Sor vs SoR

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


You are a casual, and have a casual PVE way of looking at things.

It’s all good man!

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Grove.2835


I think BG will appreciate a match up against SOR without JQ.

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Greshmael.1498


I honestly don’t have a problem with people doing what they want to in game. I’m totally cool with that. My only issue with it would be if those same people were to off and tell other people how THEY should play the game. IE. “Don’t bring lowbie toons into WvW”, “Don’t use supply for that!”, “Hey, you! Badge down!” That’s great to know that we’re all on the same page that we can play however want. So, I guess we won’t be hearing anything like that ever again on the SOR server. Whew!!!! What a relief. Thanks for making that point for the good of the whole server guys! You rock!

Giving Indo/TW flak for seeking fights during a week of boring play against servers that stood no chance is just your attempt to stir up drama where there is none. If you don’t understand the difference between what you mentioned above and this situation, then I really can’t help you.

Fortunately, there are plenty of other servers to transfer to that could use your help if you find that the SoR environment doesn’t suit you. We care more about the fights than the PPT and it has always been that way.

Well, I wasn’t at all referring to anything about last week when we had a different match up. Just Friday night specifically once we were back to our normal tier 1 matchup. Even so, I think my point here might have been lost a bit.

Personally, I do my best not to troll anyone in WvW, and that wasn’t my intent here on the forums either. When I’m Battle Commanding, If my group isn’t seeing eye-to-eye on something with another guild out there on the map and it looks like it’s going to lead to a conflict, I’m the first one to try to be the voice of reason and try to establish a compromise where we’re working with the other guilds on the map. Every time I’ve been out there and someone wasn’t happy about something we’re doing, my first reaction has been to PM them and try to work something out that worked for both of us. Since taking over Battle Commanding the Sinister Swarm, I’ve actually gone to pretty great lengths to reach out to the other commanders on SoR and make it as clear as possible that I want nothing more than to work with all of you. A few weeks ago we shared a map with TSYM and our little squad managed to do some things that made Coron’s job a lot easier. Last week, when FEAR jumped on the map that we were on, I ran a backline for Ace and working directly with him when it was like pulling teeth to get 90% of the map to listen and coordinate any kind of effort.

I usually am in TS when I’m Battle Commanding with a few exceptions where we are doing something specific that requires my full attention in our Ventrillo. Most guilds that utilize TS3 have the benefit of having their entire force in Team Speak making it easy for them to direct both their own players and others who choose to join them. Unfortunately, I simply can’t and won’t ask all of my players to be in Team Speak, simply because the Sinister Swarm has a very strict language policy. They were promised an environment free of offensive language and crude humor and I’m not going to put them in an environment where there is no language policy. I’m not saying that in any way to bash the way people talk on Team Speak, I don’t expect every guild to have the same language policy that we do and I don’t expect anyone to police the Team Speak server. I’m saying this just to explain why we don’t typically have all of our members in Team Speak and why it can make it a bit more difficult for our battle commanders to dedicate as much of our attention to Team Speak as other commanders when we are trying to direct our own members in our Ventrillo. In regards to my previous post, admittedly, I was a bit frustrated at some of the dialogue here, and some sarcasm might have seeped in there a bit, but I stand by the overall meaning behind the message in that, maybe we all do need to lighten up a little, stop worrying about what other people are doing and just have fun, and if you’re saying that’s what you want for yourself, well then it’s only fair to extend that same courtesy to others. You say that our main objective has never been PPT. I’m RIGHT on board with that. My main goal is to ensure that my folks have as much fun as they can while they are out there, get some good fights and leave with some loot for their efforts. That’s it!

Post continued below…

Greshmael Draelock
Vice Warlord of Sinister Swarm [SIN] – SOR
“Success in WvW is not measured in loot bags.”

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Greshmael.1498


Friday night, we did accidentally run into the GvG and it took me a minute to realize that is what we had just bumped into. It was mostly because we had no clue where on the map it was happening. If I did, I would have simply avoided it. Anyone that was there and watching map chat will remember that while others were getting heated about it, I said “Let’s just move on guys. Arguing about it isn’t going to accomplish anything.” I’ll be honest, I wasn’t necessarily thrilled about the location you guys chose, but just like you guys have been saying, you have a right to play the game that you paid for and enjoy yourselves and not get harassed for it. I’m just saying, that same courtesy should be extended to everyone.

