defending gets no reward

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


I hope you are right PinCushion, however, I would like to unlock abilities through WxP but it will take me at least a year at the pace i’m moving b/c I don’t zerg much at all. God forbid I would like to unlock something on a second character. LOL – guess i’ll just ignore the update b/c it’s not that attainable for me and my preferred playstyle.

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: slingblade.1437


You could limit rams to an area around the outside part of the gate. I know of no strategic value of placing flame rams anywhere else. And if you are griefed in the inner keep/castle at least the rams will absorb some AoE and any other siege built by supply depot might be ‘somewhat’ useful.

Discussion on that subject in this thread:

So why did people not want to defend prior to WXP?

Just badges? You mean the things that I have bank tabs full of and just spend on siege at this point?

I think WXP is just salt in the already-existing wound.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: nirvana.8245


Because good servers will defend nearly as often as they attack. Otherwise they will lose significant PPT.

The issue is though, its substantially more rewarding for the players running in the zerg. On JQ its the same people all the time running defense + escorts, because its what their server needs the most. Nobody wants to do it, so the dedicated and loyal server players lose out for putting their server in a winning position. If they made these tasks at least give a little bit of rewards, maybe I wouldn’t have to escort yaks 5 hours every night inbetween defending and then feel I need to go farm PvE for another 5 hours to fund all the upgrades I did.

defending gets no reward

in WvW

Posted by: Brassnautilus.2941


Nobody wants to do it, so the dedicated and loyal server players lose out for putting their server in a winning position.

like i said in the initial post, people are not looking at tick timer these days. Camp and tower assaults are done when opportunity arises (orange sword appeared other side of map) and holding the captured point till end of tick is of zero importance to cmdrs and their followers. Why should they care? WXP came from the initial capture, not the defending or duration that objectives were held.

JQ is on top simply because its overall coverage (night capping N/A AM). When a server has a larger zerg running around (especially on BL maps), it significantly limits its enemy’s actions. It finishes captures faster, and in turn obtain faster responses and larger response windows. That dominating zerg on the map can take away all the “opportunities” for other servers to make caps.

Problem with this. Players play throughout the day, maps are manned 24/7, like a heavy industry factory, they work on shifts. A server would have the dominating zerg only over certain intervals (In JQ’s case, it has longer intervals than its rival servers, so it wins the weekly tally), and during those other intervals, the server would be losing, and its players suppressed by the dominating zerg from a different server. The amount to lose, however, was related to the amount of defending efforts they put up.

Coverage had become everything after introduction of WXP, because less players were defending to reduce their points losses during those “suppressed” hours.
If I may say, It also made players that normally log on during those hours less interested in WvW. Even on JQ, EB had issues filling up over N/A busy hours.