Tee See
TC vs. CD vs. FA
Let me just clear up some of the misinformation.
1. We were aware you were doing this at about 7pm EST. I was quite clear with the FA rep that PD would not be participating and if we were in the area we would be killing any red named person in our way.
2. At the time of your ‘gathering’, we wanted the southern supply camp and killed whomever we could to gain that objective.
3. 15 minutes prior to your parade hitting the ruins, we had just cleared 20 TC with siege off the island and had set up our own ballistas.
4. It was really fun to shoot you all and get loot.
5. When Online messaged me to ask me to stop, we did and I even escorted the remaining dolyak and eagle to briar, saluted and went on about my business.
I honestly don’t give a single kitten if TC and CD want to team up on FA. I really, really don’t.
Have a nice day.
You cannot gain an objective that’s already yours. Yes the camp was contested but it was nowhere near in danger of being lost to either of the opposing servers. If the guild was aware of the ‘gathering’ then the contested status could have been sorted out with a statrep. If for some reason you meant you wanted to defend it from Invaders then you should made your way into the camp and built the siege inside of it and not at the ruins.
I provided a screencap to help clear up some of the misinformation.
Be proud in your defense! We havent known FA to be the best at defending, but you’ve proven to me time and again that guys are more than capable of holding and pushing off an attack.
Who is defending in FA right now? And how many TC players are in FA borders?
Because if the TC zerg is as big as the one running all over CD, I’m certain those FA defenders deserve high praise. I’ve been in CD trying to 5 on 20 for the last couple hours, and finally gave up out of sheer frustration.
Not feeling a lot of CD pride right now.
I hear talk there were 40 some FA defending their garrison when TC rolled in. That is impressive and from how long it took from what I heard, they did a good job of holding us off, and it sounded like a good fight, advantage or not.
The difference is that the TC force is driven by general community volunteers and our commanders leading them. I’m not sure if CD is able to muster the same ammount of random people behind a commander, regardless of guild, to help.
Either way, good on you for standing up and trying at least! When you guys get your big crew on things should start going back to normal, and they should start being able to fight off the TC zergs in a head on fight.
Next week I’m hoping that because of the lower population on TC that we will see
A. Less complaining about TCs numbers
B. Less aliances for the sake of “having a fighting chance at all”
and C. A more balanced and all around fun time for everyone.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
Hello Everyone!
Due to massive, various violations against the Code of Conduct from different users, this thread turned into a non constructive one. For this reason, the thread is now closed.