(edited by MarTheMad.7894)
Writhe [WRTH] Darkhaven PvE WvW
Successful night of WvW with our new Writhians! Managed to level up the new recruits a couple levels and got them hooked on WvW.
Tonight was a major success! Got a bunch of the new players all the WP’s for low level event areas and had them camping. Also took a new group through AC story mode. Pretty soon we’ll have all our new recruits dungeon running like its nothing.
Had lots of fun taking everyone through AC path 1 tonight. Now to level everyone up for TA and demolish it. <3 Turned on some boosts for the weekend so get to dungeon running and map exploring! Guild Bounty Training is planned for the weekend.
Successful TA exp run tonight. Took our newest Writhians through that and AC! Just a reminder for everyone to get more maps done so we can start bounty runs! Also use up those boosts we have running get to looting!
Boost runs out today for magic find guys! Also we’re at the point we can pretty much run dungeons whenever. Don’t be afraid to ask for help in guild chat.
Reminder for everyone to get map completion done as much as you can. We need you guys to have WP’s for when we do bounty.
Hey guys we’re aiming for bounty this weekend. There will be buffs turned on for the weekend as well to give you incentive to explore
Lots of HoTw and CoE spam coming up! Be sure to login and ask about dungeon runs! Happy to help out people trying to earn new skins for their gear. <3
Magic find is on for the next 3 days! I will be turning on other upgrades tonight. Don’t forget bounty this weekend!
Successful night of Bounty training After our bounty runs we ended up event running and earned a ton of influence and exp. <3
Hey guys more guild bounty planned for tonight! Also for the rest of the week I will be around to help lead players through the map areas they need for bounty. If you would like some help getting to maps due to level just ask and I will assist you.
Trying to get more people into fractals. If you would like to try out the run let me know and we can set something up!
Prepare for Guild Bounty and Bounty training this weekend! Will also try to turn on any boosts we have for the weekend
Hey guys be sure to check out our new guild page! Check in game for more info