WvW Server info plz. New player, MST

WvW Server info plz. New player, MST

in WvW

Posted by: Xiraxis.4536


I’m looking to get into some play with a fun and skillful guild that is open to giving help and has mature players. I am a tactical individual and love pvp environments especially on a large and heavy scale or in tactical group invasions. I do enjoy dungeons as well so maybe more of a PvX guild.

I am also open to other server and guild suggestions/recruitments. Would just like to know a bit about the guild and the server you are on.

Btw. I’m a new player to GW2, but I come with much MMO experience and am a gold/plat level player in League of Legends. I am a quick learner and a fast study. I do have a mic and am open to that idea.

I’m on MST, live in Colorado. Will most likely be on later at night and all over on the weekends.

(edited by Xiraxis.4536)

WvW Server info plz. New player, MST

in WvW

Posted by: Mizu.9387


I would suggest EU to begin with. Not that the NA servers are bad or anything, but the meta is a few months behind when it comes to the pvp part in WvW.

Sif Urkraft

WvW Server info plz. New player, MST

in WvW

Posted by: Noodica.5428


You should come to Borlis Pass and join Midnight Mafia Inc.
In my opinion, Tier 4-3 is the best place to sit, the only difference it has from Tier 1 and 2 is that there isn’t skill lag + dead long queues.

[MM] Is a really social PvX guild with many skilled WvW commanders.
We are mainly a WvW guild but also have a day or 2 or the week dedicated to dungeons/missions. We use teamspeak and are really active on it and we provide WvW training and tips to all our members (We also have WvW training sessions.) And we also cover almost ALL timezone ours.

I’m just going to keep it short so if you need more information just add me in game or mail me.


Midnight Mafia [MM]

WvW Server info plz. New player, MST

in WvW

Posted by: Noodica.5428


By the way, we also have a guild website; http://www.midnightmafia.net

Midnight Mafia [MM]

WvW Server info plz. New player, MST

in WvW

Posted by: Kai.9182


I would suggest EU to begin with. Not that the NA servers are bad or anything, but the meta is a few months behind when it comes to the pvp part in WvW.

Late night Colorado and you’re suggesting EU? wat. “Skilled EU” teams don’t matter if he never plays with them.

The pvx guilds it sounds like you are looking for are in tier 2 or higher. BG, JQ, SOR being tier 1 servers with an abundance of VERY large scale wvw pvx teams and TC, FA, DB being Tier 2 servers with good size pvx guilds.
Tiers much lower than that are pvx guilds with majority (90%) of their time spent in pve. (Unless you are looking for small elite teams)

Would highly suggest you post this in the Looking for guild section, and have a look in both the guild recruitment forum section and World recruitment section to find a guild that suits your expectations.