[Desolation] Judge [JDGE] recruiting for WvW.

[Desolation] Judge [JDGE] recruiting for WvW.

in Guilds

Posted by: Parthis.2091



We are Judge. A guild with a long history in MMOs. We started several years ago as a WoW raiding guild and have migrated through many games since, including Aion (meh), Rift (Pfft), SW:TOR (oh dear), Tera (WTF) and now Guild Wars 2 (Hallelujah!), with numerous Mobas and RTS games thrown in for good measure. At the core of the guild is a group of players who’ve played together throughout and even met in real life.

In Guild Wars 2 we’re a bit of an oddity. A WvW-focused guild, a semi-casual guild life, but we carry with us a determination to remain a small, mobile guerrilla team. We tend not to follow the zerg, camp spawns or obsess over the castle. You’ll find us deep in an enemy’s map. We don’t shy away from fights, regardless of the numbers. We use a lot of portals, invisibility and strategy to take down opponents much larger than ourselves. Sometimes there is singing. Occasionally there are videos.

Some videos of what we do:

… and a few videos showing some of our members:

We’re looking to recruit to strengthen our WvW team. Our WvW pattern is simple; Wednesdays and Fridays are our big WvW nights. That’s the night we take the entire guild into a map and really bunker down. There is WvW going on at other times, but it’s normally smaller scale roaming groups, with the occasional ad-hoc WvW raid night thrown in.

We’re looking to recruit:

  • A Guardian. Our guardians are all tanky/support focused. We’d like a guardian to come in with a little more damage, and to cover a few key buffs. Greatsword for nice AoE and good control is preferred.
  • An Elementalist. Support focused, staff waving Elementalist wanted for great ranged damage and healing is preferred.
  • A Warrior. Damage. Damage. Damage. Strong AoE damage focus. Double Axe/Hammer is preferred.
  • A Thief. Spin to win. Need I say more? Shortbow for some additional utility is preferred.

Although preferences are mentioned above they are just preferences, and we’d like to talk to anyone who has an interest in joining Judge.

Whisper me in game (Amayasu in-game, or use Parthis.2091) or simply PM me through this site. If you want to talk to someone in-game and i’m not online, try one of our officers:

  • Osicat
  • Meatun
  • Cosmic Massacre

Amayasu, Leader of Judge.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory

[Desolation] Judge [JDGE] recruiting for WvW.

in Guilds

Posted by: Osicat.4139


I would be happy if we got a well experienced wvwvw messmer to apply, prefered 200-300+ minimum of wvwvw time as mesmer and good experience of offensive portals. Would like you to run a offensive shatter spec, refered with vouln stacking.


[Desolation] Judge [JDGE] recruiting for WvW.

in Guilds

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


I take it, its Axe “5” you’re wanting for the Aoe? Imo just doesn’t have the “horsepower” you’d be looking for. Plus its stoppable and weak at best, unless you’re glass.. and in WvW thats just silly.

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]
