Really disappointed with this...

Really disappointed with this...

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


I was really disappointed. Okay, I expected a lagfest (I’m currently playing on a creaky old laptop) but I wasn’t expecting dull, uninspired locations that I’d have to run between (with no mounts, of course) in order to reach a fight. I’m sure I’m missing something here…

I stopped here to comment. You say you really enjoyed DAOC? Do you remember the time it took to get back to the fight? 10 minute portal waits, long runs through the borderlands… At least here if you take a keep, it’s possible to get a waypoint built there for fast travel.

Edit: got to gear repair QQ. DAOC gear slowly broke down to useless and you had to make an entire new set!

The money stuff, daoc gave zero cash reward for player kills until NF. Here you can make a profit in WvW. You can’t judge it by going as an up-level. In daoc, do you remember trying to fight a purple? A red even? Yea.. can’t even hit them, at least here you can contribute as an uplevel. Seriously did we play the same game?

I’m sorry, but I don’t see how you can suggest this is better than DAOC in any way…? Sure, you had to wait for portals… but only to invade, you could run straight out into your own frontier with no loading screens because it was (before NF) one zone. Running through the borderlands was actually fun, I remember going there in the early days of the game as a level 30something Warrior with a Skald friend… skirmishing outside the Hib frontier keep and killing 5 equal level opponents through a combination of tactics and luck.

I have a lot of fond memories of that game, and most of the “negative” things about it I see as positive. Stuns, mez? That was half the fun, if you knew what you were doing you could wipe a badly-organised army with a group of 8. Balance was a mess, sure, but that’s the same for most MMOs… and don’t forget the sheer number of classes DAOC had… 44 classes. That’s right. Each class felt different. How many does GW2 have? Or WoW, or SWToR?

As for gear degrading, sure, but it took FOREVER compared to this game. And they changed it so that artifacts didn’t degrade permanently. I rarely had problems with gear breaking, and I played the game for years. Still, that was a different time when gamers demanded more complex games with an incredibly complicated array of stats to balance (weapon types and armour types matching up, for example). Since WoW this genre has gone mainstream and quality has suffered, inevitably.

That’s not to say I don’t like some things about this game. Combat feels more dynamic, although with any lag the dodge mechanic is often hilarious/frustrating. I also like weapon swapping and… erm, well I’m sure there’s other things.

Anyway, like I said, I’ll be trying WvW a little bit more before I make a final decision on it. But I’ve yet to see anything approaching a convincing argument for items degrading in WvW.

I didn’t actually say this was better than DAOC :P I am just pointing out that some of the flaws you are finding existed in DAOC as well. I mean, running out of your own border keep took forever. Most of the time you had to get all the way to a MG for action and if you weren’t with a speed class it was a long run.

I honestly think the combat in this game is far better than daoc though. Active evading and for the most part, no need to a target adds a lot of twitch feel to PvP.

DAOC was amazing no doubt. This game though really is the closest there as ever been Aside from maybe old school Aion. They are missing some key stuff but hopefully they will get there. Prestige system has a shot to be good and I still have hopes they will add options to show names so we can have rivalries.

Really disappointed with this...

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I appreciate the replies but as for not dying, in a server in which my world appears to lose all the time (Tarnished Coast) an impression which I received not just from participating in being facerolled but also from talking to veterans of WvW on that server, death isn’t just inevitable, it’s about as easy to avoid as a sackful of rattlesnakes.

This is precisely why I think they should remove the need to repair gear in WvW. I imagine most people wouldn’t care about losing as much if they didn’t have to pay for it with gold too.

As for the “part of WvW is avoiding fights” argument I think that’s kinda weak. Sure, I’ve played games in which teams would spend time trying to avoid the zerg or draw it elsewhere – that’s all well and good, but they only did it because they were horribly outnumbered and lacked the capabilities to do anything else. This is a game mechanics flaw, and it’s nothing new either – WAR was doing empty zone flips long before this game.

One thing I forgot to mention is that I was under the impression WvW was a three-way fight between 3 realms, and yet all I’ve seen is my realm (the losers) and another world (the zergers). Have I misunderstood something? I was hoping for a 1v1v1 situation like in DAOC, where the outnumbered side could screw the other two up merrily by wiping out the survivors of a battle or stealing a keep while the other two fought each other.

You are on our server and you think we lose all the time, as of this minute we are in 2nd place and must have made some really good pushes last night because when I logged off it was a lot closer. We are a T2 server. Do you play late at night? What guild are you in?

I was a bit lost too at first in WvW, I got in with a great guild that focuses heavily on WvW and it is the most fun I have had in a game. Try to find a good guild, my guild is recruiting right now and we have a blast 3 nights a week in WvW. If you haven’t tried an organized push then you haven’t tried real WvW.

You say there is no defense? We spent most of our time last night taking Hills and keeping it and then capping camps and towers as best we could.

Man, don’t give up on WvW, if I had after my first few times in it I would have missed out on what I think is now the best part of the game.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast