Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: ekleenex.1654


I couldn’t be bothered to scroll through all these pages of QQ… So why are the rings more then amulets? I’m probably missing something really fundamental here… But my brain is already fried for the day…

sociablegnomes / ekleenex / swághili [Rekz]
“dodging saves lives.”

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I couldn’t be bothered to scroll through all these pages of QQ… So why are the rings more then amulets? I’m probably missing something really fundamental here… But my brain is already fried for the day…

That’s because using laurels for rings is an “optional” means of getting them (Fractals being the primary source), yet laurels (from dailies) are intended to be the primary source for amulet purchases. Accessories are intended to optimally be obtained through guild commendations, which is why they’re relatively cheap that way yet expensive if you use laurels/ectos.


Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: ekleenex.1654


I couldn’t be bothered to scroll through all these pages of QQ… So why are the rings more then amulets? I’m probably missing something really fundamental here… But my brain is already fried for the day…

That’s because using laurels for rings is an “optional” means of getting them (Fractals being the primary source), yet laurels (from dailies) are intended to be the primary source for amulet purchases. Accessories are intended to optimally be obtained through guild commendations, which is why they’re relatively cheap that way yet expensive if you use laurels/ectos.

That totally makes sense.

I just remember logging in and was like, why why why did I spend all my pristine gearing other characters!

I figured it would be 20 for rings and 25 for amulets but that logic makes sense I suppose.

sociablegnomes / ekleenex / swághili [Rekz]
“dodging saves lives.”

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


The point I am making is that pve players don’t have to wait on dailies. Why do WvW players have to wait on dailies? Why can’t badges be the same as fractals? Why can’t the laurel system stay as it is, fractal gear requires fractal tokens and WvW gear requires badges. Why do we get stuck with currency that requires waiting for the next day?

Because PvE and WvW gear is the same.

The only solution (which I expect Anet to reach about 6 months from now) is to split PvE and WvW gear. That way each game mode has its acquisition track (and currency).

This is what other modern games do that have both PvE and some form of RvR (LOTRO, SWTOR). It’s not an elegant solution, but it works in practice.

It does, however, block PvE casuals from competing on an even level in WvW. But that is the choice Anet has to make. Will they cater to dedicated WvW’ers, or casual WvW’ers?

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


The point I am making is that pve players don’t have to wait on dailies. Why do WvW players have to wait on dailies? Why can’t badges be the same as fractals? Why can’t the laurel system stay as it is, fractal gear requires fractal tokens and WvW gear requires badges. Why do we get stuck with currency that requires waiting for the next day?

Because PvE and WvW gear is the same.

The only solution (which I expect Anet to reach about 6 months from now) is to split PvE and WvW gear. That way each game mode has its acquisition track (and currency).

Nah, that won’t happen. It silly to consider you’d have to change clothes after you step through a portal into a borderlands or the like. Besides, if they did that, then people would have to now have at least two full sets of gear for every character. Anyone gearing alts would be quite not amused I think.


Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


The point I am making is that pve players don’t have to wait on dailies. Why do WvW players have to wait on dailies? Why can’t badges be the same as fractals? Why can’t the laurel system stay as it is, fractal gear requires fractal tokens and WvW gear requires badges. Why do we get stuck with currency that requires waiting for the next day?

Because PvE and WvW gear is the same.

The only solution (which I expect Anet to reach about 6 months from now) is to split PvE and WvW gear. That way each game mode has its acquisition track (and currency).

Nah, that won’t happen. It silly to consider you’d have to change clothes after you step through a portal into a borderlands or the like. Besides, if they did that, then people would have to now have at least two full sets of gear for every character. Anyone gearing alts would be quite not amused I think.

Once PvE and WvW gear is separated, gearing alts does not have to be a problem.

Anet can make getting WvW-only gear as hard or as easy as it needs to be. I don’t think people WvW to get the new shiney (unlike PvE dungeon runners), why would WvW-only gear have to have a punitive time gate?

Also, switching gear could be done like in GW1, where you had a toggle switch on your hero screen. Gear wouldn’t have to take up an inventory spot. Or it could just automatically switch like it does in sPvP.

And there is nothing conceptually wrong with different gear for different game modes. It is already done for sPvP. Skills are split too, so what’s the problem?

