WvW Map Change Coming
OK so this is an early reset. Why the kitten did you not give us early warning for this so we could prepare? You need to communicate better and understand exactly what info players want.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
OK so this is an early reset. Why the kitten did you not give us early warning for this so we could prepare? You need to communicate better and understand exactly what info players want.
Since this is a Beta Test, the scores/ matches may not really count and everything could start blank/ new when it leaves Beta Testing. They DID tell us the Alpine were coming back last night, and many did think it would be today, but yes I can understand people being frustrated not knowing this could happen during a Beta Test.
Interesting that people hate the desert BL so much they don’t mind a change to alpine right in the middle of a matchup.
Like it matters.
OK so this is an early reset. Why the kitten did you not give us early warning for this so we could prepare? You need to communicate better and understand exactly what info players want.
Since this is a Beta Test, the scores/ matches may not really count and everything could start blank/ new when it leaves Beta Testing. They DID tell us the Alpine were coming back last night, and many did think it would be today, but yes I can understand people being frustrated not knowing this could happen during a Beta Test.
Its not a real beta test, this is a live game the results count towards a servers overall glicko. And it doesn’t excuse the total lack of communication.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
OK so this is an early reset. Why the kitten did you not give us early warning for this so we could prepare? You need to communicate better and understand exactly what info players want.
Since this is a Beta Test, the scores/ matches may not really count and everything could start blank/ new when it leaves Beta Testing. They DID tell us the Alpine were coming back last night, and many did think it would be today, but yes I can understand people being frustrated not knowing this could happen during a Beta Test.
Its not a real beta test, this is a live game the results count towards a servers overall glicko. And it doesn’t excuse the total lack of communication.
They already stated the Glicko wall is coming down so it isn’t going to matter. All that matters is who wins or loses that week since they are changing the glicko to greatly increase for the winning team and greatly decrease for the losing team so that matchups will change very quickly. Plenty of games do live open Betas, and still reset scores after the live Beta, before implementation, so I would be more surprised if they did not reset the scores after as would be expected.
They did tell us last night Alpine was returning, so it was not a total lack of communication, however it would have been nice to know the scores were being reset prematurely.
(edited by lil devils x.6071)
OK so this is an early reset. Why the kitten did you not give us early warning for this so we could prepare? You need to communicate better and understand exactly what info players want.
Since no server got a warning about this, everyone started off on the same foot anyway. It’s not like ArenaNet haven’t been fair about it.
So with a map rotation system, stability fixes, balanced population, reward system, new scoring system and GvG support I’ll probably reinstall the game.
Seems you’re on the right track there besides for GvG support where nothing ever happens.
guild hall arenas?
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
2Xillllix.3485: where is the GvG info? o.O
Thanks for ABL´s. So much fun today at ABL´s.
So with a map rotation system, stability fixes, balanced population, reward system, new scoring system and GvG support I’ll probably reinstall the game.
Seems you’re on the right track there besides for GvG support where nothing ever happens.
guild hall arenas?
Please refer to my signature.
….. And Elementalist.
Thanks for this last patch, so many steps in the right direction. Even Moa nerfed And Cloaking Waters! So many good things and we finally have our beloved Alpines back. What i dont understand -why did the Siegerazer events get removed? Technical or Balancing/Design reasons? Also a little bit salty about the Quaggans not coming back. Beefing up your camp with a few extra quaggans was great and due to the repeatable nature middle of the lake was a point of constant action (and also bleeding).
(edited by Steelo.4597)
Nice, thanks for bringing back Alpine. So much fun last night
I’m pleased with bringing back the Alpine map into a rotation. It’s nice to have that variety.
Thank you WvW team. All the recent changes you guys made were amazing, and bringing back the Alpine BL is one of the best.
So if the alpines are back on rotation, does that mean come this Friday reset, we’re back on the Deserted BLs?
Thank you for the old good alpine BL! Our guild had yesterday so much fun on borderlands! Finally no more running simulator, but so many exciting fights
Best change in years. Finally good bl again!
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
Reverting back to alpine when alpine is exactly the same map as the one we played on for 2 + years is a bad idea. Reverting to that map while resting the match is more bullkitten on top of that. Thank you.
