Sanctum of Rall - Guild Baptized by Fire Recruiting.

Sanctum of Rall - Guild Baptized by Fire Recruiting.

in Guilds

Posted by: BBF geNko.3097

BBF geNko.3097

One hundred years ago the drowned empire was risen from the sea by the dragons command, Zytan the elder dragon. Our ancestors fought bravely against the elder dragon’s army so many years ago. Now the time has come for the 5 races to stand together and fight as one, setting our differences aside. As we proceed in our efforts we discover new technology and new magic to help us in our aid against our foe’s and to save our world. This is your story to tell now, how will you tell it? The time has come to stand up, unite and fight for honour.

Clan BBF joins the fight to save Tyria and to stop the elder dragon Zytan and his ruthless empire. Races of Tyria; Asura, Sylvari, Human, Norn, Charr. Will you join us!? Will you help win this war? If you want to fall in line for this fight, Register and Join BBF!

Our guild is situated in the server “Sanctum of Rall”

Baptized by Fire has been running for over 12 years and still going strong!

We are an online community of gamers from around the world who pride themselves in being honorable, respectful, and fair! We do NOT recruit based on skill, but rather recruit based on attitude, willingness to work together, and focus on both teamwork and fun!

Our Mission:

To become one of the most fun and respectable multi game, multi platform battle clans on the internet.
To be known as a major part of online gaming history.
To prove that you can have fun playing games online while being fair.

Baptized by Fire values respect and we expect our members to do the same and represent BBF in a good and mature manner. But at the same time, we are here to have fun! So come on and join us in GW2!

Add the guild leaders: BBF geNko.3097, Wesmantooth.8209 or DeathAdder.4068

We are mostly searching for mature and respectful world versus world players. We want to build the guild on a good level of respect and become a well known guild within world versus world. We currently have two commanders and one on the way to becoming one. Even though we want world versus world players, we do not discriminate and all play styles are welcome. Skill and level is not an issue!

(edited by BBF geNko.3097)

Sanctum of Rall - Guild Baptized by Fire Recruiting.

in Guilds

Posted by: BBF geNko.3097

BBF geNko.3097

Feel free to private message me on here and get some teamspeak information.