disconnection = auto death

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Opc.4718


Well, if you want to take it that way, I just personally logged into the game, got into a fight with a random invader and logged out. Guess what, no repair bills, no death. Quite the revelation.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Well, if you want to take it that way, I just personally logged into the game, got into a fight with a random invader and logged out. Guess what, no repair bills, no death. Quite the revelation.

Why? If you’re implying it hasn’t happened to anyone at all, shouldn’t we be seeing more opposition to any method of countering the problem? For that matter, especially one that actually works during any real fight instead of only on people who press two keys so slowly that they can’t do it before they’re downed (lol…)

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

While I understand (and at times share) the DC frustration, its still the lesser of two weevils. Fortunately its only some pixels that die.

Lives are not in danger. The country is still safe.

(EDIT: Grammar, even worse than usual)

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem

(edited by Roo Stercogburn.9671)

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Kimitchi.4138


imagine u are chasing someone…with a bunch of ppl, its a sure kill….because u constantly hitting or stunning the enemy u are in combat…BUT u dced ROFLCOPTER log back in u are dead….well U dun have to die….but u are…even tho its a sure kill on ur side….what? BAD LUCK? who cares bout the repair bills u can make it back easy…no biggie….its what is fair! this a game not RL fix ur system! u wanna target those lamer Alt+F4 go do it….dun screw with other ppl who genuinely wanna play. And those who tells me OMG u shud change ISP whatever screw u too! if Anet was willing to put an oceanic server up, I wouldn’t be in here whinging about it alright? “friendly community” my kitten

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

DC’ing is a symptom of something else that needs to be sorted. I’d be looking at addressing that as a priority.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Non issue.

Any extra repair bills we might get stuck with are worth the number of badges we’ll get now that people can’t Alt4.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Webley.1295


the amount of complaining on every single patch,fix,nerf,update,event,change, bug or additional content makes these forums a horrible place to be

people will complain about anything here

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Sekin.7803


To all those who said get a better ISP:

I have 8 pc games that requires internet connection (D3, WoW, Skyrim, Might and Magic Heroes, Battlefield, Torchlight2, Starcraft2 and Dragon Age 1&2). All of these games run fine with no disconnect problem at all. This game (GW2) is the only, I repeat, the one and only one that gives mad disconnection on a constant basis.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


Well, I’ve only disconnected once, and that was during Lost Shores event.
And I’m in Australia!

My game crashes a lot when waypointing after a long session, though, which is annoying. But I haven’t yet investigated whether there’s something I can do on my PC to resolve the problem.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


The biggest issue for me is you die if you jump to a different WvW map while in combat. Sometimes you are in a big fight, fighting a strong NPC etc, where you can’t necessarily get out of combat quickly, so you either jump to the map you want to play and die in the process or you have to re-enter the queue.

Maid Of The Coast

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I get disconnected all the time in GW2 WvW, and probably will until I upgrade my computer. My current hardware is fine and I run the graphics all on lowest settings, but I’m still using Win7-32 so memory usage is a problem and I won’t waste money on 64 bit and more ram until I also upgrade the CPU and motherboard in the next couple of months. I played Rift (which itself has an outdated game engine) for 18 months with this same system and never had DCs like I do in GW2.

So what bugs me about the Alt-F4 patch is this. ArenaNet knows full well that lots of DCs are their fault … some of it from buggy code, some from server-side limitations that poorly handle lots of players being in the same local area, and some from game requirements that significantly exceed the official stated minimums. And yet instead of charging a combat death to a player who initiates certain keystrokes that can be easily tracked from their end, they simply charge a death to anyone who bugs out. It’s not a huge currency cost in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a stupidly lazy fix that reinforces for me how crippled the support for this game really is.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


This is the much, much lesser of two evils. Just got to learn to deal with it. Disconnects in combat = death in any real PvP game.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Jae.9682


This is the much, much lesser of two evils. Just got to learn to deal with it. Disconnects in combat = death in any real PvP game.

Quoted For Truth!

PS My internet sucks, I dc 5-6 times a day in wvw, and yes it is extremely annoying but I have no other good high speed ISP’s here in the boondocks. And yet, I approve this change!

Jae Sun, Jae of Arc, Jae Kal, Jae Khan, Jae Barka, Jae Hemingway
Original Member of Blackgate.
Member of HB.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Pestilence.3184


i posted this in in another thread but it should be here too

so what happens to the poor guys in WVW with this genuine “Memory dump” crash?? as this disconnects us uncontrollably and is random after so long of being in 1 place??? i have this “Issue” and so do a LOT of other guy/gals on my server. its a great idea BUT how about FIXING this problem before you do any more SEASONAL EVENTS id like the ability to sit and play for more than 45mins with changing zones before i crash, and as im a keen WVW player im getting punished for playing right now if i crash, i log back on and hey presto im dead at LA or somin.

and before someone posts its my machine ITS NOT nor is it my internet.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


The biggest issue for me is you die if you jump to a different WvW map while in combat.

