WvW achievements, more than 5 years to finish
Nearly all WvW achievements are like this.. it’s literally impossible to obtain titles. We’re hoping that they’re adjusted with the February updates.
Hm wrong If you play casual sure, you will not get them, but they are not for casual play ^^ there are people with 120k kills in WvW
It’s not about casual obtaining of stonemist castle.
250k kills is acceptable.
capturing stonemist 100 times is barely acceptable.
Capturing stonemist more than 100 times(3 more tiers ahead)
is NOT.
It’s about how often your server caps stonemist. I’m 100% sure that with current achievement scaling stonemist last achievement won’t be below 1000 caps.
Even with doing 1 cap of it every day(it happens like 1-2 times a week at the very best at my server) means almost 3 years.
If I were to compare the amount of time for getting an Eternity
and wvw stonemist achievement.
well then getting 10 Eternities(3hours a day of playtime without any gem purchases or exploiting) should be much faster than getting that SM cap achievement.
(edited by Evalia.7103)
Realm Avenger (250k kills) is one of the easiest WvW achievements to get. And that’s only if you play a class/build with significant AoE DPS potential and reside in a tier with consistently large zerg vs. zerg battles. Most “Hardcore” WvW players are still in the vicinity of 8k~25k kills. And what about oceanic/asian players who are stuck in tiers where they have very few people to fight? NEVER going to see that achievement.
Yakslapper requires that you destroy ONE MILLION caravans. Someone did the math, and even if you played WvW 24 hours a day and killed every yak in existence.. it would still take years to achieve.
(edited by Grit.9061)
Another exploit coming up.
Exactly, and yaks seem to be better than stonemist castle achievement still.
Stonemist seems to be going beyond 100 years limit at last tier(I imagine 1>100>500>2500>10000 or even 1>100>1000>10000>100000.
Well still just about 30 years of daily stonemist capping or almost 300 in bad case.
Let me be an Ultimate Liberator. I want the title, and I want realistical conditions. I also believe that Ultimate Repeatator should be the true name for all wvw achievements. But especially stonemist castle.
Cause taking over the same castle(what, a ridiculously hard to take over castle that is getting took over by your server around once per week?) more than 100 times in a row isn’t funny.
Yakslapper requires that you destroy ONE MILLION caravans. Someone did the math, and even if you played WvW 24 hours a day and killed every yak in existence.. it would still take years to achieve.
Just 694 days 10 hours 40 minutes
Of killing dolyaks
Assuming at speed of 1 dolyak/minute.
I’m pretty sure in around 30 years we will have a guy with this achievement. Not with stonemist cap unfortunately.
Hm wrong
If you play casual sure, you will not get them, but they are not for casual play ^^ there are people with 120k kills in WvW
Given how kill credit is achieved, kills is the least meaningful of all of the WvW stats.
I am fine with the system if there were titles or /rank abilities for each tier. Having nothing till you kill a million yaks is just… well stupid.
yeah, and then you have servers that don’t capture SM for a month or two.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
They forgot to put intermediate titles....it can fixed quickly, but I’d rather they work on something else.
They will be tweaked...or new titles added...this is such a minor issue......
The problem isn’t that the achievements take too long to get, since they are designed to last for the entire lifetime of the game. The problem is that they need to add more intermediate tiers so people have something to work towards in the short term. It’s like the Rank title track in GW1. No one felt bad that it went up to Rank 13, which took a ton of time to get, because you could show off the titles leading up to that. They need to add more easily achievable smaller goals along the way.
As an example, the Yakslapper track is ridiculous not because it requires one million yaks for the final achievement, but because it doesn’t offer any reward for killing 100, 1000, or even 10000 yaks along the way. Instead of only getting the Ultimate title they need more titles working up to the huge one that will take years to get.
Fort Aspenwood
I would sit there and kill the ridiculous amounts of yaks needed if it meant the title obtained was actually Yakslapper and not Ultimate Interceptor.
Given how kill credit is achieved, kills is the least meaningful of all of the WvW stats.
I am fine with the system if there were titles or /rank abilities for each tier. Having nothing till you kill a million yaks is just… well stupid.
Kill credit is the least meaningful? Man kids like you still voice your opinion in WvW? If your not getting kill credit in a game WITH NO HEALERS or even support classes for that matter, WHAT are you doing in wvw? Kills don’t matter…. i really hope the update doesn’t facilitate kitten attitudes and opinions like this one. Or I will say good bye to gw2 forever, just like a lot of others are doing.