can solo Supply Camps, with the Claimant having the immunity buff, and keep him busy until the buff wears off, and kill him. Not once getting below half health.

Warriors do not need to do that much damage with Kill Shot, or Eviscerate in order to be viable, and in a game where you’re paying attention to more than just the Warriors, you’re going to get hit with these abilities, and Kill Shot also works with Piercing. When I was running with a Rifle, I’d get multiple high hits, as the shot traveled its full distance.

So you changed out crit damage for vit and toughtness.

So you gave up damage for defense….

Skilled players don’t fear balance, they welcome it.

Seems you are confusing WvW and sPvP

Most PvP players that have played for years will agree that battles that have a duration are A: more rewarding and B: more enjoyable. That and the fact that they know how to assist/focus while grp’d so things melt without stupidly high burst.

So what about the rest of the player base? besides the small group you talk about?

Are you saying you prefer face rolling or 2 second fights ? Explain what is even remotely enjoyable about running up to another player hitting 2 keys and watching them implode (slight exaggeration but you get the point) ? I mean don’t get me wrong there are people who enjoy this but they usually play FPS.

Or if you agree with my theory of longer fights being more rewarding and enjoyable why bother trying to make an argument ?

Regardless there is still never a reason for any class to hit anyone for 2/3 of there health with one attack. Why not just buff weapons to encompass all armor stats as well and let everyone run around naked 1 shotting each other.

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


Are you saying you prefer face rolling or 2 second fights ? Explain what is even remotely enjoyable about running up to another player hitting 2 keys and watching them implode (slight exaggeration but you get the point) ? I mean don’t get me wrong there are people who enjoy this but they usually play FPS.

Or if you agree with my theory of longer fights being more rewarding and enjoyable why bother trying to make an argument ?

I enjoy both all depends on my mood at the time.

But doesn’t matter because there are people in all 3 camps who find whichever more enjoyable/rewarding.

Regardless there is still never a reason for any class to hit anyone for 2/3 of there health with one attack. Why not just buff weapons to encompass all armor stats as well and let everyone run around naked 1 shotting each other.

Glass cannons kill glass cannons like so.

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: Dixa.6017


just dodge it as he is about to fire

because that wariror is clearly the ONly other opponent on the battlefield and of course your attention was 100% on that warrior at all times.


Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


I just find the next line in your combat log as funny as the 13k hit.
You would need 13 crits in a row with your crossfire to match the damage output of that one warrior skill

All is vain.

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


My Warrior has over 3k attack, 3k armor, 27k hit points, and 70% critical once I enter combat.

I think you’re mistaken on your numbers, or perhaps there’s a display error on your hero panel. Maybe you could share a screen shot or your gear and build.

The only way I can think to get close to that would be with Pow/Vit/Tough gear with food buffs and a sharpening stone. Even then, you’re sacrificing precision and crit damage which means you wouldn’t be coming even close to the big numbers people are complaining about.

Even if you killed 25 mobs to get full stacks of Bloodlust or Perception, fired off your Fury signet, and stood over a banner, I don’t see these as likely numbers. I suppose if you did all this while also getting a huge stack of might from groupmates, it might be possible. Even then, your +crit damage is going to be low.

Boon of Lyssa could maybe do it, but that only lasts for 5 seconds everytime you fire off your elite.

Before I go over my stats, I want to point out traits like Heightened Focus does not show up on your character screen, but it is there, and at full adrenaline, you’re getting a bonus 9% to your critical hit chance.

In my build I gave up most of the bonus +critical hit damage for a build that is far more durable than any bunker Guardian build, and still does an insane amount of damage. Giving up the bonus +critical hit damage was only really a loss of about 20% of my total damage, which isn’t much considering what I gained.

Standing still, no buffs, taking no actions I have 1,889 power, 1,538 Precision, 1,985 Toughness, 1,505 Vitality (26,203 HP, without the WvW buff we all get), which comes out to be 2,848 attack, 31% Critical hit chance, 3,336 Armor.

By itself; “For Great Justice” puts me just above 3,000 attack, 51% Critical hit (60% with Heightened Focus). Currently I have slotted on my shield to gain 25 stacks of precision, which puts me at either 69%, or 70% critical hit. I’ll check it later to make sure. Adding in Signet of Rage, I have 3,128 Attack, and 47 seconds of Fury.

Now here is where my build takes off, and increases its damage. I utilize the number “5” shield ability to maximize; “Missile Deflection”, and “Mighty Defenses”, which will reflect ranged back to attacker, while building Might for me to burn out my first target fast. In a one on one encounter, it usually gives me 5 stacks of Might, or in a Zerg on Zerg fight, I’ve gotten easily 12 stacks of Might on it. My goal right now is to see if I can reach max stacks of Might.

This usually puts me well over 3200 attack. Lately I’ve been spending time with all of our weapons, to see how they feel, even using the Longbow to see if I can maximize that increase in Condition Damage. The number “3” attack for Longbow is hitting for 4-6k for me, before you calculate in the burn damage, and the “F1” ability is awesome. So for the next two months I’ll be visiting all weapons for two weeks each for research.

