Tourney achiev too steep 4 hardcore casuals
You are 7/10 and we are what, 4 weeks in? There’s a lot of time left.
If you do not want to put in the effort to complete the achievements, then you do not deserve the rewards.
youve got till the end of may for Wvw Sprint Tourny
ReStarted playing 3 days ago and did 11 of the WvW achievements (meta+1) in 2days by playing EotM plus the JPs. It’s even more fun than the regular maps imho; we had some exceptional fights and I didn’t feel nearly as bad when we lost a teamfight since score doesn’t carry over to the main maps.
This is coming from a main sPvP player.
You have until the end of May, so you actually have tons of time. I’m a pretty casual WvW player (as in, I stick to EOTM pretty much exclusively) and I finished the meta in about a week and a half.
Also if you haven’t done the jump puzzle achievements yet, get on that. The borderlands one is easy (and you only have to do it once); Obsidian Sanctum is less so but you can find mesmers portalling people in there fairly regularly. |
Twitter: @LadyVerene | @TWITGuild | @ThePaleTree
I have 1 of 10…. I threw in the towel ages ago. I simply don’t play wvw enough.
OP failed at reading. Dude. I have 7/10. And I play less than you do. I’ve nearly done camp flipper, runins and keep. I play around 3-8 hours a week. So I don’t know what your doing with your time.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Hmmmm ya, the spring tournament goes to May 30th, so you have plenty of time.
I play maybe 1 hour per night and maybe 3 hours on Sundays, and I’ve gotten 8/10 of the achievements, having never stepped foot in EotM. You should not have any problems to get the meta.
ETA: Season 1 really WAS undo-able for casuals. I feel that ANet hit a good balance this time. The meta is definately attainable even for us casual players.
Follow the EotM train for a couple hours (don’t even need to be consecutive) and you’ll get a couple achieves that are exclusive there also sentries and keeps are WAY easier to get there, also try to bare with 1 boring ruins run, it sucks but it is really easy.
I don’t really like WvW but in about 15~20 hours of WvW gameplay I got the 10 achieves.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
As a “hardcore casual”, I play nearly every single day, and usually for 60 to 90 minutes.
I don’t think you know what the word “casual” means.
I’m not going to make the remaining 3 achievements in the next four days.
Well what about in the 4 weeks after that? you have about a month left to get those last 3 achievements.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Thanks for the above replies. It appears that in my attempts to understand the new tournament structure, I misread how long it lasts. I thought it ended on April 25 (four weeks total). Because I couldn’t find anything that listed more than four rounds in the tourney.
In that case, no worries. If I’m at 7/10 at the less than halfway point, I suppose it’s reasonably structured.
I play less than you and I’ve been done for a week. Plus you have another 5 weeks, at least?
Did you do the jumping puzzles yet? There’s 2 of the achievements right there if you didn’t.
I disagree with your assessment, when the tourney started I felt overwhelmed by the numbers but was surprised to be done with it in 2 weeks, not even playing everyday.
Naturally for that, the days I did play I spent many hours of said day to do it, but I mostly got the achievs by helping the zerg and server, not even having to specifically be a ‘achievement-hunter’ as some of the other Anet achievs tend to force players to.
I think the time they give to accomplish this is more than enough, we have till end of May for anyone who is truly very casual.
Longtime player, 7 classes at 80, pretty much all I care about is WvW play (your dungeon endgame is terribad, and I’m not an SPvP type of player). As a “hardcore casual”, I play nearly every single day, and usually for 60 to 90 minutes. Sometimes life interferes and I miss a day, but that’s rare. Sometimes I play only for 30-45 minutes because that’s all I have a window for. I usually dub dub for as long as two food/oil buffs last. Oh, and I’m on JQ, so there’s lots of nice dub dub to be had.
So here it is, April 21, and I’ve got only 7/10 achievements finished for the WvW Tournament.
I only have 3 level 80s. GW2 is the only MMO I’ve ever played. On total, I probably play WvW about as much as you do. I don’t bother with food or oil because I usually forget to maintain it, so I’m hardly hardcore. I play on ET, at the bottom of the NA rankings, where people complain it’s hard to find good fights. I’m already done with 10 of my achievements and I’m close to getting another 2. I haven’t set foot in EotM all season. I didn’t even feel I had to do a WvW jumping puzzle to get an achievement like I did in the first season. I don’t think it was too hard at all. If anything, maybe a little bit too easy given the rewards. I’m more annoyed by the narrowing of the selection of general daily achievements, which makes them difficult to complete reliably in 30-45 minutes, if that’s all the time I have for GW2 during a day.
You really need to rethink the requirements for the tourney tickets. I’m quite dispirited.
Think about getting the achievement knowing that your server will never get more than 250 ticket, and probably only 200 tickets, no matter how hard you play thanks to the dominance of numbers and coverage for victory. Want to trade dispiriting realities?
On the contrary, I feel this achievement is very lacking. I had the meta done by the first Wednesday and now have all the others done too (silly ruin capping excluded). For a 9-week long event I’d like something more challenging next time.
Are you kidding me?
I played like 4-5 days worth of WvW total out of the 4 weeks so far and already have the meta, of which 0 achievements come from eotm. This is way easier than season 1, which wasn’t exactly that bad either.
Took me 6 hours to complete the meta, It was stupidly easy, even easier than season 1, and that was to easy.
I think the new season was just right. I’m not a hardcore WvW player by any means, but I still managed to complete the requirements within 2 weeks by logging an hour or two every day. (I’ve since completed all of the achievements, since I’m an AP hunter.)
You have to consider that if you scout, refresh siege and escort dolly you don’t get anything from this meta achiev.
So if you actually do something different from following the zerg you get no reward
You have to consider that if you scout, refresh siege and escort dolly you don’t get anything from this meta achiev.
So if you actually do something different from following the zerg you get no reward
Why would you not follow the zerg?!
That is what WvW is all about! Even the devs agree to that hence why WvW has not had the need for any real updates for 2 years now!
If you are soloing you are not playing the game as designed by the devs and hence are doing it wrong!
As for defending, who needs to defend when your zerg can retake the tower in minutes!
I play just as much as OP but I’ve gotten the 10/10 on the first week! The tourny achievements are super easy. If you want to complain about difficult and nearly impossible achievements to obtain then talk about the regular WvW achievement where you have to grab 1,000,000 yaks, 500,000 escorts, or spend 10 supply!
Formerly: Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
it only took me 10.5 hours to compleet all. besides the EotM.
So 3-4weeks left 1hour a day thats 21-28hours left for you to get 2 archievements.
Go hunt for them and you’ll have it by the end of this week.
You have to consider that if you scout, refresh siege and escort dolly you don’t get anything from this meta achiev.
So if you actually do something different from following the zerg you get no reward
If you change it up on occasion, still shouldn’t be much of an issue. Player, Guard, Sentry, Camps, and Yaks were all achievements I could add to while I was scouting Bay last night. Plus there’s that defense one but I got that finished the first night of the tourney while defending Hills on another BL. I was happy to finish my sentry achievement last night since it means I can stop being one of those players.
I’m just glad the mercenary camp achievements are gone. I don’t think I was past 5% done the little time I was in EB during s1.
I had 10 within the first 48 hours and that didn’t include the JPs. The WvW achievements are WAY too low for 9 weeks of play IMO.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
The only really grindy one was Reactors.
Reactors are not like camps, they are located very far from the map starting point. Spevial objectives come more quickly than reactors.
Go to the EotM, follow the ktrains. Seriously, its EXTREMELY easy to get all but three of the achievements that way, with 2/3 being camps and yaks which you can hop into Eternal or your favorite BL for, and the third being reactors which is just stupidly grindy. Still, a HELL of a lot easier then S1- barely finished that one in time compared to being done with this one in under a week. Personally, I’m hoping S3 will be in the middle of S1 and S2 for the achievement requirements, since S1 took way too long for some of them and S2 is just disappointingly easy.
I get to play about two days a week, about 3hrs each time, and I’m just about to hit 11 achievements (no EoTM, no JPs). It’s a lot more reasonable than S1 – there was no way I was going to go near the JPs just for that.
I kind of agree with the OP, but that’s mainly because I get about 5 hours a week game time, and I really would rather not spend that limited time running around in a karma train which is nearly the most tedious form of game play there is (second only to champion farming – at least with wvw trains there is a chance you will run into another zerg). I haven’t given up hope yet though, I’m currently on 4/10, but 2 of those are the JP ones. I guess I’ll keep “playing how I want to play”, and jump on the train closer to the end of the season if I have to. But nobody should have to!
i got mine done the night Week 2 started without really playing for the achievements, granted on my days off I probably invest more time in it than OP does, but still I didn’t really find them hard to obtain at all.