Anyway, I have no animosity towards any other guild on the SOR server. When I’m in WvW, I’m still going to do the best I can to try to work with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF you, and I sincerely hope it will be a mutual thing, but I can only control what I do. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week out there and has some epic fights.

Greshmael Draelock
Vice Warlord of Sinister Swarm [SIN] – SOR
“Success in WvW is not measured in loot bags.”

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello Greshmael,

Thanks for the taking the trouble to explain your stand. It’s greatly appreciated. Friction in any family is unavoidable but it’s leadership like this that helps to soothe things out even though we might not see eye to eye with each other from time to time.



[SoX] – JQ

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Greshmael.1498


Thanks, Fannwong. That means a lot to me to hear you say that. We truly have an amazing community on this server and compared to some of the horror stories I’ve heard on other servers, I think we still do at the end of the day end up working together than a lot of servers out there (the results speak for themselves). In that light, I’d never disrespect or fail to acknowledge the larger guilds on the SoR server that have contributed highly to that success. And even in the bad times, we’ve somehow managed to work together through the fighting and get things done. That’s truly awesome. Again, your kind words really are appreciated and here’s to our mutual continued success as one united server.

Greshmael Draelock
Vice Warlord of Sinister Swarm [SIN] – SOR
“Success in WvW is not measured in loot bags.”

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kain.9127


Hmmm with this evidence it certainly seems much more plausible the reports I heard of on reset night jq/sor working together in each other’s ts server to double team bg relentlessy that night.

Which is a pretty kitten kittenbag move. BG doubled teamed us for months with sbi and then tc. We held second. Everyone hated bg for it. Now we’re doing the same things they do? Classy.

I took a few months break from this game. Left when sor got into t1, now this server is just full of elitist kittenes.

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kain.9127


I took a few months break from this game. Left when sor got into t1, now this server is just full of elitist kittenes.

Looks like you’re talking about the entire server based on what just a few people from there says here. That’s no good.

Nah, I’m saying this after playing wvw for awhile and seeing the difference. Its easy to notice after being gone for awhile. All the people freaking out about “get in ts or gtfo” sor was never like that. We promoted ts use yeah but the good commanders communicated with everyone in map still.

Maybe I just miss alpaca.

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello Kain

I understand your point of view. Esp about TS. Some folks don’t want to get it because they like their gaming experience different.

On the other hand the meta game has changed dramatically over the last 4 months. The use of combo fields, resetting, double feints, pincers require use of voice comms extensively. Coupled with the fact that downs can rally the emeny, the common responsibility of all soldiers in the field increases.

At the end of the day, we play with game we want but at some level we have to think of our impact on the community on the whole. Finding that balance is not easy for the player.

Take care,

I took a few months break from this game. Left when sor got into t1, now this server is just full of elitist kittenes.

Looks like you’re talking about the entire server based on what just a few people from there says here. That’s no good.

Nah, I’m saying this after playing wvw for awhile and seeing the difference. Its easy to notice after being gone for awhile. All the people freaking out about “get in ts or gtfo” sor was never like that. We promoted ts use yeah but the good commanders communicated with everyone in map still.

Maybe I just miss alpaca.

[SoX] – JQ

(edited by Fannwong.3059)

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Inverted.7439


SoR has always been about the fights. If you came here from another server because we were on our way to the top and you only care about the PPT, then you might as well transfer, because we want fights, and we will have them. Everyone there had fun and the map was calm. If we were losing our garrison I might be able to sympathize will you, but nothing was happening.

FYI, the queue was only one minute. I’m sure nobody was kitten ed because they were stuck in a one minute queue.

i just laughed….. sooo kitten hard at your comment.

Sor vs SoR

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


I took a few months break from this game. Left when sor got into t1, now this server is just full of elitist kittenes.

Looks like you’re talking about the entire server based on what just a few people from there says here. That’s no good.

Nah, I’m saying this after playing wvw for awhile and seeing the difference. Its easy to notice after being gone for awhile. All the people freaking out about “get in ts or gtfo” sor was never like that. We promoted ts use yeah but the good commanders communicated with everyone in map still.

Maybe I just miss alpaca.

Huh? I been following Alpaca for as long as I can remember as he used to log during odd hours like me. He has always used TS. In fact the only times he does type out a map chat command is idle time after a battle (wipe, taken over a keep, etc.).

There are still those random players who don’t use TS (to each their own) but I have noticed a few raging in chat when they find themselves suddenly alone and surrounded by red names as they never got the voice comm to fall back……eventually they’ll learn the hard way.