(edited by Lord Azazel.8703)
( TC )Order of Apocalyptic Armageddon
We Now have 78 Members and growing !. So if you want to join a Friendly, Active Guild , who does World bosses, Fractals, Dungeons and More, Than what are you waiting for and Join today !
Bump We have grown to 92 Members now and counting. So what are you waiting for. Join one of the most friendliest guilds on Tarnished Coast Today !
Bump we have grown to 106 members and counting. Welcome all new members that have recently joined over the last few days
UPDATE: Overlord Kaldoran Bloodwar, leader of the 5 guild Apocalyptic Armageddon Conglomerate. In 7 days we reached 55 members and in 10, we reached 100 member count in the sister guild, Order of Apocalyptic Armageddon. We are now 600+ members in the “alliance”. We do have a website and Facebook page as well. Very active chat on both guilds’ guild chat and also the alliance TeamSpeak is very active and we do guild missions together from there. Eventually as each of the 5 guilds are activated and built up, all 5 guilds will utilize the TeamSpeak, even after the possibility that GW2 introduces alliance chat channels into the game. Thank you everyone. Please contact me or any of our AARM Ambassadors for an invite or more information.
Bump we have grown to 146 members and counting. Welcome all new members that have recently joined over the last few days
Bump we have grown to 154 members and counting. Welcome all new members that have recently joined over the last few days
We also did our first guild Mission which was Successful !.
The AARM alliance is now more than 1000 members, and is recruiting for its third guild, Apocalyptic Armageddon Legion, a PVX guild with a sub focus of dungeons and fractals of the mists.
And just minutes ago, we defeated Teq on Tarnished Coast for the 2nd time in two weeks, in coordination with TC mumble.
As this my “present” Guild Recruit message for our Forums posts after this paragraph so anyone who is reading this…. here is our update as of a few hours ago after our second Defeat of Tequatl. We have killed Teq both without Tarnished Coast Mumble—yes we can do it and we also did so Sunday Night, December 22nd with Tarnished Coast Mumble-Granted we only had 5 Members from the TC Mumble on our Mumble Channel so they were a small part of the contribution but we appreciate their assistance none-the less. Hopefully as word gets out, Mumble will be more in tune with participating. Our guild Does now Particpate in WvW TC Mumble-on our Terms (We now have one member from AARM at the Mumble related WvW Battlefield Channel stating all people from TC Mumble need to know. It works.. TC Mumble continues to have wins through AARM even though only one AARM member is there sharing with them what is going on with AARM’s TeamSpeak Channel)— AARM has a TeamSpeak that handles all five guilds of AARM, however we do have a member from AARM helping the TC Mumble as this is a team effort. AARM has an Awesome Commander but also, we are trying to keep our system separate from TC Mumble so they can do their thing and AARM can do its. AARM is a different breed of guild. You like different I am sure…. and now for my recruit message:
AARM is now 3 GUILDS, 1100 Members strong. AARM1 and AARM2 are both 500 Members each, and “active members” Dating back to 30 days AARM1 and AARM2 60 days. We are continueing our Tarnished Coast Only Drive for 5 guilds, 2500 Members. Please contact me for invite here or in game or any of our AARM Ambassadors if I am offline. We are the first and only “Tarnished Coast Only” Guild to kill Tequatl and well, now two weekends in a Row, we have a mark against Teq! Yes, TTS does kill Teq, but are 9 Guilds from my last report, and are on multiple servers and multiple leaders. AARM-Single Leader 5 Guild Conglomerate. Give us a shot! We have the method. All we need to make the guilds of AARM complete is for you to join. AARM3 is hungry for your skills. Bring it!