alt+f4 to deny bloodlust stomp must stop !
What about Warrior and Thieves just running away when they are losing? They deny me fair points and loot. I was winning, but since neither of these professions can be caught if they dont want to, they just run away and deny me points. And Warriors can also Vengeance to deny points, Elementalists can run into towers/keeps or water to deny points.
I insist i get my loot and points when the person im fighting runs away and leaves combat! If you want to take away some people’s ability to deny points when losing a fight, then take away everyones ability to deny points when losing a fight.
there’s one HUGE difference between my point and yours,
in mine I actually did kill my target !
in yours, you DIDN’T, hence my point is valid and yours is kinda nullifiedYou did not stomp your target, neither did i. And technically, you also did not kill your target, your target left.
And besides, who put you in charge of desciding where the arbitrary line is drawn?
because what you’re saying in your original post makes no sense, you want credit for doing nothing ! he ran away before you managed to kill him !
I on the other hand did kill him ! he didn’t just use his skills and run away, he had to exploit a flaw in the game code to get away from me, in your case he just ran and you couldn’t catch him period !
that’s why your statement is null and void, NOT because I’m the one that decides who gets to get credit and who doesn’t !
But you are going around desciding who does and does not get reward. You just right now descide that if a player is disconnected you should still be awared full points. Despite that you did not actually kill him, let alone stomp him.
Well in my opinion we have 2 incredibly cheesy professions that abuse their high mobility skills to simply run away whenever they land in a fight they cannot win. And due to their excessively overpowered mobility, no one can actually catch them. Especially not a Thief because you have no idea where he went.
And you’ve also avoided the point i raised about Elementalist being downed by jumping off a cliff, running into a tower or water, where they also do not give points. Or Warriors going Vengeance, and also not giving points for stomping.
Now honestly, ive just been leading you on a bit. I dont really believe i should get the kill reward for someone running away. But my point still stands, you are complaining about someone pressing alt-F4 and denying you points.
When there are still 3 professions left with equally cheesy mechanics they can abuse to still deny you points.
If alt-f4’ing is going to be looked at, they should at the same time fix elementalists jumping into water/off cliffs and portaling, warriors vengeance, and the stupidly get-out-of-jail-free card arenanet handed warriors and thieves.
Issues far bigger in my opinion since these not just deny you points, which is a dumb mechanic that just feeds more points to the already dominant server. But they also deny you loot and even wxp.
Atleast alt-f4 is a choice any player can make for himself. Accept a long relog and possibly a queue, or feed points. A choice easier made when your server is being outmanned, in which case the outmanning server is getting more then enough easy points as it is.
In its own strange way its much more balanced then the current downed/finish-mechanic we have going on. Everyone can use it equally, no strong bias towards anyone just for picking the easy-mode profession.
dude, just stop embarrassing yourself already !
a player running from you is not equal to a player you downed and exploits to get away from you no matter how you try to twist it, PERIOD !
I will not continue to engage your trolling kitten anymore !
Why would anyone care about that ridiculous “world score” is completly beyond me.
Why would anyone care about that ridiculous “world score” is completly beyond me.
Leagues are comming up and a few servers are wanting the rewards.
I don’t get what OP is trying to say. What is bloodlust? Is it the weapon rune that gives you power with each kill?
I don’t get what OP is trying to say. What is bloodlust? Is it the weapon rune that gives you power with each kill?
If you stomp someone with the borderland bloodlust buff, you can get 1 to 3 points to your server’s score. Minor = 1 point, Major = 2, Superior = 3. You have to stomp, not just DPS the player till they are dead.
It has been demonstrated that bloodlust is a much better resource for points than the traditional point per tick. In a close match, BG/JQ/SoR for example, the points gained from stomps can determine the winner. I have seen several players alt-F4 just to get out of being stomped. It probably is the same ones but it can add up after a while.
Either points should be added for the stomp when a player alt-F4 while in combat, or any extra chests from winning should be forfit and they should have a perminently displayed unremovable title that calls them a looser or something along the lines that they alt-F4 in WvW because they are sore loosers.
Didn’t people used to do this to deny other players the badges? iirc it was changed so that if someone did alt-f4 it was still considered a kill and the player got the loot. If they were able to make this happen, they should be able to make it so an Altf4 automatically assumes them stomped and awards the points
And give us logout animation so we’ll know if someone actually logged out or just stealthed.
I’m not sure about all this. It’s speculation and I can’t make it fit what I know about the game mechanics.
If you alt_F4, afaik the server loses the connection. It has no idea why or even when to any degree of accuracy. As far as the server is concerned it’s a simple disconnect.
That’s why you can find yourself dead in LA despite being perfectly healthy when you logged out of a bg – you just didn’t notice the mob sneaking up behind you that killed you seconds later.
On a couple of occasions I’ve seen someone vanish as I was about to kill them. Maybe they stealthed – maybe their transfer to another bl popped?
But if they just DCd themselves, why don’t they just continue running? – that’s what usually happens when the connection drops at my end.
Somebody needs to experiment with this to see what actually happens. I’d do it myself but well, I can’t be fondled.
Eh, I’m just going to say deal with it because we all know the dev’s won’t fix this. I don’t stomp because I find it a whole lot more fun DPSing somebody down, nailing them with five stacks of confusion and watching them kill themselves. I found when you stomp, you make yourself vulnerable and everyone’s gonna pop their interrupt on you, so what should take five seconds now takes seven or eight. Would rather have my skills and movement than that.
I didn’t care about this exploit before I started encountering it (seems popular on Fort Aspie) – please fix this.
I’d argue that removing an enemy player from the game for 2-5 minutes is more valuable than a few extra points here and there.
That’s not true – a lot of the players alt-F4ing are actually doing their server a favor – either by opening a spot in the queue or by removing rallybait.
count that as a glorious victory and that u made ur enemy rage quit
Who cares if they decide to log in again and perhaps have to requeue, i always laugh hard when it happen and i certainly dont give a kitten about those cap nodes etc, pewpew em to death!
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
I have to have a good chuckle at this. I haven’t played the game in months but this alt+F4 rage quitting in wvw to stop being “killed” has been an issue since launch and the devs still haven’t done anything about it? Bravo, Arenanet.
I don’t understand the mindset of these people. All that effort of logging out and in just to avoid a stomp.
NSP | Os Guild Master |
Dude, you don’t log out to avoid stomps?
I prefer letting my opponents bleed out. Who cares about a single score point?!
I prefer letting my opponents bleed out. Who cares about a single score point?!
Please take a look at the predicted ranks 6 and 7 right before leagues start – there’s one answer for you. ;-)
I prefer letting my opponents bleed out. Who cares about a single score point?!
Please take a look at the predicted ranks 6 and 7 right before leagues start – there’s one answer for you. ;-)
You REALLY need to learn what WvW rating is. A single point, or even hundreds of points from people Alt-F4ing out wont matter.
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
In our current situation where we switch between 6th and 7th on an hourly basis, everything matters…
Edit – I have to admit that I only started caring about PPT and rating points when the new leagues were announced and we saw our chance at the bottom of gold… and I won’t give a kitten about it come next week.
(edited by Warthog.6870)
I have to say I never faced this issue until this week WvW against Gandara. It’s incredible how 1 out of 5 players used this bug during the fight that they were losing, sometimes even before they reached half life.
This is really annoying specially for roamers, it’s already hard to find a small group to kill instead of the huge blob, if you can’t even get the kill because they alt+f4 it become frustrating
I have not been playing WvW for long even though I’ve played the game since BWE1
but……This crap that is going on right now is annoying as hell and something needs to be done about it by the dev’s.
what I’m talking about is the follwing:
With bloodlust, every stomp grants 1 world point per stack of bloodlust, the problem right now is people are using alt+f4 to quit the game in the middle of the stomp and in so doing negate the stomp and deny / rob you of your points !
There is such a simple solution to this, I cannot for the love of me figure out how the dev’s missed it.
add a logout timer to WvW only, say 30 seconds timer from the moment you press logout, alt+f4 or quit the game by any other means while in WvW
this would ensure that if you lost the fight and you’re getting stomped even if you quit the game I get my points because your toon is still there for me to stomp for the next 30 seconds
why 30 seconds and not 15 you say ?
simple, some people will go to any length to try and circumvent the systems in place, some will start the logout process before going down in a fight they know they will lose, if this is done and it’s only 15 seconds by the time he goes down the timer will be at 2 seconds a standard stomp takes 3 seconds, you see my point ? this logout preloading would be a lot harder to do if the timer is 30 seconds.
I finally start getting people downed and they alt-f4 – they don’t like losing – they don’t want a fair fight.
I would love a fair fight in WvW without the rage quitting…
I’d love to meet someone who’s stupid enough to alt+f4 a stomp to avoid giving the other server 1-3 points. Really ?