Update on Forum Specialist Plz
He’s in one of my guilds, I’ll poke him if I see him online.
Oh, I wonder why…
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
He’s in one of my guilds, I’ll poke him if I see him online.
That’s another problem, the last person who sent his account a whisper they got a reply that it’s actually his brother who was playing on his account and that Marmatt was ill.
All other specialists have last posted in the last 3 days!
(edited by Orochimaru.4730)
He’s in one of my guilds, I’ll poke him if I see him online.
Any luck?
His absence fits the state of WvW.
Don’t see the point of having a so called “specialist”. As if things suddenly going to change.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Point is we complained when he was chosen.
We were told to give him a chance
We’ve given him a chance
He’s gone AWOL
We’re now saying that someone else should be chosen, someone who really does represent the community
WvW devs have ignored the issue by not checking this forum, and not asking where Marmatt’s reports are!
Their grand plan to improve communication has yet again totally and utterly failed for WvW, whilst all other forums specialists are active!
Are people really surprised that he might have given up after the childish behavior shown here after the announcement?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Are people really surprised that he might have given up after the childish behavior shown here after the announcement?
Considering that not every single person ripped on him and that some of us actually did have faith that he could do a good job, yes.
(edited by Ultimaistanza.4793)
Are people really surprised that he might have given up after the childish behavior shown here after the announcement?
Considering that not every single person ripped on him and that some of us actually did have faith that he could do a good job, yes.
Unfortunately, quite a few people did chew his kitten out just for making an announcement thread, and that type of action can speak quite loudly.
Considering that not every single person ripped on him and that some of us actually did have faith that he could do a good job, yes.
Did you see the announcement thread?
I don’t think anyone would be all that interested in doing that work (for free no less) after something like that.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Are people really surprised that he might have given up after the childish behavior shown here after the announcement?
Considering that not every single person ripped on him and that some of us actually did have faith that he could do a good job, yes.
Unfortunately, quite a few people did chew his kitten out just for making an announcement thread, and that type of action can speak quite loudly.
After so long time spent neglected, the poisonous response from the community was… predictable. Anyone would have gotten hell for it. I really dont understand why Anet themselves didnt introduce them.
I was one that was silently willing to give the guy a chance, but honestly if he’s the “forum specialist” shouldn’t he be active on the, ya know, forums?
Leaving aside the fact that they forum specialist was chosen from a differing forum than the WvW forum for a moment, couldn’t they have two or even three different people providing feedback. Perhaps one from Gold, Bronze, and Silver? And shouldn’t those WvW forum specialists be people who are in WvW-only guilds?
And shouldn’t those WvW forum specialists be people who are in WvW-only guilds?
That would be a rather silly limitation, dont you think?
Like saying to the dungeon specialist “nope you cant play WvW ever, you must be in a PvE only guild!”.
Insta-ban if the WvW specialist goes into PvE or what?
You are right about the tiers though. Any person would be totally biased against his/her server in the tier they are in… Not to mention if its EU or US. Unless the specialist happen to have 20 accounts or something.
(edited by Dawdler.8521)
Are people really surprised that he might have given up after the childish behavior shown here after the announcement?
If you actually cared to read the terms of being a forum specialist (which you didn’t) you would know that they were to assume all risk of harm that would arise from their position. They are not allowed to give up unless they resign their position, which the WvW specialist didn’t. The fact that he has someone else playing on his account is a violation of the EULA and he cannot be a forum specialist anymore (since he technically should be banned).
Actually I did read the terms (probably more thoroughly than most people complaining about the choice of specialist). And yes there were a risk, but that doesn’t really change the fact that most people would buckle under the massive amount of undeserved blatant attacks on his person that happened in that thread. Not even close to the same reaction happened to the other announcements after all.
What makes you so sure he haven’t resigned?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Are people really surprised that he might have given up after the childish behavior shown here after the announcement?
Considering that not every single person ripped on him and that some of us actually did have faith that he could do a good job, yes.
Unfortunately, quite a few people did chew his kitten out just for making an announcement thread, and that type of action can speak quite loudly.
Yep. this is fairly accurate. Anyone paying attention, could tell you that there were a great deal more then what you see now, because there were some that were very extreme that got moderated, for good reason.
Are people really surprised that he might have given up after the childish behavior shown here after the announcement?
Considering that not every single person ripped on him and that some of us actually did have faith that he could do a good job, yes.
Unfortunately, quite a few people did chew his kitten out just for making an announcement thread, and that type of action can speak quite loudly.
After so long time spent neglected, the poisonous response from the community was… predictable. Anyone would have gotten hell for it. I really dont understand why Anet themselves didnt introduce them.
The correct answer here would be condemning the communities lashing out at him. Making a conscience effort to defend or justify attacking him as some did, is embarrassing and appalling.
Actually I did read the terms (probably more thoroughly than most people complaining about the choice of specialist). And yes there were a risk, but that doesn’t really change the fact that most people would buckle under the massive amount of undeserved blatant attacks on his person that happened in that thread. Not even close to the same reaction happened to the other announcements after all.
What makes you so sure he haven’t resigned?
Then he is being unprofessional. If you can’t be professional, you are not fit for the position. He still has the forum specialist tag under his forum name ergo he is still a forum specialist. I look forward to your next attempt to whiteknight.
Then he is being unprofessional. If you can’t be professional, you are not fit for the position. He still has the forum specialist tag under his forum name ergo he is still a forum specialist. I look forward to your next attempt to whiteknight.
Even the most professional person in the world can only ever take so much. No one is invincible to everything. Heck I have seen people that have worked 10+ years in customer service completely falling apart from things that one would have thought that they should be used to handling.
He might very will still be labeled as forum specialist due to the fact that they simply don’t have anyone to replace him with (if he have chosen to resign) and thus they simply haven’t bothered removing the tag yet.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Are people really surprised that he might have given up after the childish behavior shown here after the announcement?
Guess he should have never accepted the “position” if he couldn’t handle it.
Only someone who was hardly ever involved in WvW would have come into the wvw “forum specialist” position and not expected a lot of grief. Only someone who wasn’t in tune with the state of affairs regarding wvw would have thrown their name into the hat and expected to be treated with kid gloves…
Then he is being unprofessional. If you can’t be professional, you are not fit for the position. He still has the forum specialist tag under his forum name ergo he is still a forum specialist. I look forward to your next attempt to whiteknight.
Even the most professional person in the world can only ever take so much. No one is invincible to everything. Heck I have seen people that have worked 10+ years in customer service completely falling apart from things that one would have thought that they should be used to handling.
He might very will still be labeled as forum specialist due to the fact that they simply don’t have anyone to replace him with (if he have chosen to resign) and thus they simply haven’t bothered removing the tag yet.
Yeah if someone is like that, an employer would send them to a counselor and relieve them from their duties. Or fire him, since he clearly is not fit for the job.
Maybe if Anet ever notice they will advertise for a new one, as clearly this one has both broken the rules (having someone else play on his account) and disappeared from view (for whatever reason).
Perhaps our white knights can step into the breach and help us all out by applying for the job- they seem to be able to defend everything so well they would make excellent candidates, and I’m sure they would be diligent in drafting up completely unbiased reports as to what the majority of wvw players who post on forums think of whatever topic is raised.
The correct answer here would be condemning the communities lashing out at him. Making a conscience effort to defend or justify attacking him as some did, is embarrassing and appalling.
Being correct is not in the nature of a bitter and somewhat rabid fanbase.
Well since no dev have posted a reply I’ve PM’d Gaile:
“Sorry I think we broke our old one, can we have a new one?”
Whether they read all their PMs though is another question.
In my opinion, it was pretty clear from Day 1 that he wasn’t really involved with the WvW community or the game mode itself. Marmatt’s silence on the forum only served to show me that he was way out of his league. You can take a look at all of the other forum specialists’ posting history and they are all active, even in forums outside of their specialty.
Some people apply for positions just to be given attention/treated like a special snowflake and while I don’t actually know Marmatt, I’m just going to assume that’s the case here. I would say to just leave the poor guy alone and just pretend WvW never had a forum specialist. Also, if he really is sharing accounts (pretty sure that’s against the rules) then it seems to me like he really does want to hide and pretend none of this ever happened. When it’s time to replace the forum specialists, perhaps someone more enthusiastic will apply.
