Week of 11/30: SOS vs SBI vs JQ
Was a fun match, despite the consistent outmanned buff. There should be legitimate concern that SBI might drop out of T1 after next week, given that DF:UW is coming out. I haven’t recognized any clans from SoS/JQ that played the original, but several from SBI.
What game is DF:UW?
Edit: Nevermind, I found it. It looks horrible. Graphics look like something that came out 6 years ago and the movements are stiff.
Like it or not, I’m just pointing out that a lot of PvP clans that played the original are going to flock back. Luckily, GW2 doesn’t have the sub fee’s so moving back and forth might not be as big of an issue.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
Please, someone post an updated score report.
[ed] RUMOR CONTROL – is the PRX departure from SoS confirmed?
(edited by zortek.9607)