Oh oh – I actually agree with you…… Reset mid match was no biggie – I think all were blowouts anyway – but back to the old map.. No thanks.
My opinion, alpine is good for finding fights but is pretty boring otherwise, and in the current climate it may get stale quickly. They need to remove to a rotation of the 2 and not every 3 months as mooted, but every month at least. Anet needs to get over the idea that 3 months is a reasonable timeframe for WvW things.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Just wanted to say that I’m also back after leaving GW2 because of the hot mess that was/is HOT. The old borderlands are reason enough to play WvW again and only WvW.
I just wish that Anet would stop filling up our inventory with crap and boxes that contain boxes and another box and then some kitten that I can deconstruct anyways :P
Just wanted to say that I’m also back after leaving GW2 because of the hot mess that was/is HOT. The old borderlands are reason enough to play WvW again and only WvW.
I just wish that Anet would stop filling up our inventory with crap and boxes that contain boxes and another box and then some kitten that I can deconstruct anyways :P
Welcome back! I agree about the boxes, then more boxes in the boxes then boxes inside of that.. I was thinking the same thing last night while trying to bank my loot. Maybe an " Open all" setting option and opens the boxes/ bags inside the boxes bags so you only gotta click it once? SO Many Boxes/ containers/ pouches/ bags within boxes/ containers/ pouches/ bags LOL XD
lil devils x.6071 talk for yourself im not a aoe blob player, im one of those guildless players that keeps scouting stuff on my slowpoke guardian.
And guilds run away even if theres one guy doing 300 damage with a normal ac, cant even get one bag.
lil devils x.6071 talk for yourself
im not a aoe blob player, im one of those guildless players that keeps scouting stuff on my slowpoke guardian.
And guilds run away even if theres one guy doing 300 damage with a normal ac, cant even get one bag.
You are not happy because you are not getting loot? Get off the AC and kill players with just your character and you should get bags. You do not need a Guild, Blob or Ac to get bags, just go roam and you can get them as well.
You don’t get bags sitting on an Ac and not playing your character well though. Have to get out of the keeps and towers and go hunting for players to kill. usually can find people solo roaming camps, sentries and escorting yaks ect if you want to just one on one. But of course, this IS large scale PvP mode, so you will have a much easier time if you group up with players because they often will do the same. Even if it is just a small group of players flipping camps, you will survive much longer with friends than alone in a large scale PvP game mode and get more loot as well.
ALSO I greatly encourage you to use your servers voice comms, whether it is Teamspeak or another service while you play. You do not nave to run with the blob to listen to what is going on and where the enemy blobs are and where the zerg is headed to give you chance to run aggro or hit the opposite side of whatever they are hitting to increase your likelihood for success.
For example, if the Blob is fighting a large enemy target such as Stone Mist Castle or their keep, you can take advantage of this by killing players trying to run back to the blob by putting yourself in between the enemy and the objective they will be running back to. This helps your server and gives you bags in the process. It ALSO helps your server to kill enemy yaks and those guarding them, flipping enemy sentries and hitting the opposite side of whatever they are attacking. If the blob is hitting Bravost, you can hit QL or Lang and fight the lesser numbers over there instead. Key is to work with your server and other players to find the best place to be at the right time.
(edited by lil devils x.6071)
played map for 5 minutes. realized i played this same map for years and left because the k-trainers are already out k-training empty objectives
So you are unhappy that more players want to play on these wvw maps?
lets just see how long they keep playing it before they ask for new maps again
I think you misunderstand the plan here. This was not the “solution” this was the waiting room while they worked on the solution. Players want new maps, they just do not want THOSE DBL maps. They considered the HOT DBL such a mess it made the game unplayable, and at least going back to alpine would make the game playable while they worked on maps that would make players cheer not rage quit.
Now that they made it so players can at least play the game while they wait, Anet needs to start over making good WvW maps designed from the ground up with the primary focus to keep players in the PvP action not trying to get to it.
