(edited by Bry.8140)
[Desolation] Froody recruiting - PvX
Still looking for more people to do living world/dungeons/fractals with.
Looking to stay as a fairly small/casual guild, whilst having enough people to get groups going on more nights of the week with different people’s schedule.
Still on the lookout for more casual players to come and join us.
Drop myself or Dravos a PM or contact us via ingame mail or whisper for more info/invite
Come on all you casual players out there, come and join Froody and have a laugh and some good fun and chat while playing GW2
Guild Bounties now unlocked and still looking for more casual players to join our ranks
I’ve set an in-game mail explaining some things, you should check it out.
Will reply to you tonight
Heya, I’ll send a mail to you ingame with my info if you’re still interested in recruiting?
Ok mate
Still looking for more casual players.
Numbers slowly rising, still on the lookout for more casual players
We are still recruiting casual players of any experience level, drop me a reply or PM here or contact me in game
Hello guys, i would like to join a friendly guild, is your guild an active one?
We are active mate yes but we are primarily casual players so are not on all hours
Still looking for more members, females aswell if there are any out there.
Hey, I’m interested. I’m new to the game looking for a casual guild to hang out with while I roam around and get lost.
Hey, I’m interested. I’m new to the game looking for a casual guild to hang out with while I roam around and get lost.
Hi mate
I will drop you a whisper in game
Dropped you a guild invite Appa, I will try and catch you in game 2moro night
Still recruiting members old and new
Drop me a PM here or ingame.
Hi, the description sounds like what I’m looking for, could I join? msg/wisper me for questions, be happy to answer.
Hi, the description sounds like what I’m looking for, could I join?
msg/wisper me for questions, be happy to answer.
I am online now mate, will try to whisper you, if not then I will drop you an email
Still looking for more casual players and also the more hardcore out there, drop me a PM on here or contact me ingame if you have any questions or are interested
New Enjin site launched and still looking for more casual and the more hardcore players.
Contact myself or Keatsy.1348 ingame.
Still recruiting for PvE, Dungeons/Fractals and WvW
Contact myself or Keatsy.1348 ingame or apply here
Looking for any WvW’s to form a dedicated team inside Froody and also still recruiting in all other aspects of the game, old or new come and join us
Still recruiting old and new players alike
Looking for more members still
Still on the lookout for more members, casual or hardcore – PvE, WvW etc
Leave a reply here or contact Bry.8140 or Keatsy.1348 ingame.
Still recruiting active and casual players
Still recruiting
Numbers still rising, guild rushes now unlocked.
Always looking for more casual players
Had a few new members recently, still looking for more
Recruitment still open for casual PvX players.
Leave a reply here or contact myself or Keatsy.1348 in game.
Recruitment still open
Still looking to recruit casual PvX players, contact on here or ingame – Bry.8140 or Keatsy.1348
I think I’m intrested pm me here or ingame and we can settle this ^^
We are still looking for more casual PvX players, reply here or contact us ingame – Bry.8140, Keatsy.1348 or Mithrael.2780 Application form can be found here
Raktatuk (Mithrael.2780)
We are still looking for more casual PvX players, reply here or contact us ingame – Bry.8140, Keatsy.1348 or Mithrael.2780 Application form can be found here
Raktatuk (Mithrael.2780)
Still recruiting casual players for all aspects of the game
Froody sounds like a really nice guild. Im a new player and looking for a nice friendly guild to call home. Getting very boring to run around solo and would be nice to have some to chat with.
HMU in game or send me a mail
Freezhuq (Freez.2875)
Hi Freez
I will try and catch you ingame for a chat
Hi, sounds like a great guild, are you still recruiting?
80 Guardian
30 Ranger
10 Ele
(still relative newbie)
Hi krooton
I will try and catch you ingame tonight for a chat.
Recruiting again!!
Looking for players from all aspects of the game.
Young, old, new, experienced, all welcome as we are looking to expand in every area
Still looking for all sorts of members, young and old, experienced and new, you’re all welcome pop over to http://froody.enjin.com/recruitment for the application form or contact one of us in-game
Raktatuk (Michael.2780)