While it’s not needed for the position, someone with actual WvW credibility would be a great reassurance and might even ease up on the negativity here. Also, it wouldn’t hurt if the moderators added a stickied thread in each sub forum when they make the next forum specialist application announcement.
Lets be honest here: Do people here actually think that ANYONE would apply for the role after they saw what happened to the last one?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Lets be honest here: Do people here actually think that ANYONE would apply for the role after they saw what happened to the last one?
The problem is you have to be from US, so many candiates are filtered out to begin with
Which is rather irrelevant to what I asked.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Which is rather irrelevant to what I asked.
Not really, I would apply but I am from EU. I dont care if people hate me, I enjoy it actually.
I wanna be EotM forum specialist.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
I find it unlikely that you have a spot-free record though, which would disqualify you anyway.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I find it unlikely that you have a spot-free record though, which would disqualify you anyway.
Yes, I have a long row of forum infractions (no ingame infractions). But I feel like 95% of them are undeserved. But you asked if anyone would even apply for it, and not if people who apply qualify for it. Even the most unqualified one would be better than a non existing specialist though.
“Even the most unqualified one would be better than a non existing specialist though.”
Not according to the reactions we saw with the announcement here.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
“Even the most unqualified one would be better than a non existing specialist though.”
Not according to the reactions we saw with the announcement here.
Again, that was some of the reactions, but not all.
Again, that was some of the reactions, but not all.
The vast majority of the posts in the announcement thread were of that nature however.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Why does anyone even care?
Was anyone actually expecting a Forum Specialist to result in any actual changes?
To be honest, nobody is better than somebody, it saves us all from more of the “definitely something we’re looking at, can’t say more” nonsense.
“Even the most unqualified one would be better than a non existing specialist though.”
Not according to the reactions we saw with the announcement here.
A mixture of input, both good and bad is always part of stepping into the limelight.
His credentials were questioned, and rightly so.. He appears to be unready for the position.
Youtubes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpXd26ZeABJNWi83dXDjtoZ8Lf-4IJ9Gu
Lets be honest here: Do people here actually think that ANYONE would apply for the role after they saw what happened to the last one?
Uh, yes? How is that even a question? The reactions to Marmatt’s introduction were extremely tame compared to other game forums. There has not been a single person to exist that was loved by all. If you are passionate and confident about what you do, you don’t care about other people judging you. Yes, this applies even if you’re just a forum specialist that collects feedback to give to developers. Along with this, I know that when the announcement was made, there were several posts alluding to the fact that the WvW forum specialist would need to have thick skin if he/she wanted to help. It’s very much common knowledge what this place is like. Several forum members claimed that they absolutely would’ve applied if they had been aware of the announcement. Others say that they are locked out due to region requirements or not having a clean enough posting history. I actually think that Marmatt’s actions (or lack of) will compel more passionate WvW players who normally wouldn’t have applied to reconsider. We’ll just have to see.
Assuming Marmatt’s absence is due to some “mean” posts, I would say he was completely unprepared for the position (even though he was qualified from Anet’s standards) since it takes about 1 minute to view this sub forum to become aware of the bitterness here. Why would he apply for the position if he doesn’t even read this forum or understand the posters mindset? Putting all of that aside, I would wager that Marmatt; not being invested in WvW, lead him to simply give up as he probably felt he did not have enough WvW experience to judge what was good feedback or bad feedback.
At the very least, if the next applicant has a hefty amount of WvW in-game history or a general WvW forum presence, I am certain the reactions from posters will be vastly different from what Marmatt experienced.
^ Did you follow the thread while it was active or did you start reading it after it was locked?
There were plenty of (removed) posts that were very far from tame. Multiple posts were direct attacks on Marmatt’s person rather than the position itself.
It is rather irrelevant that it was, in your eyes, not as bad as other games. It was bad, and it would not be accepted in the slightest in any real world situation.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Well yet again let us point out that Marmatt was simply not qualified, like we all said from the beginning.
He was not active at all on the forums let alone the WvW forums! which was a requirement!!!!
Anyone who is active on the WvW forums would already know the bad vibes in this forum section and should have expected such if they were selected. So if he’s not posting because of that, then yet again it shows he was not qualified for the position!
So you cannot use that as an excuse, but the matter is simple now, he’s AWOL, we need a new Forum Specialist!
^ Did you follow the thread while it was active or did you start reading it after it was locked?
