Siege Yaks!

Siege Yaks!

in WvW

Posted by: Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Yaks in a supply camp next to enemy towers/keeps currently just stand there doing nothing. With the new upgrade system on the horizon and no way to actively stop upgrades from happening these yaks can be the solution!

On taking a camp where the nearby structures belong to the enemy, yaks move out as if they are delivering to those structures, just like normal. However these yaks will act more as saboteurs, and if they reach an enemy keep/tower(on their normal pathing) will ADD to the upgrade timer, actively halting a structure from upgrading.
These yaks would obviously need to be escorted to get past the gate guards and players, but would make yaks extremely important in helping to break a full turtling defense.


Dinas Dragonbane, the Danger Ranger
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass

Siege Yaks!

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


If they indeed do the system proposed in the WvW blog, this can very much help with how useless dolyaks are becoming.

Siege Yaks!

in WvW

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

More great ideas. There are really some great things that could be done with the dynamics of WvW, hope some of these get some consideration!

Siege Yaks!

in WvW

Posted by: nothing.7941


anet hire these WAR guys!

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

Siege Yaks!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I love this idea

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Siege Yaks!

in WvW

Posted by: BrickFurious.7169


This is a fun idea.

Edit: I think I still like testpig’s solution in his other thread a bit better (requiring a certain number of yaks to make it into an objective in order for it to upgrade), but this is my second favorite of the ideas I’ve seen.

(edited by BrickFurious.7169)

Siege Yaks!

in WvW

Posted by: Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Dinas Dragonbane.2978

No negative replies on this yet?
Well if they go through with their current plans I’d love it if they got a chance to read this at least so there’s some hope to prevent upgrades.

Dinas Dragonbane, the Danger Ranger
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass