Time Zones in WvW

Time Zones in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: NINAbuser.4578


So I am not sure if the developers bothered to look at this during their decisions on who plays who in WvW but I can go to bed on Anvil Rock with 3 orbs and 300+ points in towers, keeps, etc and wake up with nothing. Pretty sure if we are losing all of our stuff every night its not because the other servers played any better they just have a huge time zone advantage. Maybe we can look at how many people a server has on a times to avoid this mess. The idea that I need to be awake for 18 hours to keep what I kill is a little annoying.

Time Zones in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


but when you get to 300 and 3 orbs, weren’’t you in your timezone advantage?

Time Zones in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


While you were sleeping the other guys who were playing against your server were thinking about the same thing.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Time Zones in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


The argument of "Well, daytime US is nighttime AUS/EU, so it evens out. NO. It’s a US server, so during the day, the matches are competitive at least. There is the population to back it up. When one server has a huge population imbalance at night, it doesn’t even out with a huge population imbalance during the day. If it did, it would constantly swing back and forth, but it doesn’t. You might make headway during the day, but any progress you did make gets wiped out at night.

Last night on IoJ, we started a small group that slowly got bigger. We hooked up with a few more organized guilds and started getting the ball rolling on the SoS borderlands. I spent most of my money upgrading Etheron Hills. We were pushing rather well against ET, and mostly leaving SoS alone, figuring they would help pressure ET. It looked like we had at least secured our foothold for the week to work from.

Wake up this morning and…. gone. All of it. We control part of EB, and part of IoJ borderlands. All the work and money that went into Etheron Hills vanished overnight. Want to know why nobody upgrades things? Everybody said it was the 24 hr matches. No, it’s the losing everything overnight that feels like you’re watching somebody burn your own money for their enjoyment. And you’re expected to call it fun.

There needs to be a population ratio limit placed on each of the borderlands, so that none of the servers will ever outnumber the other to any huge advantage. This would probably cause queues on some servers to reach astronomical lengths, but it might also give those huge servers a reason to spread their forces out. The queues don’t work properly to give incentive to move, as they currently stand. There are still queues on the “winning” servers, who continue to dominate. If they can’t even get part of their whole group in, maybe they’ll consider the consequences of constantly rolling over your opponents. Sure, it’s fun to win. But is it fun to win a game that’s gonna die because you “have” to be good at it? Can’t some of these huge alliances see the negatives to their plans? They will kill this fun game called WvWvW, just because they are willing to wait hours in queue’s and call themselves “good”. Maybe split your guilds up, and fight against each other? Then you could actually call yourself good. Not to discredit the organization that it takes to do what you do, but maybe think beyond your own server. Look at preserving this great game so it can thrive instead of killing it because you want to faceroll.

Time Zones in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aedgyth.4790


“Hi guys, I know there are already 2-3 threads on this subject – but hey I’m so important I thought i’d start another one.”