The problem isn’t " New maps" . The Problem is the new maps need to be designed the opposite of what those maps were designed for. Like every idea they had .. they should have done the opposite of that, and players would have liked them.. :p
played map for 5 minutes. realized i played this same map for years and left because the k-trainers are already out k-training empty objectives
So you are unhappy that more players want to play on these wvw maps?
lets just see how long they keep playing it before they ask for new maps again
I think you misunderstand the plan here. This was not the “solution” this was the waiting room while they worked on the solution. Players want new maps, they just do not want THOSE DBL maps. They considered the HOT DBL such a mess it made the game unplayable, and at least going back to alpine would make the game playable while they worked on maps that would make players cheer not rage quit.
Now that they made it so players can at least play the game while they wait, Anet needs to start over making good WvW maps designed from the ground up with the primary focus to keep players in the PvP action not trying to get to it.
The problem isn’t " New maps" . The Problem is the new maps need to be designed the opposite of what those maps were designed for. Like every idea they had .. they should have done the opposite of that, and players would have liked them.. :p
gl getting new maps.. people were leaving before HoT came into picture.. we will see how long they stay before they leave again
played map for 5 minutes. realized i played this same map for years and left because the k-trainers are already out k-training empty objectives
So you are unhappy that more players want to play on these wvw maps?
lets just see how long they keep playing it before they ask for new maps again
I think you misunderstand the plan here. This was not the “solution” this was the waiting room while they worked on the solution. Players want new maps, they just do not want THOSE DBL maps. They considered the HOT DBL such a mess it made the game unplayable, and at least going back to alpine would make the game playable while they worked on maps that would make players cheer not rage quit.
Now that they made it so players can at least play the game while they wait, Anet needs to start over making good WvW maps designed from the ground up with the primary focus to keep players in the PvP action not trying to get to it.
The problem isn’t " New maps" . The Problem is the new maps need to be designed the opposite of what those maps were designed for. Like every idea they had .. they should have done the opposite of that, and players would have liked them.. :p
gl getting new maps.. people were leaving before HoT came into picture.. we will see how long they stay before they leave again
Players asked for the new maps AT THE SAME TIME they asked for the Alpine back, so hopefully Anet doesn’t drop the ball this time. The problem is when they decide to have " selective hearing/ reading" and stop half way instead of following through. Of course the population will die if they do not listen to what they are telling them and let it go back to being stale again. Stale is still better than unplayable, as many considered it’s HOT DBL state. However, the game will not grown and keep alive and fresh if they just leave it at that or try to being back the DBL’s that they have made just " playable" rather than " enjoyable" for the majority. It is selling players shirt to not design a map from the beginning with what they wanted in mind rather than just patching a broken one to function.
See now, they would o even better to NOT bring that DBL or any other DBL back immediately, but instead make a new good map focusing on keeping players in nonstop PvP action in a different theme , (ANYTHING other than snow or desert yet) just to give it a break in between to help people get over " bad feelings" associated with Anet and new maps lol. This will renew faith they are actually listening this time.
THEN make a new DBL focused on nonstop PvP action .. like 3 seconds in between objectives is okay but much more than that is just wasting everyone’s time. changing the focus of the map from the ground up would be what needs to happen, making maps that people find enjoyable rather than just " playable."
Having a buffer in between will allow players to say " have you tried the new DBL?" and actually get them to step foot on it to try it. Otherwise they will still think it is the same one and many will not even give it another shot after how much they hated it last time. With a buffer map in between it would allow them to realize they have not tried this map yet, that it is actually different and not the same one they already hated. Often when you change things, people still think it is what they tried already and will not listen or try it at all unless you do something drastic to make them understand that. Truth is people are often stubborn and/or dense. LOL
(edited by lil devils x.6071)
Just a brief THANK YOU for bringing the Alpine Borderland back!
I’d posted in the Bring-Back-Alpine threads, and its really appreciated to see it actually happen. So thanks is really in order here.
Being too large and vertical, with little places for interesting fights, Desert BL really put me off GW2 for some time. Needless to say, since the great news, I’ve been playing as often as possible, and the last few weeks have been great! Didn’t realise how much I’ve missed the game until I saw the snowy spawn and old buddy Henry the Worm.
Excellent 3-ways fights between Piken, Deso and Kodash happened at Bay during the weekend – personally, WvW is so much more fun in a smaller space and with less pve elements.
Though I’m aware chances are slim nonexistent, I hope it stays permanently.
[DV] – megaboss community