The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Zacchary.6183



You realize that stealth, blinds and evades makes up for the crappy healing, heal scaling and all of the support boons thieves do not have access to. And then there is the fact of post-overnerf buffing. I KNOW that even after thieves get nerfed to oblivion that any buffs given afterwards would not be welcomed by the gw2 community.

Its like people want thieves to stand there and die for them.

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: NonToxic.9185


If a WvW thief doesn’t hit kitten the first blow, I know he has a gibbled cheese build and will be impossible to fight. Point myself towards the nearest base, press R, then use the auction house because I am in no danger.

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: SagittariusVII.8193


I see so much stealth hate. I don’t know how people survived in wow where thieves were permanently stealth. I think it’s an l2p issue. Thieves are easy to kill as long as you don’t panic and don’t suck.

[SIC] Egregiously, Gregious Reliant, Brother Gregious

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Its like people want thieves to stand there and die for them.

Actually, what I want is:
When I see a thief on my screen he instantly dies and the loot goes straight into my bag without me having to press ‘F’ to loot.
When a thief logs into the game, he instantly dies and the surrounding players get loot into their bags.
When a thief respawns, he instantly dies and the surrounding players get loot into their bags.

Till then, nerf thieves!

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: mrmadhaze.8706


Till then, nerf thieves!

meanwhile buff warriors pls!! they need it!!!


The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Ignoring Burnfall in general. Focusing more on the video itself…

1. Let’s take a moment and realize that Yishis is skilled. Meaning what he’s able to do comes from his skill (in addition to the lack of skill in his enemies).

2. It’s easier to watch and say “oh yeah that looks easy” than it is to do it yourself.

3. During that whole video/commentary did he ever stop talking? No, he had so much to say about the fight and what’s going on. Now, this is him re-watching the fight and commenting on it. And he tells what and why he did what he did in the fight. No imagine, during the fight you had to make all those decisions faster then he was talking/reasoning in the video. Those decisions had to be made quick, almost like a reflex, and they had to be right (otherwise… well we don’t see any clips ). This comes from his own skill and practice.

4. All the clips (and I skipped through them) are of him “winning”, killing his opponents and getting away. Do you think that always happens? You probably do, because you probably mostly watch montages or the likes. Plus, not a lot of people include their failed attempts in their videos. So it’s easy to think that "since there’s so many videos of people just rolling classes with class X, it must be that class X is OP. ".

5. He mentioned “especially difficult classes”, meaning that a person of his skill still has troubles with some classes. Now what he will most likely provide/show in those tutorials would be of him 1v1’ing and beating them, as they are tutorials and are meant to demonstrate the ways in which you can accomplish something. What I doubt he will show is the 1v1’ing attempts for those difficult classes where he failed to beat them. This once again adds to the illusion that you can beat everybody with the thief. The thing is, you can beat everyone as anything with anything, if everyone is having a bad day, getting distracted, afk’ing, intentionally dieing, not having the same skill lvl as you (list can go on for a ages). And the flip side is true too, you can get beaten by everybody when…

Just food for thought when you watch these videos and then say “see how OP thief is! look at this video!”.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I see so much stealth hate. I don’t know how people survived in wow where thieves were permanently stealth. I think it’s an l2p issue. Thieves are easy to kill as long as you don’t panic and don’t suck.

I think its more the unlimited vanish availability, perma stealth allows for opening followed by a vanish and another opener, when a class can vanish numerous times such as the GW2 thief its just bad design imo.

I would welcome perma stealth vs unlimited vanish/small kitten nal of battle reseting abilities, that they currently have. Theres just not enough risk/reward surrounding the thief class, its all reward with almost no risk. In the end it doesn’t matter to me all that much, I just ignore thieves when possible because I naturally assume that its a bad player.

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


CnD thieves are strong 1vX because there are more targets to CnD off of. I’ve done 1v3s, 1v4s, and 1v5s, while good players 1v1 can beat me because they know how to dodge. Then on my ele I can beat almost any thief 1v1 as well and if they have won, it’s not decisive (referring to every thief I’ve fought/dueled so far).

I’ve also had a harder time against a thief 1v2 than when he was 1v1 because 2 potential targets to CnD off of makes it unpredictable to fight against. I actually think this is good class design for a roaming class.

D/P sustainability is probably going to be fixed (or other builds brought more in line) next patch so I won’t address that. But I do think shadow refuge needs a 1 second cast time as I suggested months ago. It’s too much of a free pass for everything now since not every class has access to a knockback.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

The Topic of Stealth- yes again...

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


if they were so experienced why did they leave their thieves? many of us still enjoy the class. don’t really get it.

I play my thief when I want a challenge. Using S/P & SB, withdraw, Rfi, with zero stealth. To be completely honest though Thief just doesn’t have enough variety to keep it entertaining (and I’ve been playing thieves since they had 1d4 HP)

Most nights I run with my Warrior because it’s more fun, then I have Guardian, Ranger and Engineer to play as well for variety. Overall I found the thief incredibly boring after two months, they just have so little variety that there was no longevity to keep me interested, the Warrior on the other hand has an amazing array of weapon skills and build options, as does the Ranger, the guardian feels like the most useful support and the Engineer is just so kitten fun.