We are all World vs World players...

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Siege is by far an integral part of World vs World but it should most deffinatley not be what World vs World is focused around tbh. Siege engines are tools for player use and they should not be put in as a gimmick to make up for bad playing.

Let me use last night as an example. This is how World vs World is on a lot of servers currently.

We enter the borderland – We run around in a group of 30 and engage groups double if not triple our number. We whittle them down and wipe them up, not really a big deal. After the first few engagements they decide to hold back quite a bit and then start to hot-drop arrowcarts in order to fight us, again we don’t mind that, we still win.

Rememmber that this is a group of 60+ people all following a single commander. We take a quick break and our numbers drop to around 20-25. At this point they rally every person on their map on the single commander and decide to bunker inside a keep. The other enemy server gets in the keep with another zerg and we are left absolutely out in the cold simply due to the fact that lag will kill us. We can’t engage their numbers because we cant activate stability, we cant support each-other, the only thing that works is autoattack thus their more numbers will win. #

This is the infrastructure of the game actually directly affecting WvW combat. This is not GvG – This is World vs World and we cant play it as it should be played due to a system that directly contradicts what World vs World should be!

Why then are the developers introducing a new system where key systems will make one side stronger (generally the already strongest side) and make lag worse due to these blobs being focused on a focal point of the borderlands maps (the area where the water is now) and bringin their entire server group to counter other enemies…

It is not going to work, the system can’t handle a 25v60 at the moment let alone a 3 way. If people want real World vs World then start banging on about the infrastructure not working as intended rather than trying to push out various game style aspects of WvW in general.

You forgot the part where they map hop to avoid fighting you for 45 minutes before disbanding…

My fun laughs at your server pride.

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


I can see where Bloodlust was added in response to players wanting the Orbs to return.

I can see where players on DB or FA wanted to go up against BG/SoR/JQ, but not players from BP, YB or CD.

However, I can’t see the new league season as a response to anything that the players wanted. Except for a BG/SoR/JQ matchup, we know who is going to win the current matchup five seconds after reset.

I’m still waiting for the solution to stacked servers and night capping.

Hopefully Bloodlust is a mechanic that stacked servers will need in order to win in a league where the score is handicapped.

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


How can anyone argue with what Aneu said?

He put what we are all feeling into words much better than anyone else has to date.

Winning servers, neither need nor want the orbs to return because it adds an asterisk to any battles and fights they win. (ie "Choo beat SF in open field BUT they had the BL buffs")

For smaller servers, it’s just another curbstomp.

Does ArenaNet feel that servers with greater coverage need a helping hand?

I would even go as far as to conjecture that the goal of this was to stack a few server and get all the serious WvW’rs onto fewer servers with more even numbers; but then they keep turning around and raising population caps.

Either way, Aneu is right and we need to not descend into finger pointing and generalizations. This change is not wanted or needed by anyone.

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

It is funny though, rather than embracing and seeing how other people like to play, we tear each other apart because we think “they suck” and “we are better”.

‘Sorry you are a PPT player. I can’t be seen in public with you’

My fun laughs at your server pride.

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Malachi.1836


It is funny though, rather than embracing and seeing how other people like to play, we tear each other apart because we think “they suck” and “we are better”.

‘Sorry you are a PPT player. I can’t be seen in public with you’

Its more of a problem with the system itself. Not the player. The problem with this discussion is every single player used to be a ppt player. Then the basic imbalances of wvw start becoming more obvious and ppt loses its appeal. I almost always roam. Our guild of 2 just looks for fights even..uneven. It doesn’t matter. What we usually find is groups only attacking us of they outnumber us by double. The game mode itself rewards uneven and unskilled play. I miss fighting servers where even fights were the norm. Some servers had people who if they saw an even fight watched. They to have learned that one stomp is far more boring than a good 20 minute fight.

I want good fights. Not zergball stacks and 1 key spamming.

[FIST] Yaks Bend

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


I can see where Bloodlust was added in response to players wanting the Orbs to return.

I can see where players on DB or FA wanted to go up against BG/SoR/JQ, but not players from BP, YB or CD.

