Wall of silence.

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: juicifruitz.6251


The WvW community of GW2 is by far the smallest of all 3 or maybe 4 if you count RP player bases. It’s easy to figure it out, just look at map limits and coverages.

Please show your numbers for this comment.

The limits argument “24+27 servers x 500” is a red herring. That’s the max at one time. There are way more of us that want to play, follow the play, and are leveling and building chars to play in wvw. WvW is a form of end-game for us that don’t really want to token/relic farm.

It’s a good estimate though.

27 servers fielding about 300 people at any given hour, now lets say those 300 people are different every single hour. That is the 27 × 300 × 24 = 194k. Out of 3 million sales.

And if this is a decent game like we all will agree the retention rate is at least 50%. 200k out of 1,500k is a small number. That’s overestimating.

These aren’t hard numbers or facts, but decent approximations to show the difference between perception (because we are in wvw and don’t pve, or we are in wvw forum not other forums) and the evidence to the contrary.

Ahh yes, but lets not forget the number of people that have already left the game due to these issues and others. Take for example TOG (The Older Gamers). They started out with 5 guilds, they are now down to 3 guilds of players that’s even before Anet stuffed up the Queues and made culling worse in the December Trail.

Why am I telling you this, because you can’t base your math off the number of units sold 4/5 months down the track, because the are simplely out of date. These issues are major issues, sure the Queue issue may not be major for PVE folk, but guess what, the Culling one certainally is!.. You should try doing the Temple of Balthazar event with the BS Culling change in.

From the people I’ve spoken to 1 in 5 people actually like the change the rest lothe it, and Anet are silent on this. This is why people are coming here and asking for feedback from anet!.

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091



Threads like this should not be ignored.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


even if 50k people play WvW actively, i assure you, these guys will stay far longer despite being ignored, than the PVE crowd who get showered with rewards at every drop of a hat who will jsut move on to the next MMO,

why do u think people still quote DAOC even after 10 yrs and it also sold 50k copies in its first year.

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: loopi.7913


I’ve tried and played quite a few mmo’s out there and while this game is currently my favorite for the gaming experience, it is definitely last in communication between their player base and the game designers. It’s not the amount of communication it’s the complete lack of it. I just don’t understand… This was one of the biggest selling games of 2012, Yet the amount of manpower focused on keeping the community informed is nil. Wth? Am I the only one confused by the lack of customer communicators? Is there not a small department at Anet that should be dedicated to this? Even if they are not devs, they can be the go betweens between the designers and those needing questions answered, real issues that need attention, or future update fixes. (and not moderators because they just monitor forum rabble) That to me just good business sense. Please anyone listening?

Vexinia – Squishee animal wrangler of TC

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


I’ve tried and played quite a few mmo’s out there and while this game is currently my favorite for the gaming experience, it is definitely last in communication between their player base and the game designers. It’s not the amount of communication it’s the complete lack of it. I just don’t understand… This was one of the biggest selling games of 2012, Yet the amount of manpower focused on keeping the community informed is nil. Wth? Am I the only one confused by the lack of customer communicators? Is there not a small department at Anet that should be dedicated to this? Even if they are not devs, they can be the go betweens between the designers and those needing questions answered, real issues that need attention, or future update fixes. (and not moderators because they just monitor forum rabble) That to me just good business sense. Please anyone listening?

Honestly, you should just try forum search.

Because there is communication. Saying none is false and everyone knows it :-/

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


I’ve tried and played quite a few mmo’s out there and while this game is currently my favorite for the gaming experience, it is definitely last in communication between their player base and the game designers. It’s not the amount of communication it’s the complete lack of it. I just don’t understand… This was one of the biggest selling games of 2012, Yet the amount of manpower focused on keeping the community informed is nil. Wth? Am I the only one confused by the lack of customer communicators? Is there not a small department at Anet that should be dedicated to this? Even if they are not devs, they can be the go betweens between the designers and those needing questions answered, real issues that need attention, or future update fixes. (and not moderators because they just monitor forum rabble) That to me just good business sense. Please anyone listening?

Honestly, you should just try forum search.

Because there is communication. Saying none is false and everyone knows it :-/

why are u defending Anet so heavily?

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: loopi.7913


I’ve tried and played quite a few mmo’s out there and while this game is currently my favorite for the gaming experience, it is definitely last in communication between their player base and the game designers. It’s not the amount of communication it’s the complete lack of it. I just don’t understand… This was one of the biggest selling games of 2012, Yet the amount of manpower focused on keeping the community informed is nil. Wth? Am I the only one confused by the lack of customer communicators? Is there not a small department at Anet that should be dedicated to this? Even if they are not devs, they can be the go betweens between the designers and those needing questions answered, real issues that need attention, or future update fixes. (and not moderators because they just monitor forum rabble) That to me just good business sense. Please anyone listening?

Honestly, you should just try forum search.

Because there is communication. Saying none is false and everyone knows it :-/

Please head over to the ranger forum and tell all the people there that

Vexinia – Squishee animal wrangler of TC

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I’ve tried and played quite a few mmo’s out there and while this game is currently my favorite for the gaming experience, it is definitely last in communication between their player base and the game designers. It’s not the amount of communication it’s the complete lack of it. I just don’t understand… This was one of the biggest selling games of 2012, Yet the amount of manpower focused on keeping the community informed is nil. Wth? Am I the only one confused by the lack of customer communicators? Is there not a small department at Anet that should be dedicated to this? Even if they are not devs, they can be the go betweens between the designers and those needing questions answered, real issues that need attention, or future update fixes. (and not moderators because they just monitor forum rabble) That to me just good business sense. Please anyone listening?

Honestly, you should just try forum search.

Because there is communication. Saying none is false and everyone knows it :-/

Anyone who has played other MMO’s will tell you that the level of communication between GW2 devs and players on issues raised by the players is horrible by comparison. Don’t believe me? Truck over to the Rift forums and see how it should be done. Rift has LOTS of issues, especially for PvP (which is why I now play GW2), but at least their devs were very quick and candid in their responses. Defending ANet’s performance on this score is pathetic.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I wouldn’t mind the lack of response, if I could see work being done. However, this is not the case, and please don’t call this pitiful excuse of a culling patch, and the february patch “work being done”
While ANet clearly never expected WvW to become as big as it is (I think they’ve actually said that somewhere?), they should’ve caught on a bit faster and be a bit more considerate of the WvW crowd, either with small patches now and then, or frequent forum updates while they’re working on something bigger.

It’s the same as you could see with those months and months where the servers reset for a pve patch an hour after WvW reset, without any prewarning whatsoever, and so on…..

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


So there is an issue with queue’s, well a massive issue.

Culling is also hot and cold – not being able to see a ram being used when commanding is just a bit frustrating.

Also comeon Anet let us know the new ratings system, just shows a complete lack of respect to all those who have paid for this game and put time and effort into it.

But the worst issue is the lack of any responce from Anet. At least let us know they are aware of these problems and trying to fix them.

Overall Anet’s communication with the wvw community is appalling. No doubt this thread will last all of 2 minutes before it is deleted. Wish they put as much effort into replying as they did in deleting posts etc.

Let me go ahead and reply to some of your questions here since you are making FALSE statements.

First off, they have made multiple replies to the culling issue and their projections/aspirations to it. You simply refuse to search before posting.

Just last week Habib (I believe) posted about queues, and that they will monitor them even more so to check peoples claims. Which by the way, are not always correct. Just because you think there’s X amount of people on a map doesn’t mean there really is. I don’t respond to wild man/team rants a lot of times when in wvw, do you account for all the people who aren’t jumping on your headcount?
One more thing, often times the attack force is wildly exageratted. It makes people feel better to say “oh heck we got wiped by a zerg” when it was a group of 12-15 people (I’ve witness it occur, it’s just human mentality).

The rating system IS transparent. They published the EXACT formula they use to compute it right here on this very forum. Again, search before posting.

Lastly, I do agree with you that they are out of touch with this rating reset, because the tiers have started to calm down now, but when did that mean that they are disrespecting you and other players? These people that work on games are proud of their work, they don’t go out to screw you, they go out to make a fanbase. You don’t do that by doing your worst, you get a fanbase by trying your best.

Does Anet have far to go in order to be considered perfect? Heck yeah. I’m sure they will be the first to tell you that. But it doesn’t mean they are out to “get you” and “screw you out of your money”.

I have to take exception to your post, personally I find it rude responding the way you do to anothers opinion.. They tested this very same culling issue a month or two ago no one was keen on it, as it is vital to see your own players/force. But they introduced it anyway as a placeholder. Where is the communication in that?

I read most posts as my guild members regularly link Anet’s rare information. So what if they said they are changing culling etc we are still finding it poor in the here and now.

My guild and I have been playing wvw since the beginning, we even have a queue channel, which is far worse now than it has been in recent months so pls do not accuse me of lying or making false statements. Some people enter after 5 minutes, whilst others wait hours.

Where have Anet posted the exact new formula for the new ratings system which they said they were introducing with the ratings reset?? We have no idea where we stand right now as a server, yes I find that disrespectful.

My concern is people getting fed up with queue’s, culling and the disinterest that Anet show wvw players and therefore leaving the game. i don’t want this game to lose its player base, but unless Anet wake up and respond to these genuine issues a large part of the game could potentially die out.

All Anet have to do is sticky posts addressing problems or issues we have, how rarely does this happen? Also speak to guild leaders of wvw guilds, not just listen to the pve/spvp player base.

If you still think my opinion is worth kitten and that I am wrong about Anet and their customer service by all means…..

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

(edited by Offski.4897)

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


But the worst issue is the lack of any responce from Anet. At least let us know they are aware of these problems and trying to fix them.

Overall Anet’s communication with the wvw community is appalling. No doubt this thread will last all of 2 minutes before it is deleted. Wish they put as much effort into replying as they did in deleting posts etc.

This thread SHOULD be deleted, Anet has commented on the issue and there IS an offical thread on it.
Took me .00002 sec to find it too https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Queues-for-WvW-The-Official-Thread/first

erm sorry, but this thread has been adressed months ago. Our problem is right now at this very moment! WE are being outnumbered by a lot while having people stuck in Queues for hours. as you seem to be a VERY observing person, you should have noticed that there weren’t any complains about queues before the last update. So before making a comment like that u might wanna research first.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: MarMaster.6241


Queue UI needs some updates; what we are queued for, an exit queue button, and some visible progress to “popping” indicator.

Dragonbrand (JQ) [FIRE]bats ~ Trusted member of the Universe
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: rchu.8945


In other areas of this forums Anet staff are responding right away to recent patches, they indicate if its working as intended or if they are looking into it or require more feedback, WvWvW gets a major change and the community is making comments and there is total silence.

Please any word is better than silence. Please consider us, people should not have to open threads pleading for Anet input.

yep, there is a pattern here. On things they probably will make the change, Anet tend to respond in the forums. Remember all those threads made about item drop rate nerfed from few months ago? None of them got answered. Going by the same behavior, this queue issue is as good as dead, meaning Anet will NEVER address it.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: playandchill.3908


Would be great to hear Habib a bit.

Game feels meh without communication on those new issues.

[LANI] Multi glad pewpew


Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: vanzan.1250


Well all I know is the MMO PvP community is probably one of the most vocal on the internet – so how do we get their attention how do we get our 200k voice heard over the 2m pve’ers?

Obviously what we are doing and writing here is not getting the attention so lets go to the social media and game media, how about developers of upcoming games and seeing how they will handle things like this?

Just some ideas to break the wall of silence..

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


I agree that they need their community managers on these forums to give the players the sense that any issues are being addressed (or not), or to explain/clarify their current plans on some issues. My guess is they don’t have enough people there are the moment to cover this?

Sea of Sorrows

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: MarMaster.6241


Don’t facebomb their social media points. These are the official forums and you see the attention we get.

Dragonbrand (JQ) [FIRE]bats ~ Trusted member of the Universe
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: The Slyfe.7231

The Slyfe.7231

If I had to guess I’d say they’re jobbing to get this patch done. You could argue communicating with us is also part of their job (and I would agree), but I would say it would probably be one of the first things dropped when time becomes an issue.
You could argue it doesn’t take much to just shoot out a reply during a break, but if my job involved a computer as much as a dev’s did the absolute last thing I would do when I had a moment of free-time is get on a computer. I’d be outside for some air or walk around the building a BS with other people, hell anything but keep sitting in front a computer doing… computery stuff.

Doesn’t make them right, just makes them human.

Another angle is with how “disconnected” some of you think the devs are from the player base, imagine how worse their bosses are. How understanding would they be if they found out that instead of pushing this patch out, they were trying to put out the ever raging inferno of the vocal minority on the forums. Probably as understanding as your boss when you take a cell phone call during the lunch rush at your mc’job or w/e :P

That last bit wasn’t me putting the dev’s above you, more about me putting myself above you, cause well it makes me giggle.

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


I really would love to get a response from Anet, just to know that we have been heard.I am sure it would calm people down. I know how hard programming is and I am sure that people understand if Anet made a mistake ,but admitted that they are at least looking into it.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Communication is key to any MMO, look at SWtoR, the lack of communication was one of the number 1 killers.

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


If I had to guess I’d say they’re jobbing to get this patch done. You could argue communicating with us is also part of their job (and I would agree), but I would say it would probably be one of the first things dropped when time becomes an issue.

I would be willing to hope for that if past experience hadn’t shown us differently, they’ve never been good at communicating with the WvW’ers and holy kitten the experience is SO different than in the beginning!
(It is actually – my guild went inactive. That’s it. Edit: Oh, wait and they added some severe bugs and/or lowered the WvW population cap, jsut a week ago.)

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Visiroth.5914


People are requesting the new math for ratings when it potentially hasn’t even been finalized yet. This is beyond silly.

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Shouldn’t it already be in place to calculate friday’s reset?
Just sayin’

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Kvitoq.9154



Threads like this should not be ignored.

Wall of silence.

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Since an annoucement regarding the future of WvWvW was made by Colin Johanson here: Upcoming WvW Updates, this thread is now locked.

Thank you.