[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: EvilDuckling.2086


Coo Story, Bro! [Coo] is a newly made guild that has a tight-knit community and we are looking for more like-minded players. We are a PvX guild that has a focus on sPvP and WvW and we are located on the Blackgate server.

We are based in North America and typically play from 5-10 PST. We have no requirements other than to treat each other with respect.

Come check us out and hang out with the Coo kids!

Quick Info:
-TS server
- Blackgate server
- NA guild (peak time 5pm-10pm PST)
- Website, Coo!

If you have any questions feel free to contact any of the officers and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Mithrae (EvilDuckling.2086) – Guild Master
Kun Ji (xinglam.1857) – 2nd in Command
Persistence (Sol.6340) – WvW Officer
Matthew Lahoc (Matthew Lahoc.1087) – PvE Officer
Syx (Syx.8479) – PvP Officer

Mithrae, Quaggan Empress of Coo

(edited by EvilDuckling.2086)

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: xinglam.1857


We recently had some new folks join the guild, and had them join us for some dungeon runs in CoE and in the updated SAB puzzle.

Also, I just wanted to give a shout out to Lyssa, (Mirsa Nary) in completing her 2nd legendary, Kudzu!

-Xing (Kun Ji / Curious Quaggan)

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: xinglam.1857


I recently completed crafting Mjolnir, and wanted to thank everyone in the guild for the countless (though painless!) CoE runs we had to go through for it!

I posted a bit about it on our blog; check it out! http://www.coostorybro.com/2013/09/15/my-latest-creation-mjolnir/

-Xing (Kun Ji / Curious Quaggan)

(edited by xinglam.1857)

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: xinglam.1857


I just wanted to welcome our new members! I have recently updated our website with some new features including a responsive calendar/upcoming events tab and a cute logo, drawn by my friend Salt. Thanks a lot!

We are still recruiting; feel free to send me a message!

-Xing (Kun Ji / Curious Quaggan)

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: xinglam.1857


We have now moved to Blackgate, and have (finally) opened up our own forums! Feel free to drop by our website and say hi!


-Xing (Kun Ji / Curious Quaggan)

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: xinglam.1857


We recently completed our first run in the new Twilight Arborkittenpath. I posted a bit about it on our blog!


-Xing (Kun Ji / Curious Quaggan)

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: xinglam.1857


Last Saturday our guild had an all day dungeon marathon, running all paths in every dungeon, helping some folks get their dungeon master title in one go. We had many folks participate, and swapped in members of the group throughout the day.

Special thanks for Mirsa Nary and Matthew Lahoc who stuck it out for the entire run, Zermal the Shrewd who was willing to wake up super early to help us get started, and Cicatriz and Osiris Shadow who helped us get through the most undesirable paths of Arah!

Here’s our blog for more details: http://www.coostorybro.com/2013/10/07/saturday-dungeon-marathon/

-Xing (Kun Ji / Curious Quaggan)

(edited by xinglam.1857)

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: EvilDuckling.2086


Feel like you don’t get recognized in your guild? Well, fortunately for you we have a pretty awesome reward you can strive for…

Come check our blog about it – click here!

In other news, we are recruiting again! Come check us out and our forums. We would love to hear from you!


Mithrae, Quaggan Empress of Coo

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: EvilDuckling.2086


Something exciting has happened! We have a new legendary within the guild! Check out our blog post about it.

Also, we are still recruiting. Feel free to contact one of us if interested.

Mithrae, Quaggan Empress of Coo

[PvX][BG]Coo Story, Bro! is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: DroolPool.4830


Wow! you guys sound awesome! I’m a returning player and just recently transferred over from SoR, is there any space for another quaggan?