However, I can’t see the new league season as a response to anything that the players wanted. Except for a BG/SoR/JQ matchup, we know who is going to win the current matchup five seconds after reset.

I’m still waiting for the solution to stacked servers and night capping.

Hopefully Bloodlust is a mechanic that stacked servers will need in order to win in a league where the score is handicapped.

You can sort of guess why the League was introduced. It appears to be a response to dwindling competition caused by the randomized matchups and the AC buff.

The devs can’t really go back to the old tier system. (Where you competed week after week in your tier to get enough PPT to go up a tier). So instead they try to reintroduce competition externally with the League structure and its rewards.

Can’t see how it will work though. Most people have stopped caring about PPT. I don’t see how they can get the enthusiasm back.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


I can see where Bloodlust was added in response to players wanting the Orbs to return.

I can see where players on DB or FA wanted to go up against BG/SoR/JQ, but not players from BP, YB or CD.

However, I can’t see the new league season as a response to anything that the players wanted. Except for a BG/SoR/JQ matchup, we know who is going to win the current matchup five seconds after reset.

I’m still waiting for the solution to stacked servers and night capping.

Hopefully Bloodlust is a mechanic that stacked servers will need in order to win in a league where the score is handicapped.

You can sort of guess why the League was introduced. It appears to be a response to dwindling competition caused by the randomized matchups and the AC buff.

The devs can’t really go back to the old tier system. (Where you competed week after week in your tier to get enough PPT to go up a tier). So instead they try to reintroduce competition externally with the League structure and its rewards.

Can’t see how it will work though. Most people have stopped caring about PPT. I don’t see how they can get the enthusiasm back.

The league system where you must face everyone else in your league will make this thread,
Server Match up is terrible
even larger than the 1100 posts and 55,000 views. It is by far one of the most viewed threads in WvW. There is not a lot of positives in that thread.

I don’t know much about T4 and below but the Gold NA league is

BG/SoR/JQ in one group
TC alone at 4th
DB/FA fight for 5th depending on matchups
Mag/SoS fight for 7th
Ebay/CD/BP/YB depending on who had the least transfers

Anyone going up against a server higher on the list will lose, and lose badly because that’s how much difference there is in coverages. Just ask CD and Ebay how it felt to face TC, DB and FA. Then ask FA, DB and TC what it was like going up against JQ, BG or SoR. You don’t need a league of 12 with 7 weeks of facing each other server at least once to know what’s going to happen.

Bloodlust will make multi group matches that much worse.

I’m worried that a second season will tempt Ebay, CD, BP and YB to skip matches in season two just for the chance to dominate the third season. Let’s face it, BG/xx/CD is a match everyone knows the winner. Do you really want to lose to win?

I’m also concerned that players on the lowest group might not be able to even qualify for the season ending rewards if 6 of their 7 matches are BG/xx/CD, SoR/xx/CD, JQ/xx/CD, TC/xx/CD, FA/xx/CD and DB/xx/CD.

I think that the highest awards should go to the players on Ebay, CD, BP and YB because showing up day after day knowing you’re in a no win situation and not quitting deserves the best rewards WvW can give you.

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Aneu.1748


Considering the complete backwards situation of the Orb buff vs the Outmanned buff I really doubt Anet will give more rewards to the losing servers, after all the outmanned buff is something “insignificant” according to Devon’s latest post regarding the Orb Buff since it doesn’t “affect the fight”….

I’m actually speechless.

Aneu | [VoTF]

We are all World vs World players...

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


Considering the complete backwards situation of the Orb buff vs the Outmanned buff I really doubt Anet will give more rewards to the losing servers, after all the outmanned buff is something “insignificant” according to Devon’s latest post regarding the Orb Buff since it doesn’t “affect the fight”….

I’m actually speechless.

I remember when players suggested that swapping orb and outmanned buffs would be better for the game. Give the outmanned servers better stats and give the overpopulated servers a better chance to get blues instead of spikes. Orb hacking probably was the deciding factor to remove them.

There is NO valid argument why in a mixed tier matchup that the server with the most coverage/population DESERVES to have their stats boosted.