how to counter thieves

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Sylosis.7125

Sylosis.7125 My 1st video on my channel….. i’m a perma stealth thief……sorry in advance.

I commend you for posting such astonishingly mediocre game play. Most people would be ashamed to post such antics, but you wear your badges for all to see.

We need more people like you, my friend!

In all seriousness, this shows how little of a threat the infamous “permastealth” thief is. Only person he killed jumped off a cliff, lol…

Hey i think you missed the fact i backstabbed him for 6.5k and then heartseeker at 3.8k….i ran off because i was expecting him to run back to the group…..he just stood still didnt even heal lmao…i then went back and hit him withbackstab again just before he jumped off the mini cliff for 5.8k….i deserved that kill! … really not a glass cannon i do not have 1 point in the power trait bar.

Did you not see me nearly kill that ele too? until back up arrived lol…..i wouldn’t say im good but some players are just awful.

Im average ability… I would never pretend something i’m not but i would say that their are some very awful thief players….. i hope you read the comments that accompanied the video (click show more) to understand a bit about what i was doing etc etc.

My video was to show how bad you can be and still be able to run away, i wouldn’t overlook the threat of a thief as they are not built all the same.

(edited by Sylosis.7125)

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Ashlov.3819


Gear Shield and Prybar say hi.

Chuck Chuck Bobuck – Dwarec Mercs [DM] – NA Guild on Sanctum of Rall

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Rucifel.8904


I run a 2 man team with a glas cannon thief… I am a toughness guardian and she of course is the backstab thief.

Thiefs are anything but overpowerd… if she is lucky enough for the target to stand still ya she can get some dmg off at which point she will go down in around 3 hits. The only way she avoids this is when I pop every protection buff for her and take all the conditions off of her.

We have had a D/D elly solo us both (bypasses my toughness and once my boons are down I’m dead)
She cannot get the elly to stand still and if by some chance we get it below 25% hp they mist then rinse and repeat…

Now you get the elly with any other prof (could be a lvl 1 rock) and they will beat just about any combo we have thrown at them.

So no thiefs are not OP and are far from it… if you don’t like being hit for 287365259816 dmg then grab some toughness or a guardian friend to boon you.

To Hell and back! <MPI> Rucifel

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Fudge.9527


Thieves are already crazy strong because they have high damage and the BEST damage mitigation in the game (stealth). It is way better than protection at preventing damage.

The thing that makes them broken is the culling in WvW. They can burst you while remaining invisible / immune to any single-target skills even after stealth wears off.

What I find crazy is that there is no direct counter to stealth in GW2. In a game that prides itself in giving players large customization options through utility skills and traits, you cannot opt to give yourself a skill or major trait to counter one of the strongest mechanics in this game.

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Dantaeus Heardt.5730

Dantaeus Heardt.5730

I run a 2 man team with a glas cannon thief… I am a toughness guardian and she of course is the backstab thief.

Thiefs are anything but overpowerd… if she is lucky enough for the target to stand still ya she can get some dmg off at which point she will go down in around 3 hits. The only way she avoids this is when I pop every protection buff for her and take all the conditions off of her.

We have had a D/D elly solo us both (bypasses my toughness and once my boons are down I’m dead)
She cannot get the elly to stand still and if by some chance we get it below 25% hp they mist then rinse and repeat…

Now you get the elly with any other prof (could be a lvl 1 rock) and they will beat just about any combo we have thrown at them.

So no thiefs are not OP and are far from it… if you don’t like being hit for 287365259816 dmg then grab some toughness or a guardian friend to boon you.

Yeah this pretty much. I was QQing over thief’s for awhile until I buffed my toughness and one of my fellow guildies runs his Guardian with us in WvW now. Thief’s aren’t OP at all they are fast stealthy little buggers but that’s what their profession specializes in. Also the AOE advice against them does work, as well as stacking bleed, burn, poison. Does this mean a thief will never kill me again in WvW no way I expect to get downed by them just as I expect it from any other profession but now I at least know the strategy behind taking them down.

Dantaeus X Heardt Ranger Lvl 80
Zhaitans Tears Guild[ TWS ] NSP

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Snowpea.5469


In EQ2 stealth was visible (predator-style) within a decent radius, so if you were observant, you could spot a thief…. Personally I have high health, so I dont often get one-shot… but having the thief out of range, then 1 second later stealthed backstabbing you, then when you dont die instantly, they’re back back out of range 1 second after that… not much fun at all. And the perma-invis… dont get me started!!!

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: rootnode.9546


Thieves can’t 1 shot people. It’s three damage abilities. If you get downed before the backstab even hits then you deserve to be dead all the time, due to clearly not using any defensive stats.

Ah….thank you good sir. If you die fast, then you need more defensive stats? Well…how about this: a glass cannon thief doesn’t need to stealth all the time. If he wants to survive a longer fight or incoming damage, he might need to consider less damage and more defense.

Fact is: every class has a tradeoff between damage and defense. Thiefs….don’t. High damage and easy survivability? Please

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Taerik.3405


Combat stealthing and game balance…. dont work
buff revealed

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Fact is: every class has a tradeoff between damage and defense. Thiefs….don’t. High damage and easy survivability? Please

exactly! they hit you for 60%-100% of your health then re-stealth making them untargetable so I have to quickly drop my AoE which doesn’t knock them out of stealth it instead ticks for an embarrassing 200-300 damage per tick. Which they probably dodge out of anyway.

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I have to agree that thieves are not well balanced atm in WvW.

Stealth is one of the best defensive mechanics in the game in WvW. High mobility adds onto this. High spike damage that is immediately followed by a stealth downed spike just worsens it further. Culling breaks whatever shreds of balance they had left.

If thieves are going to be balanced they need to have either their stealth or their mobility weakened. Also until culling is fixed in WvW the revealed buff needs to last 5 seconds while in WvW to give people a fighting chance. This mitigates the extra 2 seconds of render time they get.

Also keep in mind. Thieves have a few viable builds atm. Stealth, spike damage, and mobility are so strong it pretty much invalidates everything else. Tone those down a bit and give them more options for viable builds.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: LordByron.8369


some stealth players just thinks that successfully killing a player requires skill for them….
Well its probably so….

Yet in a pvp game (www) a huge factor is not taken in account with stealth….
I.E. opponent skill. (PvP means a battle of skills, its not PvE……so your opponent have to be given a chance to react)

Someoene posted that human reaction is something about 110 to 240 millisec….
Despite it may be so, as an ex competitive fighting game player i can say that in a game you need more than half a second to really react….+ double the geographic latency time…..getting really near the whole second…

-You have to see what s happening*
-geo latency
-You have to understand and think a proper reaction
-you have to input proper reaction*
-geo latency again

*reaction time tests only takes these 2 in acount, and both are reduced because you expect an event you know, and have only one button to press.

that makes most thieves unreactable…
You ask to play on prediction….and that is where 99% games fails at competitive level….when they think playing on prediction is a viable method.

It becomes a matter of luck…

Now if stealth is vitall to thieves, lets just remove it and compensate strongly with another mechanic…..but the real thing is we all are accustomed to see nerfs without compensation so we fear any patch…..

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

(edited by LordByron.8369)

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

Thieves can’t 1 shot people. It’s three damage abilities. If you get downed before the backstab even hits then you deserve to be dead all the time, due to clearly not using any defensive stats.

Ah….thank you good sir. If you die fast, then you need more defensive stats?

Read it again.

It’s a 3 hit combo, the largest damage skill in that combo is Backstab. If you die before that backstab even hits, then you must be running full glass cannon yourself, however I don’t think I’ve ever killed someone with just Steal+Cloak and dagger.

I think the a big problem with builds in this game is that (FROM MY OBSERVATION), full glass cannon spec seems to nullify a fully defensive spec. You can stack as much defense as you want, but eventually that glass cannon will kill you in a 1v1, because you won’t do very much damage back to them.

Maybe others observe this differently, but in my opinion toughness needs to be a more rewarding stat.

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: redsolarmoon.1054


FYI – if you see one of those type of thieves and you’re near water – jump in and swim deep. Most they can do is SR probably but they can’t backstab nor continue stealthing.

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


I notice more thief’s in WvW again recently, probably cause you can’t alt+f4 on them anymore.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


Let’s be real here. Hearing a D/D ele complain about anything is quite laughable….

Exactly what I was going to say lol.

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: LordByron.8369


well lets be real…
90% (possibly more) of prople complaining about D/D are thieves….

You can spot them checking their profile….
You get 2 examples above….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.