Stop Selling Commander Title
no because the best way to farm badges is to do jumping puzzles…
I’ve never understood this. If you don’t like a commander, don’t follow him. Still want to complain about “bad” commanders? Why don’t you save up the money and lead your server yourself then, since you feel like you’d do such a better job.
Sometimes a “bad commander” is the only one willing to step up and do the job.
“Lead, follow, or get out of the way” in this case.
IMO if you aren’t willing to “put the pin” on, then might need to consider which of the 3 categories to play in. It is easy to say a commander “sucks” but not so easy to step up and do the job in their stead.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
I can’t believe someone really suggested 50-100K badges. Sounds like someone who has never played WvW for more than a few minutes. I mean, are you kittening kidding me?
I can’t believe someone really suggested 50-100K badges. Sounds like someone who has never played WvW for more than a few minutes. I mean, are you kittening kidding me?
for 1k.. I think some servers would not get a commander till next year.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
Guys… think. What is the problem you are trying to solve? THINK.
What are the qualities in people you are seeking? People who can fight? Or people who can communicate? People who can maximize the qualities of others? People who can feel the landscape and set a tempo? People who can look and listen… and have patience… and have the stomach to withstand the most vitriolic criticism from the most hateful allies?
These are not the people that are likely to have the most badges of honor!
Leading isn’t about getting the kill… it’s about influencing those who kill. THINK.
Your solution? Create a currency for listening?
Server – Dragonbrand
Guild – DS
how about this ? – a new icon made just for wvw – Red – you can’t purchase it in any way – you can only qualify for it …the system takes into account everyone’s stats – most castle / tower caps etc – general wvw related stats. The 2 people with the highest stats on the map get an option in the party panel to be a General – it’s not a permanent icon like the commander status…. it lasts for 2 hours at a time before you have to renew it – unless someone with higher stats comes in and they get priority for the option to be a General. No permanent anything, just a right to lead a zerg for 2 hours. The General would also have certain perks like lower repair and blueprint costs.
I don’t have a commander tag.
Yet I’ll be leading a whole maps forces through complex strategic hits in which I’ll actually have commanders following ME. The commander tag is a crux for most people, to bolster their own failure when it comes to attacking keeps and such. Though when you have multiple commanders working together its a very powerful tool in letting people who are joining the battleground know whats going on.
My sympathy goes towards those servers that are having these issues but stopping the sale of the tag will not fix the issue. Majority of the time, you don’t need that shiny blue icon. Just some good people who can follow cardinal directions and points on the map.
It’s a bit lame that all commander icons are the same, pretty confusing.
Make the colour of the commander icon definable by the commander! So you could have a “yellow commander” and a “blue commander” etc.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”
Personally, I’d like to see the Commander Book be a mystic forge recipe closely akin to the Gift of Mastery recipe. For Example…
1. Bloodstone Shard – costing 200 skill points (no change needed).
2. Gift of Battle – costing 500 Badges of Honour (no change needed).
3. 250 x Obsidian Shards – each costing 2100 Karma and only purchasable from Temple of Balthazar when unlocked (replace with a similar, but unique WvWvW Karma item only purchasable from a vendor within Stonemist Castle).
4. Gift of Exploration – Earned from 100% map completion (see below).
Replace the Gift of Exploration with a similar Gift earned by completing various WvWvW achievements. The key difference here – make the recipe require, say, 25 of these Gifts, which can only be earned once per account, but are not account bound (tradeable, but not sellable to vendors or on the TP). This way, to give one player access to a Commander Book, 24 other players (equally experienced in WvWvW in order to get the Gift) are voluntarily sacrificing their own Commander Book currency. If a player hasn’t earned respect in WvWvW, he ain’t likely to convince players to part with this specific item towards his Commander Book.
The Commander Pin is really not the issue, nor is it needed.
I ran battlegroups of over 100 people on a nightly basis for over 6 years on DAOC and you really dont need an icon over your head to keep people organized and accomplish things on the battlefield. What you do need is the ability as a Commander to create multiple chat groups, one for the people who are following you ( not everyone likes or can use vent/ts ) and one for the other commanders from that server with whom you wish to coordinate attacks with ( which i believe the game does not currently have ).
Someone said it earlier, people will follow the leaders that get it done and whom they like running with, people will know the names and they wont need an icon over the leaders head to find them.
Those individuals with Commander pins are not hurting anything!
Did you ever stop to think that maybe one of those individuals with the Commander pin over his head is some 14 year old kid having a blast or someone new to pvp who is trying to learn how to lead. If you are commanding people and you need an icon over your head or others with icons over their heads frustrates you perhaps leading is really not for you!
Like i always say, Dont fear the release and If it moves kill it!
Have fun and Be safe!
Don’t fear the Release and If it moves Kill it!
The Commander Pin is really not the issue, nor is it needed.
I ran battlegroups of over 100 people on a nightly basis for over 6 years on DAOC and you really dont need an icon over your head to keep people organized and accomplish things on the battlefield. What you do need is the ability as a Commander to create multiple chat groups, one for the people who are following you ( not everyone likes or can use vent/ts ) and one for the other commanders from that server with whom you wish to coordinate attacks with ( which i believe the game does not currently have ).
THATS A HINT ARENA NET!Someone said it earlier, people will follow the leaders that get it done and whom they like running with, people will know the names and they wont need an icon over the leaders head to find them.
Those individuals with Commander pins are not hurting anything!
Did you ever stop to think that maybe one of those individuals with the Commander pin over his head is some 14 year old kid having a blast or someone new to pvp who is trying to learn how to lead. If you are commanding people and you need an icon over your head or others with icons over their heads frustrates you perhaps leading is really not for you!
Like i always say, Dont fear the release and If it moves kill it!
Have fun and Be safe!
Looking forward to seeing you leading more often on JQ real soon Kzar and definitely appreciate the way you are getting to know the troops and working from behind the scenes. Commanders that inspire and lead don’t have to have a shiny blue button and ANET has left a lot of the details to individual servers with all the limits on the commander function. This actually might be a good thing because what works within one community might not be the best for another. I still wish there were some other options available for guilds and battlegroup like behaviors but we will have to learn to build our own tools I guess. /slaute
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .