Whens the next WvW tournament?

Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

For this reason alone, a tournament shouldn’t be considered until server balance happens and til mechanics are figured out to make it fair and competitive.

In other words, never. Servers are never going to be balanced and it will never be fair and competitive.

I’m pretty sure the last Anet comment on tourney’s I saw somewhere said basically that.

Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: MaLeVoLenT.8129


For this reason alone, a tournament shouldn’t be considered until server balance happens and til mechanics are figured out to make it fair and competitive.

In other words, never. Servers are never going to be balanced and it will never be fair and competitive.

I’m pretty sure the last Anet comment on tourney’s I saw somewhere said basically that.

The system would have to be changed to something very different that would enable the communities to be balanced specifically for it. They originally had a concept for it but scraped it for server links sadly. I agree though with what we have here, balance will never happen. So they shouldn’t even consider a tournament.

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Malevolent Omen -Guardian
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Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: VictusMortuus.2713


Kind of sad. I suppose wvw players are just second/third class citizens to anet.

Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Kind of sad. I suppose wvw players are just second/third class citizens to anet.

It’s odd they don’t want to have more tournaments. I would think they’d get the bandwagoners transferring and loading up servers giving them $$$ from gems.

If they are being truthful, it’s nice to see they realize the player burnout and dip post tournament.

Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: Mylerian.9176


Please just fix the lopsided balance in WvW first before any other tournaments. I love WvW , and yes another tournament would be epic!! But it would be better if they fixed WvW balance first imho.

Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: Sviel.7493


Part of the reason the scores are so stagnant is because we have no incentive to get creative. No matter how hard one tries, beating the next server up is an unlikely goal and one that comes with no rewards.

A tourney could change that but at the cost of serious burn-out.

I would rather see a guild-based reward (think favor, aetherium or a free upgrade) that encouraged players to do creative things instead of just massing up and blobbing poorly defended structures. If we want more volatility in match-up outcomes, we have to decouple them from population to some extent.

Of course, a siege rework would go a long way to that end…

Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Tournament is kind of pointless because winning is pointless. 3 hour tournament could work if they would give good rewards for winners and player who contribute most.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: nerovergil.5408


cannot have another tournament until timezone population problem solved

Whens the next WvW tournament?

in WvW

Posted by: Bridget Morrigan.1752

Bridget Morrigan.1752

I don’t know how ANet calculated the concept of a “permanent” loss to population after each WvW tourney and attributed that to burnout, but I know that I’m probably counted in at least one such total, having stopped playing WvW in the middle of the first tournament and then taking a hiatus from GW2 that lasted for the better part of two years (only dropping by for special events and such till HoT dropped, and even then disappearing again for months until recently).

So all I can say is this—I didn’t leave WvW/GW2 because of tournament burnout. I left because I found a new hobby for a while, and there are only so many hours in the day. And at one point because the Aetherblade jumping puzzle had kittened me off. There was a time during which I would have come back sooner if there had been a new tournament. I kept asking my husband, who was still playing then, if there was one, and he kept saying no. So I didn’t come back.

I know that personal anecdotes do not override statistics, but frankly, you can’t deduce that people left “permanently” (it can’t be that permanent if I’m here now) because of tournament burnout just because WvW pop was X before the tourney, Y during, and Z after, where X > Z. That people didn’t come back in a timely fashion might be because of other reasons, or a combination: that the tournament highlighted other problems with the game mode; that they neglected other parts of the game they liked and went to do that for a while, while other, more casual players left for good; that it was coincidental because Life Happens; that they played more than just WvW and got kittened at another part of the game like I did; that they wanted to have more tournaments and tourneys didn’t come back often enough; that they discovered that PvE was getting all kinds of attention and decided they liked making money rather than sinking it into siege; that they decided the whole game was starting to get old.

If player in a game that doesn’t have enough content decides to quit after spending weeks overextending themselves in a tournament because they realize there’s not really that much in the game to come back to—is the problem really burnout caused by the tournament? Or is it the game itself that’s the problem?

I’m not saying that I don’t think burnout played a part, but just that it might be dangerous thinking to assume that it was the major problem and only related to the intensity of tournaments, instead of something else that’s wrong with the game. In other words, tournaments generated a lot of excitement, and I wouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, especially when the bathwater may have been dirty all along.

(I do think the tourneys ran too long, though. A series of 3 day matches would be my ideal, and you should consider that the matches don’t have to be run back to back, regardless of their length. Or have other, high-reward weeks soon after to draw people back. There are a lot of ways to solve this problem.)