My main, bread and butter are my Mace+Shield, which allows me to do quite a bit, even standing in the center of a Zerg, and living, while dishing out damage, weakening them only to watch my team roll over them while they were focused on me.

I’ve tested this against other Glass Canons, who kill 1-2 seconds faster than me, but they can not take a hit, and are usually running, or dying, while I stay in the fight, rarely dying unless I make a mistake.

So I don’t miss that bonus +critical hit damage.

P.S. I still have two pieces of Beserker gear, boots/helm that I havn’t switched over to Knights gear, though I’m considering Valkyrie(sp?) for those two slots. Most of the gear is Knights, with four pieces of armor being Heavy Arcon having the Power/Toughness/Vitality. My jewelry is Rare, not Exotic yet because I replaced all my Exotic Beserker gear, so when I replace those with Exotic, the stats are only going to go up. I also slot orbs/crests in my armor for an increase in three stats, rather than slotting runes.

P.S.S. My build currently because I’m currently testing Longbow as my second weapon set is….

Defense (20) V, IX
Tactics (30) IV, VIII, XII
Discipline (20) I, V

Even though I weapon swap a lot, I’m considering removing 10 points from Discipline, and doing Strength (10) V, and Disc (10) V, but I need to test it and see if the 12% damage in strength is greater than; “Mighty Defenses”.

P.S.S.S. I have 4, 80s. All geared out in Exotic gear; Ranger, Warrior, Thief, and Guardian. No other class has felt more complete than the Warrior, and none of them can attain the damage, AND defense that I’ve been able to get on my Warrior. Sadly I’ve also come up with a Thief bunker build that is more durable than my Guardian is in WvW. Yet people still cry about the Guardian, when they’re subpar, and every nerf, like the recent heal on dodge roll nerf is crushing the class.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by jkctmc.8754)

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@jkctmc.8754: You still do conciderably less damage than a glasscannon build centered around power, crit, crit dmg. You are doing 120% crit damage while a glasscannon does 200% or more crit damage.

So no idea why you call it insane damage. Sure you survive longer, but you dont put even close to the same preasure a ranged glasscannon can. Most well specced/geared glasscannons, no matter what profession can effectivley “snipe” people. And much easier than a rifle warrior.

Personally I prefer longbow on warriors, feels smoother and can deal just as good (if not better) damage as rifle with a power, prec, crit dmg spec. It’s what made me go from “meh boring” to “Ooooh fun fun fun” when thinking about my warrior.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


This is just another QQ post from someone that got owned and demands a nerf on a class. I have played spvp tournaments and wvw against some great guilds and players and trust me when I say that warriors are by no means overpowered. If you spec out glass cannon in an ele for instance the fire grab can do 16k in one hit doing a total of 25k+ … thieves got nerfed a lot (a little too much imo). Also, I am guessing you are built backstab with 1k< toughness. Most classes are going to hit you pretty hard.

Warriors are pretty balanced imo they have durability but no real escape. The war has the endure pain and shield block (which can reflect but you can’t attack in). I’ve seen many different wars playing many different styles and just like with other classes you should focus on a balance and synergy. Glass cannons are fun for beginners but you shouldn’t whine when someone hits you hard.

Also I have seen some other complains about frenzy and HB in here.

1. frenzy makes warriors take 50% dmg, a drawback that I think most people can agree is pretty severe compared to other classes’ haste abilities

2. HB is easily countered and dodgable… sure it is preceded by a bolus or HB most of the time but you have to realize you can interrupt / escape out of the HB and also the warriors can take damage while doing it unlike some other classes with similar abilities (that do less damage of course)

All in all the warrior is OP if you have no idea how to play against one.

Also, no idea why this is in the wvw topic and not the suggestions or gw discussion forum.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


@jkctmc.8754: You still do conciderably less damage than a glasscannon build centered around power, crit, crit dmg. You are doing 120% crit damage while a glasscannon does 200% or more crit damage.

So no idea why you call it insane damage. Sure you survive longer, but you dont put even close to the same preasure a ranged glasscannon can. Most well specced/geared glasscannons, no matter what profession can effectivley “snipe” people. And much easier than a rifle warrior.

Personally I prefer longbow on warriors, feels smoother and can deal just as good (if not better) damage as rifle with a power, prec, crit dmg spec. It’s what made me go from “meh boring” to “Ooooh fun fun fun” when thinking about my warrior.

Target for Target you’re killing 1-2 seconds faster than me, but you’re going to either die, or are running in bigger fights, while I’m still doing damage, and standing strong. Over the course of a large fight, I’ve probably tripled your damage at the very least because I can’t die in a few seconds.

When I fight glass canons, they pop like zits, and I’m still above half health and never used anything to negate thier damage. Put multiple people on me, in a large scale fight, and I can negate damage 16 seconds out of the first 27 seconds of the fight, and still retain most of my damage, a situation you would die in, doing virtually no damage.

Damage isn’t all about what you can do in the first 2-6 seconds of a fight, it is what you can do the entirety of the fight.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

Nerf Inc?

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.9532


Hello, due to the inflammatory tone within this thread, it will be closed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on our forums, you have to do it in a constructive way.