Suppressed messages in WvW.

Suppressed messages in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


This is obviously something that are frustrating and puts your patience to test. For the love of Melandru; what did Anet think when allowing messages in WvW to be suppressed due to excessive messaging?

Since we cannot speak with our voices directly in the game, and have to use a second part software such as “Teamspeak” or something to give orders verbally, you have to type – and type fast – and allot! WvW should not allow suppressed messages due to…blablabla…since you have to give orders through them. At least higher the message limit or something, but I cannot promise people will be pleased by that anyway. You want to be able to shout orders and tactics fast because the battlefield changes but you will always get that kitten text slammed in your face.

/ Frustrated.

Xifix | Thief

Suppressed messages in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


squad chat isn’t subject to suppression, but it has significant disadvantages:
1. people have to actually join your squad to see it
2. joining a squad prevents people from seeing where other commanders are, which is often useful information (especially when you’re setting up a pincer or a flank, or someone is using their pin to show where enemies are on the map).


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Suppressed messages in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I dont think they should take suppression off of everyone, you still get trolls that can spam up chat, What they should do it code it to where if someone has a Tag popped up the suppression code goes dormant until they Tag down.

Isle Of Janthir