WvW = Thief Wars 2

WvW = Thief Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: graverr.6473


The problem of thiefs increases.Only last night i run into 4 pro macro thiefs with quickness.-They killed my warrior with 24k hp and 3.3k armor in 1.5 seconds,including the finisher 0.o.I will try and make some vidz today,but there arlready people that posted videos about it.I think quickness should be removed altogether from thieves since is rdiculous to get killed in less than 1.5 seconds by someone still invisible.Very fun mechanics i say

Also how do you report a macro thief?If you check your log and you see all thiefs skills spammed in less than 2 seconds on you is clearly not someone any kind of fast fingers can do,in the perfect same order,while still being stealthed since the rendering only kicks in after you are dead.This is basicly a funny godmode..Hope Anet will look into this or add a new report option.Botting is way too general with all the bots out there to actually find and investigate pro macro user thiefs .

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

(edited by graverr.6473)

WvW = Thief Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: Avien.8036


“Thieves are the masters of mobility, stealth and high single target damage”. This is where the problem is, doesn’t matter what nerf/balance you do to the thief skills, if you want to maintain this design philosophy you don’t need to balance thief

No matter what change you make to thief, they will always be the masters of the 3 best things in this game now – mobility, stealth and DPS. Period.

So with this in mind….
Why are we ( forum warrior’s on both sides and in the middle of the fence) still having this same conversation every hour?

Cause we are human and we find things to argue about.

Thats aggravatingly illogical -_-

Its like the saying

" why scream if no one can hear you?"

Why ask a question when you already know the answer?

WvW = Thief Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: graverr.6473



Pure demonstration recreated by some good folk that want this ended.Funny when u run into this several times in WvW.

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

WvW = Thief Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: Roysten.3456



Pure demonstration recreated by some good folk that want this ended.Funny when u run into this several times in WvW.

Bad link.. its a video of a spvp backstab combo setup to show with haste that attacks land faster than unstealthing animation. A 1.5 second kill.
It is a set up with the guardian not even having aegis up but the makers don’t pretend otherwise. Culling is not happening in it.

The attack doesn’t start in stealth, and doesn’t finish in stealth. The thief will be so glass that the stomp will represent a real problem.

You won’t be suffering this unless you make a habit of wandering around solo while not checking around you, and standing stock still every now and then. A d/d ele or any other burster can kill you if you do that, it might take 2.5 seconds though.

You might be getting killed by thieves a few times but I will bet they aren’t doing this.

Mustard Pepper

WvW = Thief Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


A d/d ele or any other burster can kill you if you do that, it might take 2.5 seconds though.

It´s really confusing when same set can do burst or bunker, you´re about to cry bullkitten, and then remember there´s some gimmick there.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

WvW = Thief Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: Caedus.6571


Play a thief up to at least level 35. Then use what you know about them to try and counter what they try to do.

Tarnished Coast WvW

WvW = Thief Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


Seems most of the ’it’s easy to counter a thief’ answers are coming from people who mainly play THIEF. Tells you everything you need to know really.

For a lot of players being basilisked, then hit for 8k steal/mug, 6k, 6k cnd and being dead or almost dead within one second, can’t even see them while they finish you isn’t their idea of fun (with 1800 toughness and 22k hp).

Defend it all you like, but in wvw thiefs hit way too hard, have way too much space to kite away if you do manage somehow to guess EXACTLY when they are about to hit you whilst being invisible, and by the time you managed to avoid something your HP is so low you’re as good as dead anyway- as they can kite around 5/6 people all throwing aoe and swinging like mad, pop up and finish you off.

They don’t have much affect in the overall scheme of wvw (except when they hunt in groups of 5 or more), but they do annoy a lot of people into quitting wvw or at least contributing to them not enjoying the game and hence going to play another game which might be more fun.

Thief class I guess is where the usual ’i’m leet’ (for which read ’I’m a chicken ganker’) players go- every MMO has a class which attracts this type of player, and they will usually defend it’s OPness by saying ‘l2p’ or ’it’s easy to counter (play a thief)’.

No, it’s coming from players who played thief long enough to learn exactly how everything works. To be able to identify skills by animation etc; learn which have which weakness. Simply put, learn your opponent.
Pretty much every thief by now has played the other classes at least some, testing builds, learning which boons to look out for etc. This is out of necessity and is done early in every MMO for people who commonly play the assassin archetype. Not really that far fetched for you to do the same.

TL;DR: You can’t beat an opponent that understands your strengths and weakness while you don’t understand theirs…..


WvW = Thief Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


How to counter a Thief…Lessee here
rummages in his tool kit

I am an Engineer, and got a few snide remarks, mainly centering around ‘L2P, noob’. ‘L2P’…that’s actually good advice…

So I did. I learned to play. I watched. I practiced in sPvP. I got worked over somethin’ fierce.

Thieves…my Tool Kit is their worst enemy. Once in close I pop Gear Shield, wait for two seconds then PRY BAR the Thief in the Face while he’s attacking me. (this usually drops his health by AT LEAST half).You can almost see it…the thief, while skilled, widens his eyes as the PRY BAR comes at his face. There is a crunch, and he is so confused by the Counter that he winds up nearly eviscerating himself…and while he is reeling and attempting to escape, there is a pain in his feet…a familiar pain…Nails. Thousands of them. He limps, then suddenly he’s stuck, and is yanked back to his ‘Easy Target’…three hits to his face…A Wrench. He drops, and the Engineer stands over him. He looks at his Wrench, and smiles.

“Hmm. Well that worked!”

This is just one of many ways I counter Thieves.
I do encounter people who know how to play the class, and I will get outplayed. It happens. THERE ARE BETTER PLAYERS THAN ME. Always will be.

Each class can be improved. Each class has bugs. Each class calls all the other classes OP.(e.g. A guildie, who is a Thief, actually said ‘Engi grenades are OP!’ I laughed and said ‘DUDE! They just got nerfed! LOL’).

The MOST prevalent issue I have with Thieves is not the class itself. It’s simply the issue of Culling. And I’m jealous of their burst damage. So jealous!

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

WvW = Thief Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator

Hi there,

If you check in the thief sub forum, you’ll see that we have a thread dedicated to the thief and its feedback.

Please post inside for more clarity.