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: silkysoft.6749



I go up 3 ranks apx an hour now with the new patch so that’s the chance of 6 rares an hour till im level 300 wvw isn’t 2nd rate its go into pve and try to get 3 rares an hour not farming broken temple events or southsun with the 200% magic find buff there

pve, that’s a dirty word here
anytime you kill something it’s a chance at a rare.

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Pihtt.4360


•Gain retaliation when the player negates guard damage.

What does it mean?
Negate = interrupt / dodge / block?
What are the different ways to negate damage?

Guardian [Run] Welcome To Wonderland:

(edited by Pihtt.4360)

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


Well I guess I will just move on. Hope this thread can get some official response in the future, not like

I quit, you guys keep going.

This useless bar doesn’t make you awesome. However, stuff above does.

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Setsunayaki.4907


I went through fractals and loved it, ran through WvW and spent around 2000 hours in this game across plenty of servers. The fact remains that on one side players are told that this game has no grind, when it does….

A player who only runs WvW and only that requires 750 BoH, 150 laurels and 100 ectos for ascended equipment.

This kind if play actually goes against the way guild wars 1 was played in the following way:

In guild wars 1 I made a scrapbook of over many Elementalist builds I got to work and were functional and did good in the different PvP and PvE offerings. Thanks to the way PvP worked I was able to test a lot of things.

GW2 is highly punishing to player characters in the sense one is encouraged to play one build and stick with it through obtaining ascended and exotics. If I want to change my build to a completely new one, I have to buy a complete set of new equipment. Full weapons, armors, trinkets and restat. I might as well roll a new character of the same type and go with it or deal with the inventory space required to have multiple sets of equipment.

Seriously, its not an exaggeration. I have many sets of armor and several sets of weapoms on Elementalist just to make different builds work. If you love a class, every good player has some sets….

In another mmorpg I play to keep myself from burning out in playing guild wars 2 I ran an instance with a full party and I got a high level rare weapon drop, then I raised it to +6. A friend told me it took him a few days of running instances when it took me two hours. I do not have to hunt for any weapon of the same class anymore because I have a top weapon.

My point is that GW2 has had more grind in obtaining equipment for multiple builds than almost any other game that I own that I play. I have to use my inventory space and storage space to carry around 18 pieces of armor and 10 – 15 weapons, and that is just being an Elementalist to run my build. That to me is just clutter…

While I like that WvW has been getting some attention, I do not like the fact that wether it takes five minutes or five hours to get that shiny laurel, that it still is grinding and counting down the days for equipment and I feel I have to put in time to play like others tell me to play, rather than actually play a game to explore and have fun.

I literally have to make it a ritual to launch the game, run my daily first and sometimes I remember I had to enter and run my daily and log out because I had little time to play and had to tell friends that after the daily I was logging. I did not wish to say that, but the laurels force me to chose wether I want to accumulate them or play with my friends at times and that to me is a failed system.

I play four games and when I only have ten to twenty minutes to play with a friend, I can not count on guild wars 2 since that means choosing the laurels first and my friends second. While twenty minutes is enough to finish most dailies, I like being able to log in, and just go without having to be burdened that no daily equals no laurel…which is why other games I just pick up my weapons and just go without worry.

This worries me a lot because if this means when ascended weapons and armor are released I’m going to have to grind for the sets for my Elly to use on her build and the WvW costs for trinkets are high, I can only imagine the kind of grind it would take to obtain full ascended gear per character….

…and I fear when that happens, gw2 will be about each player having one character, with one major build and full pricy equipment. All I can thank gw2 for is being easy to cap level, opposed to the other three games that I play, but the grind to obtain sets of equipment for all the builds I want to run in gw2 makes weapon and equipment gathering much tougher than the other three games that I play and even more of a grind.

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: IKaikiasI.1932


I’m very disappointed about the Laurels in WvW. It’s like you can get 20 characters to lvl 80, but you aren’t able to get one complete set of ascended gear. For me as a player who loves to play this game it’s very frustrating.

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


As someone who solo WvW’s a lot….How in the world are you guys not getting Laurels?

Its not hard to do…Its actually much much easier if you bother doing the WvW ones…
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies