UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)
Every time I switch to air and try to RTL there is this giant number 4 haunting me…
kitten’s serious bro… RIP eles.
Had a blast fighting you guys Jathres, even though my internet didnt really want me to play at times. Looking forward to fighting you this week, and maybe even arrange a couple of duels again?
[FURY] Gunnars Hold
See no Reason why not. Friday Evening worked best for this so far, any Surmia is also very welcome.
Groupfights duels are always just for fun, with hanging out together in one TS or Mumble.
I’ll be not there though this week because of work, but i can abuse Nubu for recording maybe ^^
Pretty nice siege at RoS garrison, you guys did a good job of defending it
Really ele nerf? :P
Been fighting you guys a bit between Lake & Briar, when an ele is able to kite around 4-5 guys without dying and still deal tons of damage while moving around that is a bit OP, ele’s are still awesome to play (and boring to fight because me as a guardian will never die vs an ele but I don’t have a chance of killing them either because I’m simply way too slow, especially if you keep me frozen 24/7 lol)
We killed you twice and then I just left because I didn’t want a long and boring fight again lol, love your guild though and the videos you put out!
Well if you can’t detect the ironie from the Video all hope is lost for your poor soul! ^^
Every time I switch to air and try to RTL there is this giant number 4 haunting me…
kitten’s serious bro… RIP eles.
What I say: too bad you guys got a nerf.
On topic, it is sad but RoS lost a major force and will probably end up dropping a tier. In fact, that’s what we want at this point.
[GoA] Guardians of Arcane – Officer
Ruins of Surmia – Commander
By the way, it’s not unlikely we’ll be moving a tier up, so any groupfights this week would be awesome. Jathres, will you be busy all week? :P
I know it’s ironie, just saying ele is way too OP compared to other classes so what you do in your videos is nothing special at all, you’re just roflstomping noobs with an OP class, I only watch them for the intro which is entertaining really.
Guardian is only “OP” by survivability, but ele literally has everything.. crazy heals, getaways, mobility, dps..
I know it’s ironie, just saying ele is way too OP compared to other classes so what you do in your videos is nothing special at all, you’re just roflstomping noobs with an OP class, I only watch them for the intro which is entertaining really.
Guardian is only “OP” by survivability, but ele literally has everything.. crazy heals, getaways, mobility, dps..
I’d like some of the stuff you’re smoking.
To put it simple yes! Late & Nightshifts this week, as much as i would like to join in Groupfights it won’t happen. But we should get enough people together for groupfights anyway. Lets just say Friday evening 20.00 (UCT+1). If points are to close it can postponed.
I’ll see that i can get one of us to organizie our Stuff. Meeting on Mumble would be the most convienend way for all.
You shoulda seen that one FS guild we used to fight, “Master of Elements”.. which literally only had Eles in it, I’m not sure how much they’re affected by recent nerfs as I don’t play an ele myself but their groups of 10+ eles each time were pretty annoying to fight..
Guardian has amazing cc and group synergies. In my most ideal 5 ppl group there would always be a Guardian (and Damage is not that shabby either when i remember my correctly ^^).
Who could use a little better getaway is a necro all other classes are already quite good in that aspect :p
Damage is pretty decent if you boost up your precision a bit as a Guardian, I do regular hits of 1.5k, lacking cc though.. been thinking of trying to swap to hammer but I’m too attached to my sword & focus. :P
Focus shield deals like 3k damage when it explodes (it only explodes if you weren’t hit 5 times whilst it was up and running), that’s an insane amount of damage.. so if you see me running towards you with a shield up, either run or or blast the kitten out of me so my shield goes down. xD
Jathres not gonna be able to play during week days? That means I get to hunt him only on weekend, aww balls.
But yea, lots of fun fights every where, especially with BNF.
That Garrison siege on RoS borderland was a blast! Nice siege placement and spirit you guys had there.
And whats this you talking about lost force? Did some of the guilds leave the server or are they not playing anymore?
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Love you Underworld.. you just lost 3 towers and a keep in EB just because you deisded to take your 30 man zerg to Mendons which was caped by like 10 of us :P By the time you got the gate to 20% Dzag came in and took it from you.. all i ask is what was the point :P?
Jathres not gonna be able to play during week days? That means I get to hunt him only on weekend, aww balls.
But yea, lots of fun fights every where, especially with BNF.
That Garrison siege on RoS borderland was a blast! Nice siege placement and spirit you guys had there.
And whats this you talking about lost force? Did some of the guilds leave the server or are they not playing anymore?
XT & WIC + rest of the alliance left to Piken Square I got told, which is really sad for this matchup and especially for RoS, I kinda feel them as a similar thing happened to UW in the past.
XT and WIC moved, most of the others are still here for now.
Ruins of Surmia
Ahh dam. Well I hope you guys a fast recovery and I know you can still put up a good fights.
I didn’t and did expect that to happen. I hope you can still enjoy the match up!
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
I know it’s ironie, just saying ele is way too OP compared to other classes so what you do in your videos is nothing special at all, you’re just roflstomping noobs with an OP class, I only watch them for the intro which is entertaining really.
Guardian is only “OP” by survivability, but ele literally has everything.. crazy heals, getaways, mobility, dps..
I’d like some of the stuff you’re smoking.
Can I have mine in the form of magic brownies please as I don`t smoke?
Must be some kitten fine stuff!
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Don’t worry about RoS, we’ve fought our way out of T9 more then once with not more then 2-3 small WvW focussed guilds.
Being the smallest server in a matchup gives all the better feelings when you conquer something, as you may have noticed in last week’s matchup threat.
Now if more guilds or players start leaving and create a snowball effect that might be problematic.
Sorry guys.. but if this is the number diffrence this week.. then i’ll be doing PvE alot.. thats 2:20AM GMT and its 5 vs 25+ ( i know it s 25+ bcoz they made a fight marker at the camp they took before this ) and yet i still notice this odd pattern that no matter what we do the main fight is still over at our side of EB… ( and yes i know that dzag was in UW BL most of the day today ) Anywho.. enjoy the rest of the matchup.. i think i speak for my whole guild when i say we cba with this for a 3rd week in a row.
XT & WIC + rest of the alliance left to Piken Square I got told, which is really sad for this matchup and especially for RoS, I kinda feel them as a similar thing happened to UW in the past.
Heheh funnily enough we’re facing XT now as they’re on Piken – only fought them twice so far, in the morning, about 20 of us and the same of them; they hit us the first time while we were on the move with our guard down (silly me), we were wiped, second we wiped them whilst they were stationary and together, so 1 all
Ironic, this, isn’t it?
P.S. Don’t be alarmed that I’m creepily reading this, people don’t post fast enough on the other threads
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
XT & WIC + rest of the alliance left to Piken Square I got told, which is really sad for this matchup and especially for RoS, I kinda feel them as a similar thing happened to UW in the past.
Heheh funnily enough we’re facing XT now as they’re on Piken – only fought them twice so far, in the morning, about 20 of us and the same of them; they hit us the first time while we were on the move with our guard down (silly me), we were wiped, second we wiped them whilst they were stationary and together, so 1 all
Ironic, this, isn’t it?
P.S. Don’t be alarmed that I’m creepily reading this, people don’t post fast enough on the other threads
You are a traitor and a scoundrel Ezekiel :P! get out or ill end my guild to sort you out! :O
:P Just try I’ll leave the thread though, seeing as the attitude just soured.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
The German’s seemed to have a lot of fun yesterday on UW BL. Hopefully we can come and trash your house today.
I think my favourite quote of the day was:
Commander: My lunch is ready, can anyone take over?
Scamp: The German’s will!
Underworld [EU]
Yeah we had some pretty awesome fights with UW yesterday. It was a blast and we even had to call a merchant in your garison ^-^.
But nice hold guys!
PS: sooo many siege weapons o_O
[Scnd] Second Law
It is always great to have 40+ man zergs from Dzag and UW at the same time in our part of EB while we have under 10 people on the map.
Other than that it is fun. :-)
Pechic – Engineer, WvW rank 870
Proud member of Ruins of Surmia from day 1, screw you bandwagoners we dont want you
XT & WIC + rest of the alliance left to Piken Square I got told, which is really sad for this matchup and especially for RoS, I kinda feel them as a similar thing happened to UW in the past.
Heheh funnily enough we’re facing XT now as they’re on Piken – only fought them twice so far, in the morning, about 20 of us and the same of them; they hit us the first time while we were on the move with our guard down (silly me), we were wiped, second we wiped them whilst they were stationary and together, so 1 all
Ironic, this, isn’t it?
P.S. Don’t be alarmed that I’m creepily reading this, people don’t post fast enough on the other threads
Having an easier time with XT than SIN it seems
Guild leader of Gorillas On Drugs (APE)
Sorry guys.. but if this is the number diffrence this week.. then i’ll be doing PvE alot.. thats 2:20AM GMT and its 5 vs 25+ ( i know it s 25+ bcoz they made a fight marker at the camp they took before this ) and yet i still notice this odd pattern that no matter what we do the main fight is still over at our side of EB… ( and yes i know that dzag was in UW BL most of the day today ) Anywho.. enjoy the rest of the matchup.. i think i speak for my whole guild when i say we cba with this for a 3rd week in a row.
no more paint jobs? , shame to see u given up so easily
Guild leader of Gorillas On Drugs (APE)
Yesterday was definitely entertaining and pretty intense, the attacks just wouldn’t cease. Today is interesting as well, some smaller scale battle on our borderlands. GuM is having fun repelling them :P
And sometimes you can’t help but feel like the game’s trolling you
No worries, I painted Dzag Bay red yesterday, they were kitten me off coming to my bl all the time!
Oh and okaishi, that bag has Dawns in it, just saying.
Ruins of Surmia
Oh and okaishi, that bag has Dawns in it, just saying.
I guess we will never know, but I don’t even want to consider the possibility, no matter how unlikely :P
Sorry guys.. but if this is the number diffrence this week.. then i’ll be doing PvE alot.. thats 2:20AM GMT and its 5 vs 25+ ( i know it s 25+ bcoz they made a fight marker at the camp they took before this ) and yet i still notice this odd pattern that no matter what we do the main fight is still over at our side of EB… ( and yes i know that dzag was in UW BL most of the day today ) Anywho.. enjoy the rest of the matchup.. i think i speak for my whole guild when i say we cba with this for a 3rd week in a row.
no more paint jobs?
, shame to see u given up so easily
Took me 2 weeks and 2 days to give up.. i think i did a good job puting up with it :P! Anywho this gives me sometime to finally get back to that legendary progress that i started about 4 months ago..
Camping our BL with a 50-60 man zerg when we barely even got 20 ? Really Dzag and UW ?
How about going to each other’s BL ? Or are you afraid of a bit of challenge ?
Ruins of Surmia
Regarding the Groupfights please talk to Nubuela
its funny how underworld wants our eternal keep so much that they let dzag keep their wp surely the keep with a wp is a bigger threat no?
Sorry guys.. but if this is the number diffrence this week.. then i’ll be doing PvE alot.. thats 2:20AM GMT and its 5 vs 25+ ( i know it s 25+ bcoz they made a fight marker at the camp they took before this ) and yet i still notice this odd pattern that no matter what we do the main fight is still over at our side of EB… ( and yes i know that dzag was in UW BL most of the day today ) Anywho.. enjoy the rest of the matchup.. i think i speak for my whole guild when i say we cba with this for a 3rd week in a row.
no more paint jobs?
, shame to see u given up so easily
Took me 2 weeks and 2 days to give up.. i think i did a good job puting up with it :P! Anywho this gives me sometime to finally get back to that legendary progress that i started about 4 months ago..
really sad to read this, always liked to defend you when you were visiting us on our borders. but I also wish u good luck with rebuilding your community. Now with XT and the other bandwagoners gone, or at least those that tried to make RoS a bandwagon, i won alot more sympathie for you guys :P but u shouldnt have said your giving up, that would make Dzag and us fight each other more on our borders than on yours =/
Sorry guys.. but if this is the number diffrence this week.. then i’ll be doing PvE alot.. thats 2:20AM GMT and its 5 vs 25+ ( i know it s 25+ bcoz they made a fight marker at the camp they took before this ) and yet i still notice this odd pattern that no matter what we do the main fight is still over at our side of EB… ( and yes i know that dzag was in UW BL most of the day today ) Anywho.. enjoy the rest of the matchup.. i think i speak for my whole guild when i say we cba with this for a 3rd week in a row.
no more paint jobs?
, shame to see u given up so easily
Took me 2 weeks and 2 days to give up.. i think i did a good job puting up with it :P! Anywho this gives me sometime to finally get back to that legendary progress that i started about 4 months ago..
really sad to read this, always liked to defend you when you were visiting us on our borders. but I also wish u good luck with rebuilding your community. Now with XT and the other bandwagoners gone, or at least those that tried to make RoS a bandwagon, i won alot more sympathie for you guys :P but u shouldnt have said your giving up, that would make Dzag and us fight each other more on our borders than on yours =/
No worries there, you guys still have been in our bl plenty and Dzag too! Not to forget our corner in EB.
Here a picture to commemorate.
Don’t know what Dzag is doing in our corner when they’re losing their own.
Ruins of Surmia
You know what Dzago ?[Insert Insult that starts with S here]! I can understand UW attacking us, So why the [Insert Insult that starts with F here] Are you attacking the server with the lowest population when we already got a zerg of UW that is 2-3 times bigger than what we got ?
Instead you should be helping us by attacking one of their objectives, but no you go and attack our stuff, but you know what ? [Insert Insult that starts with S here]. DEX is Boycotting EB, and i’ll make sure that other people do it too, Have fun fighting the UW zerg in EB!
Ruins of Surmia
(edited by Ilesyt.7084)
The numbers are telling me that you heavyly outnumber everyone at 2:44am… sounds about right?
@ Ilesyt
I was leading in our corner vs UW,the people who fight in your corner was a guild raid. They had 8-10 Fighter`s. Ros is not the only server with a small population in wvw. We try to give our best vs UW and sometimes vs you. I think it is well done from Ros and Dzag,if you see the population from UW,cause we both play in the Tier which is ok for us,but for a server with near the highest population…? Enyoy the week,we have fun…doesn`t matter the map is full in green colour^^.
Excuse my bad english,it`s a long time ago, i have to wright something in english^^
Estoria Greifenauge
You need to remember that Underworld used to be PvE server. The WvW coverage (not long ago) was bad and we couldn’t hold even our ground from enemy onslaught.
It’s not only population though which has improved in WvW for us. We have also became better. Lot of guilds coordinating, commanders do good decisions and people are following them and don’t wander off.
All in all, Im happy that we have improved this much as a server.
Also GuM has been growing lately, I hope the enemy has seen that also.
PS. I agree with The Angry Commander, we outnumber you both heavily during night. But I don’t see anything wrong in that, its how WvW works.
PSS. If someone wants some duel stuff or small scale PvP stuff just for fun, you can always contact me and lets see what happens
Also I think Nubu from BNF is trying to scratch up a duel evening on friday, but haven’t seen him post here so I don’t know his tag.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Seriously Dza u have been concentrating on going after Ros every day now for almost 3 weeks, not once have u taken advantage of UW fighting us, so sad that u guys dont dare to fight a bigger server like RoS has we could have done great together versus UW, so they had more fun fighting us all. but good luck fighting em alone i fully support the commanders choices in boycutting EB. and i hope Dza learn to fight like proper Germans and not going only for the weakest part in a WWW.
Contrary to other people here, I can only speak for myself. And I say: Let them come! the Dzagonur who insist on attacking Ogrewatch, Pangloss, Veloka, and our Overlook… For I very much enjoy farming them. :-)
The numbers are telling me that you heavyly outnumber everyone at 2:44am… sounds about right?
not only at 2:44 am! :P
Right now i just can approve what Paavator said, Underworld improved alot as a server and weeks ago we got crushed by Dzagonur, but we continuously worked on improvements, ran alot of training sessions and get people more disciplined. Maybe that was an advantage we had over RoS and Dzag because we didnt have people from outside our community joining the server to bandwagon it up, but had to motivate our already existing playerbase to WvW, which we really successfully managed!
Still much respect from my side to the Angry Commander, and hopefully our chat from yesterday can be realized today =P
Sorry for that you see us (Dzag) so often in Ros …
A lot of our Players have at the moment unplayable Lags. In our own BL and in Ros we have still lags extreme but its playable.
ANet have here a problem. But thats the reason we are avoiding the UW BL at the moment.
in the first week we loose the match,last week our Target was to be second… and about the population,we don´t have more players than RoS. But we are still fighting and don`t give up…this is the german way^^ I play every Night and excuse me when i have to say,there is only UW we can fight against…and we do as good as we can. I can understand,when it is not funny in this time,but i try often to get jerrifer,Klovan or SN…sometimes we have luck,but often you try it with 10-12 and UW comes with a few players more to defence it…i think you know,what the end of it is. Later in the evening,you have only a few players on the map…green comes to you also…at the weekend,we took sn at such a moment,what should we do more?
We have the same way again,bring back people in wvw…it needs time^^ I can tell you,it ìs much harder to play in a higher Tier. When we was fighting against gandara and aurora,we had reached our maximum,and then many people gave up…sometimes we get our fortress first time back in the evening ,to loose it few ours later…
Now we are in the beginning again,and i remember the match a few weeks ago….at this time we had much more players then now… so it is… but it`s not Problem for me,you are stronger in this time…in a few week`s we will give our comeback…i hope so^^ Maybe,when we play next time against you, the match will be closer^^
Enjoy the match and we see us on battlefield and again sry for my english^^
Estoria Greifenauge
(edited by Maltegreif.3209)