There were plenty of (removed) posts that were very far from tame. Multiple posts were direct attacks on Marmatt’s person rather than the position itself.
It is rather irrelevant that it was, in your eyes, not as bad as other games. It was bad, and it would not be accepted in the slightest in any real world situation.
I followed the thread while it was active. I’ve been an admin and moderator on several sites for years, the reactions I saw were quite tame from my experience. Even the posts that were attacking him were not exactly trauma inducing. The posts certainly aren’t the scary posts you’re trying to make them appear as. You can claim how bad the reactions were all you want, it’s all subjective. Anet deleted the posts that were deemed to have been against the rules and that’s that. The focus of this thread is on Marmatt and what he has done with his position.
It is rather irrelevant that it was, in your eyes, not as bad as other games. It was bad, and it would not be accepted in the slightest in any real world situation.
I like how you don’t realize what you typed here is actually irrelevant. Perhaps you should reread my entire post since you failed to address the main points.
Why does anyone even care?
Was anyone actually expecting a Forum Specialist to result in any actual changes?
To be honest, nobody is better than somebody, it saves us all from more of the “definitely something we’re looking at, can’t say more” nonsense.
Because this is the build up time towards expansion and ANet has more resources they can potentially use.
For a while now, we’ve mostly had this split team of people where some were working on updates and the others were working on background projects (ie. Heart of Thrones core stuff). Now that HoT’s out in the open and there is no real Living Story stuff going on, they’re together again.
It’s an opportune time to potentially see some of the things we’ve been striving to see worked on by the combined teams and actually make it to launch… if they are actually hearing from WvWers. And even if ANet doesn’t listen to the Forum Specialists, I still have more faith that at least some of the general ideas and opinions of WvWers will reach them from the people that ANet themselves chose to compile and consolidate it for them, than them going out of their way to scan the forums.
It is a reflection on the community our reaction to him, be it positive or negative.
It is a reflection on him that he has failed to communicate anything. Being sick is a perfectly valid reason to not perform work. It is not a valid reason to fail to take three minutes to post that you have been sick and cannot do the work.
If he has decided to not do this, that is fine. He should say he is not doing it. His behavior is somewhat irresponsible on his part.
So, without wanting to pick up another ipoint, what we need is a new ‘wvw forum specialist’.
There are those that are quite prolific posters on these forums who seem to be superbly qualified for the job, perhaps they could volunteer on behalf of the community, or to put it another way ‘put their money where their mouth is’.
There are those that are quite prolific posters on these forums who seem to be superbly qualified for the job, perhaps they could volunteer on behalf of the community, or to put it another way ‘put their money where their mouth is’.
We cant, due to not only not being from the USA, but not meeting the other requirements. As you know anyone who really cared for WvW has already received a bad of ipoints which disqualified them from applying.
This is a new account, and even I have made more posts in the WvW forums in one month than marmatt has since October in all forums! Yet again proving he was not suited for the job!
(edited by Orochimaru.4730)
Form, what I read you can be a forum specialist and not post in the forums.
As long as he submit his weekly report it’s all good.
Enid Asuran Trollz [Join] The Asuran Fanclub
Form, what I read you can be a forum specialist and not post in the forums.
As long as he submit his weekly report it’s all good.
Which is pretty sad because I think a lot of us thought this was an effort by Anet as a company to be more engaged with the community and to improve their image.
Form, what I read you can be a forum specialist and not post in the forums.
As long as he submit his weekly report it’s all good.
And as we said, for a proper report they need to communicate with the others players!
If they do not then they cannot get a full view of players’ opinions.
If we go with what you said then we may as well not have these specialists and allow anet to continue doing things as they please without caring about what the players think. Which is a very bad thing for any game!
So it’s not all good, it’s very very bad.
Form, what I read you can be a forum specialist and not post in the forums.
As long as he submit his weekly report it’s all good.Which is pretty sad because I think a lot of us thought this was an effort by Anet as a company to be more engaged with the community and to improve their image.
Guess i am one of the few that never saw a thing in having a so called specialist. I mean first thing he starts about is something we have discussed to death on these forums, unbalanced match ups. If anet really wants info on that they can easily dig up one of 100 topics regarding that issue.
Do people honestly think everything is going to change cause they assigned them?
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.