It was never possible (and still is not) to teleport to another map nor to any spawn point on your map while you are in combat.
So it doesn’t matter if you DC during Map change, you cannot be in combat while doing so.

Yes it is. If you join the queue to enter a WvW map that is full and the queue pops while you are in combat, you can click the button to travel there, even during combat. I’m not talking about trying to click on a portal during combat.

Maid Of The Coast

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Stonesolid.2706


Totally worth it. Might have been unnecessary until people were defending it as a legitimate tactic.

Stonesolid – Sylvari Mesmer
Member of Unlimited [ULTD]
Fort Aspenwood’s Force of Chaos

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Anyone else has this feeling that everyone that complains about disconnects are actually altf4 users ?

Not at all.

Dropping from the game can also be the result of the game itself crashing. And ive had that happen a fair time to me already since that lovely patch a few weeks ago. It seems a bit better, might be resolved with the 14-12 patch.

Point is, its not always the fault of the internet. It can, and frequently is, the fault of coding from the gamedevs. And a bug like this can suddenly creep in and affect many players.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: graverr.6473


I am really sorry for the random disconnect guys,but personally i believe that alt+f4 was a lot more annoying than this and had to go.Imagine someone that does really crash so often you guys say(and somehow still play ) and in the few moents that they get some action their opponents just keep alt+f4ing,much more frustrating.I still believe at the end of the day this is still a nice tradeoff.Why would the majority have to be punished for the sake of the few with bad connection/hardware probblems?

Also queving to other maps while in wvw also needs to be disabled while in combat.It feels very unnatural.The timer on accepting the move is so long that you can basicly run back to your base on foot into total safety and accept the transfer.Or,if someone really is so desperate to change maps exactly while in combat they should accept dying,teleport to wp after death ,and transferr.Plenty of time there to do so.How long is the timer anyway? 60 seconds?

So yeah ,dying while transfering to another map WHILE IN COMBAT is still fair if you don’t take your time to get out of it in the many ways there are available.

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


The timer brings up a bar that slowly decreases, not sure if it tells you what actual time it gives you. It gives you the option to move to the back of the queue, enter the place you queued for, or leave the queue altogether. And it stays on your screen until you pick one, so as for trying to get out of combat when it comes up, YMMV. You could try moving it out of the way I guess, depending on how much space it takes up on your screen.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I am really sorry for the random disconnect guys,but personally i believe that alt+f4 was a lot more annoying than this and had to go.Imagine someone that does really crash so often you guys say(and somehow still play ) and in the few moments that they get some action their opponents just keep alt+f4ing,much more frustrating.I still believe at the end of the day this is still a nice tradeoff.Why would the majority have to be punished for the sake of the few with bad connection/hardware problems?

I’ll say it again … ArenaNet could have easily fixed the problem by making the use of the keystrokes that generate disconnects be the trigger for assigning a death instead of using the disconnects. There are only a few ways that a player can force a disconnect and all of them except reaching over to shut off a router or pulling the ethernet cable from the computer can be tracked by ArenaNet. They just took the sloppy way out. Nobody is defending the use of disconnects to escape unscathed in combat … only complaining about the brain dead fix ArenaNet chose to use.

As far as us having “hardware problems”, I’ll remind you that those of us suffering regular disconnects in GW2 even with graphics all set to lowest values are using hardware that far exceeds the recommended minimums, and that such hardware easily runs similar MMO’s like Rift without disconnects.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Amen.2630


yesterday I dc 2 times in a row, this really RUINS wvw for me!
its NOT a solution to kill people just because they are in combat mode!
SPECIALLY if the combat mode is bugged and you cant get out of it like FOREVER even if no hostile ANYTHING is around you! you cant log out to get out of combat mode because you die!

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


So let me get this straight… You’re all complaining about dying and losing ~3 silver?

Um, wow? What is your issue that you cannot afford 3 silver? I have 20g’s saved up and I can think of a single thing to spend it on other than siege blueprints and repair bills.

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Kain Do Urden.7213

Kain Do Urden.7213

Excellent ! Just excellent kittening genius update!!!!

I walk around my server base, I just (and i mean JUST, 2seconds in fact) enter a battle with a raptor…got disconnected…

I reconnected, i’m dead with 1,6 silver of repair to pay…

Yes, for ArenaNet, my disconnection was surely for avoiding being killed my a raptor, and so I MUST DIE and have my armor destroyed…

Seriously….???!! You… I know you censor very easily, so I will not even begin an attempt of insulting the logic of whoever “very smart” people have come up with this disconnect=auto-death+armor break rules, but I swear there are some ears that must be burning…

disconnection = auto death

in WvW

Posted by: Josh P.1296

Josh P.1296

just think of it like you’re playing in the matrix

Lold at this ^

Illucéption – Mesmer
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym