T1 server lag = unplayable
No lag in Eredon Terrace. Just Saying
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]
Lag is terrible everywhere in JQ, even PvE. Was perfect yesterday.
Everyone posting in this thread could do with watching this video: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/180776/Video_Guild_Wars_2s_programming_tricks_revealed.php
There are some misconceptions in some of the posts here.
Ding ding ding we have a winner.
You win the thread sir.
DW guys. I have it on good word from Anet that they will be upgrading their hamsters in the near future.
They did mention expanding the server capacity when they remove culling, so let’s hope Anet gets there act together and fixes this with the March update.
The morning comes, the disconnects continue. Hopefully someone at the office is looking into this?
I seriously hope not.
I don’t want Arena Net to waste their money on kittens who decided to hoard on one server and then complain about lag.
If you guys didn’t bandwagon, or encourage others to do so, server population would be more evenly spread out and you wouldn’t have lag.
Hate to disappoint ya son, but I was born and raised in the Quarry before you were even a pixel in the mind’s eye. Here’s a tidbit o’ data for you… populations are still the same due to the cap on players allowed.
Are you under the impression that every tier has queues?
Every tier has the potential for battles large enough to cause heavy lag, queue or no queue … they simply are more likely in the upper tiers. That doesn’t make lag in the lower tiers any less annoying … only less often.
Indeed. But if you increase the server bandwidth only to fix the lag a few players experience 1-2 times a week you are wasting resources which could be put to better use elsewhere.
It’s Company 101, don’t waste resources on things that will hardly be noticeable to the consumers in favor of things that will actually make an impact on a larger scale.
That’s certainly true (I ran a very large commercial business for about 20 years). The problem is, in the ideal situation where the WvW populations were balanced across all servers and tiers and the maps were actually able to hold the originally intended capacity (roughly 500 players per map), lag would be a problem for everyone and it would occur way more than just once or twice per week. In all reality, the bandwaggoning in the upper tiers is the only reason that those of us in the lower tiers have a manageable game experience. That’s a flawed implementation.
Well this isn’t the case we face here as I have been getting skill lag even in PVE and 5-man dungeons recently, so it’s not only WvW and it’s not only the top teirs. Also, since the last patch I’ve noticed textures are taking ages to load. I can WP somewhere like DR and I wont even be able to see walls/npc’s for another 30 seconds or so and I’ve never had this problem pre-patch.
stacking and lagging comes in a package. you buy stacking, you get lagging as a bonus…..
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Two guys sitting in garrison. One turns to the other and says, “Did you feel that?”. The second cracks a grin as he mutters, “A disturbance in the force. The enemies are near!”. The first player looks at the second player as though in awe before slapping him upside the head and saying, "This isn’t Starwars nub, it’s lag the enemy zerg is at the water gate. "
Epic, aah just awesome dude
and yes same problem Tier 1 EU, tho nearly only when we fight Vizuna, Seafares are mostly ok.
[IRON] Gaming